
Mobile App Architecture Goals

Achieving Mobile App Architecture Goals: Create Exceptional, Testable, and Independent Apps

Mobile app architecture is one of the most crucial aspects of app development. It’s like building a house; if your foundation is shaky, no matter how fancy the decorations are, the house will collapse eventually. In this blog post, We’ll discuss the mobile app architecture goals, with an emphasis on creating systems that are independent of frameworks, user interfaces (UI), databases, and external systems—while remaining easily testable.

Why Mobile App Architecture Matters

Imagine building a chair out of spaghetti noodles. Sure, it might hold up for a minute, but eventually, it’ll crumble.

Mobile app architecture is the thing that prevents our app from turning into a noodle chair.

A well-structured architecture gives our app:

  • Scalability: It can handle more users, data, or features without falling apart.
  • Maintainability: Updates, debugging, and improvements are easy to implement.
  • Testability: You can test components in isolation, without worrying about dependencies like databases, APIs, or third-party services.
  • Reusability: Common features can be reused across different apps or parts of the same app.
  • Separation of Concerns: This keeps things neat and organized by dividing your code into separate components, each with a specific responsibility. (Nobody likes spaghetti code!)

Let’s break down how we can achieve these goals.

The Core Mobile App Architecture Goals

To achieve an optimal mobile application architecture, we developers should aim for the following goals:

  • Independence from Frameworks
  • Independence of User Interface (UI)
  • Independence from Databases
  • Independence from External Systems
  • Independently Testable Components

Let’s look at them one by one.

Independence from Frameworks

You might be tempted to tightly couple your app’s architecture with a particular framework because, let’s face it, frameworks are super convenient. But frameworks are like fashion trends—today it’s skinny jeans, tomorrow, it’s wide-leg pants. Who knows what’s next? The key to a long-lasting mobile app architecture is to ensure it’s not overly dependent on any one framework.

When we say an architecture should be independent of frameworks, we mean the core functionality of the app shouldn’t rely on specific libraries or frameworks. Instead, frameworks should be viewed as tools that serve business needs. This independence allows business use cases to remain flexible and not restricted by the limitations of a particular library.

Why is this important?

  • Frameworks can become outdated or obsolete, and replacing them could require rebuilding your entire app.
  • Frameworks often impose restrictions or force you to structure your app in certain ways, limiting flexibility.

How to achieve framework independence?

Separate your business logic (the core functionality of your app) from the framework-specific code. Think of your app like a car: the engine (your business logic) should function independently of whether you’re using a stick shift or automatic transmission (the framework).


Imagine your app calculates taxes. The logic for calculating tax should reside in your business layer, completely isolated from how it’s presented (UI) or how the app communicates with the network.

class TaxCalculator {
    fun calculateTax(amount: Double, rate: Double): Double {
        return amount * rate

This tax calculation has nothing to do with your UI framework (like SwiftUI for iOS or Jetpack Compose for Android). It can work anywhere because it’s self-contained.

Independence of User Interface (UI)

A well-designed architecture allows the UI to change independently from the rest of the system. This means the underlying business logic stays intact even if the presentation layer undergoes significant changes. For example, if you switch your app from an MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), the business rules shouldn’t be affected.

Your app’s UI is like the icing on a cake, but the cake itself should taste good with or without the icing. By separating your app’s logic from the UI, you make your code more reusable and testable.

Why does UI independence matter?

  • UIs tend to change more frequently than business logic.
  • It allows you to test business logic without needing a polished front-end.
  • You can reuse the same logic for different interfaces: mobile, web, voice, or even a smart toaster (yes, they exist!).

How to achieve UI independence?

Create a layer between your business logic and the UI, often called a “Presentation Layer” or “ViewModel.” This layer interacts with your business logic and converts it into something your UI can display.


Let’s revisit our TaxCalculator example. The UI should only handle displaying the tax result, not calculating it.

class TaxViewModel(private val calculator: TaxCalculator) {

    fun getTax(amount: Double, rate: Double): String {
        val tax = calculator.calculateTax(amount, rate)
        return "The calculated tax is: $tax"

Here, the TaxViewModel is responsible for preparing the data for the UI. If your boss suddenly wants the tax displayed as an emoji (💰), you can change that in the TaxViewModel without touching the core calculation logic.

Independence from the Database

Databases are like refrigerators. They store all your precious data (your milk and leftovers). But just like you wouldn’t glue your fridge to the kitchen floor (hopefully!), you shouldn’t tie your business logic directly to a specific database. Someday you might want to switch from SQL to NoSQL or even a cloud storage solution.

Independence from databases is a crucial goal in mobile application architecture. Business logic should not be tightly coupled with the database technology, allowing developers to swap out database solutions with minimal friction. For instance, transitioning from SQLite to Realm or using Room ORM instead of a custom DAO layer should not affect the core business rules.

Why does database independence matter?

  • Databases may change over time as your app scales or business requirements evolve.
  • Separating logic from the database makes testing easier. You don’t need to run a real database to verify that your tax calculations work.

How to achieve database independence?

Use a repository pattern or an abstraction layer to hide the details of how data is stored and retrieved.

class TaxRepository(private val database: Database) {

    fun saveTaxRecord(record: TaxRecord) {

    fun fetchTaxRecords(): List<TaxRecord> {
        return database.queryAll()

In this case, you can swap out the database object for a real database, a mock database, or even a file. Your business logic won’t care because it talks to the repository, not directly to the database.

Independence from External Systems

Apps often rely on external systems like APIs, cloud services, or third-party libraries. But like a bad internet connection, you can’t always rely on them to be there. If you make your app overly dependent on these systems, you’re setting yourself up for trouble.

Why does external system independence matter?

  • External services can change, break, or be temporarily unavailable.
  • If your app is tightly coupled to external systems, a single outage could bring your entire app down.

How to achieve external system independence?

The solution is to use abstractions and dependency injection. In layman’s terms, instead of calling the external system directly, create an interface or a contract that your app can use, and inject the actual implementation later.


interface TaxServiceInterface {
    fun getCurrentTaxRate(): Double

class ExternalTaxService : TaxServiceInterface {
    override fun getCurrentTaxRate(): Double {
        // Call to external API for tax rate
        return api.fetchTaxRate()

Now your app only knows about TaxServiceInterface. Whether the data comes from an API or from a local file doesn’t matter. You could swap them without the app noticing a thing!


Testing is like flossing your teeth. Everyone knows they should do it, but too many skip it because it seems like extra effort. But when your app crashes in production, you’ll wish you’d written those tests.

Testability is crucial to ensure that your app functions correctly, especially when different components (like databases and APIs) aren’t playing nice. Independent and modular architecture makes it easier to test components in isolation.

How to achieve testability?

  • Write small, independent functions that can be tested without requiring other parts of the app.
  • Use mocks and stubs for databases, APIs, and other external systems.
  • Write unit tests for business logic, integration tests for how components work together, and UI tests for checking the user interface.


class TaxCalculatorTest {

    fun testCalculateTax() {
        val calculator = TaxCalculator()
        val result = calculator.calculateTax(100.0, 0.05)
        assertEquals(5.0, result, 0.0)  // expected value, actual value, delta

In this test, you’re only testing the tax calculation logic. You don’t need to worry about the UI, database, or external systems, because they’re decoupled.

Note: 0.0 is the delta, which represents the tolerance level for comparing floating-point values, as floating-point arithmetic can introduce small precision errors. The delta parameter in assertEquals is used for comparing floating-point numbers (such as Double in Kotlin) to account for minor precision differences that may occur during calculations. This is a common practice in testing frameworks like JUnit.

Before wrapping it all up, let’s build a sample tax calculator app with these architectural goals in mind.

Building a Sample Tax Calculator App

Now that we’ve established the architectural goals, let’s create a simple tax calculator app in Kotlin. We’ll follow a modular approach, ensuring independence from frameworks, UI, databases, and external systems, while also maintaining testability.

Mobile App Architecture for Tax Calculation

We’ll build the app using the following layers:

  1. Domain Layer – Tax calculation logic.
  2. Data Layer – Data sources for tax rates, income brackets, etc.
  3. Presentation Layer – The ViewModel that communicates between the domain and UI.

Let’s dive into each layer,

Domain Layer: Tax Calculation Logic

The Domain Layer encapsulates the core business logic of the application, specifically the tax calculation logic. It operates independently of any frameworks, user interfaces, databases, or external systems, ensuring a clear separation of concerns.

Tax Calculation Use Case
// Domain Layer
interface CalculateTaxUseCase {
    fun execute(income: Double): TaxResult

class CalculateTaxUseCaseImpl(
    private val taxRepository: TaxRepository,
    private val taxRuleEngine: TaxRuleEngine // To apply tax rules
) : CalculateTaxUseCase {
    override fun execute(income: Double): TaxResult {
        val taxRates = taxRepository.getTaxRates() // Fetch tax rates
        return taxRuleEngine.calculateTax(income, taxRates)
  • Independence from Frameworks: The implementation of CalculateTaxUseCaseImpl does not rely on any specific framework, allowing it to be easily swapped or modified without impacting the overall architecture.
  • Independence of User Interface (UI): This layer is agnostic to the UI, focusing solely on business logic and allowing the UI layer to interact with it without any coupling.

Data Layer: Fetching Tax Rates

The Data Layer is responsible for providing the necessary data (like tax rates) to the domain layer without any dependencies on how that data is sourced.

// Data Layer
interface TaxRepository {
    fun getTaxRates(): List<TaxRate>

// Implementation that fetches from a remote source
class RemoteTaxRepository(private val apiService: ApiService) : TaxRepository {
    override fun getTaxRates(): List<TaxRate> {
        return apiService.fetchTaxRates() // Fetch from API

// Implementation that fetches from a local database
class LocalTaxRepository(private val taxDao: TaxDao) : TaxRepository {
    override fun getTaxRates(): List<TaxRate> {
        return taxDao.getAllTaxRates() // Fetch from local database
  • Independence from Databases: The TaxRepository interface allows for different implementations (remote or local) without the domain layer needing to know the source of the data. This separation facilitates future changes, such as switching databases or APIs, without affecting business logic.

Tax Rule Engine: Applying Tax Rules

The Tax Rule Engine handles the application of tax rules based on the user’s income and tax rates, maintaining a clear focus on the calculation itself.

// Domain Layer - Tax Rule Engine
class TaxRuleEngine {

    fun calculateTax(income: Double, taxRates: List<TaxRate>): TaxResult {
        var totalTax = 0.0

        for (rate in taxRates) {
            if (income >= rate.bracketStart && income <= rate.bracketEnd) {
                totalTax += (income - rate.bracketStart) * rate.rate

        return TaxResult(income, totalTax)

data class TaxRate(val bracketStart: Double, val bracketEnd: Double, val rate: Double)
data class TaxResult(val income: Double, val totalTax: Double)
  • Independence from External Systems: The logic in the TaxRuleEngine does not depend on external systems or how tax data is retrieved. It focuses purely on calculating taxes based on the given rates.
  • Independence of External Systems (Somewhat Confusing): A robust architecture should also be agnostic to the interfaces and contracts of external systems. This means that any external services, whether APIs, databases, or third-party libraries, should be integrated through adapters. This modular approach ensures that external systems can be swapped out without affecting the business logic.

For example, if an application initially integrates with a REST API, later switching to a GraphQL service should require minimal changes to the core application logic. Here’s how you can design a simple adapter for an external service in Kotlin:

// External Service Interface
interface UserService {
    fun fetchUser(userId: Int): User

// REST API Implementation
class RestUserService : UserService {
    override fun fetchUser(userId: Int): User {
        // Logic to fetch user from REST API
        return User(userId, "amol pawar") // Dummy data for illustration

// GraphQL Implementation
class GraphQLUserService : UserService {
    override fun fetchUser(userId: Int): User {
        // Logic to fetch user from GraphQL API
        return User(userId, "akshay pawal") // Dummy data for illustration

// Usage
fun getUser(userService: UserService, userId: Int): User {
    return userService.fetchUser(userId)

In this example, we can easily switch between different implementations of UserService without changing the business logic that consumes it.

In our tax calculation app case, we can apply this principle by allowing for flexible data source selection. Your application can seamlessly switch between different data providers without impacting the overall architecture.

Switching between data sources (local vs. remote):

// Switching between data sources (local vs remote)
val taxRepository: TaxRepository = if (useLocalData) {
} else {

Independence from Databases and External Systems: The decision on which data source to use is made at runtime, ensuring that the business logic remains unaffected regardless of the data source configuration.

Presentation Layer: ViewModel for Tax Calculation

The Presentation Layer interacts with the domain layer to provide results to the UI while remaining independent of the specific UI implementation.

// Presentation Layer
class TaxViewModel(private val calculateTaxUseCase: CalculateTaxUseCase) : ViewModel() {

    private val _taxResult = MutableLiveData<TaxResult>()
    val taxResult: LiveData<TaxResult> get() = _taxResult

    fun calculateTax(income: Double) {
        _taxResult.value = calculateTaxUseCase.execute(income)
  • Independently Testable Components: The TaxViewModel can be easily tested in isolation by providing a mock implementation of CalculateTaxUseCase, allowing for focused unit tests without relying on actual data sources or UI components.

Testing the Architecture

The architecture promotes independently testable components by isolating each layer’s functionality. For example, you can test the CalculateTaxUseCase using a mock TaxRepository, ensuring that you can validate the tax calculation logic without relying on actual data fetching.

class CalculateTaxUseCaseTest {

    private val mockTaxRepository = mock(TaxRepository::class.java)
    private val taxRuleEngine = TaxRuleEngine()
    private val calculateTaxUseCase = CalculateTaxUseCaseImpl(mockTaxRepository, taxRuleEngine)

    fun `should calculate correct tax for income`() {
        // Setup tax rates
        val taxRates = listOf(
            TaxRate(0.0, 10000.0, 0.1), // 10% for income from 0 to 10,000
            TaxRate(10000.0, 20000.0, 0.2) // 20% for income from 10,001 to 20,000
        // Mock the repository to return the defined tax rates

        // Calculate tax for an income of 15,000
        val result = calculateTaxUseCase.execute(15000.0)

        // Assert the total tax is correctly calculated
        // For $15,000, tax should be:
        // 10% on the first $10,000 = $1,000
        // 20% on the next $5,000 = $1,000
        // Total = $1,000 + $1,000 = $2,000
        assertEquals(2000.0, result.totalTax, 0.0)

This architecture not only adheres to the specified goals but also provides a clear structure for future enhancements and testing.


Mobile app architecture is like building a castle in the sky—you need to make sure your app’s components are well-structured, independent, and testable. By following the goals outlined here:

  1. Framework independence means you can switch frameworks without rewriting everything.
  2. UI independence ensures your business logic can work on any platform.
  3. Database independence lets you change how you store data without affecting how you process it.
  4. External system independence allows for flexibility in changing third-party services.
  5. Testability guarantees your app doesn’t break when you add new features.

Remember: A good app architecture is invisible when done right, but painfully obvious when done wrong. So, avoid the spaghetti code, keep your components decoupled, and, of course, floss regularly! 😄

Ktor Framework

Introduction to Ktor Framework: A Comprehensive Guide

Ktor framework is a powerful framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in Kotlin. It’s designed to be simple, efficient, and highly customizable, making it a popular choice for building modern web applications, microservices, and APIs. In this blog, we will cover both the Ktor server and Ktor client frameworks, providing code examples with detailed explanations to help you get started.

Why Choose Ktor Framework?

Ktor is a Kotlin-native framework that offers:

  • Asynchronous: Built on coroutines for non-blocking I/O.
  • Lightweight: Minimal overhead with customizable features.
  • Highly Modular: You can choose only the components you need.
  • Multiplatform: Supports both server-side and client-side development.

Setting Up Ktor Framework


Before we dive into Ktor, ensure that you have:

  • IntelliJ IDEA (recommended for Kotlin projects)
  • JDK 8+ installed
  • Gradle or Maven for dependency management

Adding Ktor to Your Project

Start by adding the Ktor dependencies in your build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {

Ktor Server

Creating a Basic Ktor Server

Let’s create a basic Ktor server using the Netty engine. The server will listen for HTTP requests and respond with a message.

Step-by-Step Implementation

First, create a main function to configure and start the Ktor server:

import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*
import io.ktor.server.application.*
import io.ktor.server.routing.*
import io.ktor.server.response.*

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
    }.start(wait = true)

fun Application.configureRouting() {
    routing {
        get("/") {
            call.respondText("Hello, Ktor Server!")


  • embeddedServer: Starts a server using the Netty engine on port 8080.
  • routing: Defines the routes for handling HTTP requests.
  • respondText: Sends a plain text response to the client.

When you run this, visiting http://localhost:8080/ in your browser will display “Hello, Ktor Server!”

Adding JSON Serialization

Let’s extend the basic server by adding JSON support. We’ll respond with a JSON object instead of plain text.

Adding the Dependencies
dependencies {

Extending the Server Code

import io.ktor.server.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

fun Application.configureRouting() {
    install(ContentNegotiation) {

    routing {
        get("/user") {
            val user = User(1, "amol pawar")

Here in above code,

  • @Serializable: This annotation marks the User data class for JSON serialization.
  • ContentNegotiation: This plugin allows Ktor to automatically serialize Kotlin objects into JSON.

Now, when you visit http://localhost:8080/user, you’ll get a JSON response like this:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "amol pawar"

Ktor Client

Ktor also provides a client library to make HTTP requests. Let’s create a client to make a GET request to the server we just created.

Creating a Basic Ktor Client

Step-by-Step Implementation
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*

suspend fun main() {
    val client = HttpClient(CIO)
    val response: HttpResponse = client.get("http://localhost:8080/user")


  • HttpClient(CIO): Creates a Ktor client using the CIO (Coroutine-based I/O) engine.
  • client.get: Makes an HTTP GET request to the server.
  • bodyAsText(): Retrieves the response body as a string.

This client will send a request to http://localhost:8080/user and print the JSON response in the console.

Handling JSON Responses

Let’s improve the client by automatically deserializing the JSON response into a Kotlin object.

Adding the Dependencies

Ensure the following dependencies are added for JSON deserialization:


Modifying the Client Code

import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

suspend fun main() {
    val client = HttpClient(CIO) {
        install(ContentNegotiation) {
    val user: User = client.get("http://localhost:8080/user")
    println("User: ${user.name}")


  • json(): Installs the JSON plugin for the Ktor client, allowing automatic deserialization.
  • val user: User: The GET request is now deserialized into a User object.

The client will fetch the user data from the server, deserialize it into a User object, and print the user’s name.

Advanced Ktor Server Features

Adding Authentication

Ktor supports authentication out of the box. You can easily add basic or token-based authentication.

Step-by-Step Implementation for Basic Authentication
import io.ktor.server.auth.*
import io.ktor.server.plugins.*

fun Application.configureSecurity() {
    install(Authentication) {
        basic("auth-basic") {
            validate { credentials ->
                if (credentials.name == "admin" && credentials.password == "password") {
                } else null

    routing {
        authenticate("auth-basic") {
            get("/secure") {


  • install(Authentication): Enables basic authentication.
  • validate: Checks the provided credentials.
  • authenticate: Protects the /secure route with authentication.

Now, trying to access /secure will prompt for a username and password.

Testing Your Ktor Application

Ktor provides built-in support for testing with TestApplicationEngine. Here’s how to write a simple test case for your application:

import io.ktor.server.testing.*
import kotlin.test.*

class ApplicationTest {
    fun testRoot() = testApplication {
        client.get("/").apply {
            assertEquals("Hello, Ktor Server!", bodyAsText())


  • testApplication: Creates a test environment for your Ktor server.
  • client.get: Sends an HTTP GET request to the server.
  • assertEquals: Asserts that the response matches the expected output.


Ktor is a powerful and flexible framework that allows you to build both server-side and client-side applications in Kotlin. Its modularity, asynchronous capabilities, and easy integration with Kotlin’s coroutines make it ideal for modern web development. Whether you’re building APIs, microservices, or full-stack applications, Ktor provides the tools you need.

By following the steps above, you should have a solid foundation in both Ktor server and client development. The examples here are just the beginning; you can explore more advanced features such as WebSockets, sessions, and caching as you continue to work with Ktor.

Happy coding!

KTOR Web Framework

A Comprehensive Guide to Ktor Web Framework: Kotlin’s Awesome Web Framework

Hey, Kotlin lovers and code warriors! If you’ve ever dabbled in web development with Kotlin, you’ve probably heard of Ktor. If not, no worries—today we’re diving headfirst into this amazing framework that makes web development fun, easy, and less likely to send you spiraling into a Java-induced existential crisis.

And hey, if the term ‘web framework’ makes you roll your eyes, thinking, ‘Oh great, another tech buzzword,’ I promise this will be a wild ride. By the end, you’ll understand what Ktor Web Framework is, how it works, and why it’s awesome.

What is Ktor Web Framework?

First of all, let’s answer the million-dollar question: What the heck is Ktor?

Ktor is a powerful framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in Kotlin. Designed to be simple, efficient, and highly customizable, it’s a popular choice for modern web applications, microservices, and APIs. Lightweight and flexible, Ktor is perfect for Kotlin developers who want full control over their connected applications.

Developed by JetBrains—the same minds behind Kotlin—Ktor is built with Kotlin’s strengths in mind. Unlike traditional frameworks like Spring Boot, Ktor lets you include only what you need, avoiding unnecessary bloat.

Why Ktor Web Framework?

Now, you might be wondering: why use Ktor? I mean, there are a million frameworks out there (just kidding, but there’s Spring Boot, Vert.x, and plenty of other popular ones)—so what makes Ktor so special?

1. Kotlin First

Ktor is built for Kotlin developers, by Kotlin developers. Everything is idiomatic Kotlin, so if you’re familiar with the language, you’ll feel right at home. No more “Java-y” frameworks forcing you to pretend like you’re not writing Kotlin.

2. Asynchronous & Non-Blocking

Ktor uses Kotlin coroutines under the hood, which means it’s asynchronous and non-blocking. You get all the benefits of asynchronous programming (speed, efficiency, more caffeine breaks) without the complexity.

3. Modular

Don’t need a particular feature? Ktor won’t force it on you. You only include the things you actually need, making your project faster and leaner.

4. Built for Both Servers and Clients

Ktor is versatile. You can use it for building server-side applications, REST APIs, or even as a client-side HTTP library(Many of us Android developers have started using it).

Setting Up Ktor Web Framework: Don’t Worry, It’s Easy!

Alright, let’s get this thing set up. Trust me, it’s easier than you think.

Step 1: Start a New Kotlin Project

First things first, we need to create a new Kotlin project. If you’re using IntelliJ (which I hope you are, because JetBrains made Ktor and Kotlin, and JetBrains made IntelliJ… you get the idea), it’s super simple.

  • Open IntelliJ.
  • Go to File > New Project.
  • Select Kotlin (JVM) as your project type.

Step 2: Add Ktor Dependencies

We’ll need to include Ktor’s dependencies in our build.gradle.kts file.

dependencies {
    implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:2.0.0") // Netty engine Or another engine like CIO, Jetty, etc.
    implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-core:2.0.0")  // Core Ktor library
    implementation("ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.10") // Logging

Netty is the default engine Ktor uses to handle requests, but you can swap it out for something else, like Jetty or CIO (Coroutines IO). After adding this to your build.gradle.kts file, We’ll be ready to configure our server.

Step 3: Write Application.kt

Here’s where we get to the fun part. Ktor’s starting point is your Application.kt file. It’s the entry point for all the cool stuff your web app will do.

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        // Our app will go here!
    }.start(wait = true)

This piece of code launches your Ktor server using Netty and listens on port 8080.

Building Our First Ktor Application

Alright, enough setup. Let’s build something! We’ll start with a classic ‘Hello, World!’ app because, well, it’s the law (don’t ask who made that law). Here’s what your basic Ktor server looks like:

import io.ktor.application.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.response.*
import io.ktor.routing.*
import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        routing {
            get("/") {
                call.respondText("Hello, World!", ContentType.Text.Plain)
    }.start(wait = true)

Look at that—so clean, so simple! We define a route (/) and tell Ktor to respond with ‘Hello, World!’ when someone visits our website. You can try it out by running your app and heading over to http://localhost:8080/. You should see your ‘Hello, World!’ message. Congratulations, you’ve just built your first Ktor app!

Routing in Ktor: It’s Like Google Maps, But For Our App

Routing is how Ktor directs traffic in your app. Think of it like Google Maps for your web requests. When someone hits a certain URL, you decide what happens next.

Ktor uses DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for routing, making it super readable. Here’s how you can add more routes:

fun Application.module() {
    routing {
        get("/") {
            call.respondText("Hello, World!")
        get("/greet") {
            call.respondText("Welcome to Ktor!")
        get("/farewell") {
            call.respondText("Goodbye, cruel world!")

Pretty intuitive, right? You just define paths and what responses to send back. Now anyone visiting /greet gets a friendly message, and if they’re leaving /farewell, well, Ktor says goodbye like a true gentleman.

Handling Route Parameters

You can also grab dynamic data from the URL. It’s like asking someone their name when they walk in your door, so you can give them a personalized experience.

get("/hello/{name}") {
    val name = call.parameters["name"] ?: "Guest"
    call.respondText("Hello, $name!")

Now, if someone visits http://localhost:8080/hello/Abhi, they’ll get a nice, personal greeting: “Hello, Abhi!” If they don’t provide a name, they’re just Guest. (A polite way of saying “Stranger Danger”.)

Handling Requests and Responses

Ktor’s request-response system is smooth and efficient. It revolves around the call object, which contains all the info you need from the request, like parameters, headers, or even body data. Responding is equally simple — you can use respondText, respondHtml, or even respondFile for serving up resources.

post("/submit") {
    val postData = call.receiveParameters()
    val name = postData["name"] ?: "Anonymous"
    call.respondText("Thanks for submitting, $name!")

With call.receiveParameters(), you can extract data from POST requests.

Digging Deeper: Features and Plugins

Ktor, like any good framework, offers a ton of features (a.k.a. ‘plugins’) that you can add to your application. These features enhance your app by adding logging, sessions, authentication, or even compressing your responses. Some of the available features include:

  • Authentication: OAuth, JWT, or session-based authentication.
  • Serialization: JSON, XML, or CBOR serialization.
  • WebSockets: For all your real-time communication needs.
  • Content Negotiation: Handling requests and responses in various formats.

Here’s how you add Content Negotiation using JSON:

import io.ktor.application.*
import io.ktor.features.*
import io.ktor.gson.*
import io.ktor.response.*
import io.ktor.routing.*

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        install(ContentNegotiation) {
            gson {
        routing {
            get("/json") {
                call.respond(mapOf("message" to "Hello, JSON World!"))
    }.start(wait = true)

Now when you hit /json, you’ll get a nice, neat JSON response:

  "message": "Hello, JSON World!"

How Does This Work?

  1. install(ContentNegotiation): This installs the content negotiation feature, which tells Ktor how to serialize/deserialize data.
  2. gson { setPrettyPrinting() }: We’re configuring Ktor to use Gson for JSON parsing and enabling pretty printing. Who doesn’t love neat, well-printed JSON?

One More Example: Logging

If you want to keep an eye on what’s happening in your app (without feeling like a stalker), you can add the logging feature:


That’s it! Now, Ktor will log every call made to your server. It’s like having security cameras, but for nerds.

Advanced Ktor Server Features

Adding Authentication

Ktor supports authentication out of the box. You can easily add basic or token-based authentication.

Step-by-Step Implementation for Basic Authentication
import io.ktor.server.auth.*
import io.ktor.server.plugins.*

fun Application.configureSecurity() {
    install(Authentication) {
        basic("auth-basic") {
            validate { credentials ->
                if (credentials.name == "admin" && credentials.password == "password") {
                } else null

    routing {
        authenticate("auth-basic") {
            get("/secure") {


  • install(Authentication): Enables basic authentication.
  • validate: Checks the provided credentials.
  • authenticate: Protects the /secure route with authentication.

Now, trying to access /secure will prompt for a username and password.

Testing Your Ktor Application: Debugging Without Losing Your Mind

Testing Ktor apps is simple. You can use Ktor’s built-in TestApplicationEngine to write tests that ensure everything works as expected without crashing your server into oblivion.

Here’s a basic test to check if your routes are doing their job:

fun testRootRoute() = withTestApplication(Application::module) {
    handleRequest(HttpMethod.Get, "/").apply {
        assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.status())
        assertEquals("Hello, World!", response.content)

With these tools in hand, you can sleep soundly knowing your Ktor app is rock-solid.


In this guide, we’ve taken a stroll through Ktor, explored its simple setup, built routes, handled requests, and even added some fancy middleware (features a.k.a. plugins). Ktor is lightweight, flexible, and designed to make web development in Kotlin a breeze—and dare I say, fun?

Whether you’re building a small API or a full-fledged web app, Ktor has you covered. And if nothing else, you now know how to say ‘Hello, World!’ in yet another programming language. Wear that badge with pride, my friend.

Until next time, happy coding!


Master in Android WorkManager: Effortlessly Manage Background Tasks Like a Pro

So, you’ve just sat down to build an Android app, and naturally, you want to execute some background tasks. Perhaps you’re thinking, ‘Should I use a Thread? Maybe AsyncTask? No, wait—that’s deprecated!’ Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. In the wild, vast world of Android development, managing background tasks is like trying to control a herd of cats—tricky, unpredictable, and occasionally chaotic. Fortunately, Google swoops in with a superhero named WorkManager, helping you schedule and execute tasks reliably, even when the app isn’t running. Think of it as your trusty sidekick for all background work.

In this blog, we’re going to dive deep into WorkManager, breaking down the concepts, exploring its features, discussing its usage, and providing detailed code explanations.

What is WorkManager?

Imagine you have a task that doesn’t need to happen right now, but you absolutely need to ensure it gets done eventually, even if the app is killed or the device restarts. Enter WorkManager, the reliable superhero of background processing.

In simple words, WorkManager is an API in Jetpack that allows you to schedule deferrable, guaranteed background tasks. Unlike a Thread or a Service, it ensures your tasks run even if the user quits the app, reboots the phone, or encounters unexpected interruptions. Whether you’re syncing data with a server, processing images, or sending logs, WorkManager can handle all that—and more—like a pro.

When Should We Use WorkManager?

Not all heroes wear capes, and not all background tasks need WorkManager. It’s ideal for tasks that:

  • Need guaranteed execution (even after the app is closed or the device reboots).
  • Should respect system health (low battery, Doze mode, etc.).
  • Require deferral or scheduling (to run at a certain time or periodically).

Consider using WorkManager when:

  • You need guaranteed execution (even after the app is closed or the device reboots).
  • The task doesn’t need to run instantly but should be completed eventually.
  • Tasks need to survive configuration changes, app shutdowns, or reboots.

Think: syncing data, uploading logs, periodic background tasks, etc.

When NOT to use WorkManager:

  • If your task is immediate and must run in real time, use Thread or Coroutines instead. WorkManager is more like your chilled-out buddy who’ll get the work done eventually—but on its terms.

Key Components of WorkManager

Before we dive into the code, let’s get to know the three main players:

  • WorkRequest: Defines the task you want to run. This is like giving WorkManager its to-do list.
  • Worker: The actual worker that does the background task. You create a class that extends Worker to define what you want to do in the background.
  • WorkManager: The manager that schedules and runs the tasks.

Setting Up WorkManager: Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty

Here’s how you can set up WorkManager in Android.

First, add the dependency to your build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.work:work-runtime:2.7.1" // or the latest version

Step 1: Define the Worker

A Worker class does the actual task you want to perform. It runs on a background thread, so no need to worry about blocking the UI. Here’s a sample Worker that logs “Work is being done” to the console.

class MyWorker(appContext: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters):
        Worker(appContext, workerParams) {

    override fun doWork(): Result {
        // Do the task here (this runs in the background)
        Log.d("MyWorker", "Work is being done!")

        // Return success or failure based on the result of your task
        return Result.success()

Step 2: Create a WorkRequest

Next, you create a WorkRequest that tells WorkManager what work to schedule. Here’s how you create a simple OneTimeWorkRequest.

val workRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<MyWorker>().build()

Step 3: Enqueue the Work

Finally, pass that work to WorkManager for execution. This is like handing your to-do list to the boss.


And that’s it! Your background task is now running. WorkManager is making sure everything runs smoothly, even if you’re taking a nap or binge-watching Netflix.

A Simple Use Case Example

Let’s say you want to upload some user data in the background. Sounds fancy, right? Here’s how you can do that with WorkManager.

Step 1: Adding the dependency

First things first, add this to your build.gradle file:

implementation "androidx.work:work-runtime-ktx:2.7.1" //use latest version

Step 2: Creating a Worker (Meet the Hero)

The Worker class is where the magic happens. It’s where you define what your task is supposed to do. Let’s create a simple worker that simulates uploading user data (aka…prints logs because it’s fun).

class UploadWorker(context: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, params) {

    override fun doWork(): Result {
        // Imagine uploading data here
        Log.d("UploadWorker", "Uploading user data...")

        // Task finished successfully, tell WorkManager
        return Result.success()

Here, the doWork() method is where you perform your background task. If the task completes successfully, we return Result.success() like a proud coder. But, if something goes wrong (like, let’s say, the Internet decides to take a break), you can return Result.retry() or Result.failure().

Step 3: Scheduling Your Work (Set It and Forget It)

Now that you have your Worker, it’s time to schedule that bad boy! WorkManager takes care of the scheduling for you.

val uploadRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>()


In this example, we’re using a OneTimeWorkRequest. This means we want to run the task just once, thank you very much. After all, how many times do we really need to upload that same file?

What About Recurring Tasks? (Because Background Tasks Love Routine)

What if your background task needs to run periodically, like syncing data every hour or cleaning out unused files daily? That’s where PeriodicWorkRequest comes into play.

val periodicSyncRequest = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)


Here, we’re asking WorkManager to run the task every hour. Of course, WorkManager doesn’t promise exactly every hour on the dot (it’s not that obsessive), but it’ll happen at some point within that hour.

Types of WorkRequests: One Time vs. Periodic

In our previous discussion, you may have noticed I mentioned a one-time and periodic request. WorkManager offers two types of tasks:

1. OneTimeWorkRequest: For tasks that need to run just once (like uploading logs or cleaning the fridge once in a blue moon).

val oneTimeWorkRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<MyWorker>().build()

2. PeriodicWorkRequest: For tasks that need to be repeated (like syncing data every day or watering your plants every week—unless you’re that neglectful plant parent).

val periodicWorkRequest = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder<MyWorker>(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build()

Tip: Periodic work must have a minimum interval of 15 minutes (Android’s way of ensuring your app doesn’t become a battery vampire). If your app needs to perform tasks more frequently than every 15 minutes, you might consider using other mechanisms, such as alarms or foreground services. However, be mindful of their potential impact on user experience and battery consumption.

Handling Success and Failure

Just like life, not all tasks go according to plan. Sometimes, things fail. But don’t worry—WorkManager has your back. You can return Result.success(), Result.failure(), or Result.retry() based on the outcome of your task.

override fun doWork(): Result {
    return try {
        // Do your work here
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        Result.retry()  // Retry on failure

Retrying failed tasks is like giving someone a second chance—sometimes, they just need a little more time!

Handling Input and Output

Sometimes, your Worker needs some data to do its job (it’s not psychic, unfortunately). You can pass input data when scheduling the work.

val data = workDataOf("userId" to 1234)

val uploadRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>()


In your Worker, you can access this input like so:

override fun doWork(): Result {
    val userId = inputData.getInt("userId", -1)
    Log.d("UploadWorker", "Uploading data for user: $userId")
    // Do the work...
    return Result.success()

And if your Worker finishes and wants to send a little message back (like a good teammate), it can return output data.

override fun doWork(): Result {
    val outputData = workDataOf("uploadSuccess" to true)
    return Result.success(outputData)

Constraints (Because Background Tasks Can Be Picky)

Sometimes, your task shouldn’t run unless certain conditions are met. Like, you don’t want to upload files when the device is on low battery or when there’s no network. Thankfully, WorkManager lets you set constraints.

val constraints = Constraints.Builder()

val uploadRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>()

Now your upload will only happen when the network is connected, and the device has enough battery. WorkManager is considerate like that.

Unique Work: One Worker to Rule Them All

Sometimes, you don’t want duplicate tasks running (imagine sending multiple notifications for the same event—annoying, right?). WorkManager lets you enforce unique work using enqueueUniqueWork.

    .enqueueUniqueWork("UniqueWork", ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, workRequest)

This ensures that only one instance of your task is running at any given time.

Chaining Work Requests (Because One Task Just Isn’t Enough)

What if you have a series of tasks, like uploading data, followed by cleaning up files? You can chain your tasks using WorkManager like an overly ambitious to-do list.

val uploadWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>().build()
val cleanupWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<CleanupWorker>().build()


Now, UploadWorker will do its thing, and once it’s done, CleanupWorker will jump into action. WorkManager makes sure things run in the order you specify, like a well-behaved assistant.

Let’s take a look at another use case: Chaining Tasks – WorkManager’s Superpower.

Imagine you want to upload a photo, resize it, and then upload the resized version. With WorkManager, you can chain these tasks together, ensuring they happen in the correct order.

val resizeWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<ResizeWorker>().build()
val uploadWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>().build()

    .beginWith(resizeWork)  // First, resize the image
    .then(uploadWork)       // Then, upload the resized image
    .enqueue()              // Start the chain

It’s like a relay race but with background tasks. Once the resize worker finishes, it passes the baton to the upload worker. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Monitoring Work Status (Because Micromanagement is Fun)

Want to know if your work is done or if it failed miserably? WorkManager has you covered. You can observe the status of your work like a proud parent watching over their kid at a school play.

    .observe(this, Observer { workInfo ->
        if (workInfo != null && workInfo.state.isFinished) {
            Log.d("WorkManager", "Work finished!")

You can also check if it’s still running, if it failed, or if it’s in the process of retrying. It’s like having real-time updates without the annoying notifications!

Best Practices for WorkManager

  • Use Constraints Wisely: Don’t run heavy tasks when the user is on low battery or no internet. Add constraints like network availability or charging state.
val constraints = Constraints.Builder()
    .setRequiresCharging(true)  // Only run when charging
    .setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.CONNECTED)  // Only run when connected to the internet
  • Avoid Long Running Tasks: WorkManager is not designed for super long tasks. Offload heavy lifting to server-side APIs when possible.
  • Keep the Worker Light: The heavier the worker, the more the system will dislike your app, especially in low-memory scenarios.

Conclusion: Why WorkManager is Your New BFF

WorkManager is like that dependable friend who handles everything in the background, even when you’re not paying attention. It’s a powerful tool that simplifies background work, ensures system health, and offers you flexibility. Plus, with features like task chaining and unique work, it’s the ultimate multitool for background processing in Android.

And hey, whether you’re dealing with syncing, uploading, or scheduling—WorkManager will be there for you. Remember, background tasks are like coffee—sometimes you need them now, sometimes later, but they always make everything better when done right.

KMM Use Case

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) Success Story: Effortlessly Build a High-Performance News Application

In this blog, we’ll walk through a practical use case for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) by creating a simple News Application. This app will fetch and display the latest news articles from a remote API, with shared business logic across Android and iOS platforms, but with platform-specific UI components to maintain the native look and feel.

The key components of the app will include:

  1. Fetching News Data: The app will retrieve news articles from an API. This will be done using shared code, so both Android and iOS will use the same logic for data retrieval.
  2. Displaying Articles: The user interface will be platform-specific. We’ll use Jetpack Compose for Android and SwiftUI for iOS.
  3. Modeling the Data: We’ll define common data models to represent the articles, shared across both platforms.

Setting Up the KMM Project

If you’re new to KMM, setting up a project might seem daunting, but it’s pretty straightforward.

Step 1: Create the KMM Project

First, open Android Studio and create a new Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) project.

  • Choose a KMM Project Template: Select a KMM template to generate the shared and platform-specific code.
  • Configure Android & iOS Modules: Android Studio will automatically create separate modules for Android (androidApp) and iOS (iosApp), as well as the shared module where you’ll write most of the logic.

Once your project structure is in place, you’ll have something like this:

- MyNewsApp/
    - androidApp/         # Android-specific UI code
    - iosApp/             # iOS-specific UI code
    - shared/             # Shared business logic
        - src/
            - commonMain/  # Shared logic between Android and iOS
            - androidMain/ # Android-specific logic
            - iosMain/     # iOS-specific logic

Fetching News Articles (Shared Logic)

The first thing we need is a way to retrieve news articles from a public API. For this use case, let’s assume we’re using the News API, which provides a free service to fetch the latest articles.

Step 1: Create a News Data Model

In the shared module, create a data class that will represent a news article:

// shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/mynewsapp/models/NewsArticle.kt
package com.mynewsapp.models

data class NewsArticle(
    val title: String,
    val description: String,
    val url: String,
    val urlToImage: String?

Step 2: Implement the News API Client

Next, we’ll implement the logic for fetching news from the API. We’ll use Ktor (a Kotlin networking library) to make the network request, which works on both Android and iOS.

First, add Ktor as a dependency in the shared module:

// shared/build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting {
            dependencies {

Then, write the API client to fetch the latest news:

// shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/mynewsapp/network/NewsApiClient.kt
package com.mynewsapp.network

import com.mynewsapp.models.NewsArticle
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*
import io.ktor.client.features.json.*
import io.ktor.client.features.json.serializer.*
import io.ktor.client.features.logging.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json

class NewsApiClient {
    private val client = HttpClient {
        install(JsonFeature) {
            serializer = KotlinxSerializer(Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true })
        install(Logging) {
            level = LogLevel.INFO

    suspend fun getTopHeadlines(): List<NewsArticle> {
        val response: NewsApiResponse = client.get("https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=us&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY")
        return response.articles.map {
                title = it.title,
                description = it.description,
                url = it.url,
                urlToImage = it.urlToImage

data class NewsApiResponse(val articles: List<ArticleDto>)

data class ArticleDto(
    val title: String,
    val description: String,
    val url: String,
    val urlToImage: String?

The NewsApiClient class handles the network request to fetch top news headlines. It parses the JSON response into Kotlin data models, which are then used throughout the app.

Step 3: Handle Business Logic in a Repository

To keep things organized, let’s create a NewsRepository that will manage data retrieval and handle any business logic related to articles.

// shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/mynewsapp/repository/NewsRepository.kt
package com.mynewsapp.repository

import com.mynewsapp.models.NewsArticle
import com.mynewsapp.network.NewsApiClient

class NewsRepository(private val apiClient: NewsApiClient) {
    suspend fun getTopHeadlines(): List<NewsArticle> {
        return apiClient.getTopHeadlines()

Now, both the Android and iOS apps will use this repository to get the latest news.

Note – To keep it simple, I haven’t gone into much detail about different architectures like MVVM in Android and VIPER in iOS. While these architectures usually include an additional layer like the ViewModel in Android MVVM or the Presenter in VIPER, I have directly used the repository here to simplify the implementation, though it’s typically recommended to use those layers for better separation of concerns.

Displaying News on Android (Jetpack Compose)

Now that we’ve handled the shared logic for fetching news articles, let’s build the Android user interface using Jetpack Compose.

Step 1: Set Up Compose in the Android Module

Ensure you’ve added the necessary Compose dependencies in the androidApp module:

// androidApp/build.gradle.kts
dependencies {

Step 2: Create the UI in Compose

In the Android module, create a simple UI that fetches and displays the news articles using Jetpack Compose.

// androidApp/src/main/java/com/mynewsapp/NewsActivity.kt
package com.mynewsapp

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.foundation.Image
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.*
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.LazyColumn
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ContentScale
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import coil.compose.rememberImagePainter
import com.mynewsapp.repository.NewsRepository
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

class NewsActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    private val newsRepository = NewsRepository(NewsApiClient())

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {

    fun NewsApp() {
        val newsArticles = remember { mutableStateOf<List<NewsArticle>?>(null) }
        val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()

        LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
            coroutineScope.launch {
                val articles = newsRepository.getTopHeadlines()
                newsArticles.value = articles

            topBar = { TopAppBar(title = { Text("Latest News") }) }
        ) {

    fun NewsList(newsArticles: List<NewsArticle>?) {
        LazyColumn {
            newsArticles?.let { articles ->
                items(articles.size) { index ->

    fun NewsItem(article: NewsArticle) {
        Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
            Text(article.title, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6)
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
            article.urlToImage?.let {
                    painter = rememberImagePainter(data = it),
                    contentDescription = null,
                    modifier = Modifier.height(180.dp).fillMaxWidth(),
                    contentScale = ContentScale.Crop
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
            Text(article.description ?: "", style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2)

Here, we use Jetpack Compose to create a list of news articles. The NewsItem composable displays each article’s title, description, and image, fetching the data from the NewsRepository.

Displaying News on iOS (SwiftUI)

Let’s now build the UI for iOS using SwiftUI. The data retrieval logic remains the same, as we’ve already handled it in the shared module.

Step 1: Set Up the SwiftUI View

In the iOS module, create a SwiftUI view that will display the news articles.

// iosApp/NewsView.swift
import SwiftUI
import shared

struct NewsView: View {
    @State private var newsArticles: [NewsArticle] = []
    let repository = NewsRepository(apiClient: NewsApiClient())

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(newsArticles, id: \.title) { article in
                NewsRow(article: article)
            .navigationTitle("Latest News")
            .onAppear {
                repository.getTopHeadlines { articles, error in
                    if let articles = articles {
                        self.newsArticles = articles

struct NewsRow: View {
    var article: NewsArticle

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            if let urlToImage = article.urlToImage {
                AsyncImage(url: URL(string: urlToImage)) { image in
                } placeholder: {
                .frame(height: 200)
            Text(article.description ?? "").font(.subheadline)

struct NewsView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

In SwiftUI, we use a List to display the news articles. Similar to Compose, the NewsRow component shows the title, image, and description of each article.

Testing and Running the App

Once you’ve implemented the UI for both Android and iOS, you can now test and run your news app.

  • For Android: Simply run the androidApp module using an Android emulator or a real Android device via Android Studio.
  • For iOS: Open the iosApp module in Xcode and run the app on an iPhone simulator or physical device.

You’ll have a fully functional news app running on both platforms with shared logic for fetching news and platform-specific UI for displaying it.


This KMM use case demonstrates the power and flexibility of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. With shared business logic and platform-specific UI, you get the best of both worlds: a streamlined codebase with the flexibility to create native experiences on each platform.

By using KMM, you save time and effort by writing shared code once, which allows you to focus on crafting unique user experiences tailored to Android and iOS. This approach also reduces duplication, helps prevent bugs, and makes maintaining and scaling your app easier in the long run.

Now that you’ve got the basics down, why not extend this news app with more features, like categories or offline caching? With KMM, the possibilities are endless!

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: Unlock the Game-Changing Power of KMM for the Future of Cross-Platform Developmen

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) is making waves in cross-platform development. It allows you to write shared code for both Android and iOS apps, eliminating the need to duplicate functionality across two separate codebases. While you can still include platform-specific code where necessary, KMM lets you handle most of the app logic in one place. This approach saves time, reduces effort, and offers flexibility—making it a boon for modern app development.

In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into KMM: what it is, how it works, and why you should consider using it for your mobile projects. Plus, we’ll walk you through a practical example.

What is Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)?

Let’s start with a scenario: You’re building an app for both Android and iOS, and you’re tired of writing the same logic twice. Once for Android in Kotlin, and once again for iOS in Swift. Wouldn’t it be nice to just write that logic once and use it for both platforms? That’s exactly where Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) shines.

KMM lets you write shared business logic in Kotlin and use it across both Android and iOS. But you still maintain the freedom to write platform-specific code when needed. The beauty of KMM lies in its balance: you can share as much code as you want, while still having access to platform-specific APIs, libraries, and native UI. It’s not about “write once, run anywhere”; it’s more like “write once, adapt where necessary.”

It’s like having the best of both worlds – your shared codebase acts as the glue that holds your logic together, while the platform-specific parts allow you to give users the full native experience.

Why Choose KMM?

You might be thinking, “There are already several cross-platform tools, like Flutter and React Native, so why KMM?” Let’s unpack some reasons why KMM might be a great fit for you:

Native UI with Shared Logic

KMM focuses on sharing business logic while letting you write native UI code. This means you can create a truly platform-specific experience for users, but avoid the repetitive task of writing the same logic twice. For example, the user interface can be implemented using Jetpack Compose on Android and SwiftUI on iOS, while the data handling, API calls, and domain logic can be shared.

Stay in the Kotlin Ecosystem

Kotlin is well-loved by Android developers for its concise syntax and modern features. With KMM, you can use your existing Kotlin knowledge for iOS as well. No need to jump between different programming languages or tools. It’s like finding out your favorite pair of jeans fits perfectly on both Android and iOS.

Flexible Adoption

Unlike some other cross-platform frameworks, KMM doesn’t require you to completely rewrite your app from scratch. You can adopt it gradually. Start with a small piece of shared code in an existing project and gradually extend it as needed. This makes KMM ideal for teams that already have Android and iOS apps in production and want to start reaping the benefits of shared code without a complete overhaul.

Reduced Development Time

By writing the core business logic once and using it across both platforms, you save a significant amount of time. Your team can focus on the more creative aspects, like designing beautiful user interfaces, while the shared code handles the heavy lifting of your app’s logic.

How KMM Works: A Look at its Architecture

KMM is built on the idea of separating the shared code and the platform-specific code. The shared code contains all the parts of your app that don’t depend on any particular platform, while the platform-specific modules handle UI and any platform-specific APIs.

The high-level structure of a KMM project looks like this:

  • Shared Module: This is where all the shared code lives. It contains the business logic, data handling, networking code, and any models that can be shared across Android and iOS.
  • Platform-Specific Code: This is where the Android and iOS specific components reside. The platform-specific modules handle things like user interface, accessing native APIs, and anything else that requires a unique approach on each platform.

Here’s a simplified diagram to visualize the architecture:

|     Shared Module        |
|  (Shared Kotlin Code)    |
     /              \
    /                \
+---------+    +-----------+
| Android |    |   iOS     |
| Module  |    |  Module   |
| (UI +   |    |  (UI +    |
| Platform|    |  Platform |
| code)   |    |  code)    |
+---------+    +-----------+

In this architecture, the shared module handles most of your app’s logic, while platform-specific code is used to implement UI and any native features unique to Android or iOS.

Setting Up a KMM Project

Ready to jump in? Setting up KMM is much easier than it sounds. Here’s how to get started.

Step 1: Initializing a Project

First, ensure you’re using the latest version of Android Studio with the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin installed. You can find the plugin in the marketplace within Android Studio. Once everything is set up, create a new project and select the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile App template.

Android Studio will guide you through the process. Don’t worry – it’s much simpler than setting up that IKEA bookshelf you’ve been avoiding.

Step 2: The Structure of a KMM Project

After setting up the project, you’ll see three main directories:

  • androidApp: Contains the Android-specific code for your app, such as UI layouts, platform-specific libraries, and Android resources.
  • iosApp: This is where you write your iOS-specific code in Swift. Here, you’ll define the UI and use iOS-native libraries.
  • shared: The shared module that contains your business logic, models, and network operations. This is where most of the heavy lifting happens.

The project structure looks something like this:

- myKMMProject/
    - androidApp/
    - iosApp/
    - shared/
        - src/
            - commonMain/
            - androidMain/
            - iosMain/

Step 3: Writing Shared Logic

Let’s add some shared business logic to our app. For instance, we want to write code that greets the user depending on the platform they’re using. In the shared module, write the following Kotlin code:

// Shared code
class Greeting {
    fun greet(): String {
        return "Hello from ${Platform().platform}!"

expect class Platform() {
    val platform: String

Here, expect is a keyword in Kotlin that tells the compiler: “I expect this class to be implemented separately for each platform.” The platform-specific code will provide the actual implementation of the Platform class.

Step 4: Platform-Specific Implementations

Now, let’s write the platform-specific code that provides the platform string for Android and iOS.

Android Implementation:

// androidMain
actual class Platform {
    actual val platform: String = "Android"

iOS Implementation:

// iosMain
actual class Platform {
    actual val platform: String = "iOS"

Now, when you call greet(), the app will return “Hello from Android!” or “Hello from iOS!” based on the platform. How cool is that?

Step 5: Running Code on Both Platforms

Once the shared code and platform-specific code are written, it’s time to run the app. For Android, you can run it directly in the Android Studio emulator or on an Android device. For iOS, you’ll need to open the iosApp in Xcode and run it on an iPhone simulator or physical device.

And there you go! You’ve just created a KMM project that works on both Android and iOS, using shared logic and platform-specific UI.

Building a Simple Counter App with KMM

Now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s build a simple counter app to see KMM in action.

Shared Code for Logic

In the shared module, we’ll write a Counter class that handles the business logic for our app.

// shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/Counter.kt
class Counter {
    private var count = 0
    fun increment() {

    fun getCount(): Int {
        return count

This class is simple – it increments a counter and returns the current count. It’s the core of our app, and it will be shared across both platforms.

Platform-Specific UI Code

For Android, we’ll use Jetpack Compose to build the user interface. Compose is a modern UI toolkit for building native UIs in Android.

// androidApp/src/main/java/com/softaai/CounterActivity.kt
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import com.example.shared.Counter

class CounterActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val counter = Counter()
        setContent {
            var count by remember { mutableStateOf(counter.getCount()) }

            Column {
                Text("Count: $count")
                Button(onClick = {
                    count = counter.getCount()
                }) {

For iOS, we’ll use SwiftUI to build the interface. SwiftUI is Apple’s modern declarative UI framework.

// iosApp/CounterView.swift
import SwiftUI
import shared

struct CounterView: View {
    let counter = Counter()

    @State private var count: Int32 = 0

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Count: \(count)")
            Button("Increment") {
                count = counter.getCount()

Both platforms now share the same counter logic, while keeping their UIs native and tailored to each platform’s design principles.

Where KMM Shines in Real-World Projects

KMM is already being used by major companies such as Netflix, VMware, and Philips. It’s perfect for applications where business logic needs to be shared across platforms but native user interfaces are still desired.

Take a banking app as an example. The security algorithms, business rules, and data models can be shared across Android and iOS using KMM, while each platform has its own native UI tailored for the best user experience.

This reduces duplication in writing and testing the same logic while allowing developers to focus on delivering excellent platform-specific UIs.

Let’s see one more use case for KMM.

KMM Use Case: Building a News Application

In this section, we’ll walk through a practical use case for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) by creating a simple News Application. This app will fetch and display the latest news articles from a remote API, with shared business logic across Android and iOS platforms, but with platform-specific UI components to maintain the native look and feel.

The key components of the app will include:

  1. Fetching News Data: The app will retrieve news articles from an API. This will be done using shared code, so both Android and iOS will use the same logic for data retrieval.
  2. Displaying Articles: The user interface will be platform-specific. We’ll use Jetpack Compose for Android and SwiftUI for iOS.
  3. Modeling the Data: We’ll define common data models to represent the articles, shared across both platforms.

Setting Up the KMM Project

If you’re new to KMM, setting up a project might seem daunting, but it’s pretty straightforward.

Step 1: Create the KMM Project

First, open Android Studio and create a new Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) project.

  • Choose a KMM Project Template: Select a KMM template to generate the shared and platform-specific code.
  • Configure Android & iOS Modules: Android Studio will automatically create separate modules for Android (androidApp) and iOS (iosApp), as well as the shared module where you’ll write most of the logic.

Once your project structure is in place, you’ll have something like this:

- MyNewsApp/
    - androidApp/         # Android-specific UI code
    - iosApp/             # iOS-specific UI code
    - shared/             # Shared business logic
        - src/
            - commonMain/ # Shared logic between Android and iOS
            - androidMain/ # Android-specific logic
            - iosMain/     # iOS-specific logic

Fetching News Articles (Shared Logic)

The first thing we need is a way to retrieve news articles from a public API. For this use case, let’s assume we’re using the News API, which provides a free service to fetch the latest articles.

Step 1: Create a News Data Model

In the shared module, create a data class that will represent a news article:

// shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/mynewsapp/models/NewsArticle.kt
package com.mynewsapp.models

data class NewsArticle(
    val title: String,
    val description: String,
    val url: String,
    val urlToImage: String?

Step 2: Implement the News API Client

Next, we’ll implement the logic for fetching news from the API. We’ll use Ktor (a Kotlin networking library) to make the network request, which works on both Android and iOS.

First, add Ktor as a dependency in the shared module:

// shared/build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting {
            dependencies {

Then, write the API client to fetch the latest news:

// shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/mynewsapp/network/NewsApiClient.kt
package com.mynewsapp.network

import com.mynewsapp.models.NewsArticle
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*
import io.ktor.client.features.json.*
import io.ktor.client.features.json.serializer.*
import io.ktor.client.features.logging.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json

class NewsApiClient {
    private val client = HttpClient {
        install(JsonFeature) {
            serializer = KotlinxSerializer(Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true })
        install(Logging) {
            level = LogLevel.INFO

    suspend fun getTopHeadlines(): List<NewsArticle> {
        val response: NewsApiResponse = client.get("https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=us&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY")
        return response.articles.map {
                title = it.title,
                description = it.description,
                url = it.url,
                urlToImage = it.urlToImage

data class NewsApiResponse(val articles: List<ArticleDto>)

data class ArticleDto(
    val title: String,
    val description: String,
    val url: String,
    val urlToImage: String?

The NewsApiClient class handles the network request to fetch top news headlines. It parses the JSON response into Kotlin data models, which are then used throughout the app.

Step 3: Handle Business Logic in a Repository

To keep things organized, let’s create a NewsRepository that will manage data retrieval and handle any business logic related to articles.

// shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/mynewsapp/repository/NewsRepository.kt
package com.mynewsapp.repository

import com.mynewsapp.models.NewsArticle
import com.mynewsapp.network.NewsApiClient

class NewsRepository(private val apiClient: NewsApiClient) {
    suspend fun getTopHeadlines(): List<NewsArticle> {
        return apiClient.getTopHeadlines()

Now, both the Android and iOS apps will use this repository to get the latest news.

Note – To keep it simple, I haven’t gone into much detail about different architectures like MVVM in Android and VIPER in iOS. While these architectures usually include an additional layer like the ViewModel in Android MVVM or the Presenter in VIPER, I have directly used the repository here to simplify the implementation, though it’s typically recommended to use those layers for better separation of concerns.

Displaying News on Android (Jetpack Compose)

Now that we’ve handled the shared logic for fetching news articles, let’s build the Android user interface using Jetpack Compose.

Step 1: Set Up Compose in the Android Module

Ensure you’ve added the necessary Compose dependencies in the androidApp module:

// androidApp/build.gradle.kts
dependencies {

Step 2: Create the UI in Compose

In the Android module, create a simple UI that fetches and displays the news articles using Jetpack Compose.

// androidApp/src/main/java/com/mynewsapp/NewsActivity.kt
package com.mynewsapp

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.foundation.Image
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.*
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.LazyColumn
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ContentScale
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import coil.compose.rememberImagePainter
import com.mynewsapp.repository.NewsRepository
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

class NewsActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    private val newsRepository = NewsRepository(NewsApiClient())

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {

    fun NewsApp() {
        val newsArticles = remember { mutableStateOf<List<NewsArticle>?>(null) }
        val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()

        LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
            coroutineScope.launch {
                val articles = newsRepository.getTopHeadlines()
                newsArticles.value = articles

            topBar = { TopAppBar(title = { Text("Latest News") }) }
        ) {

    fun NewsList(newsArticles: List<NewsArticle>?) {
        LazyColumn {
            newsArticles?.let { articles ->
                items(articles.size) { index ->

    fun NewsItem(article: NewsArticle) {
        Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
            Text(article.title, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6)
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
            article.urlToImage?.let {
                    painter = rememberImagePainter(data = it),
                    contentDescription = null,
                    modifier = Modifier.height(180.dp).fillMaxWidth(),
                    contentScale = ContentScale.Crop
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
            Text(article.description ?: "", style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2)

Here, we use Jetpack Compose to create a list of news articles. The NewsItem composable displays each article’s title, description, and image, fetching the data from the NewsRepository.

Displaying News on iOS (SwiftUI)

Let’s now build the UI for iOS using SwiftUI. The data retrieval logic remains the same, as we’ve already handled it in the shared module.

Step 1: Set Up the SwiftUI View

In the iOS module, create a SwiftUI view that will display the news articles.

// iosApp/NewsView.swift
import SwiftUI
import shared

struct NewsView: View {
    @State private var newsArticles: [NewsArticle] = []
    let repository = NewsRepository(apiClient: NewsApiClient())

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(newsArticles, id: \.title) { article in
                NewsRow(article: article)
            .navigationTitle("Latest News")
            .onAppear {
                repository.getTopHeadlines { articles, error in
                    if let articles = articles {
                        self.newsArticles = articles

struct NewsRow: View {
    var article: NewsArticle

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            if let urlToImage = article.urlToImage {
                AsyncImage(url: URL(string: urlToImage)) { image in
                } placeholder: {
                .frame(height: 200)
            Text(article.description ?? "").font(.subheadline)

struct NewsView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

In SwiftUI, we use a List to display the news articles. Similar to Compose, the NewsRow component shows the title, image, and description of each article.

Testing and Running the App

Once you’ve implemented the UI for both Android and iOS, you can now test and run your news app.

  • For Android: Simply run the androidApp module using an Android emulator or a real Android device via Android Studio.
  • For iOS: Open the iosApp module in Xcode and run the app on an iPhone simulator or physical device.

You’ll have a fully functional news app running on both platforms with shared logic for fetching news and platform-specific UI for displaying it.

Challenges & Things to Keep in Mind

While KMM is a powerful tool, it does have its challenges:

  • Learning Curve: For iOS developers unfamiliar with Kotlin, there might be a bit of a learning curve. However, the syntax is similar enough to Swift that the transition is usually smooth.
  • Tooling Limitations: While Android Studio supports KMM, Xcode is still necessary for iOS builds and debugging, so you’ll need to use both tools. The KMM ecosystem is still growing, and some libraries may not yet support iOS.
  • Library Support: Not all third-party libraries in Kotlin are compatible with iOS yet, but this is improving as KMM continues to evolve.

Looking Ahead: The Future of KMM

The Kotlin ecosystem is rapidly evolving, and KMM is at the forefront of cross-platform mobile development. With JetBrains and Google investing in its development, KMM is becoming more robust and easier to use. As more libraries become compatible, and tooling improves, KMM is poised to be a go-to solution for teams looking to build cross-platform apps without compromising on user experience.


Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile offers a modern, efficient approach to mobile app development by allowing you to share business logic between Android and iOS. You get the benefit of shared code without sacrificing the native experience that users expect.

While it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, KMM is a flexible and powerful tool that can streamline development, reduce bugs, and make maintaining your codebase much easier.

So go ahead, give KMM a try, and start saving time and effort by writing shared logic that works seamlessly across platforms. With the time you save, maybe you can finally tackle that IKEA bookshelf!

Creational Design Patterns

Creational Design Patterns in Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide

Design patterns are the cornerstone of software design, providing standardized solutions to common problems. Among the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, creational design patterns are particularly crucial as they focus on object creation mechanisms. In this blog, we will delve into the five GoF creational design patterns in Kotlin: Singleton, Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype. We’ll explore each pattern’s purpose, structure, and practical usage in Kotlin, complete with code examples.

Creational Design Patterns: Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern restricts the instantiation of a class to one “single” instance. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across a system. Examples include database connections, logging, configuration settings, or even hardware interface access.

Why and When to Use the Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern is often used when:

  • You have a resource-heavy object that should be created only once, like a database connection.
  • You need global access to an object, like application-wide logging, configuration management, or caching.
  • You want to ensure consistency, such as using the same state across multiple activities in Android.

Implementation of Singleton

Implementing the Singleton pattern requires careful consideration to ensure thread safety, lazy or eager initialization, and prevention of multiple instances through serialization or reflection.

Here are different ways to implement the Singleton design pattern:

Singleton in Kotlin: A Built-In Solution

Kotlin simplifies the implementation of the Singleton pattern by providing the object keyword. This keyword allows you to define a class that automatically has a single instance. Here’s a simple example:

object DatabaseConnection {
    init {
        println("DatabaseConnection instance created")

    fun connect() {
        println("Connecting to the database...")

fun main() {

In this example, DatabaseConnection is a Singleton. The first time DatabaseConnection.connect() is called, the instance is created, and the message “DatabaseConnection instance created” is printed. Subsequent calls to connect() will use the same instance without reinitializing it.

Advantages of Kotlin’s “object” Singleton
  1. Simplicity: The object keyword makes the implementation of the Singleton pattern concise and clear.
  2. Thread Safety: Kotlin ensures thread safety for objects declared using the object keyword. This means that you don’t have to worry about multiple threads creating multiple instances of the Singleton.
  3. Eager Initialization: The Singleton instance is created at the time of the first access, making it easy to manage resource allocation.

Lazy Initialization

In some cases, you might want to delay the creation of the Singleton instance until it’s needed. Kotlin provides the lazy function, which can be combined with a by delegation to achieve this:

class ConfigManager private constructor() {
    companion object {
        val instance: ConfigManager by lazy { ConfigManager() }

    fun loadConfig() {
        println("Loading configuration...")

fun main() {
    val config = Configuration.getInstance1()

Here, the ConfigManager instance is created only when instance.loadConfig() is called for the first time. This is particularly useful in scenarios where creating the instance is resource-intensive.

Singleton with Parameters

Sometimes, you might need to pass parameters to the Singleton. However, the object keyword does not allow for constructors with parameters. One approach to achieve this is to use a regular class with a private constructor and a companion object:

class Logger private constructor(val logLevel: String) {
    companion object {
        @Volatile private var INSTANCE: Logger? = null

        fun getInstance(logLevel: String): Logger =
            INSTANCE ?: synchronized(this) {
                INSTANCE ?: Logger(logLevel).also { INSTANCE = it }

    fun log(message: String) {
        println("[$logLevel] $message")

In this example, the Logger class is a Singleton that takes a logLevel parameter. The getInstance method ensures that only one instance is created, even when accessed from multiple threads. The use of @Volatile and synchronized blocks ensures thread safety.

Thread-Safe Singleton (Synchronized Method)

When working in multi-threaded environments (e.g., Android), ensuring that the Singleton instance is thread-safe is crucial. In Kotlin, the object keyword is inherently thread-safe. However, when using manual Singleton implementations, you need to take additional care.

class ThreadSafeSingleton private constructor() {

    companion object {
        private var instance: ThreadSafeSingleton? = null

        fun getInstance(): ThreadSafeSingleton {
            return instance ?: synchronized(this) {
                instance ?: ThreadSafeSingleton().also { instance = it }

Here, the most important approach used is the double-checked locking pattern. Let’s first see what it is, then look at the above code implementation for a better understanding.

Double-Checked Locking

This method reduces the overhead of synchronization by checking the instance twice before creating it. The @Volatile annotation ensures visibility of changes to variables across threads.

class Singleton private constructor() {
    companion object {
        private var instance: Singleton? = null

        fun getInstance(): Singleton {
            if (instance == null) {
                synchronized(this) {
                    if (instance == null) {
                        instance = Singleton()
            return instance!!

Here’s how both approaches work: This implementation uses double-checked locking. First, the instance is checked outside of the synchronized block. If it’s not null, the instance is returned directly. If it is null, the code enters the synchronized block to ensure that only one thread can initialize the instance. The instance is then checked again inside the block to prevent multiple threads from initializing it simultaneously.

Bill Pugh Singleton (Initialization-on-demand holder idiom)

The Bill Pugh Singleton pattern, or the Initialization-on-Demand Holder Idiom, ensures that the Singleton instance is created only when it is requested for the first time, leveraging the classloader mechanism to ensure thread safety.

Key Points:

  • Lazy Initialization: The Singleton instance is not created until the getInstance() method is called.
  • Thread Safety: The class initialization phase is thread-safe, ensuring that only one thread can execute the initialization logic.
  • Efficient Performance: No synchronized blocks are used, which avoids the potential performance hit.
class BillPughSingleton private constructor() {

    companion object {
        // Static inner class - inner classes are not loaded until they are referenced.
        private class SingletonHolder {
            companion object {
                val INSTANCE = BillPughSingleton()

        // Method to get the singleton instance
        fun getInstance(): BillPughSingleton {
            return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE

    // Any methods or properties for your Singleton can be defined here.
    fun showMessage() {
        println("Hello, I am Bill Pugh Singleton in Kotlin!")

fun main() {
    // Get the Singleton instance
    val singletonInstance = BillPughSingleton.getInstance()

    // Call a method on the Singleton instance


O/P - Hello, I am Bill Pugh Singleton in Kotlin!

Explanation of the Implementation

  • Private Constructor: The private constructor() prevents direct instantiation of the Singleton class.
  • Companion Object: In Kotlin, the companion object is used to hold the Singleton instance. The actual instance is inside the SingletonHolder companion object, ensuring it is not created until needed.
  • Lazy Initialization: The SingletonHolder.INSTANCE is only initialized when getInstance() is called for the first time, ensuring the Singleton is created lazily.
  • Thread Safety: The Kotlin classloader handles the initialization of the SingletonHolder class, ensuring that only one instance of the Singleton is created even if multiple threads try to access it simultaneously. In short, The JVM guarantees that static inner classes are initialized only once, ensuring thread safety without explicit synchronization.

Enum Singleton

In Kotlin, you might wonder why you’d choose an enum for implementing a Singleton when the object keyword provides a straightforward and idiomatic way to create singletons. The primary reason to use an enum as a Singleton is its inherent protection against multiple instances and serialization-related issues.

Key Points:

  • Thread Safety: Enum singletons are thread-safe by default.
  • Serialization: The JVM guarantees that during deserialization, the same instance of the enum is returned, which isn’t the case with other singleton implementations unless you handle serialization explicitly.
  • Prevents Reflection Attacks: Reflection cannot be used to instantiate additional instances of an enum, providing an additional layer of safety.

Implementing an Enum Singleton in Kotlin is straightforward. Here’s an example:

enum class Singleton {

    fun doSomething() {
        println("Doing something...")

fun main() {
  • enum class Singleton: Defines an enum with a single instance, INSTANCE.
  • doSomething: A method within the enum that can perform any operation. This method can be expanded to include more complex logic as needed.
  • Usage: Accessing the singleton is as simple as calling Singleton.INSTANCE.

Benefits of Enum Singleton

Using an enum to implement a Singleton in Kotlin comes with several benefits:

  1. Simplicity: The code is simple and easy to understand, with no need for explicit thread-safety measures or additional synchronization code.
  2. Serialization Safety: Enum singletons handle serialization automatically, ensuring that the Singleton property is maintained across different states of the application.
  3. Reflection Immunity: Unlike traditional Singleton implementations, enums are immune to attacks via reflection, adding a layer of security.

Singleton in Android Development

In Android, Singletons are often used for managing resources like database connections, shared preferences, or network clients. However, care must be taken to avoid memory leaks, especially when dealing with context-dependent objects.

Example with Android Context:

object SharedPreferenceManager {

    private const val PREF_NAME = "MyAppPreferences"
    private var preferences: SharedPreferences? = null

    fun init(context: Context) {
        if (preferences == null) {
            preferences = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

    fun saveData(key: String, value: String) {
        preferences?.edit()?.putString(key, value)?.apply()

    fun getData(key: String): String? {
        return preferences?.getString(key, null)

// Usage in Application class
class MyApp : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

Context Initialization: The init method ensures that the SharedPreferenceManager is initialized with a valid context, typically from the Application class.

Avoiding Memory Leaks: By initializing with the Application context, we prevent memory leaks that could occur if the Singleton holds onto an Activity or other short-lived context.

Network Client Singleton

object NetworkClient {
    val retrofit: Retrofit by lazy {

In this example, NetworkClient is a Singleton that provides a global Retrofit instance for making network requests. By using the object keyword, the instance is lazily initialized the first time it is accessed and shared throughout the application.

Singleton with Dependency Injection

In modern Android development, Dependency Injection (DI) is a common pattern, often implemented using frameworks like Dagger or Hilt. The Singleton pattern can be combined with DI to manage global instances efficiently.

Hilt Example:

class ApiService @Inject constructor() {
    fun fetchData() {
        println("Fetching data from API")

// Usage in an Activity or Fragment
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var apiService: ApiService

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

@Singleton: The @Singleton annotation ensures that ApiService is treated as a Singleton within the DI framework.

@Inject: This annotation is used to inject the ApiService instance wherever needed, like in an Activity or Fragment.

When to Use the Singleton Pattern

While the Singleton pattern is useful, it should be used judiciously. Consider using it in the following scenarios:

  • Centralized Management: When you need a single point of control for a shared resource, such as a configuration manager, database connection, or thread pool.
  • Global State: When you need to maintain a global state across the application, such as user preferences or application settings.
  • Stateless Utility Classes: When creating utility classes that don’t need to maintain state, Singleton can provide a clean and efficient implementation.

Caution: Overuse of Singletons can lead to issues like hidden dependencies, difficulties in testing, and reduced flexibility. Always assess whether a Singleton is the best fit for your use case.

Drawbacks and Considerations

Despite its advantages, the Singleton pattern has some drawbacks:

  • Global State: Singleton can introduce hidden dependencies across the system, making the code harder to understand and maintain.
  • Testing: Singleton classes can be difficult to test in isolation due to their global nature. It might be challenging to mock or replace them in unit tests.
  • Concurrency: While Kotlin’s object and lazy initialization handle thread safety well, improper use of Singleton in multithreaded environments can lead to synchronization issues if not handled carefully.

Factory Method Design Patterns

Object creation in software development can feel routine, but what if you could streamline the process? The Factory Method Design Pattern does just that, allowing you to create objects without tightly coupling your code to specific classes. In Kotlin, known for its simplicity and versatility, this pattern is even more effective, helping you build scalable, maintainable applications with ease. Let’s explore why the Factory Method is a must-know tool for Kotlin developers by first looking at a common problem it solves.


Imagine you’re working on an app designed to simplify transportation bookings. At first, you’re just focusing on Taxis, a straightforward service. But as user feedback rolls in, it becomes clear: people are craving more options. They want to book Bikes, Buses, and even Electric Scooters—all from the same app.

So, your initial setup for Taxis might look something like this:

class Taxi {
    fun bookRide() {
        println("Taxi ride booked!")

class Bike {
    fun bookRide() {
        println("Bike ride booked!")

class App {
    fun bookTransport(type: String) {
        when (type) {
            "taxi" -> Taxi().bookRide()
            "bike" -> Bike().bookRide()
            else -> println("Transport not available!")

But, here’s the problem:

Scalability: Each time you want to introduce a new transportation option—like a Bus or an Electric Scooter—you find yourself diving into the App class to make adjustments. This can quickly become overwhelming as the number of transport types grows.

Maintainability: As the App class expands to accommodate new features, it becomes a tangled mess, making it tougher to manage and test. What started as a simple setup turns into a complicated beast.

Coupling: The app is tightly linked with specific transport classes, so making a change in one area often means messing with others. This tight coupling makes it tricky to update or enhance features without unintended consequences.

The Solution – Factory Method Design Pattern

We need a way to decouple the transport creation logic from the App class. This is where the Factory Method Design Pattern comes in. Instead of hard-coding which transport class to instantiate, we delegate that responsibility to a method in a separate factory. This approach not only simplifies your code but also allows for easier updates and expansions.

Step 1: Define a Common Interface

First, we create a common interface that all transport types (Taxi, Bike, Bus, etc.) will implement. This ensures our app can handle any transport type without knowing the details of each one.

interface Transport {
    fun bookRide()

Now, we make each transport type implement this interface:

class Taxi : Transport {
    override fun bookRide() {
        println("Taxi ride booked!")

class Bike : Transport {
    override fun bookRide() {
        println("Bike ride booked!")

class Bus : Transport {
    override fun bookRide() {
        println("Bus ride booked!")

Step 2: Create the Factory

Now, we create a Factory class. The factory will decide which transport object to create based on input, but the app itself won’t need to know the details.

abstract class TransportFactory {
    abstract fun createTransport(): Transport

Step 3: Implement Concrete Factories

For each transport type, we create a corresponding factory class that extends TransportFactory. Each factory knows how to create its specific type of transport:

class TaxiFactory : TransportFactory() {
    override fun createTransport(): Taxi {
        return Taxi()

class BikeFactory : TransportFactory() {
    override fun createTransport(): Bike {
        return Bike()

class BusFactory : TransportFactory() {
    override fun createTransport(): Bus {
        return Bus()

Step 4: Use the Factory in the App

Now, we update our app to use the factory classes instead of directly creating transport objects. The app no longer needs to know which transport it’s booking — the factory handles that.

class App {
    private lateinit var transportFactory: TransportFactory

    fun setTransportFactory(factory: TransportFactory) {
        this.transportFactory = factory

    fun bookRide() {
        val transport: Transport = transportFactory.createTransport()

Step 5: Putting It All Together

Now, you can set different factories at runtime, depending on the user’s choice of transport, without modifying the App class.

fun main() {
    val app = App()

    // To book a Taxi
    app.bookRide() // Output: Taxi ride booked!

    // To book a Bike
    app.bookRide() // Output: Bike ride booked!

    // To book a Bus
    app.bookRide() // Output: Bus ride booked!

Here’s how the Factory Method Solves the Problem:

  1. Decoupling: The App class no longer needs to know the details of each transport type. It only interacts with the TransportFactory and Transport interface.
  2. Scalability: Adding new transport types (like Electric Scooter) becomes easier. You simply create a new class (e.g., ScooterFactory) without changing existing code in App.
  3. Maintainability: Each transport creation logic is isolated in its own factory class, making the codebase cleaner and easier to maintain.

What is the Factory Method Pattern?

The Factory Method pattern defines an interface for creating an object, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. Instead of calling a constructor directly to create an object, the pattern suggests calling a special factory method to create the object. This allows for more flexibility and encapsulation.

The Factory Method pattern is also called the “virtual constructor” pattern. It’s used in core Java libraries, like java.util.Calendar.getInstance() and java.nio.charset.Charset.forName().

Why Use the Factory Method?

  1. Loose Coupling: It helps keep code parts separate, so changes in one area won’t affect others much.
  2. Flexibility: Subclasses can choose which specific class of objects to create, making it easier to add new features or change existing ones without changing the code that uses these objects.

In short, the Factory Method pattern lets a parent class define the process of creating objects, but leaves the choice of the specific object type to its subclasses.

Structure of Factory Method Pattern

The Factory Method pattern can be broken down into the following components:

  • Product: An interface or abstract class that defines the common behavior for the objects created by the factory method.
  • ConcreteProduct: A class that implements the Product interface.
  • Creator: An abstract class or interface that declares the factory method. This class may also provide some default implementation of the factory method that returns a default product.
  • ConcreteCreator: A subclass of Creator that overrides the factory method to return an instance of a ConcreteProduct.


  • Product: The common interface.
  • Concrete Products: Different versions of the Product.
  • Creator: Defines the factory method.
  • Concrete Creators: Override the factory method to create specific products.

When to Use the Factory Method Pattern

The Factory Method pattern is useful in several situations. Here’s a brief overview; we will discuss detailed implementation soon:

  1. Unknown Object Dependencies:
    • Situation: When you don’t know which specific objects you’ll need until runtime.
    • Example: If you’re building an app that handles various types of documents, but you don’t know which document type you’ll need until the user chooses, the Factory Method helps by separating the document creation logic from the rest of your code. You can add new document types by creating new subclasses and updating the factory method.
  2. Extending Frameworks or Libraries:
    • Situation: When you provide a framework or library that others will use and extend.
    • Example: Suppose you’re providing a UI framework with square buttons. If someone needs round buttons, they can create a RoundButton subclass and configure the framework to use the new button type instead of the default square one.
  3. Reusing Existing Objects:
    • Situation: When you want to reuse objects rather than creating new ones each time.
    • Example: If creating a new object is resource-intensive, the Factory Method helps by reusing existing objects, which speeds up the process and saves system resources.

Implementation in Kotlin

Let’s dive into the implementation of the Factory Method pattern in Kotlin with some examples.

Basic Simple Implementation

Consider a scenario where we need to create different types of buttons in a GUI application.

// Step 1: Define the Product interface
interface Button {
    fun render()

// Step 2: Implement ConcreteProduct classes
class WindowsButton : Button {
    override fun render() {
        println("Rendering Windows Button")

class MacButton : Button {
    override fun render() {
        println("Rendering Mac Button")

// Step 3: Define the Creator interface
abstract class Dialog {
    abstract fun createButton(): Button

    fun renderWindow() {
        val button = createButton()

// Step 4: Implement ConcreteCreator classes
class WindowsDialog : Dialog() {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return WindowsButton()

class MacDialog : Dialog() {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return MacButton()

// Client code
fun main() {
    val dialog: Dialog = WindowsDialog()

In this example:

  • The Button interface defines the common behavior for all buttons.
  • WindowsButton and MacButton are concrete implementations of the Button interface.
  • The Dialog class defines the factory method createButton(), which is overridden by WindowsDialog and MacDialog to return the appropriate button type.

Advanced Implementation

In more complex scenarios, you might need to include additional logic in the factory method or handle multiple products. Let’s extend the example to include a Linux button and dynamically choose which dialog to create based on the operating system.

// Step 1: Add a new ConcreteProduct class
class LinuxButton : Button {
    override fun render() {
        println("Rendering Linux Button")

// Step 2: Add a new ConcreteCreator class
class LinuxDialog : Dialog() {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return LinuxButton()

// Client code with dynamic selection
fun main() {
    val osName = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase()
    val dialog: Dialog = when {
        osName.contains("win") -> WindowsDialog()
        osName.contains("mac") -> MacDialog()
        osName.contains("nix") || osName.contains("nux") -> LinuxDialog()
        else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported OS")

Here, we added support for Linux and dynamically selected the appropriate dialog based on the operating system. This approach showcases how the Factory Method pattern can be extended to handle more complex scenarios.

Real-World Examples

Factory method pattern for Payment App

Let’s imagine you have several payment methods like Credit Card, PayPal, and Bitcoin. Instead of hardcoding the creation of each payment processor in the app, you can use the Factory Method pattern to dynamically create the correct payment processor based on the user’s selection.

// Step 1: Define the Product interface
interface PaymentProcessor {
    fun processPayment(amount: Double)

// Step 2: Implement ConcreteProduct classes
class CreditCardProcessor : PaymentProcessor {
    override fun processPayment(amount: Double) {
        println("Processing credit card payment of $$amount")

class PayPalProcessor : PaymentProcessor {
    override fun processPayment(amount: Double) {
        println("Processing PayPal payment of $$amount")

class BitcoinProcessor : PaymentProcessor {
    override fun processPayment(amount: Double) {
        println("Processing Bitcoin payment of $$amount")

// Step 3: Define the Creator abstract class
abstract class PaymentDialog {
    abstract fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor

    fun process(amount: Double) {
        val processor = createProcessor()

// Step 4: Implement ConcreteCreator classes
class CreditCardDialog : PaymentDialog() {
    override fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor {
        return CreditCardProcessor()

class PayPalDialog : PaymentDialog() {
    override fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor {
        return PayPalProcessor()

class BitcoinDialog : PaymentDialog() {
    override fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor {
        return BitcoinProcessor()

// Client code
fun main() {
    val paymentType = "PayPal"
    val dialog: PaymentDialog = when (paymentType) {
        "CreditCard" -> CreditCardDialog()
        "PayPal" -> PayPalDialog()
        "Bitcoin" -> BitcoinDialog()
        else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported payment type")

Here, we defined a PaymentProcessor interface with three concrete implementations: CreditCardProcessor, PayPalProcessor, and BitcoinProcessor. The client can select the payment type, and the appropriate payment processor is created using the Factory Method.

Factory method pattern for Document App

Imagine you are building an application that processes different types of documents (e.g., PDFs, Word Documents, and Text Files). You want to provide a way to open these documents without hard-coding the types.

// 1. Define the Product interface
interface Document {
    fun open(): String

// 2. Implement ConcreteProducts
class PdfDocument : Document {
    override fun open(): String {
        return "Opening PDF Document"

class WordDocument : Document {
    override fun open(): String {
        return "Opening Word Document"

class TextDocument : Document {
    override fun open(): String {
        return "Opening Text Document"

// 3. Define the Creator class
abstract class DocumentFactory {
    abstract fun createDocument(): Document

    fun openDocument(): String {
        val document = createDocument()
        return document.open()

// 4. Implement ConcreteCreators
class PdfDocumentFactory : DocumentFactory() {
    override fun createDocument(): Document {
        return PdfDocument()

class WordDocumentFactory : DocumentFactory() {
    override fun createDocument(): Document {
        return WordDocument()

class TextDocumentFactory : DocumentFactory() {
    override fun createDocument(): Document {
        return TextDocument()

// Usage
fun main() {
    val pdfFactory: DocumentFactory = PdfDocumentFactory()
    println(pdfFactory.openDocument()) // Output: Opening PDF Document

    val wordFactory: DocumentFactory = WordDocumentFactory()
    println(wordFactory.openDocument()) // Output: Opening Word Document

    val textFactory: DocumentFactory = TextDocumentFactory()
    println(textFactory.openDocument()) // Output: Opening Text Document


Product Interface (Document): This is the interface that all concrete products (e.g., PdfDocument, WordDocument, and TextDocument) implement. It ensures that all documents have the open() method.

Concrete Products (PdfDocument, WordDocument, TextDocument): These classes implement the Document interface. Each class provides its own implementation of the open() method, specific to the type of document.

Creator (DocumentFactory): This is an abstract class that declares the factory method createDocument(). The openDocument() method relies on this factory method to obtain a document and then calls the open() method on it.

Concrete Creators (PdfDocumentFactory, WordDocumentFactory, TextDocumentFactory): These classes extend the DocumentFactory class and override the createDocument() method to return a specific type of document.

Factory Method Pattern in Android Development

In Android development, the Factory Method Pattern is commonly used in many scenarios where object creation is complex or dependent on external factors like user input, configuration, or platform-specific implementations. Here are some examples:

ViewModelProvider in MVVM Architecture

When working with ViewModels in Android’s MVVM architecture, you often use the Factory Method Pattern to create instances of ViewModel.

class ResumeSenderViewModelFactory(private val repository: ResumeSenderRepository) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
    override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
        if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom(ResumeSenderViewModel::class.java)) {
            return ResumeSenderViewModel(repository) as T
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ViewModel class")

This factory method is responsible for creating ViewModel instances and passing in necessary dependencies like the repository.

Let’s quickly look at a few more.

Dependency Injection

interface DependencyFactory {
    fun createNetworkClient(): NetworkClient
    fun createDatabase(): Database

class ProductionDependencyFactory : DependencyFactory {
    override fun createNetworkClient(): NetworkClient {
        return Retrofit.Builder()

    override fun createDatabase(): Database {
        return Room.databaseBuilder(

class TestingDependencyFactory : DependencyFactory {
    override fun createNetworkClient(): NetworkClient {
        return MockNetworkClient()

    override fun createDatabase(): Database {
        return InMemoryDatabaseBuilder(context, AppDatabase::class.java)

Themeing and Styling

interface ThemeFactory {
    fun createTheme(): Theme

class LightThemeFactory : ThemeFactory {
    override fun createTheme(): Theme {
        return Theme(R.style.AppThemeLight)

class DarkThemeFactory : ThemeFactory {
    override fun createTheme(): Theme {
        return Theme(R.style.AppThemeDark)

Data Source Management

interface DataSourceFactory {
    fun createDataSource(): DataSource

class LocalDataSourceFactory : DataSourceFactory {
    override fun createDataSource(): DataSource {
        return LocalDataSource(database)

class RemoteDataSourceFactory : DataSourceFactory {
    override fun createDataSource(): DataSource {
        return RemoteDataSource(networkClient)

Image Loading

interface ImageLoaderFactory {
    fun createImageLoader(): ImageLoader

class GlideImageLoaderFactory : ImageLoaderFactory {
    override fun createImageLoader(): ImageLoader {
        return Glide.with(context).build()

class PicassoImageLoaderFactory : ImageLoaderFactory {
    override fun createImageLoader(): ImageLoader {
        return Picasso.with(context).build()

Benefits of the Factory Method Pattern

Flexibility: The Factory Method pattern provides flexibility in object creation, allowing subclasses to choose the type of object to instantiate.

Decoupling: It decouples the client code from the object creation code, making the system more modular and easier to maintain. Through this, we achieve the Single Responsibility Principle.

Scalability: Adding new products to the system is straightforward and doesn’t require modifying existing code. Through this, we achieve the Open/Closed Principle.

Drawbacks of the Factory Method Pattern

Complexity: The Factory Method pattern can introduce additional complexity to the codebase, especially when dealing with simple object creation scenarios.

Overhead: It might lead to unnecessary subclassing and increased code size if not used appropriately.

Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Design patterns are key to solving recurring software design challenges. The Abstract Factory pattern, a creational design pattern, offers an interface to create related objects without specifying their concrete classes. It’s particularly helpful when your system needs to support various product types with shared traits but different implementations.

Here, in this section, we’ll explore the Abstract Factory pattern, its benefits, and how to implement it in Kotlin.

What is Abstract Factory Pattern?

We will look at the Abstract Factory Pattern in detail, but before that, let’s first understand one core concept: the ‘object family.

Object family

An “object family” refers to a group of related or dependent objects that are designed to work together. In the context of software design, particularly in design patterns like the Abstract Factory, an object family is a set of products that are designed to interact or collaborate with each other. Each product in this family shares a common theme, behavior, or purpose, making sure they can work seamlessly together without compatibility issues.

For example, if you’re designing a UI theme for a mobile app, you might have an object family that includes buttons, text fields, and dropdowns that all conform to a particular style (like “dark mode” or “light mode”). These objects are designed to be used together to prevent mismatching styles or interactions.

In software, preventing mismatches is crucial because inconsistencies between objects can cause bugs, user confusion, or functionality breakdowns. Design patterns like Abstract Factory help ensure that mismatched objects don’t interact, preventing unwanted behavior and making sure that all components belong to the same family.

Abstract Factory Pattern

The Abstract Factory pattern operates at a higher level of abstraction compared to the Factory Method pattern. Let me break this down in simple terms:

  1. Factory Method pattern: It provides an interface for creating an object but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. In other words, it returns one of several possible sub-classes (or concrete products). You have a single factory that produces specific instances of a class, based on some logic or criteria.
  2. Abstract Factory pattern: It goes one step higher. Instead of just returning one concrete product, it returns a whole factory (a set of related factories). These factories, in turn, are responsible for producing families of related objects. In other words, the Abstract Factory itself creates factories (or “creators”) that will eventually return specific sub-classes or concrete products.

So, the definition is:

The Abstract Factory Pattern defines an interface or abstract class for creating families of related (or dependent) objects without specifying their concrete subclasses. This means that an abstract factory allows a class to return a factory of classes. Consequently, the Abstract Factory Pattern operates at a higher level of abstraction than the Factory Method Pattern. The Abstract Factory Pattern is also known as a “kit.”

Structure of Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Abstract Factory:

  • Defines methods for creating abstract products.
  • Acts as an interface that declares methods for creating each type of product.

Concrete Factory:

  • Implements the Abstract Factory methods to create concrete products.
  • Each Concrete Factory is responsible for creating products that belong to a specific family or theme.

Abstract Product:

  • Defines an interface or abstract class for a type of product object.
  • This could be a generalization of the product that the factory will create.

Concrete Product:

  • Implements the Abstract Product interface.
  • Represents specific instances of the products that the factory will create.


  • Uses the Abstract Factory and Abstract Product interfaces to work with the products.
  • The client interacts with the factories through the abstract interfaces, so it does not need to know about the specific classes of the products it is working with.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Implementing the Abstract Factory in Kotlin

Let’s assume we’re working with a UI theme system where we have families of related components, such as buttons and checkboxes. These components can be styled differently based on a Light Theme or a Dark Theme.

Now, let’s implement a GUI theme system with DarkTheme and LightTheme using the Abstract Factory pattern.

Step 1: Define the Abstract Products

First, we’ll define interfaces for products, i.e., buttons and checkboxes, which can have different implementations for each theme.

// Abstract product: Button
interface Button {
    fun paint()

// Abstract product: Checkbox
interface Checkbox {
    fun paint()

These are abstract products that define the behaviors common to all buttons and checkboxes, regardless of the theme.

Step 2: Create Concrete Products

Next, we create concrete implementations for the DarkTheme and LightTheme variations of buttons and checkboxes.

// Concrete product for DarkTheme: DarkButton
class DarkButton : Button {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Dark Button")

// Concrete product for DarkTheme: DarkCheckbox
class DarkCheckbox : Checkbox {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Dark Checkbox")

// Concrete product for LightTheme: LightButton
class LightButton : Button {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Light Button")

// Concrete product for LightTheme: LightCheckbox
class LightCheckbox : Checkbox {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Light Checkbox")

Each product conforms to its respective interface while providing theme-specific rendering logic.

Step 3: Define Abstract Factory Interface

Now, we define the abstract factory that will create families of related objects (buttons and checkboxes).

// Abstract factory interface
interface GUIFactory {
    fun createButton(): Button
    fun createCheckbox(): Checkbox

This factory is responsible for creating theme-consistent products without knowing their concrete implementations.

Step 4: Create Concrete Factories

We now define two concrete factories that implement the GUIFactory interface for DarkTheme and LightTheme.

// Concrete factory for DarkTheme
class DarkThemeFactory : GUIFactory {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return DarkButton()

    override fun createCheckbox(): Checkbox {
        return DarkCheckbox()

// Concrete factory for LightTheme
class LightThemeFactory : GUIFactory {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return LightButton()

    override fun createCheckbox(): Checkbox {
        return LightCheckbox()

Each concrete factory creates products that belong to a specific theme (dark or light).

Step 5: Client Code

The client is agnostic about the theme being used. It interacts with the abstract factory to create theme-consistent buttons and checkboxes.

// Client code
class Application(private val factory: GUIFactory) {
    fun render() {
        val button = factory.createButton()
        val checkbox = factory.createCheckbox()

fun main() {
    // Client is configured with a concrete factory
    val darkFactory: GUIFactory = DarkThemeFactory()
    val app1 = Application(darkFactory)

    val lightFactory: GUIFactory = LightThemeFactory()
    val app2 = Application(lightFactory)

Rendering Dark Button
Rendering Dark Checkbox
Rendering Light Button
Rendering Light Checkbox

Here, in this code:

  • The client, Application, is initialized with a factory, either DarkThemeFactory or LightThemeFactory.
  • Based on the factory, it creates and renders theme-consistent buttons and checkboxes.

Real-World Examples

Suppose we have different types of banks, like a Retail Bank and a Corporate Bank. Each bank offers different types of accounts and loans:

  • Retail Bank offers Savings Accounts and Personal Loans.
  • Corporate Bank offers Business Accounts and Corporate Loans.

We want to create a system where the client (e.g., a bank application) can interact with these products without needing to know the specific classes that implement them.

Here, we’ll use the Abstract Factory Pattern to create families of related objects: bank accounts and loan products.


Abstract Products

// Abstract Product for Accounts
interface Account {
    fun getAccountType(): String

// Abstract Product for Loans
interface Loan {
    fun getLoanType(): String

Concrete Products

// Concrete Product for Retail Bank Savings Account
class RetailSavingsAccount : Account {
    override fun getAccountType(): String {
        return "Retail Savings Account"

// Concrete Product for Retail Bank Personal Loan
class RetailPersonalLoan : Loan {
    override fun getLoanType(): String {
        return "Retail Personal Loan"

// Concrete Product for Corporate Bank Business Account
class CorporateBusinessAccount : Account {
    override fun getAccountType(): String {
        return "Corporate Business Account"

// Concrete Product for Corporate Bank Corporate Loan
class CorporateLoan : Loan {
    override fun getLoanType(): String {
        return "Corporate Loan"

Abstract Factory

// Abstract Factory for creating Accounts and Loans
interface BankFactory {
    fun createAccount(): Account
    fun createLoan(): Loan

Concrete Factories

// Concrete Factory for Retail Bank
class RetailBankFactory : BankFactory {
    override fun createAccount(): Account {
        return RetailSavingsAccount()

    override fun createLoan(): Loan {
        return RetailPersonalLoan()

// Concrete Factory for Corporate Bank
class CorporateBankFactory : BankFactory {
    override fun createAccount(): Account {
        return CorporateBusinessAccount()

    override fun createLoan(): Loan {
        return CorporateLoan()


fun main() {
    // Client code that uses the abstract factory
    val retailFactory: BankFactory = RetailBankFactory()
    val corporateFactory: BankFactory = CorporateBankFactory()

    val retailAccount: Account = retailFactory.createAccount()
    val retailLoan: Loan = retailFactory.createLoan()

    val corporateAccount: Account = corporateFactory.createAccount()
    val corporateLoan: Loan = corporateFactory.createLoan()

    println("Retail Bank Account: ${retailAccount.getAccountType()}")
    println("Retail Bank Loan: ${retailLoan.getLoanType()}")

    println("Corporate Bank Account: ${corporateAccount.getAccountType()}")
    println("Corporate Bank Loan: ${corporateLoan.getLoanType()}")


Retail Bank Account: Retail Savings Account
Retail Bank Loan: Retail Personal Loan
Corporate Bank Account: Corporate Business Account
Corporate Bank Loan: Corporate Loan


  • Abstract Products (Account and Loan): Define the interfaces for the products.
  • Concrete Products: Implement these interfaces with specific types of accounts and loans for different banks.
  • Abstract Factory (BankFactory): Provides methods to create abstract products.
  • Concrete Factories (RetailBankFactory, CorporateBankFactory): Implement the factory methods to create concrete products.
  • Client: Uses the factory to obtain the products and interact with them, without knowing their specific types.

This setup allows the client to work with different types of banks and their associated products without being tightly coupled to the specific classes that implement them.

Let’s see one more, suppose you are creating a general-purpose gaming environment and want to support different types of games. Player objects interact with Obstacle objects, but the types of players and obstacles vary depending on the game you are playing. You determine the type of game by selecting a particular GameElementFactory, and then the GameEnvironment manages the setup and play of the game.


Abstract Products

// Abstract Product for Obstacle
interface Obstacle {
    fun action()

// Abstract Product for Player
interface Player {
    fun interactWith(obstacle: Obstacle)

Concrete Products

// Concrete Product for Player: Kitty
class Kitty : Player {
    override fun interactWith(obstacle: Obstacle) {
        print("Kitty has encountered a ")

// Concrete Product for Player: KungFuGuy
class KungFuGuy : Player {
    override fun interactWith(obstacle: Obstacle) {
        print("KungFuGuy now battles a ")

// Concrete Product for Obstacle: Puzzle
class Puzzle : Obstacle {
    override fun action() {

// Concrete Product for Obstacle: NastyWeapon
class NastyWeapon : Obstacle {
    override fun action() {

Abstract Factory

// Abstract Factory
interface GameElementFactory {
    fun makePlayer(): Player
    fun makeObstacle(): Obstacle

Concrete Factories

// Concrete Factory: KittiesAndPuzzles
class KittiesAndPuzzles : GameElementFactory {
    override fun makePlayer(): Player {
        return Kitty()

    override fun makeObstacle(): Obstacle {
        return Puzzle()

// Concrete Factory: KillAndDismember
class KillAndDismember : GameElementFactory {
    override fun makePlayer(): Player {
        return KungFuGuy()

    override fun makeObstacle(): Obstacle {
        return NastyWeapon()

Game Environment

// Game Environment
class GameEnvironment(private val factory: GameElementFactory) {
    private val player: Player = factory.makePlayer()
    private val obstacle: Obstacle = factory.makeObstacle()

    fun play() {

Main Function

fun main() {
    // Creating game environments with different factories
    val kittiesAndPuzzlesFactory: GameElementFactory = KittiesAndPuzzles()
    val killAndDismemberFactory: GameElementFactory = KillAndDismember()

    val game1 = GameEnvironment(kittiesAndPuzzlesFactory)
    val game2 = GameEnvironment(killAndDismemberFactory)

    println("Game 1:")
    game1.play() // Output: Kitty has encountered a Puzzle

    println("Game 2:")
    game2.play() // Output: KungFuGuy now battles a NastyWeapon


Abstract Products:

  • Obstacle and Player are interfaces that define the methods for different game elements.

Concrete Products:

  • Kitty and KungFuGuy are specific types of players.
  • Puzzle and NastyWeapon are specific types of obstacles.

Abstract Factory:

  • GameElementFactory defines the methods for creating Player and Obstacle.

Concrete Factories:

  • KittiesAndPuzzles creates a Kitty player and a Puzzle obstacle.
  • KillAndDismember creates a KungFuGuy player and a NastyWeapon obstacle.

Game Environment:

  • GameEnvironment uses the factory to create and interact with game elements.

Main Function:

  • Demonstrates how different game environments (factories) produce different combinations of players and obstacles.

This design allows for a flexible gaming environment where different types of players and obstacles can be easily swapped in and out based on the chosen factory, demonstrating the power of the Abstract Factory Pattern in managing families of related objects.

Abstract Factory Pattern in Android Development

When using a Dependency Injection framework, you might use the Abstract Factory pattern to provide different implementations of dependencies based on runtime conditions.

// Abstract Product
interface NetworkClient {
    fun makeRequest(url: String): String

// Concrete Products
class HttpNetworkClient : NetworkClient {
    override fun makeRequest(url: String): String = "HTTP Request to $url"

class HttpsNetworkClient : NetworkClient {
    override fun makeRequest(url: String): String = "HTTPS Request to $url"

// Abstract Factory 
interface NetworkClientFactory {
    fun createClient(): NetworkClient

//Concrete Factories
class HttpClientFactory : NetworkClientFactory {
    override fun createClient(): NetworkClient = HttpNetworkClient()

class HttpsClientFactory : NetworkClientFactory {
    override fun createClient(): NetworkClient = HttpsNetworkClient()

//Client code
fun main() {
    val factory: NetworkClientFactory = HttpsClientFactory() // or HttpClientFactory()

    val client: NetworkClient = factory.createClient()
    println(client.makeRequest("softaai.com")) // Output: HTTPS Request to softaai.com or HTTP Request to softaai.com

When to Use Abstract Factory?

A system must be independent of how its products are created: This means you want to decouple the creation logic from the actual usage of objects. The system will use abstract interfaces, and the concrete classes that create the objects will be hidden from the user, promoting flexibility.

A system should be configured with one of multiple families of products: If your system needs to support different product variants that are grouped into families (like different UI components for MacOS, Windows, or Linux), Abstract Factory allows you to switch between these families seamlessly without changing the underlying code.

A family of related objects must be used together: Often, products in a family are designed to work together, and mixing objects from different families could cause problems. Abstract Factory ensures that related objects (like buttons, windows, or icons in a GUI) come from the same family, preserving compatibility.

You want to reveal only interfaces of a family of products and not their implementations: This approach hides the actual implementation details, exposing only the interface. By doing so, you make the system easier to extend and maintain, as any changes to the product families won’t affect client code directly.

Abstract Factory vs Factory Method

The Factory Method pattern provides a way to create a single product, while the Abstract Factory creates families of related products. If you only need to create one type of object, the Factory Method might be sufficient. However, if you need to handle multiple related objects (like in our theme example), the Abstract Factory is more suitable.

Advantages of Abstract Factory

  • Isolation of Concrete Classes: The client interacts with factory interfaces, making it independent of concrete class implementations.
  • Consistency Among Products: The factory ensures that products from the same family are used together, preventing inconsistent states.
  • Scalability: Adding new families (themes) of products is straightforward. You only need to introduce new factories and product variants without affecting existing code.

Disadvantages of Abstract Factory

  • Complexity: As more product families and variations are introduced, the number of classes can grow substantially, leading to more maintenance complexity.
  • Rigid Structure: If new types of products are required that don’t fit the existing family structure, refactoring may be needed.

Builder Design Pattern

Creating objects with multiple parameters can get complicated, especially when some are optional or require validation. The Builder Design Pattern simplifies this by offering a flexible, structured way to construct complex objects.

Here, in this section, we’ll break down the Builder Design Pattern in Kotlin, exploring how it works, why it’s useful, and how to apply it effectively. By the end, you’ll be ready to use the Builder pattern in your Kotlin projects.

What is the Builder Design Pattern?

Some objects are complex and need to be built step-by-step (think of objects with multiple fields or components). Instead of having a single constructor that takes in many arguments (which can get confusing), the Builder pattern provides a way to build an object step-by-step. By using this approach, we can have multiple different ways to build (or “represent”) the object, but still follow the same process of construction

In simple terms, the Builder Design Pattern is like ordering a burger at a fancy burger joint. You don’t just ask for “a burger” (unless you enjoy living dangerously); instead, you customize it step by step. First, you pick your bun, then your patty, cheese, sauces, toppings—you get the idea. By the time you’re done, you’ve built your perfect burger 🍔.

Similarly, in software development, when you want to create an object, instead of passing every possible parameter into a constructor (which can be messy and error-prone), you build the object step by step in a clean and readable manner. The Builder Design Pattern helps you construct complex objects without losing your sanity.

Let’s take one more real-world example with a Car class. First, we’ll see the scenario without the Builder Pattern (also known as the Constructor Overload Nightmare).

class Car(val make: String, val model: String, val color: String, val transmission: String, val hasSunroof: Boolean, val hasBluetooth: Boolean, val hasHeatedSeats: Boolean)

Ugh, look at that. My eyes hurt just reading it. 🥲 Now, let’s fix this using the Builder Pattern (Don’t worry about the structure; we’ll look at it soon):

class Car private constructor(
    val make: String?,
    val model: String?,
    val color: String?,
    val transmission: String?,
    val hasSunroof: Boolean,
    val hasBluetooth: Boolean,
    val hasHeatedSeats: Boolean
) {
    // Builder Class Nested Inside Car Class
    class Builder {
        private var make: String? = null
        private var model: String? = null
        private var color: String? = null
        private var transmission: String? = null
        private var hasSunroof: Boolean = false
        private var hasBluetooth: Boolean = false
        private var hasHeatedSeats: Boolean = false

        fun make(make: String) = apply { this.make = make }
        fun model(model: String) = apply { this.model = model }
        fun color(color: String) = apply { this.color = color }
        fun transmission(transmission: String) = apply { this.transmission = transmission }
        fun hasSunroof(hasSunroof: Boolean) = apply { this.hasSunroof = hasSunroof }
        fun hasBluetooth(hasBluetooth: Boolean) = apply { this.hasBluetooth = hasBluetooth }
        fun hasHeatedSeats(hasHeatedSeats: Boolean) = apply { this.hasHeatedSeats = hasHeatedSeats }

        fun build(): Car {
            return Car(make, model, color, transmission, hasSunroof, hasBluetooth, hasHeatedSeats)


val myCar = Car.Builder()
    .model("Model S")
    .color("Midnight Silver")

println("I just built a car: ${myCar.make} ${myCar.model}, in ${myCar.color}, with Bluetooth: ${myCar.hasBluetooth}")

Boom! 💥 You’ve just built a car step by step, specifying only the parameters you need without cramming everything into one big constructor. Isn’t that a lot cleaner?

Technical Definition:

The Builder Pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different representations.

The Builder Design Pattern allows you to construct objects step by step, without needing to pass a hundred parameters into the constructor. It also lets you create different versions of the same object, using the same construction process. In simple terms, it separates object construction from its representation, making it more flexible and manageable.

For example, think of building a house. You have several steps: laying the foundation, building the walls, adding the roof, etc. If you change how each of these steps is done (e.g., using wood or brick for the walls), you end up with different kinds of houses. Similarly, in programming, different implementations of each step can lead to different final objects, even if the overall process is the same.

Structure of Builder Design Pattern

Here’s a breakdown of the structure of the Builder Design pattern:

  1. Product: This is the complex object that is being built. It might have several parts or features that need to be assembled. The Product class defines these features and provides methods to access or manipulate them.
  2. Builder: This is an abstract interface or class that declares the construction steps necessary to create the Product. It often includes methods to set various parts of the Product.
  3. ConcreteBuilder: This class implements the Builder interface and provides specific implementations of the construction steps. It keeps track of the current state of the product being built and assembles it step by step. Once the construction is complete, it returns the final Product.
  4. Director: The Director class is responsible for managing the construction process. It uses a Builder instance to construct the product. It controls the order of the construction steps, ensuring that the product is built in a consistent and valid way.
  5. Client: The Client is responsible for initiating the construction process. It creates a Director and a ConcreteBuilder, and then uses the Director to construct the Product through the ConcreteBuilder.

Let’s break down each component:

Builder (Interface)

The Builder interface (or abstract class) defines the methods for creating different parts of the Product. It typically includes methods like buildPartA(), buildPartB(), etc., and a method to get the final Product. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Methods:
    • buildPartA(): Defines how to build part A of the Product.
    • buildPartB(): Defines how to build part B of the Product.
    • getResult(): Returns the final Product after construction.


The ConcreteBuilder class implements the Builder interface. It provides specific implementations for the construction steps and keeps track of the current state of the Product. Once the construction is complete, it can return the constructed Product.

  • Methods:
    • buildPartA(): Implements the logic to build part A of the Product.
    • buildPartB(): Implements the logic to build part B of the Product.
    • getResult(): Returns the constructed Product.


The Director class orchestrates the construction process. It uses a Builder instance to construct the Product step by step, controlling the order of the construction steps.

  • Methods:
    • construct(): Manages the sequence of construction steps using the Builder.
    • It might also call methods like buildPartA() and buildPartB() in a specific order.


The Product represents the complex object being built. It is assembled from various parts defined by the Builder. It usually includes features or properties that were set during the building process.

Real-World Examples

Let’s say we want to build a House object. A house can be simple, luxury, or modern, with different features (like number of windows, rooms, etc.). Each of these houses requires similar steps during construction, but the outcome is different.

Key Components:

  1. Product: The object that is being built (House in this case).
  2. Builder Interface: Declares the steps to build different parts of the product.
  3. Concrete Builders: Implement the steps to build different versions of the product.
  4. Director: Controls the building process and calls the necessary steps in a sequence.

Kotlin Example: House Construction

// Product: The object that is being built
data class House(
    var foundation: String = "",
    var structure: String = "",
    var roof: String = "",
    var interior: String = ""

// Builder Interface: Declares the building steps
interface HouseBuilder {
    fun buildFoundation()
    fun buildStructure()
    fun buildRoof()
    fun buildInterior()
    fun getHouse(): House

// Concrete Builder 1: Builds a luxury house
class LuxuryHouseBuilder : HouseBuilder {
    private val house = House()

    override fun buildFoundation() {
        house.foundation = "Luxury Foundation with basement"

    override fun buildStructure() {
        house.structure = "Luxury Structure with high-quality materials"

    override fun buildRoof() {
        house.roof = "Luxury Roof with tiles"

    override fun buildInterior() {
        house.interior = "Luxury Interior with modern design"

    override fun getHouse(): House {
        return house

// Concrete Builder 2: Builds a simple house
class SimpleHouseBuilder : HouseBuilder {
    private val house = House()

    override fun buildFoundation() {
        house.foundation = "Simple Foundation"

    override fun buildStructure() {
        house.structure = "Simple Structure with basic materials"

    override fun buildRoof() {
        house.roof = "Simple Roof with asphalt shingles"

    override fun buildInterior() {
        house.interior = "Simple Interior with basic design"

    override fun getHouse(): House {
        return house

// Director: Controls the building process
class Director(private val houseBuilder: HouseBuilder) {
    fun constructHouse() {

// Client: Using the builder pattern
fun main() {
    // Construct a luxury house
    val luxuryBuilder = LuxuryHouseBuilder()
    val director = Director(luxuryBuilder)
    val luxuryHouse = luxuryBuilder.getHouse()
    println("Luxury House: $luxuryHouse")

    // Construct a simple house
    val simpleBuilder = SimpleHouseBuilder()
    val director2 = Director(simpleBuilder)
    val simpleHouse = simpleBuilder.getHouse()
    println("Simple House: $simpleHouse")


  • House (Product): Represents the object being built, with attributes like foundation, structure, roof, and interior.
  • HouseBuilder (Interface): Declares the steps required to build a house.
  • LuxuryHouseBuilder and SimpleHouseBuilder (Concrete Builders): Provide different implementations of how to construct a luxury or simple house by following the same steps.
  • Director: Orchestrates the process of building a house. It doesn’t know the details of construction but knows the sequence of steps.
  • Client: Chooses which builder to use and then delegates the construction to the director.

Let’s revisit our initial real-world example of a Car class. Let’s try to build it by following the proper structure of the Builder Design Pattern.

// Product
class Car(
    val engine: String,
    val wheels: Int,
    val color: String
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Car(engine='$engine', wheels=$wheels, color='$color')"

// Builder Interface
interface CarBuilder {
    fun buildEngine(engine: String): CarBuilder
    fun buildWheels(wheels: Int): CarBuilder
    fun buildColor(color: String): CarBuilder
    fun getResult(): Car

// ConcreteBuilder
class ConcreteCarBuilder : CarBuilder {
    private var engine: String = ""
    private var wheels: Int = 0
    private var color: String = ""

    override fun buildEngine(engine: String): CarBuilder {
        this.engine = engine
        return this

    override fun buildWheels(wheels: Int): CarBuilder {
        this.wheels = wheels
        return this

    override fun buildColor(color: String): CarBuilder {
        this.color = color
        return this

    override fun getResult(): Car {
        return Car(engine, wheels, color)

// Director
class CarDirector(private val builder: CarBuilder) {
    fun constructSportsCar() {

    fun constructFamilyCar() {

// Client
fun main() {
    val builder = ConcreteCarBuilder()
    val director = CarDirector(builder)

    val sportsCar = builder.getResult()

    val familyCar = builder.getResult()

// Output 

//Car(engine='V8', wheels=4, color='Red')
//Car(engine='V6', wheels=4, color='Blue')


  • Product: Car class represents the complex object with various parts.
  • Builder: CarBuilder interface defines methods to set different parts of the Car.
  • ConcreteBuilder: ConcreteCarBuilder provides implementations for the CarBuilder methods and assembles the Car.
  • Director: CarDirector manages the construction process and defines specific configurations.
  • Client: The main function initiates the building process by creating a ConcreteCarBuilder and a CarDirector, then constructs different types of cars.

Builder Design Pattern – Collaboration

In the Builder design pattern, the Director and Builder work together to create complex objects step by step. Here’s how their collaboration functions:

  1. Client Sets Up the Director and Builder:
    • The client (main program) creates a Director and selects a specific Builder to do the construction work.
  2. Director Gives Instructions:
    • The Director tells the Builder what part of the product to build, step by step.
  3. Builder Constructs the Product:
    • The Builder follows the instructions from the Director and adds each part to the product as it’s told to.
  4. Client Gets the Finished Product:
    • Once everything is built, the client gets the final product from the Builder.


  • Director’s Role: Manages the process, knows the order in which the parts need to be created, but not the specifics of how the parts are built.
  • Builder’s Role: Handles the construction details, assembling the product part by part as instructed by the Director.
  • Client’s Role: Initiates the process, sets up the Director with the appropriate Builder, and retrieves the completed product.

Real-World Examples in Android

In Android, the Builder Design pattern is commonly used to construct objects that require multiple parameters or a specific setup order. A classic real-world example of this is building dialogs, such as AlertDialog, or creating notifications using NotificationCompat.Builder.

AlertDialog Builder

An AlertDialog in Android is a great example of the Builder pattern. It’s used to build a dialog step by step, providing a fluent API to add buttons, set the title, message, and other properties.

val alertDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
    .setTitle("Delete Confirmation")
    .setMessage("Are you sure you want to delete this item?")
    .setPositiveButton("Yes") { dialog, which ->
        // Handle positive button click
    .setNegativeButton("No") { dialog, which ->


Here, the AlertDialog.Builder is used to construct a complex dialog. Each method (setTitle, setMessage, setPositiveButton) is called in a chained manner, and finally, create() is called to generate the final AlertDialog object.

Notification Builder Using NotificationCompat.Builder

Another common use of the Builder pattern in Android is when constructing notifications.

val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

// Create a notification channel for Android O and above
    val channel = NotificationChannel("channel_id", "Channel Name", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT)

val notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, "channel_id")
    .setContentTitle("New Message")
    .setContentText("You have a new message!")

notificationManager.notify(1, notification)

Here, the NotificationCompat.Builder allows you to create a notification step by step. You can set various attributes like the icon, title, text, and priority, and finally, call build() to create the notification object.

Builder Design Pattern vs. Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract Factory Pattern

  1. Purpose: It focuses on creating multiple related or dependent objects (often of a common family or theme) without specifying their exact classes.
  2. Object Creation Knowledge: The Abstract Factory knows ahead of time what objects it will create, and the configuration is usually predefined.
  3. Fixed Configuration: Once deployed, the configuration of the objects produced by the factory tends to remain fixed. The factory doesn’t change its set of products during runtime.

Builder Design Pattern

  1. Purpose: It focuses on constructing complex objects step by step, allowing more flexibility in the object creation process.
  2. Object Construction Knowledge: The Director (which orchestrates the Builder) knows how to construct the object but does so by using various Builders to manage different configurations.
  3. Dynamic Configuration: The Builder allows the configuration of the object to be modified during runtime, offering more flexibility. The specific configuration is chosen dynamically based on the concrete builder used during construction.

Key Differences

  • Scope: Abstract Factory deals with families of related objects, while Builder constructs a single, complex object.
  • Flexibility: Abstract Factory has a fixed set of products, while Builder allows step-by-step customization during runtime.
  • Role of Director: In the Builder pattern, the Director oversees object construction, while the Abstract Factory does not rely on a director to manage creation steps.

In short, use Abstract Factory when you need to create families of objects, and use Builder when constructing a complex object in steps is more important.

Advantages of Builder Design Pattern

  1. Encapsulates Complex Construction:
    The Builder pattern encapsulates the process of constructing complex objects, keeping the construction logic separate from the actual object logic.
  2. Supports Multi-step Object Construction:
    It allows objects to be built step-by-step, enabling greater flexibility in how an object is constructed, as opposed to a one-step factory approach.
  3. Abstracts Internal Representation:
    The internal details of the product being built are hidden from the client. The client interacts only with the builder, without worrying about the product’s internal structure.
  4. Flexible Product Implementation:
    The product implementations can be swapped without impacting the client code as long as they conform to the same abstract interface. This promotes maintainability and scalability.

Disadvantages of Builder Design Pattern

  1. Increased Code Complexity:
    Implementing the Builder pattern can lead to more classes and additional boilerplate code, which may be overkill for simpler objects that don’t require complex construction.
  2. Not Ideal for Simple Objects:
    For objects that can be constructed in a straightforward manner, using a Builder pattern might be unnecessarily complex and less efficient compared to simple constructors or factory methods.
  3. Can Lead to Large Number of Builder Methods:
    As the complexity of the object grows, the number of builder methods can increase, which might make the Builder class harder to maintain or extend.
  4. Potential for Code Duplication:
    If the construction steps are similar across various products, there could be some code duplication, especially when multiple builders are required for related products.

Prototype Design Pattern

Design patterns may sometimes seem like fancy terms reserved for architects, but they solve real problems we face in coding. One such pattern is the Prototype Design Pattern. While the name might sound futuristic, don’t worry—we’re not cloning dinosaurs. Instead, we’re making exact copies of objects, complete with all their properties, without rebuilding them from scratch every time.

Imagine how convenient it would be to duplicate objects effortlessly, just like using a cloning feature in your favorite video game. 🎮 That’s exactly what the Prototype Design Pattern offers—a smart way to streamline object creation.

Here, we’ll explore the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin, break it down with easy-to-follow examples, and show you how to clone objects like a pro. Let’s dive in!

What is the Prototype Design Pattern?

Imagine you’re making an army of robots 🦾 for world domination. You have a base robot design, but each robot should have its unique characteristics (maybe different colors, weapons, or dance moves 💃). Creating every robot from scratch seems exhausting. What if you could just make a copy, tweak the details, and deploy? That’s the Prototype Design Pattern!

The Prototype Pattern allows you to create new objects by copying existing ones (called prototypes). This approach is super useful when object creation is costly, and you want to avoid all the drama of reinitializing or setting up.


  • Purpose: To avoid the cost of creating objects from scratch.
  • How: By cloning existing objects.
  • When: Use when object creation is expensive or when we want variations of an object with minor differences.

Since we’re diving into the world of object cloning, let’s first take a good look at how it works. Think of it as learning the basics of cloning before you start creating your own army of identical robots—just to keep things interesting!

Clonning & The Clone Wars ⚔️

The core concept in the Prototype Pattern is the Cloneable interface. In many programming languages, including Java, objects that can be cloned implement this interface. The clone() method typically provides the mechanism for creating a duplicate of an object.

The Cloneable interface ensures that the class allows its objects to be cloned and defines the basic behavior for cloning. By default, this usually results in a shallow copy of the object.

Hold on! Before you start cloning like there’s no tomorrow, it’s essential to grasp the difference between shallow copies and deep copies, as they can significantly affect how your clones behave.

Shallow vs. Deep Copying

Shallow Copy: In a shallow clone, only the object itself is copied, but any references to other objects remain shared. For instance, if your object has a list or an array, only the reference to that list is copied, not the actual list elements. When we clone an object, we only copy the top-level fields. If the object contains references to other objects (like arrays or lists), those references are shared, not copied. It’s like making photocopies of a contract but using the same pen to sign all of them. Not cool.

Deep Copy: In contrast, deep cloning involves copying not just the object but also all objects that it references. All objects, including the nested ones, are fully cloned. In this case, each contract gets its own pen. Much cooler.

I’ve already written a detailed article on this topic. Please refer to it if you want to dive deeper and gain full control over the concept.

Structure of the Prototype Design Pattern

The Prototype Design Pattern consists of a few key components that work together to facilitate object cloning. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Prototype Interface: This defines the clone() method, which is responsible for cloning objects.
  2. Concrete Prototype: This class implements the Prototype interface and provides the actual logic for cloning itself.
  3. Client: The client code interacts with the prototype to create clones of existing objects, avoiding the need to instantiate new objects from scratch.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

In this typical UML diagram for the Prototype Pattern, you would see the following components:

  • Prototype (interface): Defines the contract for cloning.
  • Concrete Prototype (class): Implements the clone method to copy itself.
  • Client (class): Interacts with the prototype interface to get a cloned object.

How the Prototype Pattern Works

As we now know, the Prototype pattern consists of the following components:

  • Prototype: This is an interface or abstract class that defines a method to clone objects.
  • Concrete Prototype: These are the actual classes that implement the clone functionality. Each class is responsible for duplicating its instances.
  • Client: The client class, which creates new objects by cloning prototypes rather than calling constructors.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

Implementing Prototype Pattern in Kotlin

Let’s go through a practical example of how to implement the Prototype Design Pattern in Kotlin.

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

Kotlin has a Cloneable interface that indicates an object can be cloned, but the clone() method is not defined in Cloneable itself. Instead, you need to override the clone() method from the Java Object class in a class that implements Cloneable.

Please note that you won’t see any explicit import statement when using Cloneable and the clone() method in Kotlin. This is because both Cloneable and clone() are part of the Java standard library, which is automatically available in Kotlin without requiring explicit imports.

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Prototype

In the above code, we define the Prototype interface and inherit the Cloneable interface, which allows us to override the clone() method.

Step 2: Create Concrete Prototypes

Now, let’s create concrete implementations of the Prototype. These classes will define the actual objects we want to clone.

data class Circle(var radius: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Circle {
        return Circle(this.radius, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Circle with radius $radius and color $color")

data class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Rectangle {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Rectangle with width $width, height $height, and color $color")

Here, we have two concrete classes, Circle and Rectangle. Both classes implement the Prototype interface and override the clone() method to return a copy of themselves.

  • Circle has properties radius and color.
  • Rectangle has properties width, height, and color.

Each class has a draw() method for demonstration purposes to show the state of the object.

Step 3: Using the Prototype Pattern

Now that we have our prototype objects (Circle and Rectangle), we can clone them to create new objects.

fun main() {
    // Create an initial circle prototype
    val circle1 = Circle(5, "Red")
    circle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Red

    // Clone the circle to create a new circle
    val circle2 = circle1.clone()
    circle2.color = "Blue"  // Change the color of the cloned circle
    circle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Blue

    // Create an initial rectangle prototype
    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(10, 20, "Green")
    rectangle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 10, height 20, and color Green

    // Clone the rectangle and modify its width
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone()
    rectangle2.width = 15
    rectangle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 15, height 20, and color Green


Creating a Prototype (circle1): We create a Circle object with a radius of 5 and color "Red".

Cloning the Prototype (circle2): Instead of creating another circle object from scratch, we clone circle1 using the clone() method. We change the color of the cloned circle to "Blue" to show that it is a different object from the original one.

Creating a Rectangle Prototype: Similarly, we create a Rectangle object with a width of 10, height of 20, and color "Green".

Cloning the Rectangle (rectangle2): We then clone the rectangle and modify the width of the cloned object.

Why Use Prototype?

You might be wondering, “Why not just create new objects every time?” Here are a few good reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Some objects are expensive to create. Think of database records or UI elements with lots of configurations. Cloning is faster than rebuilding.
  2. Avoid Complexity: If creating an object involves many steps (like baking a cake), cloning helps you avoid repeating those steps.
  3. Customization: You can create a base object and clone it multiple times, tweaking each clone to suit your needs (like adding more chocolate chips to a clone of a cake).

How the pattern works in Kotlin in a more efficient and readable way

Kotlin makes the implementation of the Prototype Pattern easy and concise with its support for data classes and the copy() function. The copy function can create new instances of objects with the option to modify fields during copying.

Here’s a basic structure of the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin:

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Prototype

data class GameCharacter(val name: String, val health: Int, val level: Int): Prototype {
    override fun clone(): GameCharacter {
        return copy()  // This Kotlin function creates a clone

fun main() {
    val originalCharacter = GameCharacter(name = "Hero", health = 100, level = 1)
    // Cloning the original character
    val clonedCharacter = originalCharacter.clone()
    // Modifying the cloned character
    val modifiedCharacter = clonedCharacter.copy(name = "Hero Clone", level = 2)
    println("Original Character: $originalCharacter")
    println("Cloned Character: $clonedCharacter")
    println("Modified Character: $modifiedCharacter")


Original Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Cloned Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Modified Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero Clone, health=100, level=2)

Here, we can see how the clone method creates a new instance of GameCharacter with the same attributes as the original. The modified character shows that you can change attributes of the cloned instance without affecting the original. This illustrates the Prototype pattern’s ability to create new objects by copying existing ones.

Real-World Use Cases

Creating a Prototype for Game Characters

In a game development scenario, characters often share similar configurations with slight variations. The Prototype Pattern allows the game engine to create these variations without expensive initializations.

For instance, consider a game where you need multiple types of warriors, all with the same base stats but slightly different weapons. Instead of creating new instances from scratch, you can clone a base character and modify the weapon or other attributes.

Now, let’s dive into some Kotlin code and see how we can implement the Prototype Pattern like Kotlin rockstars! 🎸

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

We’ll start by creating an interface that all objects (robots, in this case) must implement if they want to be “cloneable.”

interface CloneablePrototype : Cloneable{
    fun clone(): CloneablePrototype

Simple, right? This CloneablePrototype interface has one job: provide a method to clone objects.

Step 2: Concrete Prototype (Meet the Robots!)

Let’s create some robots. Here’s a class for our robot soldiers:

data class Robot(
    var name: String,
    var weapon: String,
    var color: String
) : CloneablePrototype {
    override fun clone(): Robot {
        return Robot(name, weapon, color)  
        // Note: We could directly use copy() here, but for better understanding, we went with the constructor approach.
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Robot(name='$name', weapon='$weapon', color='$color')"

Here’s what’s happening:

  • We use Kotlin’s data class to make life easier (no need to manually implement equals, hashCode, or toString).
  • The clone() method returns a new Robot object with the same attributes as the current one. It’s a perfect copy—like sending a robot through a 3D printer!
  • The toString() method is overridden to give a nice string representation of the robot (for easier debugging and bragging rights).
Step 3: Let’s Build and Clone Our Robots

Let’s simulate an evil villain building an army of robot clones. 🤖

fun main() {
    // The original prototype robot
    val prototypeRobot = Robot(name = "T-1000", weapon = "Laser Gun", color = "Silver")

    // Cloning the robot
    val robotClone1 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-2000"
        color = "Black"

    val robotClone2 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-3000"
        weapon = "Rocket Launcher"

    println("Original Robot: $prototypeRobot")
    println("First Clone: $robotClone1")
    println("Second Clone: $robotClone2")


  • We start with an original prototype robot (T-1000) equipped with a laser gun and shiny silver armor.
  • Next, we clone it twice. Each time, we modify the clone slightly. One gets a name upgrade and a paint job, while the other gets an epic weapon upgrade. After all, who doesn’t want a rocket launcher?


Original Robot: Robot(name='T-1000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Silver')
First Clone: Robot(name='T-2000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Black')
Second Clone: Robot(name='T-3000', weapon='Rocket Launcher', color='Silver')

Just like that, we’ve created a robot army with minimal effort. They’re all unique, but they share the same essential blueprint. The evil mastermind can sit back, relax, and let the robots take over the world (or maybe start a dance-off).

Cloning a Shape Object in a Drawing Application

In many drawing applications like Adobe Illustrator or Figma, you can create different shapes (e.g., circles, rectangles) and duplicate them. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone these shapes without re-creating them from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Shape : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Shape

// Concrete Circle class implementing Shape
class Circle(var radius: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Circle(this.radius) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Circle(radius=$radius)"

// Concrete Rectangle class implementing Shape
class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Rectangle(width=$width, height=$height)"

fun main() {
    val circle1 = Circle(10)
    val circle2 = circle1.clone() as Circle
    println("Original Circle: $circle1")
    println("Cloned Circle: $circle2")

    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(20, 10)
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone() as Rectangle
    println("Original Rectangle: $rectangle1")
    println("Cloned Rectangle: $rectangle2")

Here, we define a Shape interface with a clone() method. The Circle and Rectangle classes implement this interface and provide their own cloning logic.

Duplicating User Preferences in a Mobile App

In mobile applications, user preferences might be complex to initialize. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone user preference objects when creating new user profiles or settings.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface UserPreferences : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): UserPreferences

// Concrete class implementing UserPreferences
class Preferences(var theme: String, var notificationEnabled: Boolean) : UserPreferences {
    override fun clone(): UserPreferences {
        return Preferences(this.theme, this.notificationEnabled) // Cloning current preferences

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Preferences(theme='$theme', notificationEnabled=$notificationEnabled)"

fun main() {
    // Original preferences
    val defaultPreferences = Preferences("Dark", true)

    // Cloning the preferences for a new user
    val user1Preferences = defaultPreferences.clone() as Preferences
    user1Preferences.theme = "Light" // Customizing for this user
    println("Original Preferences: $defaultPreferences")
    println("User 1 Preferences: $user1Preferences")

Here, the Preferences object for a user can be cloned when new users are created, allowing the same structure but with different values (like changing the theme).

Cloning Product Prototypes in an E-commerce Platform

An e-commerce platform can use the Prototype pattern to create product variants (e.g., different sizes or colors) by cloning an existing product prototype instead of creating a new product from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Product : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Product

// Concrete class implementing Product
class Item(var name: String, var price: Double, var color: String) : Product {
    override fun clone(): Product {
        return Item(this.name, this.price, this.color) // Cloning the current product

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Item(name='$name', price=$price, color='$color')"

fun main() {
    // Original product
    val originalProduct = Item("T-shirt", 19.99, "Red")

    // Cloning the product for a new variant
    val newProduct = originalProduct.clone() as Item
    newProduct.color = "Blue" // Changing color for the new variant

    println("Original Product: $originalProduct")
    println("New Product Variant: $newProduct")

In this case, an e-commerce platform can clone the original Item (product) and modify attributes such as color, without needing to rebuild the entire object.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Prototype Pattern


  • Performance optimization: It reduces the overhead of creating complex objects by reusing existing ones.
  • Simplified object creation: If the initialization of an object is costly or complex, the prototype pattern makes it easy to create new instances.
  • Dynamic customization: You can dynamically modify the cloned objects without affecting the original ones.


  • Shallow vs. Deep Copy: By default, cloning in Kotlin creates shallow copies, meaning that the objects’ properties are copied by reference. You may need to implement deep copying if you want fully independent copies of objects.
  • Implementation complexity: Implementing cloneable classes with deep copying logic can become complex, especially if the objects have many nested fields.


In the world of software development, design patterns are more than just abstract concepts; they offer practical solutions to everyday coding challenges. Creational patterns, such as the Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype, specifically address the complexities of object creation. These patterns provide structured approaches to streamline object instantiation, whether by simplifying the process of creating related objects or by allowing us to clone existing ones effortlessly.

By incorporating these creational patterns into your Kotlin projects, you can write more maintainable, scalable, and efficient code. Each pattern addresses specific problems, helping developers tackle common design issues with a structured and thoughtful approach. As you continue building applications, these design patterns will become invaluable tools in your development toolkit, empowering you to create cleaner, more adaptable software

Cloneable Interface in Kotlin

Does the Cloneable Interface Exist in Kotlin? Discover Powerful Cloning Techniques!

The Cloneable interface in Kotlin is a topic that often confuses beginners and even intermediate developers. While Kotlin is designed to be more concise and expressive than Java, it still has to work seamlessly with Java libraries and frameworks. One such interoperability concern is the Cloneable interface, which originates from Java and is used to create copies or “clones” of objects.

This blog post aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the Cloneable interface in Kotlin, including its purpose, how it works, how to implement it, and the pitfalls you need to avoid. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to use Cloneable effectively in Kotlin and why Kotlin offers better alternatives for object copying.

Introduction to Cloneable Interface

The Cloneable interface in Java and Kotlin is used to create a copy of an object. When an object implements the Cloneable interface, it is expected to provide a mechanism to create a shallow copy of itself. The interface itself is marker-like, meaning it does not declare any methods. However, it works closely with the clone() method in the Object class to create a copy.

Key Characteristics of Cloneable Interface

  • Marker Interface: The Cloneable interface does not have any methods or properties. It merely marks a class to signal that it allows cloning.
  • Involves clone() Method: Although the Cloneable interface itself doesn’t contain the clone() method, this method from the Object class is closely related to its behavior.
  • Java Legacy: The interface is part of Java’s object-oriented framework, and Kotlin retains it for Java interoperability. However, Kotlin offers more idiomatic solutions for copying objects, which we’ll cover later in this post.

Why is Cloneable Still Relevant in Kotlin?

Even though Kotlin provides idiomatic ways of handling object copying (like data classes), the Cloneable interface is still relevant because Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java. If you’re working with Java libraries, frameworks, or even legacy systems, you might need to implement or handle the Cloneable interface.

How Cloneable Works in Java vs. Kotlin

Kotlin, by design, tries to avoid some of the complexities and issues present in Java, and object cloning is one of those areas. Let’s first take a look at how cloning works in Java and then contrast it with Kotlin.

Cloneable in Java

In Java, an object implements Cloneable to indicate that it allows cloning via the clone() method. When an object is cloned, it essentially creates a new instance of the object with the same field values.

Example in Java:

public class MyJavaObject implements Cloneable {
    int field1;
    String field2;

    public MyJavaObject(int f1, String f2) {
        this.field1 = f1;
        this.field2 = f2;

    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        return super.clone();

This Java class implements Cloneable, and the clone() method calls super.clone(), which creates a shallow copy of the object.

Cloneable in Kotlin

In Kotlin, you can still use Cloneable, but it’s not idiomatic. Kotlin’s data classes offer a more natural and less error-prone way to copy objects, making the Cloneable interface mostly unnecessary for new Kotlin codebases.

Example in Kotlin:

class MyKotlinObject(var field1: Int, var field2: String) : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Any {
        return super.clone()

The Kotlin example above is functionally the same as the Java version, but this usage is generally discouraged because Kotlin provides better alternatives, such as data classes, which we’ll explore later in the post.

Please note that you won’t see any explicit import statement when using Cloneable and the clone() method in Kotlin. This is because both Cloneable and clone() are part of the Java standard library, which is automatically available in Kotlin without requiring explicit imports.

Understanding the clone() Method

The clone() method is fundamental when working with the Cloneable interface, so let’s take a closer look at how it works and what it actually does.

The Default Behavior of clone()

When an object’s clone() method is called, it uses the Object class’s clone() method by default, which performs a shallow copy of the object. This means that:

  • All primitive types (like Int, Float, etc.) are copied by value.
  • Reference types (like objects and arrays) are copied by reference.

Shallow Copy Example:

class ShallowCopyExample(val list: MutableList<String>) : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): ShallowCopyExample {
        return super.clone() as ShallowCopyExample

val original = ShallowCopyExample(mutableListOf("item1", "item2"))
val copy = original.clone()

println(original.list) // Output: [item1, item2, item3]

In the above example, because clone() performs a shallow copy, both the original and copy objects share the same list instance. Therefore, modifying the list in one object affects the other.

Why Overriding clone() Can Be Tricky

One of the key issues with clone() is that it’s easy to make mistakes when trying to implement it. The method itself throws a checked exception (CloneNotSupportedException), and it also creates only shallow copies, which might not be what you want in many scenarios.

Implementing Cloneable in Kotlin

While Kotlin doesn’t natively encourage the use of Cloneable, it is sometimes necessary to implement it due to Java interoperability. Here’s how to do it correctly.

Basic Simple Example

Here’s how you can implement a Cloneable class in Kotlin

class Person(var name: String, var age: Int) : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Person {
        return super.clone() as Person

fun main() {
    val person1 = Person("Amol", 25)
    val person2 = person1.clone()

    person2.name = "Rahul"
    println(person1.name) // Output: Amol
    println(person2.name) // Output: Rahul

In this example, person1 and person2 are two distinct objects. Changing the name property of person2 does not affect person1, because the fields are copied.

Handling Deep Copies

If your object contains mutable reference types, you may want to create a deep copy rather than a shallow one. This means creating new instances of the internal objects rather than copying their references.

Here’s how to implement a deep copy:

class Address(var city: String, var street: String) : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Address {
        return Address(city, street)

class Employee(var name: String, var address: Address) : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Employee {
        val clonedAddress = address.clone() as Address
        return Employee(name, clonedAddress)

Here, when you clone an Employee object, it will also clone the Address object, thus ensuring that the cloned employee has its own distinct copy of the address.

Shallow Copy vs. Deep Copy

The key distinction when discussing object copying is between shallow and deep copying:

Shallow Copy

  • Copies the immediate object fields, but not the objects that the fields reference.
  • If the original object contains references to other mutable objects, those references are shared between the original and the copy.

Deep Copy

  • Recursively copies all objects referenced by the original object, ensuring that no shared references exist between the original and the copy.

Here’s a simple visualization of the difference:

  • Shallow Copy:
    • Original Object → [Reference to Object X]
    • Cloned Object → [Same Reference to Object X]
  • Deep Copy:
    • Original Object → [Reference to Object X]
    • Cloned Object → [New Instance of Object X]

Cloneable vs. Data Classes for Object Duplication

One of Kotlin’s main advantages over Java is its data classes, which provide a more efficient and readable way to copy objects. Data classes automatically generate a copy() method, which can be used to create copies of objects.

Data Class Example

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun main() {
    val person1 = Person("Amol", 25)
    val person2 = person1.copy()

    println(person1) // Output: Person(name=Amol, age=25)
    println(person2) // Output: Person(name=Amol, age=25)

With data classes, you don’t need to implement Cloneable or override clone(), and Kotlin’s copy() method takes care of shallow copying for you. However, if deep copying is needed, it must be implemented manually.

Advantages of Data Classes:

  • No need for manual cloning logic.
  • Automatically generated copy() method.
  • More readable and concise.
  • Immutable by default when using val values, reducing the risks of unintended side effects.

Best Practices for Cloning in Kotlin

If you must use the Cloneable interface in Kotlin, here are some best practices:

  1. Prefer Data Classes: Use Kotlin’s data classes instead of Cloneable for built-in, safe, and readable copying mechanisms.
  2. Handle Deep Copies Manually: If deep copies are needed, manually ensure that all mutable fields are copied correctly, as copy() in Kotlin only provides shallow copying.
  3. Use the Copy Constructor Pattern: Consider providing a copy constructor or use Kotlin’s copy() method, which is safer and more idiomatic than clone().
  4. Avoid Cloneable: Minimize the use of Cloneable and handle exceptions like CloneNotSupportedException carefully if you must use it.

Alternatives to Cloneable in Kotlin

While the Cloneable interface is still usable in Kotlin, you should know that Kotlin provides better alternatives for object duplication.

Data Classes and copy()

As mentioned earlier, data classes provide a much more idiomatic way to copy objects in Kotlin. You can customize the copy() method to change specific fields while leaving others unchanged.

Manual Copying

For complex objects that require deep copies, manually implementing the copying logic is often a better option than relying on Cloneable. You can create a copy() method that explicitly handles deep copying.

Summary and Final Thoughts

The Cloneable interface is a legacy from Java that Kotlin supports primarily for Java interoperability. While it allows for shallow object copying, it is generally seen as problematic due to its reliance on the clone() method, which often requires manual intervention and exception handling.

Kotlin provides more elegant and safer alternatives for object copying, particularly through data classes, which automatically generate a copy() method. For deep copying, you can manually implement copy logic to ensure that mutable objects are correctly duplicated.

In most Kotlin applications, especially when working with data models, you should prefer using data classes for their simplicity and power. However, if you’re dealing with Java libraries or legacy code that requires Cloneable, you now have the knowledge to implement it effectively and avoid common pitfalls.

By choosing the right copying strategy, you can ensure that your Kotlin code is both clean and efficient, while avoiding the complexities associated with object cloning in Java.

Prototype Design Pattern

Prototype Design Pattern in Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide with 5 Use Cases

Design patterns can sometimes seem like fancy terms that only software architects care about. But the truth is, they solve real problems we encounter while coding. One such pattern is the Prototype Design Pattern. It might sound like something from a sci-fi movie where scientists clone people or dinosaurs—but don’t worry, we’re not cloning dinosaurs here! We’re just cloning objects.

Design patterns can be tricky to grasp at first. But imagine a world where you can create duplicates of objects, complete with all their properties, without the hassle of building them from scratch every time. Sounds cool, right? That’s exactly what the Prototype Design Pattern does—it’s like using the cloning feature for your favorite video game character. 🎮

In this blog, we’ll explore the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin, break down its key components, and have some fun with code examples. By the end, you’ll know how to clone objects like a pro (without needing to master dark magic or science fiction). Let’s jump right in!

What is the Prototype Design Pattern?

Imagine you’re making an army of robots 🦾 for world domination. You have a base robot design, but each robot should have its unique characteristics (maybe different colors, weapons, or dance moves 💃). Creating every robot from scratch seems exhausting. What if you could just make a copy, tweak the details, and deploy? That’s the Prototype Design Pattern!

The Prototype Pattern allows you to create new objects by copying existing ones (called prototypes). This approach is super useful when object creation is costly, and you want to avoid all the drama of reinitializing or setting up.


  • Purpose: To avoid the cost of creating objects from scratch.
  • How: By cloning existing objects.
  • When: Use when object creation is expensive or when we want variations of an object with minor differences.

Since we’re diving into the world of object cloning, let’s first take a good look at how it works. Think of it as learning the basics of cloning before you start creating your own army of identical robots—just to keep things interesting!

Clonning & The Clone Wars ⚔️

The core concept in the Prototype Pattern is the Cloneable interface. In many programming languages, including Java, objects that can be cloned implement this interface. The clone() method typically provides the mechanism for creating a duplicate of an object.

The Cloneable interface ensures that the class allows its objects to be cloned and defines the basic behavior for cloning. By default, this usually results in a shallow copy of the object.

Hold on! Before you start cloning like there’s no tomorrow, it’s essential to grasp the difference between shallow copies and deep copies, as they can significantly affect how your clones behave.

Shallow vs. Deep Copying

Shallow Copy: In a shallow clone, only the object itself is copied, but any references to other objects remain shared. For instance, if your object has a list or an array, only the reference to that list is copied, not the actual list elements. When we clone an object, we only copy the top-level fields. If the object contains references to other objects (like arrays or lists), those references are shared, not copied. It’s like making photocopies of a contract but using the same pen to sign all of them. Not cool.

Deep Copy: In contrast, deep cloning involves copying not just the object but also all objects that it references. All objects, including the nested ones, are fully cloned. In this case, each contract gets its own pen. Much cooler.

I’ve already written a detailed article on this topic. Please refer to it if you want to dive deeper and gain full control over the concept.

Structure of the Prototype Design Pattern

The Prototype Design Pattern consists of a few key components that work together to facilitate object cloning. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Prototype Interface: This defines the clone() method, which is responsible for cloning objects.
  2. Concrete Prototype: This class implements the Prototype interface and provides the actual logic for cloning itself.
  3. Client: The client code interacts with the prototype to create clones of existing objects, avoiding the need to instantiate new objects from scratch.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

In this typical UML diagram for the Prototype Pattern, you would see the following components:

  • Prototype (interface): Defines the contract for cloning.
  • Concrete Prototype (class): Implements the clone method to copy itself.
  • Client (class): Interacts with the prototype interface to get a cloned object.

How the Prototype Pattern Works

As we now know, the Prototype pattern consists of the following components:

  • Prototype: This is an interface or abstract class that defines a method to clone objects.
  • Concrete Prototype: These are the actual classes that implement the clone functionality. Each class is responsible for duplicating its instances.
  • Client: The client class, which creates new objects by cloning prototypes rather than calling constructors.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

Implementing Prototype Pattern in Kotlin

Let’s go through a practical example of how to implement the Prototype Design Pattern in Kotlin.

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

Kotlin has a Cloneable interface that indicates an object can be cloned, but the clone() method is not defined in Cloneable itself. Instead, you need to override the clone() method from the Java Object class in a class that implements Cloneable.

Please note that you won’t see any explicit import statement when using Cloneable and the clone() method in Kotlin. This is because both Cloneable and clone() are part of the Java standard library, which is automatically available in Kotlin without requiring explicit imports.

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Prototype

In the above code, we define the Prototype interface and inherit the Cloneable interface, which allows us to override the clone() method.

Step 2: Create Concrete Prototypes

Now, let’s create concrete implementations of the Prototype. These classes will define the actual objects we want to clone.

data class Circle(var radius: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Circle {
        return Circle(this.radius, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Circle with radius $radius and color $color")

data class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Rectangle {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Rectangle with width $width, height $height, and color $color")

Here, we have two concrete classes, Circle and Rectangle. Both classes implement the Prototype interface and override the clone() method to return a copy of themselves.

  • Circle has properties radius and color.
  • Rectangle has properties width, height, and color.

Each class has a draw() method for demonstration purposes to show the state of the object.

Step 3: Using the Prototype Pattern

Now that we have our prototype objects (Circle and Rectangle), we can clone them to create new objects.

fun main() {
    // Create an initial circle prototype
    val circle1 = Circle(5, "Red")
    circle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Red

    // Clone the circle to create a new circle
    val circle2 = circle1.clone()
    circle2.color = "Blue"  // Change the color of the cloned circle
    circle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Blue

    // Create an initial rectangle prototype
    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(10, 20, "Green")
    rectangle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 10, height 20, and color Green

    // Clone the rectangle and modify its width
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone()
    rectangle2.width = 15
    rectangle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 15, height 20, and color Green


Creating a Prototype (circle1): We create a Circle object with a radius of 5 and color "Red".

Cloning the Prototype (circle2): Instead of creating another circle object from scratch, we clone circle1 using the clone() method. We change the color of the cloned circle to "Blue" to show that it is a different object from the original one.

Creating a Rectangle Prototype: Similarly, we create a Rectangle object with a width of 10, height of 20, and color "Green".

Cloning the Rectangle (rectangle2): We then clone the rectangle and modify the width of the cloned object.

Why Use Prototype?

You might be wondering, “Why not just create new objects every time?” Here are a few good reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Some objects are expensive to create. Think of database records or UI elements with lots of configurations. Cloning is faster than rebuilding.
  2. Avoid Complexity: If creating an object involves many steps (like baking a cake), cloning helps you avoid repeating those steps.
  3. Customization: You can create a base object and clone it multiple times, tweaking each clone to suit your needs (like adding more chocolate chips to a clone of a cake).

How the pattern works in Kotlin in a more efficient and readable way

Kotlin makes the implementation of the Prototype Pattern easy and concise with its support for data classes and the copy() function. The copy function can create new instances of objects with the option to modify fields during copying.

Here’s a basic structure of the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin:

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Prototype

data class GameCharacter(val name: String, val health: Int, val level: Int): Prototype {
    override fun clone(): GameCharacter {
        return copy()  // This Kotlin function creates a clone

fun main() {
    val originalCharacter = GameCharacter(name = "Hero", health = 100, level = 1)
    // Cloning the original character
    val clonedCharacter = originalCharacter.clone()
    // Modifying the cloned character
    val modifiedCharacter = clonedCharacter.copy(name = "Hero Clone", level = 2)
    println("Original Character: $originalCharacter")
    println("Cloned Character: $clonedCharacter")
    println("Modified Character: $modifiedCharacter")


Original Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Cloned Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Modified Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero Clone, health=100, level=2)

Here, we can see how the clone method creates a new instance of GameCharacter with the same attributes as the original. The modified character shows that you can change attributes of the cloned instance without affecting the original. This illustrates the Prototype pattern’s ability to create new objects by copying existing ones.

Real-World Use Cases

Creating a Prototype for Game Characters

In a game development scenario, characters often share similar configurations with slight variations. The Prototype Pattern allows the game engine to create these variations without expensive initializations.

For instance, consider a game where you need multiple types of warriors, all with the same base stats but slightly different weapons. Instead of creating new instances from scratch, you can clone a base character and modify the weapon or other attributes.

Now, let’s dive into some Kotlin code and see how we can implement the Prototype Pattern like Kotlin rockstars! 🎸

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

We’ll start by creating an interface that all objects (robots, in this case) must implement if they want to be “cloneable.”

interface CloneablePrototype : Cloneable{
    fun clone(): CloneablePrototype

Simple, right? This CloneablePrototype interface has one job: provide a method to clone objects.

Step 2: Concrete Prototype (Meet the Robots!)

Let’s create some robots. Here’s a class for our robot soldiers:

data class Robot(
    var name: String,
    var weapon: String,
    var color: String
) : CloneablePrototype {
    override fun clone(): Robot {
        return Robot(name, weapon, color)  
        // Note: We could directly use copy() here, but for better understanding, we went with the constructor approach.
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Robot(name='$name', weapon='$weapon', color='$color')"

Here’s what’s happening:

  • We use Kotlin’s data class to make life easier (no need to manually implement equals, hashCode, or toString).
  • The clone() method returns a new Robot object with the same attributes as the current one. It’s a perfect copy—like sending a robot through a 3D printer!
  • The toString() method is overridden to give a nice string representation of the robot (for easier debugging and bragging rights).
Step 3: Let’s Build and Clone Our Robots

Let’s simulate an evil villain building an army of robot clones. 🤖

fun main() {
    // The original prototype robot
    val prototypeRobot = Robot(name = "T-1000", weapon = "Laser Gun", color = "Silver")

    // Cloning the robot
    val robotClone1 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-2000"
        color = "Black"

    val robotClone2 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-3000"
        weapon = "Rocket Launcher"

    println("Original Robot: $prototypeRobot")
    println("First Clone: $robotClone1")
    println("Second Clone: $robotClone2")


  • We start with an original prototype robot (T-1000) equipped with a laser gun and shiny silver armor.
  • Next, we clone it twice. Each time, we modify the clone slightly. One gets a name upgrade and a paint job, while the other gets an epic weapon upgrade. After all, who doesn’t want a rocket launcher?


Original Robot: Robot(name='T-1000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Silver')
First Clone: Robot(name='T-2000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Black')
Second Clone: Robot(name='T-3000', weapon='Rocket Launcher', color='Silver')

Just like that, we’ve created a robot army with minimal effort. They’re all unique, but they share the same essential blueprint. The evil mastermind can sit back, relax, and let the robots take over the world (or maybe start a dance-off).

Cloning a Shape Object in a Drawing Application

In many drawing applications like Adobe Illustrator or Figma, you can create different shapes (e.g., circles, rectangles) and duplicate them. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone these shapes without re-creating them from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Shape : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Shape

// Concrete Circle class implementing Shape
class Circle(var radius: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Circle(this.radius) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Circle(radius=$radius)"

// Concrete Rectangle class implementing Shape
class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Rectangle(width=$width, height=$height)"

fun main() {
    val circle1 = Circle(10)
    val circle2 = circle1.clone() as Circle
    println("Original Circle: $circle1")
    println("Cloned Circle: $circle2")

    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(20, 10)
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone() as Rectangle
    println("Original Rectangle: $rectangle1")
    println("Cloned Rectangle: $rectangle2")

Here, we define a Shape interface with a clone() method. The Circle and Rectangle classes implement this interface and provide their own cloning logic.

Duplicating User Preferences in a Mobile App

In mobile applications, user preferences might be complex to initialize. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone user preference objects when creating new user profiles or settings.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface UserPreferences : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): UserPreferences

// Concrete class implementing UserPreferences
class Preferences(var theme: String, var notificationEnabled: Boolean) : UserPreferences {
    override fun clone(): UserPreferences {
        return Preferences(this.theme, this.notificationEnabled) // Cloning current preferences

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Preferences(theme='$theme', notificationEnabled=$notificationEnabled)"

fun main() {
    // Original preferences
    val defaultPreferences = Preferences("Dark", true)

    // Cloning the preferences for a new user
    val user1Preferences = defaultPreferences.clone() as Preferences
    user1Preferences.theme = "Light" // Customizing for this user
    println("Original Preferences: $defaultPreferences")
    println("User 1 Preferences: $user1Preferences")

Here, the Preferences object for a user can be cloned when new users are created, allowing the same structure but with different values (like changing the theme).

Cloning Product Prototypes in an E-commerce Platform

An e-commerce platform can use the Prototype pattern to create product variants (e.g., different sizes or colors) by cloning an existing product prototype instead of creating a new product from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Product : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Product

// Concrete class implementing Product
class Item(var name: String, var price: Double, var color: String) : Product {
    override fun clone(): Product {
        return Item(this.name, this.price, this.color) // Cloning the current product

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Item(name='$name', price=$price, color='$color')"

fun main() {
    // Original product
    val originalProduct = Item("T-shirt", 19.99, "Red")

    // Cloning the product for a new variant
    val newProduct = originalProduct.clone() as Item
    newProduct.color = "Blue" // Changing color for the new variant

    println("Original Product: $originalProduct")
    println("New Product Variant: $newProduct")

In this case, an e-commerce platform can clone the original Item (product) and modify attributes such as color, without needing to rebuild the entire object.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Prototype Pattern


  • Performance optimization: It reduces the overhead of creating complex objects by reusing existing ones.
  • Simplified object creation: If the initialization of an object is costly or complex, the prototype pattern makes it easy to create new instances.
  • Dynamic customization: You can dynamically modify the cloned objects without affecting the original ones.


  • Shallow vs. Deep Copy: By default, cloning in Kotlin creates shallow copies, meaning that the objects’ properties are copied by reference. You may need to implement deep copying if you want fully independent copies of objects.
  • Implementation complexity: Implementing cloneable classes with deep copying logic can become complex, especially if the objects have many nested fields.


The Prototype Design Pattern is a fantastic way to avoid repetitive object creation, especially when those objects are complex or expensive to initialize. It’s perfect for scenarios where you need similar, but slightly different, objects (like our robots!).

So next time you need a robot army, a game character, or even a fleet of space ships, don’t reinvent the wheel—clone it! Just make sure to avoid shallow copies unless you want robots sharing the same laser gun (that could get awkward real fast).

Happy Cloning!

Feel free to share your thoughts, or if your robot clones start acting weird, you can always ask for help. 😅

Builder Design Pattern

Builder Design Pattern in Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide

In software design, managing the creation of objects that require multiple parameters can often become complicated, particularly when certain parameters are optional or when validation checks are necessary before the object is constructed. The Builder Design Pattern addresses this challenge by providing a structured and flexible approach to constructing complex objects.

In this blog, we’ll take an in-depth look at the Builder Design Pattern in Kotlin. We’ll walk through it step by step, explaining how it functions, why it’s beneficial, and how to apply it efficiently. By the conclusion, you’ll be well-equipped to use the Builder pattern in your Kotlin development projects.

What is the Builder Design Pattern?

Some objects are complex and need to be built step-by-step (think of objects with multiple fields or components). Instead of having a single constructor that takes in many arguments (which can get confusing), the Builder pattern provides a way to build an object step-by-step. By using this approach, we can have multiple different ways to build (or “represent”) the object, but still follow the same process of construction

In simple terms, the Builder Design Pattern is like ordering a burger at a fancy burger joint. You don’t just ask for “a burger” (unless you enjoy living dangerously); instead, you customize it step by step. First, you pick your bun, then your patty, cheese, sauces, toppings—you get the idea. By the time you’re done, you’ve built your perfect burger 🍔.

Similarly, in software development, when you want to create an object, instead of passing every possible parameter into a constructor (which can be messy and error-prone), you build the object step by step in a clean and readable manner. The Builder Design Pattern helps you construct complex objects without losing your sanity.

Let’s take one more real-world example with a Car class. First, we’ll see the scenario without the Builder Pattern (also known as the Constructor Overload Nightmare).

class Car(val make: String, val model: String, val color: String, val transmission: String, val hasSunroof: Boolean, val hasBluetooth: Boolean, val hasHeatedSeats: Boolean)

Ugh, look at that. My eyes hurt just reading it. 🥲 Now, let’s fix this using the Builder Pattern (Don’t worry about the structure; we’ll look at it soon):

class Car private constructor(
    val make: String?,
    val model: String?,
    val color: String?,
    val transmission: String?,
    val hasSunroof: Boolean,
    val hasBluetooth: Boolean,
    val hasHeatedSeats: Boolean
) {
    // Builder Class Nested Inside Car Class
    class Builder {
        private var make: String? = null
        private var model: String? = null
        private var color: String? = null
        private var transmission: String? = null
        private var hasSunroof: Boolean = false
        private var hasBluetooth: Boolean = false
        private var hasHeatedSeats: Boolean = false

        fun make(make: String) = apply { this.make = make }
        fun model(model: String) = apply { this.model = model }
        fun color(color: String) = apply { this.color = color }
        fun transmission(transmission: String) = apply { this.transmission = transmission }
        fun hasSunroof(hasSunroof: Boolean) = apply { this.hasSunroof = hasSunroof }
        fun hasBluetooth(hasBluetooth: Boolean) = apply { this.hasBluetooth = hasBluetooth }
        fun hasHeatedSeats(hasHeatedSeats: Boolean) = apply { this.hasHeatedSeats = hasHeatedSeats }

        fun build(): Car {
            return Car(make, model, color, transmission, hasSunroof, hasBluetooth, hasHeatedSeats)


val myCar = Car.Builder()
    .model("Model S")
    .color("Midnight Silver")

println("I just built a car: ${myCar.make} ${myCar.model}, in ${myCar.color}, with Bluetooth: ${myCar.hasBluetooth}")

Boom! 💥 You’ve just built a car step by step, specifying only the parameters you need without cramming everything into one big constructor. Isn’t that a lot cleaner?

Technical Definition:

The Builder Pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different representations.

The Builder Design Pattern allows you to construct objects step by step, without needing to pass a hundred parameters into the constructor. It also lets you create different versions of the same object, using the same construction process. In simple terms, it separates object construction from its representation, making it more flexible and manageable.

For example, think of building a house. You have several steps: laying the foundation, building the walls, adding the roof, etc. If you change how each of these steps is done (e.g., using wood or brick for the walls), you end up with different kinds of houses. Similarly, in programming, different implementations of each step can lead to different final objects, even if the overall process is the same.

Structure of Builder Design Pattern

Here’s a breakdown of the structure of the Builder Design pattern:

  1. Product: This is the complex object that is being built. It might have several parts or features that need to be assembled. The Product class defines these features and provides methods to access or manipulate them.
  2. Builder: This is an abstract interface or class that declares the construction steps necessary to create the Product. It often includes methods to set various parts of the Product.
  3. ConcreteBuilder: This class implements the Builder interface and provides specific implementations of the construction steps. It keeps track of the current state of the product being built and assembles it step by step. Once the construction is complete, it returns the final Product.
  4. Director: The Director class is responsible for managing the construction process. It uses a Builder instance to construct the product. It controls the order of the construction steps, ensuring that the product is built in a consistent and valid way.
  5. Client: The Client is responsible for initiating the construction process. It creates a Director and a ConcreteBuilder, and then uses the Director to construct the Product through the ConcreteBuilder.

Let’s break down each component:

Builder (Interface)

The Builder interface (or abstract class) defines the methods for creating different parts of the Product. It typically includes methods like buildPartA(), buildPartB(), etc., and a method to get the final Product. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Methods:
    • buildPartA(): Defines how to build part A of the Product.
    • buildPartB(): Defines how to build part B of the Product.
    • getResult(): Returns the final Product after construction.


The ConcreteBuilder class implements the Builder interface. It provides specific implementations for the construction steps and keeps track of the current state of the Product. Once the construction is complete, it can return the constructed Product.

  • Methods:
    • buildPartA(): Implements the logic to build part A of the Product.
    • buildPartB(): Implements the logic to build part B of the Product.
    • getResult(): Returns the constructed Product.


The Director class orchestrates the construction process. It uses a Builder instance to construct the Product step by step, controlling the order of the construction steps.

  • Methods:
    • construct(): Manages the sequence of construction steps using the Builder.
    • It might also call methods like buildPartA() and buildPartB() in a specific order.


The Product represents the complex object being built. It is assembled from various parts defined by the Builder. It usually includes features or properties that were set during the building process.

Real-World Examples

Let’s say we want to build a House object. A house can be simple, luxury, or modern, with different features (like number of windows, rooms, etc.). Each of these houses requires similar steps during construction, but the outcome is different.

Key Components:

  1. Product: The object that is being built (House in this case).
  2. Builder Interface: Declares the steps to build different parts of the product.
  3. Concrete Builders: Implement the steps to build different versions of the product.
  4. Director: Controls the building process and calls the necessary steps in a sequence.

Kotlin Example: House Construction

// Product: The object that is being built
data class House(
    var foundation: String = "",
    var structure: String = "",
    var roof: String = "",
    var interior: String = ""

// Builder Interface: Declares the building steps
interface HouseBuilder {
    fun buildFoundation()
    fun buildStructure()
    fun buildRoof()
    fun buildInterior()
    fun getHouse(): House

// Concrete Builder 1: Builds a luxury house
class LuxuryHouseBuilder : HouseBuilder {
    private val house = House()

    override fun buildFoundation() {
        house.foundation = "Luxury Foundation with basement"

    override fun buildStructure() {
        house.structure = "Luxury Structure with high-quality materials"

    override fun buildRoof() {
        house.roof = "Luxury Roof with tiles"

    override fun buildInterior() {
        house.interior = "Luxury Interior with modern design"

    override fun getHouse(): House {
        return house

// Concrete Builder 2: Builds a simple house
class SimpleHouseBuilder : HouseBuilder {
    private val house = House()

    override fun buildFoundation() {
        house.foundation = "Simple Foundation"

    override fun buildStructure() {
        house.structure = "Simple Structure with basic materials"

    override fun buildRoof() {
        house.roof = "Simple Roof with asphalt shingles"

    override fun buildInterior() {
        house.interior = "Simple Interior with basic design"

    override fun getHouse(): House {
        return house

// Director: Controls the building process
class Director(private val houseBuilder: HouseBuilder) {
    fun constructHouse() {

// Client: Using the builder pattern
fun main() {
    // Construct a luxury house
    val luxuryBuilder = LuxuryHouseBuilder()
    val director = Director(luxuryBuilder)
    val luxuryHouse = luxuryBuilder.getHouse()
    println("Luxury House: $luxuryHouse")

    // Construct a simple house
    val simpleBuilder = SimpleHouseBuilder()
    val director2 = Director(simpleBuilder)
    val simpleHouse = simpleBuilder.getHouse()
    println("Simple House: $simpleHouse")


  • House (Product): Represents the object being built, with attributes like foundation, structure, roof, and interior.
  • HouseBuilder (Interface): Declares the steps required to build a house.
  • LuxuryHouseBuilder and SimpleHouseBuilder (Concrete Builders): Provide different implementations of how to construct a luxury or simple house by following the same steps.
  • Director: Orchestrates the process of building a house. It doesn’t know the details of construction but knows the sequence of steps.
  • Client: Chooses which builder to use and then delegates the construction to the director.

Let’s revisit our initial real-world example of a Car class. Let’s try to build it by following the proper structure of the Builder Design Pattern.

// Product
class Car(
    val engine: String,
    val wheels: Int,
    val color: String
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Car(engine='$engine', wheels=$wheels, color='$color')"

// Builder Interface
interface CarBuilder {
    fun buildEngine(engine: String): CarBuilder
    fun buildWheels(wheels: Int): CarBuilder
    fun buildColor(color: String): CarBuilder
    fun getResult(): Car

// ConcreteBuilder
class ConcreteCarBuilder : CarBuilder {
    private var engine: String = ""
    private var wheels: Int = 0
    private var color: String = ""

    override fun buildEngine(engine: String): CarBuilder {
        this.engine = engine
        return this

    override fun buildWheels(wheels: Int): CarBuilder {
        this.wheels = wheels
        return this

    override fun buildColor(color: String): CarBuilder {
        this.color = color
        return this

    override fun getResult(): Car {
        return Car(engine, wheels, color)

// Director
class CarDirector(private val builder: CarBuilder) {
    fun constructSportsCar() {

    fun constructFamilyCar() {

// Client
fun main() {
    val builder = ConcreteCarBuilder()
    val director = CarDirector(builder)

    val sportsCar = builder.getResult()

    val familyCar = builder.getResult()

// Output 

//Car(engine='V8', wheels=4, color='Red')
//Car(engine='V6', wheels=4, color='Blue')


  • Product: Car class represents the complex object with various parts.
  • Builder: CarBuilder interface defines methods to set different parts of the Car.
  • ConcreteBuilder: ConcreteCarBuilder provides implementations for the CarBuilder methods and assembles the Car.
  • Director: CarDirector manages the construction process and defines specific configurations.
  • Client: The main function initiates the building process by creating a ConcreteCarBuilder and a CarDirector, then constructs different types of cars.

Builder Design Pattern – Collaboration

In the Builder design pattern, the Director and Builder work together to create complex objects step by step. Here’s how their collaboration functions:

  1. Client Sets Up the Director and Builder:
    • The client (main program) creates a Director and selects a specific Builder to do the construction work.
  2. Director Gives Instructions:
    • The Director tells the Builder what part of the product to build, step by step.
  3. Builder Constructs the Product:
    • The Builder follows the instructions from the Director and adds each part to the product as it’s told to.
  4. Client Gets the Finished Product:
    • Once everything is built, the client gets the final product from the Builder.


  • Director’s Role: Manages the process, knows the order in which the parts need to be created, but not the specifics of how the parts are built.
  • Builder’s Role: Handles the construction details, assembling the product part by part as instructed by the Director.
  • Client’s Role: Initiates the process, sets up the Director with the appropriate Builder, and retrieves the completed product.

Real-World Examples in Android

In Android, the Builder Design pattern is commonly used to construct objects that require multiple parameters or a specific setup order. A classic real-world example of this is building dialogs, such as AlertDialog, or creating notifications using NotificationCompat.Builder.

AlertDialog Builder

An AlertDialog in Android is a great example of the Builder pattern. It’s used to build a dialog step by step, providing a fluent API to add buttons, set the title, message, and other properties.

val alertDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
    .setTitle("Delete Confirmation")
    .setMessage("Are you sure you want to delete this item?")
    .setPositiveButton("Yes") { dialog, which ->
        // Handle positive button click
    .setNegativeButton("No") { dialog, which ->


Here, the AlertDialog.Builder is used to construct a complex dialog. Each method (setTitle, setMessage, setPositiveButton) is called in a chained manner, and finally, create() is called to generate the final AlertDialog object.

Notification Builder Using NotificationCompat.Builder

Another common use of the Builder pattern in Android is when constructing notifications.

val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

// Create a notification channel for Android O and above
    val channel = NotificationChannel("channel_id", "Channel Name", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT)

val notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, "channel_id")
    .setContentTitle("New Message")
    .setContentText("You have a new message!")

notificationManager.notify(1, notification)

Here, the NotificationCompat.Builder allows you to create a notification step by step. You can set various attributes like the icon, title, text, and priority, and finally, call build() to create the notification object.

Builder Design Pattern vs. Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract Factory Pattern

  1. Purpose: It focuses on creating multiple related or dependent objects (often of a common family or theme) without specifying their exact classes.
  2. Object Creation Knowledge: The Abstract Factory knows ahead of time what objects it will create, and the configuration is usually predefined.
  3. Fixed Configuration: Once deployed, the configuration of the objects produced by the factory tends to remain fixed. The factory doesn’t change its set of products during runtime.

Builder Design Pattern

  1. Purpose: It focuses on constructing complex objects step by step, allowing more flexibility in the object creation process.
  2. Object Construction Knowledge: The Director (which orchestrates the Builder) knows how to construct the object but does so by using various Builders to manage different configurations.
  3. Dynamic Configuration: The Builder allows the configuration of the object to be modified during runtime, offering more flexibility. The specific configuration is chosen dynamically based on the concrete builder used during construction.

Key Differences

  • Scope: Abstract Factory deals with families of related objects, while Builder constructs a single, complex object.
  • Flexibility: Abstract Factory has a fixed set of products, while Builder allows step-by-step customization during runtime.
  • Role of Director: In the Builder pattern, the Director oversees object construction, while the Abstract Factory does not rely on a director to manage creation steps.

In short, use Abstract Factory when you need to create families of objects, and use Builder when constructing a complex object in steps is more important.

Advantages of Builder Design Pattern

  1. Encapsulates Complex Construction:
    The Builder pattern encapsulates the process of constructing complex objects, keeping the construction logic separate from the actual object logic.
  2. Supports Multi-step Object Construction:
    It allows objects to be built step-by-step, enabling greater flexibility in how an object is constructed, as opposed to a one-step factory approach.
  3. Abstracts Internal Representation:
    The internal details of the product being built are hidden from the client. The client interacts only with the builder, without worrying about the product’s internal structure.
  4. Flexible Product Implementation:
    The product implementations can be swapped without impacting the client code as long as they conform to the same abstract interface. This promotes maintainability and scalability.

Disadvantages of Builder Design Pattern

  1. Increased Code Complexity:
    Implementing the Builder pattern can lead to more classes and additional boilerplate code, which may be overkill for simpler objects that don’t require complex construction.
  2. Not Ideal for Simple Objects:
    For objects that can be constructed in a straightforward manner, using a Builder pattern might be unnecessarily complex and less efficient compared to simple constructors or factory methods.
  3. Can Lead to Large Number of Builder Methods:
    As the complexity of the object grows, the number of builder methods can increase, which might make the Builder class harder to maintain or extend.
  4. Potential for Code Duplication:
    If the construction steps are similar across various products, there could be some code duplication, especially when multiple builders are required for related products.


The Builder Design Pattern in Kotlin offers a refined solution for constructing objects, particularly when working with complex structures or optional parameters. It enhances code readability and maintainability by separating the construction logic from the final object representation.

Whether you’re building cars, crafting sandwiches, or assembling pizzas (🍕), the Builder Pattern helps keep your code organized, adaptable, and less prone to mistakes.

So, the next time you face the challenges of overloaded constructors, just remember: Builders are here to help! They’ll bring sanity to your code, protect your project, and possibly even ensure you get the perfect pizza order.

Happy coding, Kotlinites! 🎉

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