
Functional Programming in Kotlin

A Deep Dive into Functional Programming in Kotlin and unleashing the Dynamic Potential

Functional programming has gained widespread popularity for its emphasis on immutability, higher-order functions, and declarative style. Kotlin, a versatile and modern programming language, seamlessly incorporates functional programming concepts, allowing developers to write concise, expressive, and maintainable code. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of functional programming in Kotlin, exploring its key features, benefits, and how it can elevate your coding experience.

What is functional programming in Kotlin?

Functional programming represents a programming paradigm, a distinctive approach to structuring programs. Its core philosophy centers around the transformation of data through expressions, emphasizing the avoidance of side effects. The term “functional” is derived from the mathematical concept of a function, distinct from subroutines, methods, or procedures, wherein a mathematical function establishes a relation between inputs and outputs, ensuring a unique output for each input. For instance, in the function f(x) = x², the input 5 consistently yields the output 25.

Ensuring predictability in function calls within a programming language involves steering clear of mutable state access. Consider the function:

fun f(x: Long): Long {
    return x * x // no access to external state

Since the function ‘f’ refrains from accessing external state, invoking ‘f(5)’ will unfailingly yield 25.

In contrast, functions like ‘g’ can exhibit varying behavior due to their reliance on mutable state:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var i = 0
    fun g(x: Long): Long {
        return x * i // accessing mutable state
    println(g(1)) // 0
    println(g(1)) // 1
    println(g(1)) // 2

The function ‘g’ depends on mutable state and produces different outcomes for the same input.

In practical applications such as Content Management Systems (CMS), shopping carts, or chat applications, where state changes are inevitable, functional programming necessitates explicit and meticulous state management. Techniques for handling state changes in a functional programming paradigm will be explored later.

Embracing a functional programming style yields several advantages:

  1. Code readability and testability: Functions free from dependencies on external mutable state are easier to comprehend and test.
  2. Strategic state and side effect management: Delimiting state manipulation to specific sections of code simplifies maintenance and refactoring.
  3. Enhanced concurrency safety: Absence of mutable state reduces or eliminates the need for locks in concurrent code, promoting safer and more natural concurrency handling.

In short, Functional programming (FP) stands in stark contrast to the traditional imperative paradigm. Instead of focusing on how to achieve a result through sequential commands, Functional programming (FP) emphasizes what the result should be and how it’s composed from pure functions. These functions are the cornerstones of Functional programming (FP), possessing three key traits:

  • Immutability: Functions don’t modify existing data but create new instances with the desired outcome. This leads to predictable and side-effect-free code.
  • Declarative: You focus on what needs to be done, not how. This removes mental overhead and fosters clarity.
  • Composability: Functions can be easily combined and reused, leading to modular and maintainable code.

Basics concepts

Let’s explore some essential FP concepts you’ll encounter in Kotlin:

  • Higher-order functions: Functions that take functions as arguments or return functions as results. Examples include mapfilter, and reduce.
  • Lambdas: Concise anonymous functions used as arguments or within expressions, enhancing code readability and expressiveness.
  • Immutable data structures: Data that cannot be directly modified, ensuring predictable behavior and facilitating concurrent access. Kotlin provides numerous immutable collections like List and Map.
  • Pattern matching: A powerful tool for handling different data structures and extracting specific values based on their type and structure.
  • Recursion: Functions that call themselves, enabling elegant solutions for repetitive tasks and data processing.

First-class and Higher-order functions

The fundamental principle of functional programming lies in first-class functions, a concept integral to languages that treat functions as any other type. In such languages, functions can be utilized as variables, parameters, returns, and even as generalized types. Higher-order functions, which use or return other functions, represent another key aspect of this paradigm.

Kotlin supports both first-class and higher-order functions, exemplified by lambda expressions. Consider the following code, where the lambda function capitalize is defined and used:

val capitalize = { str: String -> str.capitalize() }

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println(capitalize("hello world!"))

The lambda function capitalize takes a String and returns another String. This type signature, (String) -> String, is syntactic sugar for Function1<String, String>, an interface in the Kotlin standard library. Kotlin’s compiler seamlessly translates the lambda expression into a function object during compilation.

Higher-order functions allow passing functions as parameters, facilitating a more generalized approach. For instance:

fun transform(str: String, fn: (String) -> String): String {
    return fn(str)

The transform function takes a String and applies a lambda function to it. This can be further generalized for any type:

fun <T> transform(t: T, fn: (T) -> T): T {
    return fn(t)

Usage of the transform function is versatile, allowing functions, references, or even instance methods to be passed:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println(transform("kotlin", capitalize))
    println(transform("kotlin", ::reverse))
    println(transform("kotlin", MyUtils::doNothing))
    println(transform("kotlin", Transformer().::upperCased))
    println(transform("kotlin", Transformer.Companion::lowerCased))
    println(transform("kotlin") { it.substring(0..1) })
    println(transform("kotlin") { it.substring(0..1) })
    println(transform("kotlin") { str -> str.substring(0..1) })

Moreover, Kotlin’s flexibility extends to type aliases, which can replace simple interfaces. For instance, the Machine<T> interface and related code can be simplified using a type alias:

typealias Machine<T> = (T) -> Unit

fun <T> useMachine(t: T, machine: Machine<T>) {

class PrintMachine<T> : Machine<T> {
    override fun invoke(p1: T) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    useMachine(5, PrintMachine())
    useMachine(5, ::println)
    useMachine(5) { i ->

In this way, Kotlin empowers developers with expressive and concise functional programming features, promoting code readability and flexibility.

Pure functions

Pure functions, a cornerstone of functional programming, exhibit several characteristics, such as the absence of side effects, memory changes, and I/O operations. These functions boast properties like referential transparency and caching (memoization). While Kotlin allows the creation of pure functions, it doesn’t impose strict enforcement, providing developers with flexibility in choosing their programming style.

Consider the following insights into pure functions in Kotlin:

// Example of a pure function
fun add(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
    return x + y

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val result = add(3, 5)

In the above example, the add function is pure, as it solely depends on its input parameters and consistently produces the same output for the same inputs.

Kotlin, unlike some other languages, does not mandate the creation of pure functions. It affords developers the freedom to adopt a purely functional style or incorporate functional elements into their code as needed. While some argue that Kotlin isn’t a strict functional programming tool due to its lack of enforced purity, others appreciate the flexibility it offers.

The absence of enforcement doesn’t diminish Kotlin’s capacity to support functional programming. Developers can leverage Kotlin’s features to write pure functions and enjoy the benefits associated with functional programming principles, such as improved code maintainability, testability, and reasoning about program behavior.

In essence, Kotlin provides a pragmatic approach, allowing developers to strike a balance between functional and imperative programming styles based on their project requirements and preferences. This flexibility positions Kotlin as a versatile language that accommodates a spectrum of programming paradigms, including functional programming.

Recursive Functions

Recursive functions, a fundamental concept in programming, involve a function calling itself with a termination condition. Kotlin supports recursive functions, and the tailrec modifier can be used to optimize their performance. Let’s examine examples of factorial and Fibonacci functions to illustrate these concepts.

Factorial Function

Imperative Implementation
fun factorial(n: Long): Long {
    var result = 1L
    for (i in 1..n) {
        result *= i
    return result

This is a straightforward imperative implementation of the factorial function using a for loop to calculate the factorial of a given number n.

Recursive Implementation:
fun functionalFactorial(n: Long): Long {
    tailrec fun go(n: Long, acc: Long): Long {
        return if (n <= 0) {
        } else {
            go(n - 1, n * acc)
    return go(n, 1)

In the recursive version, we use an internal recursive function go that calls itself until a base condition (n <= 0) is reached. The accumulator (acc) is multiplied by n at each recursive step.

Tail-Recursive Implementation:
fun tailrecFactorial(n: Long): Long {
    tailrec fun go(n: Long, acc: Long): Long {
        return if (n <= 0) {
        } else {
            go(n - 1, n * acc)
    return go(n, 1)

The tail-recursive version is similar to the recursive one, but with the addition of the tailrec modifier. This modifier informs the compiler that the recursion is tail-recursive, allowing for optimization.

Fibonacci Function

Imperative Implementation
fun fib(n: Long): Long {
    return when (n) {
        0L -> 0
        1L -> 1
        else -> {
            var a = 0L
            var b = 1L
            var c = 0L
            for (i in 2..n) {
                c = a + b
                a = b
                b = c

This is a typical imperative implementation of the Fibonacci function using a for loop to iteratively calculate Fibonacci numbers.

Recursive Implementation
fun functionalFib(n: Long): Long {
    fun go(n: Long, prev: Long, cur: Long): Long {
        return if (n == 0L) {
        } else {
            go(n - 1, cur, prev + cur)
    return go(n, 0, 1)

The recursive version uses an internal function go that recursively calculates Fibonacci numbers. The function maintains two previous values (prev and cur) during each recursive call.

Tail-Recursive Implementation:

fun tailrecFib(n: Long): Long {
    tailrec fun go(n: Long, prev: Long, cur: Long): Long {
        return if (n == 0L) {
        } else {
            go(n - 1, cur, prev + cur)
    return go(n, 0, 1)

The tail-recursive version of the Fibonacci function, similar to the recursive one, benefits from the tailrec modifier for potential optimization.

Profiling with executionTime:

To test which implementation is faster, we can write a poor’s man profiler function:

fun executionTime(body: () -> Unit): Long {
    val startTime = System.nanoTime()
    val endTime = System.nanoTime()
    return endTime - startTime
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("factorial: " + executionTime { factorial(20) })
    println("functionalFactorial: " + executionTime { functionalFactorial(20) })
    println("tailrecFactorial: " + executionTime { tailrecFactorial(20) })

    println("fib: " + executionTime { fib(93) })
    println("functionalFib: " + executionTime { functionalFib(93) })
    println("tailrecFib: " + executionTime { tailrecFib(93) })

This main function tests the execution time of each implementation using the executionTime function. It helps compare the performance of the imperative, recursive, and tail-recursive versions of both factorial and Fibonacci functions.

These execution times represent the time taken to run each function, providing insights into their relative performance. Please note that actual execution times may vary based on the specific environment and hardware.

The output of the profiling demonstrates that tail-recursive implementations, indicated by the tailrec modifier, are generally more optimized and faster than their purely recursive counterparts. However, it’s essential to note that tail recursion doesn’t automatically make the code faster in all cases, and imperative implementations might still outperform recursive ones. The choice between recursion and tail recursion depends on the specific use case and the characteristics of the problem being solved.

Functional Collections

Functional collections encompass a set of collections designed to facilitate interaction with their elements through high-order functions. Commonly employed operations include filter, map, and fold, denoted by convention across various libraries and programming languages. Distinct from purely functional data structures, which adhere to immutability and leverage lazy evaluation, functional collections may or may not adopt these characteristics. Notably, imperative implementations of algorithms can outperform their functional counterparts.

Kotlin, for instance, boasts a robust functional collection library. Consider a List<Int> named ‘numbers’:

val numbers: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

Although initially utilizing a traditional loop to print elements may seem non-functional:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    for (i in numbers) {
        println("i = $i")

Kotlin’s functional capabilities come to the rescue with succinct lambda expressions:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    numbers.forEach { i -> println("i = $i") }

When transforming a collection, employing a MutableList<T> facilitates modification. For instance:

val numbersTwice: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
for (i in numbers) {
    numbersTwice.add(i * 2) // Now compiles successfully

Yet, this transformation can be achieved more elegantly using the ‘map’ operation:

val numbersTwice: List<Int> = numbers.map { i -> i * 2 }

Demonstrating further advantages, summing elements in a loop:

var sum = 0
for (i in numbers) {
    sum += i

Is replaced with a concise and immutable alternative:

val sum = numbers.sum()

Taking it up a notch, utilizing the ‘fold’ method for summing:

val sum = numbers.fold(0) { acc, i -> acc + i }

Where ‘fold’ maintains an accumulator and iterates over the collection, ‘reduce’ achieves a similar result:

val sum = numbers.reduce { acc, i -> acc + i }

Both ‘fold’ and ‘reduce’ have counterparts in ‘foldRight’ and ‘reduceRight,’ iterating from last to first. The choice between these methods depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

Basic Functional Collections Operations

Let’s go through the explanation and examples of functional collections in Kotlin.

Iterating with Lambda

val numbers: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Imperative loop
    for (i in numbers) {
        println("i = $i")

    // Functional approach with forEach
    numbers.forEach { i -> println("i = $i") }

n the functional approach, the forEach function is used to iterate over each element of the collection, and a lambda expression is provided to define the action to be performed on each element.

Transforming a Collection

val numbers: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Imperative transformation
    val numbersTwice: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
    for (i in numbers) {
        numbersTwice.add(i * 2)

    // Functional transformation with map
    val numbersTwiceFunctional: List<Int> = numbers.map { i -> i * 2 }

The map function is used to transform each element of the collection according to the provided lambda expression. In the functional approach, it returns a new list without modifying the original one.

Summing Elements

Using fold
val numbers: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Imperative summing
    var sum = 0
    for (i in numbers) {
        sum += i

    // Functional summing with fold
    val functionalFoldSum: Int = numbers.fold(0) { acc, i ->
        println("acc, i = $acc, $i")
        acc + i

The fold function iterates over the collection, maintaining an accumulator (acc). It takes an initial value for the accumulator and a lambda that defines the operation to be performed in each iteration. In this case, it’s used for summing the elements.

Using reduce
val numbers: List<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Functional summing with reduce
    val functionalReduceSum: Int = numbers.reduce { acc, i ->
        println("acc, i = $acc, $i")
        acc + i

The reduce function is similar to fold, but it doesn’t require an initial value for the accumulator. It starts with the first element of the collection as the initial accumulator value.

Both fold and reduce can be useful for cumulative operations over a collection, and they take a lambda that defines how the accumulation should happen.


Functional programming in Kotlin isn’t just a trend; it’s a powerful toolkit for writing reliable, maintainable, and expressive code. Functional programming in Kotlin offers a powerful paradigm shift, enabling developers to write more expressive, modular, and maintainable code. By embracing immutability, higher-order functions, lambda expressions, and other functional programming concepts, developers can leverage Kotlin’s strengths to build robust and efficient applications. As you delve into the world of functional programming in Kotlin, you’ll discover a new level of productivity and code elegance that can elevate your software development experience.

Kotlin's OOP Constructs

Mastering Kotlin’s Powerful Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) for Seamless Development Success

Kotlin, the JVM’s rising star, isn’t just known for its conciseness and elegance. It’s also a powerful object-oriented language, packing a punch with its intuitive and modern take on OOP concepts. Whether you’re a seasoned Java veteran or a curious newbie, navigating Kotlin’s object-oriented playground can be both exciting and, well, a bit daunting.

But fear not, fellow programmer! This blog takes you on a guided tour of Kotlin’s OOP constructs, breaking down each element with practical examples and clear explanations. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the heart of Kotlin’s object-oriented magic!

BTW, What is Contruct?

The term “construct” is defined as a fancy way to refer to allowed syntax within a programming language. It implies that when creating objects, defining categories, specifying relationships, and other similar tasks in the context of programming, one utilizes the permissible syntax provided by the programming language. In essence, “language constructs” are the syntactic elements or features within the language that enable developers to express various aspects of their code, such as the creation of objects, organization into categories, establishment of relationships, and more.

In simple words, Language constructs are the specific rules and structures that are permitted within a programming language to create different elements of a program. They are essentially the building blocks that programmers use to express concepts and logic in a way that the computer can understand.

Kotlin Construct

Kotlin provides a rich set of language constructs that empower developers to articulate their programs effectively. In this section, we’ll explore several of these constructs, including but not limited to: Class Definitions, Inheritance Mechanisms, Abstract Classes, Interface Implementations, Object Declarations, and Companion Objects.


Classes serve as the fundamental building blocks in Kotlin, offering a template that encapsulates state, behavior, and a specific type for instances (more details on this will be discussed later). Defining a class in Kotlin requires only a name. For instance:

class VeryBasic

While VeryBasic may not be particularly useful, it remains a valid Kotlin syntax. Despite lacking state or behavior, instances of the VeryBasic type can still be declared, as demonstrated below:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val basic: VeryBasic = VeryBasic()

In this example, the basic value is of type VeryBasic, indicating that it is an instance of the VeryBasic class. Kotlin’s type inference capability allows for a more concise declaration:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val basic = VeryBasic()

In this revised version, Kotlin infers the type of the basic variable. As a VeryBasic instance, basic inherits the state and behavior associated with the VeryBasic type, which, in this case, is none—making it a somewhat melancholic example.


As mentioned earlier, classes in Kotlin can encapsulate a state, with the class’s state being represented by properties. Let’s delve into the example of a BlueberryCupcake class:

class BlueberryCupcake {
    var flavour = "Blueberry"

Here, the BlueberryCupcake class possesses a property named flavour of type String. Instances of this class can be created and manipulated, as demonstrated in the following code snippet:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myCupcake = BlueberryCupcake()
    println("My cupcake has ${myCupcake.flavour}")

Given that the flavour property is declared as a variable, its value can be altered dynamically during runtime:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myCupcake = BlueberryCupcake()
    myCupcake.flavour = "Almond"
    println("My cupcake has ${myCupcake.flavour}")

In reality, cupcakes do not change their flavor, unless they become stale. To mirror this in code, we can declare the flavour property as a value, rendering it immutable:

class BlueberryCupcake {
    val flavour = "Blueberry"

Attempting to reassign a value to a property declared as a val results in a compilation error, as demonstrated below:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myCupcake = BlueberryCupcake()
    myCupcake.flavour = "Almond" // Compilation error: Val cannot be reassigned
    println("My cupcake has ${myCupcake.flavour}")

Now, let’s introduce a new class for almond cupcakes, the AlmondCupcake class:

class AlmondCupcake {
    val flavour = "Almond"

Interestingly, both BlueberryCupcake and AlmondCupcake share identical structures; only the internal value changes. In reality, you don’t need different baking tins for distinct cupcake flavors. Similarly, a well-designed Cupcake class can be employed for various instances:

class Cupcake(val flavour: String)

The Cupcake class features a constructor with a flavour parameter, which is assigned to the flavour property. In Kotlin, to enhance readability, you can use syntactic sugar to define it more succinctly:

class Cupcake(val flavour: String)

This streamlined syntax allows us to create several instances of the Cupcake class with different flavors:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myBlueberryCupcake = Cupcake("Blueberry")
    val myAlmondCupcake = Cupcake("Almond")
    val myCheeseCupcake = Cupcake("Cheese")
    val myCaramelCupcake = Cupcake("Caramel")

In essence, this example showcases how Kotlin’s concise syntax and flexibility in property declaration enable the creation of classes representing real-world entities with ease.


In Kotlin, a class’s behavior is defined through methods, which are technically member functions. Let’s explore an example using the Cupcake class:

class Cupcake(val flavour: String) {
    fun eat(): String {
        return "nom, nom, nom... delicious $flavour cupcake"

In this example, the eat() method is defined within the Cupcake class, and it returns a String value. To demonstrate, let’s call the eat() method:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myBlueberryCupcake = Cupcake("Blueberry")

Executing this code will produce the following output:

nom, nom, nom... delicious Blueberry cupcake

While this example may not be mind-blowing, it serves as an introduction to methods. As we progress, we’ll explore more intricate and interesting aspects of defining and utilizing methods in Kotlin.


Inheritance is a fundamental concept that involves organizing entities into groups and subgroups and also establishing relationships between them. In an inheritance hierarchy, moving up reveals more general features and behaviors, while descending highlights more specific ones. For instance, a burrito and a microprocessor are both objects, yet their purposes and uses differ significantly.

Let’s introduce a new class, Biscuit:

class Biscuit(val flavour: String) {
    fun eat(): String {
        return "nom, nom, nom... delicious $flavour biscuit"

Remarkably, this class closely resembles the Cupcake class. To address code duplication, we can refactor these classes by introducing a common superclass, BakeryGood:

open class BakeryGood(val flavour: String) {
    fun eat(): String {
        return "nom, nom, nom... delicious $flavour bakery good"

class Cupcake(flavour: String): BakeryGood(flavour)
class Biscuit(flavour: String): BakeryGood(flavour)

Here, both Cupcake and Biscuit extend BakeryGood, sharing its behavior and state. This establishes an is-a relationship, where Cupcake (and Biscuit) is a BakeryGood, and BakeryGood is the superclass.

Note the use of the open keyword to indicate that BakeryGood is designed to be extended. In Kotlin, a class must be marked as open to enable inheritance.

The process of consolidating common behaviors and states in a parent class is termed generalization. However, our initial attempt encounters unexpected results when calling the eat() method with a reference to BakeryGood:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myBlueberryCupcake: BakeryGood = Cupcake("Blueberry")

To refine this behavior, we modify the BakeryGood class to include a name() method:

open class BakeryGood(val flavour: String) {
    fun eat(): String {
        return "nom, nom, nom... delicious $flavour ${name()}"

    open fun name(): String {
        return "bakery good"

class Cupcake(flavour: String): BakeryGood(flavour) {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "cupcake"

class Biscuit(flavour: String): BakeryGood(flavour) {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "biscuit"

Now, calling the eat() method produces the expected output:

nom, nom, nom... delicious Blueberry cupcake

Here, the process of extending classes and overriding behavior in a hierarchy is called specialization. A key guideline is to place general states and behaviors at the top of the hierarchy (generalization) and specific states and behaviors in subclasses (specialization).

We can further extend subclasses, such as introducing a new Roll class:

open class Roll(flavour: String): BakeryGood(flavour) {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "roll"

class CinnamonRoll: Roll("Cinnamon")

Subclasses, like CinnamonRoll, can be extended as well, marked as open. We can also create classes with additional properties and methods, exemplified by the Donut class:

open class Donut(flavour: String, val topping: String) : BakeryGood(flavour) {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "donut with $topping topping"

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myDonut = Donut("Custard", "Powdered sugar")

This flexibility in inheritance and specialization allows for a versatile and hierarchical organization of classes in Kotlin.

Abstract classes

Up to this point, our bakery model has been progressing smoothly. However, a potential issue arises when we realize we can instantiate the BakeryGood class directly, making it too generic. To address this, we can mark BakeryGood as abstract:

abstract class BakeryGood(val flavour: String) {
    fun eat(): String {
        return "nom, nom, nom... delicious $flavour ${name()}"

    abstract fun name(): String

By marking it as abstract, we ensure that BakeryGood can’t be instantiated directly, resolving our concern. The abstract keyword denotes that the class is intended solely for extension, and it cannot be instantiated on its own.

The distinction between abstract and open lies in their instantiation capabilities. While both modifiers allow for class extension, open permits instantiation, whereas abstract does not.

Now, given that we can’t instantiate BakeryGood directly, the name() method in the class becomes less useful. Most subclasses, except for CinnamonRoll, override it. Therefore, we redefine the BakeryGood class:

abstract class BakeryGood(val flavour: String) {
    fun eat(): String {
        return "nom, nom, nom... delicious $flavour ${name()}"

    abstract fun name(): String

Here, the name() method is marked as abstract, lacking a body, only declaring its signature. Any class directly extending BakeryGood must implement (override) the name() method.

Let’s introduce a new class, Customer, representing a bakery customer:

class Customer(val name: String) {
    fun eats(food: BakeryGood) {
        println("$name is eating... ${food.eat()}")

The eats(food: BakeryGood) method accepts a BakeryGood parameter, allowing any instance of a class that extends BakeryGood, regardless of hierarchy levels. It’s important to note that we can’t instantiate BakeryGood directly.

Consider the scenario where we want a simple BakeryGood instance, like for testing purposes. An alternative approach is using an anonymous subclass:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val mario = Customer("Mario")
    mario.eats(object : BakeryGood("TEST_1") {
        override fun name(): String {
            return "TEST_2"

Here, the object keyword introduces an object expression, defining an instance of an anonymous class that extends a type. The anonymous class must override the name() method and pass a value for the BakeryGood constructor, similar to how a standard class would.

Additionally, an object expression can be used to declare values:

val food: BakeryGood = object : BakeryGood("TEST_1") {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "TEST_2"

This demonstrates how Kotlin’s flexibility with abstract classes, inheritance, and anonymous subclasses allows for a versatile and hierarchical organization of classes in a bakery scenario.


Creating hierarchies is effectively facilitated by open and abstract classes, yet their utility has limitations. In certain cases, subsets may bridge seemingly unrelated hierarchies. Take, for instance, the bipedal nature shared by birds and great apes; both belong to the categories of animals and vertebrates, despite lacking a direct relationship. To address such scenarios, Kotlin introduces interfaces as a distinct construct, recognizing that other programming languages may handle this issue differently.

While our bakery goods are commendable, their preparation involves an essential step: cooking. The existing code employs an abstract class named BakeryGood to define various baked products, accompanied by methods like eat() and bake().

abstract class BakeryGood(val flavour: String) {
    fun eat(): String {
        return "nom, nom, nom... delicious $flavour ${name()}"

    fun bake(): String {
        return "is hot here, isn't??"

    abstract fun name(): String

However, a complication arises when considering items like donuts, which are not baked but fried. One potential solution is to move the bake() method to a separate abstract class named Bakeable.

abstract class Bakeable {
    fun bake(): String {
        return "is hot here, isn't??"

By doing so, the code attempts to address the issue and introduces a class called Cupcake that extends both BakeryGood and Bakeable. Unfortunately, Kotlin imposes a restriction, allowing a class to extend only one other class at a time. This limitation prompts the need for an alternative approach.

The subsequent code explores a different strategy to resolve this limitation, emphasizing the intricate nature of class extension in Kotlin.

class Cupcake(flavour: String) : BakeryGood(flavour), Bakeable() { // Compilation error: Only one class // may appear in a supertype list
    override fun name(): String {
        return "cupcake"

The above code snippets illustrate the attempt to reconcile the challenge of combining the BakeryGood and Bakeable functionalities in a single class, highlighting the restrictions imposed by Kotlin’s class extension mechanism.

Kotlin doesn’t allow a class to extend multiple classes simultaneously. Instead, we can make Cupcake extend BakeryGood and implement the Bakeable interface:

interface Bakeable {
    fun bake(): String {
        return "It's hot here, isn't it??"

An interface named Bakeable is defined with a method bake() that returns a string. Interfaces in Kotlin define a type that specifies behavior, such as the bake() method in the Bakeable interface.

class Cupcake(flavour: String) : BakeryGood(flavour), Bakeable {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "cupcake"

A class named Cupcake is created, which extends both BakeryGood and implements the Bakeable interface. It has a method name() that returns “cupcake.”

Now, let’s highlight the similarities and differences between open/abstract classes and interfaces:


  1. Both are types with an is-a relationship.
  2. Both define behaviors through methods.
  3. Neither abstract classes nor interfaces can be instantiated directly.


  1. A class can extend just one open or abstract class but can extend many interfaces.
  2. An open/abstract class can have constructors, whereas interfaces cannot.
  3. An open/abstract class can initialize its own values, whereas an interface’s values must be initialized in the classes that implement the interface.
  4. An open class must declare methods that can be overridden as open, while an abstract class can have both open and abstract methods.
  5. In an interface, all methods are open, and a method with no implementation doesn’t need an abstract modifier.

Here’s an example demonstrating the use of an interface and an open class:

interface Fried {
    fun fry(): String

open class Donut(flavour: String, val topping: String) : BakeryGood(flavour), Fried {
    override fun fry(): String {
        return "*swimming in oil*"

    override fun name(): String {
        return "donut with $topping topping"

When choosing between an open class, an abstract class, or an interface, consider the following guidelines:

  • Use an open class when the class should be both extended and instantiated.
  • Use an abstract class when the class can’t be instantiated, a constructor is needed, or there is initialization logic (using init blocks).
  • Use an interface when multiple inheritances must be applied, and no initialization logic is needed.

It’s recommended to start with an interface for a more straightforward and modular design. Move to abstract or open classes when data initialization or constructors are required.

Finally, object expressions can also be used with interfaces:

val somethingFried = object : Fried {
    override fun fry(): String {
        return "TEST_3"

This showcases the flexibility of Kotlin’s object expressions in conjunction with interfaces.


Objects in Kotlin serve as natural singletons, meaning they naturally come as language features and not just as implementations of behavioral patterns seen in other languages. In Kotlin, every object is a singleton, presenting interesting patterns and practices, but they can also be risky if misused to maintain global state.

Object expressions are a way to create singletons, and they don’t need to extend any type. Here’s an example:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val expression = object {
        val property = ""
        fun method(): Int {
            println("from an object expression")
            return 42

    val i = "${expression.method()} ${expression.property}"

In this example, the expression value is an object that doesn’t have any specific type. Its properties and functions can be accessed as needed.

However, there is a restriction: object expressions without a type can only be used locally, inside a method, or privately, inside a class. Here’s an example demonstrating this limitation:

class Outer {
    val internal = object {
        val property = ""

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val outer = Outer()
    println(outer.internal.property) // Compilation error: Unresolved reference: property

In this case, trying to access the property value outside the Outer class results in a compilation error.

It’s important to note that while object expressions provide a convenient way to create singletons, their use should be considered carefully. They are especially useful for coordinating actions across the system, but if misused to maintain global state, they can lead to potential issues. Careful consideration of the design and scope of objects in Kotlin is crucial to avoid unintended consequences.

Object Declaration

An object declaration is a way to create a named singleton:

object Oven {
    fun process(product: Bakeable) {

In this example, Oven is a named singleton. It’s a singleton because there’s only one instance of Oven, and it’s named as an object declaration. You don’t need to instantiate Oven to use it.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myAlmondCupcake = Cupcake("Almond")

Here, an instance of the Cupcake class is created, and the Oven.process method is called to process the myAlmondCupcake. Objects, being singletons, allow you to access their methods directly without instantiation.

Objects Extending Other Types

Objects can also extend other types, such as interfaces:

interface Oven {
    fun process(product: Bakeable)

object ElectricOven : Oven {
    override fun process(product: Bakeable) {

In this case, ElectricOven is an object that extends the Oven interface. It provides an implementation for the process method defined in the Oven interface.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myAlmondCupcake = Cupcake("Almond")

Here, an instance of Cupcake is created, and the ElectricOven.process method is called to process the myAlmondCupcake.

In short, object declarations are a powerful feature in Kotlin, allowing the creation of singletons with or without names. They provide a clean and concise way to encapsulate functionality and state, making code more modular and maintainable.

Companion objects

Objects declared inside a class/interface and marked as companion object are called companion objects. They are associated with the class/interface and can be used to define methods or properties that are related to the class as a whole.

class Cupcake(flavour: String) : BakeryGood(flavour), Bakeable {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "cupcake"

    companion object {
        fun almond(): Cupcake {
            return Cupcake("almond")

        fun cheese(): Cupcake {
            return Cupcake("cheese")

In this example, the Cupcake class has a companion object with two methods: almond() and cheese(). These methods can be called directly using the class name without instantiating the class.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myBlueberryCupcake: BakeryGood = Cupcake("Blueberry")
    val myAlmondCupcake = Cupcake.almond()
    val myCheeseCupcake = Cupcake.cheese()
    val myCaramelCupcake = Cupcake("Caramel")

Here, various instances of Cupcake are created using the companion object’s methods. Note that Cupcake.almond() and Cupcake.cheese() can be called without creating an instance of the Cupcake class.

Limitation on Usage from Instances

Companion object’s methods can’t be used from instances:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myAlmondCupcake = Cupcake.almond()
    val myCheeseCupcake = myAlmondCupcake.cheese() // Compilation error: Unresolved reference: cheese

In this example, attempting to call cheese() on an instance of Cupcake results in a compilation error. Companion object’s methods are meant to be called directly on the class, not on instances.

Using Companion Objects Outside the Class

Companion objects can be used outside the class as values with the name Companion:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val factory: Cupcake.Companion = Cupcake.Companion

Here, Cupcake.Companion is used as a value. It’s a way to reference the companion object outside the class.

Named Companion Objects

A companion object can also have a name:

class Cupcake(flavour: String) : BakeryGood(flavour), Bakeable {
    override fun name(): String {
        return "cupcake"

    companion object Factory {
        fun almond(): Cupcake {
            return Cupcake("almond")

        fun cheese(): Cupcake {
            return Cupcake("cheese")

Now, the companion object has a name, Factory. This allows for a more structured and readable organization of companion objects.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val factory: Cupcake.Factory = Cupcake.Factory

Here, Cupcake.Factory is used as a value, referencing the named companion object.

Usage Without a Name

Companion objects can also be used without a name:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val factory: Cupcake.Factory = Cupcake

In this example, Cupcake without parentheses refers to the companion object itself. This usage is equivalent to Cupcake.Factory and can be seen as a shorthand syntax.

Don’t be confused by this syntax. The Cupcake value without parenthesis is the companion object; Cupcake() is an instance.


Kotlin’s support for object-oriented programming constructs empowers developers to build robust, modular, and maintainable code. With features like concise syntax, interoperability with Java, and modern language features, Kotlin continues to be a top choice for developers working on a wide range of projects, from mobile development to backend services. As we’ve explored in this guide, Kotlin’s OOP constructs provide a solid foundation for creating efficient and scalable applications.Kotlin’s language constructs are more than just features; they’re a philosophy. They encourage conciseness, expressiveness, and safety, making your code a joy to write. So, take your first step into the Kotlin world, and prepare to be amazed by its magic!

basic kotlin syntax

Kotlin Syntax: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples and Explanations

Kotlin, a modern and concise programming language, has captivated developers worldwide with its expressive nature and powerful features. For developers familiar with C-style syntax languages, like Java, C#, or Scala, Kotlin’s syntax will feel like a comfortable homecoming. While it shares many similarities with its predecessors, Kotlin introduces unique features that make it concise, expressive, and enjoyable to work with. But as a budding Kotlin enthusiast, understanding the basic syntax is crucial to unlock its potential. This article delves into the fundamental building blocks of Kotlin, empowering you to write your first program and embark on your coding journey.

Program Entry Point: The Mighty main() Function

Every Kotlin program starts with the main() function, serving as the entry point for execution. This function acts as the stage for your code to come alive. It’s declared with the keyword fun followed by the function name (main) and parentheses. Here’s a simple “Hello World” example:

fun main() {
    println("Hello, World!")

To display information on the console, we use the println() function. It takes any string as an argument and prints it to the console followed by a newline character. In the above example, println("Hello, world!") prints the desired message.

Variables and Data Types

Kotlin is a statically-typed language, which means variable types are known at compile time. Variables can be declared using the val (immutable/read-only) or var (mutable) keyword.

fun main() {
    // Immutable variable
    val message: String = "Hello, Kotlin!"

    // Mutable variable
    var count: Int = 42

    println("Count: $count")
  • val message: String: Declares an immutable variable named message of type String. Once assigned, its value cannot be changed.
  • var count: Int: Declares a mutable variable named count of type Int. It can be reassigned with a new value.
  • String Interpolation ($count): Allows embedding variables directly within strings. We will discuss it in detail next.

Kotlin offers several built-in data types for representing different kinds of information. Some commonly used types include:

  • Numbers: Integer (Int), Long (Long), Double (Double), etc.
  • Strings: Sequences of characters (String)
  • Booleans: True or False (Boolean)
  • Characters: Single characters (Char)

In Kotlin, all data types are represented as objects, and there are no primitive data types like in some other programming languages (e.g., Java).

String Magic: Concatenation and Interpolation

Kotlin offers two powerful tools for manipulating strings: concatenation and interpolation. Both methods allow you to join multiple strings or insert values into them, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

String Concatenation

Familiar friend: The + operator facilitates string concatenation, much like in Java and other C-style languages.

val temperature = 12
println("Current temperature: " + temperature + " Celsius degrees")
  • Drawbacks: Can be cumbersome for complex expressions and leads to repetitive string creation.

String Interpolation

Elegant and concise: Offers a more natural and expressive way to combine strings with values.

Utilizes the dollar sign ($):

  • Simple values: Place the variable name directly after $ without any space. Kotlin provides a more concise and expressive way to perform string concatenation through string interpolation. With string interpolation, you can embed variables directly within strings by using the dollar symbol ($) followed by the variable name.
val temperature = 12
println("Current temperature: $temperature Celsius degrees")
  • Complex expressions: Enclose the expression in curly braces ({ }). String interpolation is particularly useful when dealing with more complex expressions. You can include simple calculations directly within the string by enclosing them in curly braces preceded by the dollar symbol.
val temperature = 12
println("Temperature for tonight: ${temperature - 4} Celsius degrees")

This allows for dynamic content within the string, making it a powerful tool for creating informative and flexible output. For situations requiring even more complexity, the dollar symbol with braces (${...}) provides a flexible way to include arbitrary expressions and computations directly within your strings.

  • Increased readability: Simplifies string construction and improves code clarity.
  • Reduced verbosity: Eliminates repetitive string creation, leading to cleaner code.
  • Enhanced expressiveness: Allows embedding complex expressions directly within strings.

Beyond the Basics: String Templates and Raw Strings

Kotlin offers powerful features beyond simple string concatenation and interpolation. Let’s explore two advanced techniques: string templates and raw strings.

String Templates

String templates allow you to create multi-line strings with embedded expressions for complex formatting. This eliminates the need for string concatenation and simplifies formatting code.

val name = "Amol Pawar"
val age = 30
val job = "Software Engineer"

val template = """
Name: $name
Age: $age
Job: $job

He is a $job with $age years of experience.

  • Enhanced readability: Improves code clarity and organization.
  • Reduced code duplication: Eliminates the need for repetitive string creation.
  • Flexible formatting: Supports multi-line strings and complex expression embedding.

Raw Strings

Raw strings are represented by triple quotes (""") and allow you to include escape characters without interpretation. This is particularly useful when dealing with paths, regular expressions, and other situations requiring literal interpretation of escape characters.

val path = """C:\Users\softAai\Documents\myfile.txt"""

val regex = Regex("\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}")
  • Literal interpretation: Prevents escape characters from being interpreted.
  • Improved clarity: Makes code more readable and easier to maintain.
  • Increased safety: Reduces the risk of errors related to escape character interpretation.

String templates and raw strings can be combined to build sophisticated string manipulation logic. For example, you can create a multi-line template containing raw string literals with embedded expressions for complex formatting tasks.

Control Structures in Kotlin: Take Control of Your Code

Control structures are the building blocks of any programming language, and Kotlin offers a variety of powerful options to manage the flow of your code. This blog post dives into the four basic control structures in Kotlin: if, when, for, and while, providing clear explanations and examples to help you master their use.

if Expression: Conditional Logic Made Easy

The if expression is the most fundamental control structure, allowing you to execute code based on a boolean condition. Kotlin’s if syntax is similar to other C-style languages, but it offers a unique twist: it’s an expression, meaning it can return a value.

if (2 > 1) {
    println("2 is greater than 1")
} else {
    println("This never gonna happen")

This code snippet checks if 2 is greater than 1. If it is, the code inside the if block is executed. Otherwise, the code inside the else block is executed.

But it gets even better! In Kotlin, you can also use if expressions within other expressions, making your code more concise and readable. For example:

val message = if (2 > 1) {
    "2 is greater than 1"
} else {
    "This never gonna happen"

This code snippet assigns the value of the if expression to the message variable. This allows you to use the result of the conditional logic within other parts of your code.

And for those times when you need a one-liner, Kotlin has you covered! You can use a single line to write your if expression:

println(if(2 > 1) "2 is greater than 1" else "This never gonna happen")

when Expression: More Than Just a Switch

Unlike other C-style languages, Kotlin doesn’t have a traditional switch statement. Instead, it offers the when expression, which is much more versatile. The when expression allows you to match values against multiple conditions and execute different code blocks accordingly.

Here’s an example of a when expression:

val x: Int = // Some unknown value here
when (x) {
    0 -> println("x is zero")
    1, 2 -> println("x is 1 or 2")
    in 3..5 -> println("x is between 3 and 5")
    else -> println("x is bigger than 5... or maybe is negative...")

This code snippet checks the value of the variable x and prints different messages based on its value.

Just like if, the when expression can also be used within other expressions:

val message = when {
    2 > 1 -> "2 is greater than 1"
    else -> "This never gonna happen"

This code snippet uses a when expression to assign a value to the message variable based on the boolean condition.

And for those times when you need to replace a nested if expression, the when expression comes in handy:

when {
    x > 10 -> println("x is greater than 10")
    x > 5 -> println("x is between 5 and 10")
    else -> println("x is less than or equal to 5")

This code snippet uses a when expression to avoid nested if statements, making the code more concise and readable.

for Loop: Repetitive Tasks Made Simple

The for loop allows you to iterate over a sequence of elements, executing a block of code for each element. This is useful for tasks that need to be repeated multiple times, such as printing elements of a list or summing up the values in an array.

Here’s an example of a for loop iterating over a range:

for(i in 1..10) { // range
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates over the range of numbers from 1 to 10 (inclusive) and prints each value.

Kotlin also allows you to iterate over collections using the for loop:

val names = listOf("John", "Jane", "Mary")
for (name in names) {
    println("Hello, $name!")

This code snippet iterates over the names list and prints a greeting message for each name.

Ranges in Kotlin

Ranges are a powerful and versatile tool in Kotlin, allowing you to represent and manipulate sequences of values concisely and efficiently. Here we will delve into the various aspects of ranges, providing a thorough understanding of their creation, usage, and related functionalities.

Creating Ranges

There are two main ways to create ranges in Kotlin:

Inclusive Range: The .. operator defines an inclusive range from a starting value to an ending value.

val numbers = 1..10 // Creates a range from 1 to 10 (inclusive)

Exclusive Range: We will use until to define exclusive range, where the ending value is not included.

val exclusiveRange = 1 until 5
// Represents the range [1, 2, 3, 4]
Using Ranges

Iteration: Ranges are commonly used in loops for iteration.

for (i in 1..5) {
// Prints: 1 2 3 4 5

Checking Inclusion: You can check if a value is within a range.

val range = 10..20
val value = 15
if (value in range) {
    println("$value is in the range.")
// Prints: 15 is in the range.

Progression: Ranges support progression with steps.

 val progression = 1..10 step 2
// Represents the range [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

Functions and Properties

Kotlin’s standard library provides several functions and properties related to ranges.

  • isEmpty: Checks if the range is empty.
  • first: Returns the first element of the range.
  • last: Returns the last element of the range.
  • size: Returns the size of the range (number of elements).
  • step: Specifies the step (increment) between elements in the range.
val stepRange = 1..10 step 2
  • contains: Checks if a specific element is within the range.
  • reversed: Returns a reversed version of the range.
  • step: Returns the step value of the range.
  • iterator: Returns an iterator that allows iterating over the elements of the range.
  • forEach: Executes a block of code for each element in the range.

rangeTo() Function: The rangeTo() function is used to create a range.

val myRange = 1.rangeTo(5)

downTo()nction: Creates a range in descending order.

val descendingRange = 5.downTo(1)

reversed() Function: Reverses the order of elements in the range.

val reversedRange = 5..1 step 2
val reversedList = reversedRange.reversed()
// Represents the range [5, 3, 1] and the list [5, 3, 1]

while and do Loops: Conditional Execution with Flexibility

Both while and do-while loops allow you to execute code repeatedly based on a condition. However, they differ in the way they check the condition:

  • while loop: The condition is checked before each iteration. If the condition is true, the loop body is executed. If the condition is false, the loop exits.
  • do-while loop: The condition is checked after each iteration. This means that the loop body will always be executed at least once.

Here’s an example of a while loop:

var i = 1
while (i <= 10) {
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates from 1 to 10 and prints each value. The loop continues as long as the variable i is less than or equal to 10.

Here’s an example of a do-while loop:

do {
    println("i = $i")
} while (i > 0)

This code snippet iterates backwards from 10 to 1 and prints each value. The loop continues as long as the variable i is greater than 0.

Conditional Execution within Loops

While both while and do-while loops check conditions at specific points, you can also use conditional statements inside the loop body to achieve more complex control flow.

For example, you can use a break statement to exit the loop early if a certain condition is met:

for (i in 1..10) {
    if (i == 5) {
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates from 1 to 10, but it will only print the values up to 5 because the loop is exited when i reaches 5.

Similarly, you can use a continue statement to skip the remaining code in the current iteration and move on to the next iteration:

forComments in Kotlin (i in 1..10) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates from 1 to 10, but it will only print the odd numbers because the loop skips any iteration where i is an even number.

Using these conditional statements within loops allows you to tailor the execution of your code based on specific conditions, making your programs more efficient and flexible.

Comments in Kotlin: Concisely Explained

In Kotlin, you can include both single-line and block comments to enhance code readability and provide explanations. Single-line comments are created using a double slash (//), and block comments use a slash and asterisk to open the block (/*) and an asterisk and slash to close it (*/).

Here’s an example of single-line comments:

// This is a single line comment
println("Hello, World!") // This is a single line comment too, after valid code

Single-line comments are ideal for brief explanations on the same line as the code they are referencing.

For more extensive comments that span multiple lines, you can use block comments:

This is a multi-line comment,
Roses are red
... and I forgot the rest
println(/*block comments can be inside valid code*/ "Hello, World!")

Block comments are useful when you need to provide detailed explanations or temporarily disable a block of code.

In both cases, comments contribute to code documentation and understanding. Use comments judiciously to clarify complex logic, document important decisions, or make notes for future reference.


In conclusion, Kotlin’s modern and concise nature, coupled with its C-style syntax, makes it a developer-friendly language. From the basics of “Hello World” to advanced string manipulation and control structures, this article provides a comprehensive overview.

Kotlin’s statically typed variables (val and var) offer flexibility, while string interpolation simplifies string handling. Advanced techniques like string templates and raw strings further enhance readability and code organization.

Exploring control structures— if, when, for, and while—reveals Kotlin’s expressive power. With concise syntax and illustrative examples, developers can efficiently manage code flow.

Mastering these Kotlin fundamentals sets the stage for diving into more complex features. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a coding enthusiast, Kotlin’s blend of familiarity and innovation promises an enjoyable coding journey. Armed with this knowledge, venture into the world of Kotlin programming and bring your ideas to life!

Kotlin DSL

Elevate Your Skills: Unlock Kotlin DSL Proficiency and Mastering Kotlin DSL for Peak Performance in Domain-Specific Languages

Kotlin, an impressive and modern programming language, has rapidly gained popularity in the developer community since its release. One of its standout features is the ability to create Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), which are specialized programming languages tailored to solve specific problems within particular domains. In this blog, we will delve into Kotlin DSLs in detail, exploring what they are, how they work, and why they are so beneficial. By the end, you’ll be equipped with a solid understanding of Kotlin DSLs and how to leverage them effectively in your projects.

At its core, the focus here is on designing expressive and idiomatic APIs using domain-specific languages (DSLs) in Kotlin. We will highlight the differences between traditional APIs and DSL-style APIs, emphasizing the advantages of using DSLs. Kotlin’s DSL design relies on two important language features:

  1. Lambdas with Receivers: Lambdas with receivers enable you to create a DSL structure by changing the name-resolution rules within code blocks. This allows for a more natural and concise syntax when working with DSLs, making the code more readable and expressive.
  2. Invoke Convention: The invoke convention is a powerful feature introduced in Kotlin. It enhances the flexibility of combining lambdas and property assignments in DSL code. The invoke convention allows you to call an object as if it were a function, making the code more intuitive and fluent.

Throughout the article, we will explore these language features in detail, explaining how they contribute to creating powerful and user-friendly DSLs. Moreover, we will demonstrate practical use cases of DSL-style APIs in various domains, including:

  1. Database Access: Simplify database interactions by crafting a DSL for database queries and transactions.
  2. HTML Generation: Build dynamic HTML content using a DSL to create templates and components.
  3. Testing: Create DSLs for writing concise and expressive test cases.
  4. Build Scripts: Design build scripts with a DSL that enhances readability and maintainability.
  5. Android UI Layouts: Develop DSLs to define Android UI layouts efficiently.

By the end of this article, you will have a strong grasp of Kotlin DSLs and be ready to leverage them in your projects. The combination of lambdas with receivers and the invoke convention will provide you with a powerful toolkit to design DSLs that are both intuitive and efficient. Building expressive and readable APIs in Kotlin will become second nature to you, enabling you to tackle various tasks with ease.

So, let’s start the journey of Kotlin DSLs, a thrilling adventure that will unlock the power of expressive APIs!

From APIs to DSLs

Before we delve into DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages), let’s first understand the problem we aim to solve. Our ultimate goal is to create code that is easy to read and maintain. To achieve this, we must not only focus on individual classes but also consider how these classes interact with one another, which means examining their APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

The API of a class is like a contract that defines how other classes can communicate and work with it. Creating well-designed APIs is crucial not only for library authors but for every developer. Just like a library provides an interface for its usage, each class within an application offers ways for other classes to interact with it.

Ensuring that these interactions are easy to understand and expressed clearly is vital for maintaining a project over time. By prioritizing good API design, we can contribute to the overall readability and maintainability of our codebase.

Kotlin has various features that help create clean APIs for classes. But what does it mean for an API to be clean? There are two main aspects to it:

  1. Clarity: A clean API should make it easy for readers to understand what’s happening in the code. This is achieved through well-chosen names and concepts, which is crucial in any programming language.
  2. Conciseness: The code should look clean and straightforward, avoiding unnecessary syntax and boilerplate. This blog’s primary focus is on achieving this aspect of cleanliness. In fact, a clean API can even appear as if it’s a built-in feature of the language itself.

Kotlin provides several features that empower developers to design clean APIs. Some examples of these features include extension functions, infix calls (which enable a more natural and readable syntax for certain operations), shortcuts in lambda syntax (making lambda expressions more concise), and operator overloading (allowing operators to be used with custom types).

The below table shows how these features help reduce the amount of syntactic noise in the code.

Kotlin support for clean syntax

By leveraging these features effectively, developers can create APIs that are not only clear but also elegant and concise.

In this article, we will explore Kotlin’s support for constructing DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages). DSLs in Kotlin take advantage of the clean-syntax features we discussed earlier and go a step further by allowing you to create structured code using multiple method calls. This makes DSLs even more expressive and enjoyable to work with compared to APIs constructed solely with individual method calls.

An essential point to note is that Kotlin DSLs are fully statically typed, which means all the benefits of static typing, like catching errors at compile-time and improved IDE support, still apply when you use DSL patterns for your APIs.

To give you a quick preview of what Kotlin DSLs can achieve, consider these examples:

  1. To get the previous day, you can write:
val yesterday = 1.days.ago

2. For generating an HTML table, you can use a function like this:

fun createSimpleTable() = createHTML().table {
    tr {
        td { +"cell" }

Throughout the article, we will explore how these examples are built and understand the concepts behind DSLs. But before we dive into the details, let’s first explore what DSLs actually are in programming.

The concept of domain-specific languages

The concept of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) has been around for a long time, dating back almost as far as the idea of programming languages itself. When discussing DSLs, we distinguish between two types of languages:

  1. General-Purpose Programming Language: This type of language is designed to have a comprehensive set of capabilities, allowing it to solve virtually any problem that can be addressed with a computer. Examples of general-purpose programming languages include Java, Python, and C++.
  2. Domain-Specific Language: In contrast, a DSL is tailored to focus on a specific task or domain. It deliberately omits functionality that is irrelevant to that particular domain, which makes it more efficient and concise for tasks within its specialized scope.

Two well-known examples of DSLs are SQL (Structured Query Language) and regular expressions. SQL is excellent for working with databases, while regular expressions are designed for manipulating text strings. However, these DSLs are not suitable for building entire applications; they excel at their specific tasks but are limited when it comes to broader programming needs.

The strength of DSLs lies in their ability to effectively accomplish their objectives by reducing the set of available functionality. For instance, when writing SQL statements, you don’t start by declaring classes or functions. Instead, you begin with a keyword that specifies the type of operation you want to perform, and each operation has its own distinct syntax and set of keywords specific to its task.

Similarly, with regular expressions, you directly describe the text pattern you want to match using compact punctuation syntax, making it very concise compared to equivalent code in a general-purpose language.

An essential characteristic of DSLs is that they often follow a declarative approach, in contrast to the imperative nature of most general-purpose programming languages. The distinction lies in how they describe operations:

Imperative Languages

General-purpose languages are usually imperative, where you explicitly define the exact sequence of steps required to perform an operation. It specifies how to achieve a result through a series of commands or instructions.

Declarative Languages

On the other hand, DSLs tend to be declarative. They focus on describing the desired result rather than the step-by-step process to achieve it. The execution details are left to the underlying engine that interprets the DSL. This can lead to more efficient execution because optimizations are implemented once in the execution engine, while an imperative approach requires optimizations for each individual implementation of the operation.

However, there is a trade-off to consider with declarative DSLs. While they offer numerous benefits, they also come with a significant disadvantage: it can be challenging to seamlessly integrate them into a host application written in a general-purpose language. DSLs often have their own specific syntax, which cannot be directly embedded into programs written in another language. To use a program written in a DSL, you usually need to store it in a separate file or embed it as a string literal.

This separation can lead to difficulties in validating the correct interaction of the DSL with the host language at compile time, debugging the DSL program, and providing IDE code assistance when writing it. Additionally, the different syntax can make code harder to read and understand.

To address these challenges while retaining most of the benefits of DSLs, the concept of internal DSLs has gained popularity. Internal DSLs are designed to be embedded within a host language, taking advantage of the host language’s syntax and tools while still providing a domain-specific expressive power. This approach helps overcome the integration and tooling issues associated with traditional external DSLs.

What are external DSLs?

External Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) are a type of domain-specific language that is distinct from the host programming language in which it is embedded. A domain-specific language is a language designed for a specific problem domain or application context, tailored to address the unique requirements and challenges of that domain.

External DSLs are created to facilitate a more intuitive and expressive way of defining solutions for specific domains. Instead of using the syntax and constructs of a general-purpose programming language, developers create a new language with syntax and semantics that are closely aligned with the problem domain. This allows users (often non-programmers) to express solutions using familiar terminology and concepts, making the code more readable and less error-prone.

Key characteristics of external DSLs include:

  1. Separation from host language: External DSLs have their own syntax and grammar, independent of the underlying host programming language. This means that the DSL code is not written directly in the host language but in a separate file or structure.
  2. Domain-specific abstractions: The syntax and semantics of the external DSL are tailored to the specific domain, making it more natural for domain experts to understand and work with the code.
  3. Readability and simplicity: External DSLs are designed to be easily readable and writable by domain experts, even if they do not have extensive programming knowledge.
  4. Specific scope and focus: Each external DSL is designed to tackle a particular problem domain, ensuring it remains concise and focused.
  5. Custom tools and parsers: To work with external DSLs, custom tools and parsers are developed to interpret and transform the DSL code into executable code or other desired outputs.

Examples of External DSLs:

  • Regular expressions: Regular expressions are a classic example of an external DSL used for pattern matching in strings. They have a concise and domain-specific syntax for expressing text patterns.
  • SQL (Structured Query Language): SQL is a popular external DSL used for querying and managing relational databases. It provides a language-specific syntax for expressing database operations.
  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language): While HTML is commonly used within web development, it can be considered an external DSL as it has its own specific syntax and is used to describe the structure and content of web pages.

Creating an external DSL typically involves designing the language’s grammar, specifying the semantics, and building the necessary tools (e.g., parsers, interpreters, code generators) to work with the DSL effectively. External DSLs can be a powerful tool for improving productivity and collaboration between domain experts and programmers, as they allow domain experts to focus on their expertise without being overwhelmed by the complexities of a general-purpose programming language.

Internal DSLs

As opposed to external DSLs, which have their own independent syntax, An internal DSL (Domain-Specific Language) is a type of DSL that is embedded within a general-purpose programming language and utilizes the host language’s syntax and constructs. In other words, it’s not a separate language but rather a specific way of using the main language to achieve the benefits of DSLs with an independent syntax. The code written in an internal DSL looks and feels like regular code in the host language but is structured and designed to address a particular problem domain more intuitively and efficiently.

To compare the two approaches, let’s see how the same task can be accomplished with an external and an internal DSL. Imagine that you have two database tables, Customer and Country, and each Customer entry has a reference to the country the customer lives in. The task is to query the database and find the country where the majority of customers live. The external DSL you’re going to use is SQL; the internal one is provided by the Exposed framework (https://github.com/JetBrains/Exposed), which is a Kotlin framework for database access.

Here’s a comparison of the two approaches:

External DSL (SQL):

SELECT Country.name, COUNT(Customer.id)
FROM Country
JOIN Customer
ON Country.id = Customer.country_id
GROUP BY Country.name

Internal DSL (Kotlin with Exposed):

(Country join Customer)
    .slice(Country.name, Count(Customer.id))
    .orderBy(Count(Customer.id), isAsc = false)

As you can see, the internal DSL version in Kotlin closely resembles regular Kotlin code, and the operations like slice, selectAll, groupBy, and orderBy are just regular Kotlin methods provided by the Exposed framework. The query is expressed using these methods, making it easier to read and write than the SQL version. Additionally, the results of the query are directly delivered as native Kotlin objects, eliminating the need to manually convert data from SQL query result sets to Kotlin objects.

The internal DSL approach provides the advantages of DSLs, such as improved readability and expressiveness for the specific domain, while leveraging the familiarity and power of the host language. This combination makes the code more maintainable, less error-prone and allows domain experts to work more effectively without the need to learn a completely separate syntax.

Structure of DSLs

Generally speaking, there’s no well-defined boundary between a DSL and a regular API. The distinction between a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) and a regular Application Programming Interface (API) can be somewhat subjective, often relying on an “I know it’s a DSL when I see it” intuition. DSLs often utilize language features commonly used in other contexts, like infix calls and operator overloading. However, DSLs possess a key characteristic that sets them apart: a well-defined structure or grammar.

A typical library consists of many methods, and the client uses the library by calling the methods one by one. There’s no inherent structure in the sequence of calls, and no context is maintained between one call and the next. Such an API is sometimes called a command-query API. In contrast, the method calls in a DSL exist in a larger structure, defined by the grammar of the DSL. In a Kotlin DSL, structure is most commonly created through the nesting of lambdas or through chained method calls. You can clearly see this in the previous SQL example: executing a query requires a combination of method calls describing the different aspects of the required result set, and the combined query is much easier to read than a single method call taking all the arguments you’re passing to the query.

This grammar is what allows us to call an internal DSL a language. In a natural language such as English, sentences are constructed out of words, and the rules of grammar govern how those words can be combined with one another. Similarly, in a DSL, a single operation can be composed out of multiple function calls, and the type checker ensures that the calls are combined in a meaningful way. In effect, the function names usually act as verbs (groupBy, orderBy), and their arguments fulfill the role of nouns (Country.name).

An internal Domain-Specific Language (DSL) offers several advantages, one of which is the ability to reuse context across multiple function calls, avoiding unnecessary repetition.

For instance, consider the Kotlin DSL used to describe dependencies in Gradle build scripts(https://github.com/gradle/gradle-script-kotlin).

dependencies {

With the DSL structure, you can list dependencies without repeating the “compile” keyword for each one. This results in cleaner and more concise code.

On the other hand, when using a regular command-query API for the same purpose, you would have to duplicate the “compile” keyword for each dependency. This leads to more verbose and less readable code.

project.dependencies.add("compile", "junit:junit:4.11")
project.dependencies.add("compile", "com.google.inject:guice:4.1.0")

Chained method calls are another way DSLs create structure, as seen in test frameworks. They allow you to split assertions into multiple method calls, making the code more readable.

In the example from kotlintest (https://github.com/ kotlintest/kotlintest), the DSL syntax allows you to express the assertion concisely using the “should” keyword:

str should startWith("kot")   // Structure through chained method calls

while the equivalent code using regular JUnit APIs is more cumbersome and harder to comprehend:


Now let’s look at an example of an internal DSL in more detail.

Building HTML with an internal DSL

At the beginning of this article, we use a DSL for building HTML pages also. In this section, we will discuss it in more detail. The API used here comes from the kotlinx.html library (https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.html). Here is a small snippet that creates a table with a single cell:

import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.stream.createHTML

fun createSimpleTable(): String = createHTML().table {
    tr {
        td { +"cell" }

The generated HTML:


BTW, Why would you want to build this HTML with Kotlin code, rather than write it as text? here are the answers:

By building HTML with Kotlin code rather than writing it as plain text, you gain several advantages. Firstly, the Kotlin version is type-safe, ensuring that you use the correct HTML tags in their appropriate contexts. For instance, the td tag can only be used inside a tr tag; otherwise, the code won’t compile, preventing common HTML structure mistakes.

The main advantage of DSLs is that they are regular code, allowing you to leverage the full power of the Kotlin language constructs. This means you can generate HTML elements dynamically based on conditions or data, making your code more flexible and expressive.

To illustrate this, consider the createAnotherTable() function. It generates an HTML table containing data from a map, where each entry in the map corresponds to a table row with two cells. By using a loop and Kotlin constructs, you can easily create the table structure and populate it with the desired data in a concise and readable manner.

here is an example of creating a table with dynamic content from a map:

import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.stream.createHTML

fun createAnotherTable(): String = createHTML().table {
    val numbers = mapOf(1 to "one", 2 to "two")
    for ((num, string) in numbers) {
        tr {
            td { +"$num" }
            td { +string }

The generated HTML:


The example showcased HTML as a canonical markup language, but the same approach can be used for other languages with a similar structure, such as XML. This demonstrates the versatility of DSLs in Kotlin, as you can adapt the concept to various contexts and languages.

To create DSLs in Kotlin, one key feature that aids in establishing the grammar and syntax is “lambdas with receivers.” This feature allows you to define lambdas in a way that they can access the properties and functions of a designated receiver object within their scope. In the HTML DSL example, the table function is the receiver, enabling the nested lambdas for tr and td to access its properties and construct the HTML elements in a natural, hierarchical way.

The use of DSLs in these examples not only results in more readable and expressive code but also provides type safety and error checking. By leveraging the language’s features, like lambdas with receivers, you can create custom syntaxes that make your code more readable, maintainable, and error-resistant. Whether it’s for generating HTML, XML, or other structured languages. DSLs are a powerful tool in the Kotlin developer’s arsenal.

Building structured APIs: lambdas with receivers in DSLs

Lambdas with receivers are a helpful tool in Kotlin that lets you design APIs with a clear structure. We’ve talked about how having structure is important in making Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) different from normal APIs. Now, let’s take a closer look at this concept and explore some DSL examples that make use of it.

Lambdas with receivers and extension function types

In Kotlin programming, lambdas with receivers and extension function types are powerful concepts. They allow you to manipulate objects within a lambda expression’s scope, and they’re often used in conjunction with standard library functions like buildString, with, apply, and custom extension functions. Now, we’ll see how they work by looking at the buildString function as an example. This function lets you create a string by putting together different parts of content into a temporary StringBuilder.

To start, let’s understand the buildString function. It takes a regular lambda as input:

fun buildString(
    builderAction: (StringBuilder) -> Unit      // Declares a parameter of a function type
): String {
    val sb = StringBuilder()
    builderAction(sb)                // Passes a StringBuilder as an argument to the lambda
    return sb.toString()

fun main() {
    val s = buildString {
        it.append("Hello, ")    // Uses “it” to refer to the StringBuilder instance
    println(s) // Output: Hello, World!

This function takes a lambda as an argument, allowing you to manipulate a StringBuilder within the lambda’s scope and then return the resulting string.

Let’s first see how the code works for better understanding, so here is a breakdown of the code working:

  1. The buildString function is defined, which takes a lambda named builderAction as an argument. The lambda has a single parameter of type StringBuilder and returns Unit (void).
  2. Inside the buildString function, a StringBuilder named sb is created.
  3. The builderAction lambda is invoked with the sb StringBuilder as its argument. This lambda is where you can manipulate the StringBuilder to build the desired string content.
  4. Finally, the StringBuilder‘s contents are converted to a string using sb.toString() and returned by the buildString function.
  5. Outside the buildString function, the code snippet demonstrates how to use it. A lambda is passed to buildString using the trailing lambda syntax. This lambda appends “Hello, ” and “World!” to the StringBuilder.
  6. The resulting string is assigned to the variable s.
  7. The println statement outputs the value of s, which contains “Hello, World!”.

This code is quite understandable, but it seems a bit more complex to use than we’d prefer. Notice that you have to use “it” inside the lambda to refer to the StringBuilder instance. You could use your own parameter name instead of “it,” but it still needs to be explicit.

The main goal of the lambda is to fill the StringBuilder with text. So, it would be better to remove the repeated “it.” prefixes and directly use the StringBuilder methods like “append” instead of “it.append.”

To achieve this, you can transform the lambda into a lambda with a receiver. Essentially, you can give one of the lambda’s parameters a special role as a receiver. This lets you refer to its parts directly without needing any qualifier. The following example demonstrates how you can do this:

fun buildString(
    builderAction: StringBuilder.() -> Unit   // Declares a parameter of a function type with a receiver
): String {
    val sb = StringBuilder()
    sb.builderAction()            // Passes a StringBuilder as a receiver to the lambda
    return sb.toString()

fun main() {
    val s = buildString { 
        this.append("Hello, ")    // The “this” keyword refers to the StringBuilder instance.
        append("World!")   // Alternatively, you can omit “this” and refer to StringBuilder implicitly
    println(s) // Output: Hello, World! 

In this version:

  1. The builderAction lambda is defined with a receiver type of StringBuilder. This means that the lambda can directly access and manipulate the functions and properties of the StringBuilder instance that it is called on.
  2. Inside the buildString function, a StringBuilder named sb is created.
  3. The builderAction lambda is invoked on the sb StringBuilder instance, which allows you to use the append function directly within the lambda’s scope.
  4. The resulting string is returned by the buildString function and printed using println.

Both versions of the buildString function achieve the same goal: creating a string by manipulating a StringBuilder instance within a lambda’s scope.

Let’s break down those differences:

First, let’s focus on the improvements in how you use buildString. In the first version, you were passing a regular lambda as an argument. This means you needed to use “it” inside the lambda to refer to the StringBuilder instance. However, in the second version, you’re passing a lambda with a receiver. This allows you to get rid of “it” within the lambda’s body. So instead of “it.append()”, you simply use “append()”. The full form could be “this.append()”, but typically, “this” is only used for clarification when needed (Like regular members of a class, you typically use the explicit keyword ‘this’ only to remove ambiguity).

Now, let’s look at the change in how the buildString function is declared. In the first version, you used a regular function type for the parameter type. In the second version, you use an extension function type instead. This involves taking one of the function type’s parameters out of the parentheses and placing it in front, separated by a dot. In this case, you replace (StringBuilder) -> Unit with StringBuilder.() -> Unit. This special type is referred to as the “receiver type.” The value of this type that’s passed to the lambda becomes the “receiver object”.

For a more intricate extension function type declaration, take a look at the below Figure.

An extension function type with receiver type String and two parameters of type Int, returning Unit

Have you ever wondered why to use an extension function type?

Think about accessing parts of another type without needing a clear label. This might remind you of extension functions, which let you add your own methods to classes from different parts of the code. Both extension functions and lambdas with receivers work with a receiver object. You provide this object when you call the function, and it’s available inside the function’s code. In simple terms, an extension function type describes a block of code that can be used like an extension function.

When you change a variable from a regular function type to an extension function type, the way you use it also changes. Instead of passing an object as an argument, you treat the lambda variable like an extension function. With a regular lambda, you pass a StringBuilder instance like this: builderAction(sb). But with a lambda having a receiver, it becomes: sb.builderAction(). Here, builderAction isn’t a method declared in the StringBuilder class. It’s a parameter of a function type, and you call it using the same style as extension functions.

Consider the relationship between an argument and a parameter in the buildString function. This helps you see the idea better. It also shows how the receiver in the lambda body comes into play. You can take a look at the below Figure for a visual representation of this concept. It clarifies how the lambda body is called on the receiver.

Connecting Argument, Parameter, and Receiver

The argument of the buildString function (a lambda with a receiver) corresponds to the parameter of the extension function type (builderAction). The receiver (sb) becomes an implicit receiver (this) when the lambda body is invoked. This means that in the buildString function with a lambda that has a receiver, the argument you provide corresponds to the parameter in the extension function type (builderAction). When you call the lambda’s body, the receiver (sb) becomes an implicit receiver (this).

You can also declare a variable of an extension function type, as shown in the following example. Once you do that, you can either invoke it as an extension function or pass it as an argument to a function that expects a lambda with a receiver.

val appendExcl: StringBuilder.() -> Unit = {     //appendExcl is a value of an extension function type.

fun main() {
    val stringBuilder = StringBuilder("Hi")
    stringBuilder.appendExcl()             // You can call appendExcl as an extension function.

    val result = buildString(appendExcl)   // You can also pass appendExcl as an argument

This example code defines a lambda with a receiver, stores it in a variable appendExcl, and demonstrates its usage with a StringBuilder instance as well as the buildString function.

Distinguishing Lambda with Receiver

It’s important to know that a lambda with a receiver and a regular lambda looks the same in the source code. To figure out if a lambda has a receiver, you should examine the function where you’re using the lambda. Check its signature to see if the lambda has a receiver and what type that receiver is. For instance, you can analyze the buildString declaration or look it up in your coding tool (IDE). Seeing that it accepts a lambda of type StringBuilder.() -> Unit, you’ll realize that within the lambda, you can directly use StringBuilder methods without needing a qualifier.

The buildString function shown above is even simpler in the standard library. The implementation of the standard library’s buildString is more concise. Instead of directly calling builderAction, it’s provided as an argument to the apply function. This approach condenses the function into just one line.

fun buildString(builderAction: StringBuilder.() -> Unit): String =

The apply and with Functions

The apply function works by using the object it’s called on (like a new StringBuilder) as a hidden receiver to execute the provided function or lambda (like builderAction). It’s defined as an extension function to that receiver.

inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T {
    block()       // Equivalent to this.block(); invokes the lambda with the receiver of “apply” as the receiver object
    return this // Returns the receiver

The with function does a similar thing. It takes the receiver as its first argument and applies the function or lambda to it. The key difference is that apply returns the receiver itself, while with returns the result of the lambda.

inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R =

Interchangeability of apply and with

If you don’t need the result of the operation, you can use either apply or with interchangeably. For example:

val map = mutableMapOf(1 to "one")
map.apply { this[2] = "two" }
with(map) { this[3] = "three" }
println(map)   // {1=one, 2=two, 3=three}

In Kotlin, both apply and with functions are frequently used due to their concise nature. They can make our code cleaner and more efficient.

Using lambdas with receivers in HTML builders

We’ve discussed lambdas with receivers and extension function types. Now, let’s explore how these concepts are applied in the context of DSLs (Domain Specific Languages).

A Kotlin DSL for HTML is usually called an HTML builder, and it represents a broader concept called type-safe builders. Initially, the idea of builders gained popularity in the Groovy community. Builders offer a method to create an organized structure of objects in a descriptive manner, which is helpful for creating things like XML or arranging UI components.

Kotlin adopts this idea but makes it type-safe. This approach makes these builders more user-friendly, secure, and in a way, more appealing compared to Groovy’s dynamic builders. Now, let’s delve into the specifics of how HTML builders work in Kotlin.

Here we are creating a basic HTML table using a Kotlin HTML builder:

import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.stream.createHTML

fun createSimpleTable(): String = createHTML().html {
    body {
        table {
            tr {
                td { +"cell" }

fun main() {
    val tableHtml = createSimpleTable()

This is standard Kotlin code; there’s no specialized template language involved. The functions table, tr, and td are regular functions. Each of them is a higher-order function, meaning they take a lambda with a receiver as input.

What’s fascinating is that these lambdas alter the way names are understood. Inside the lambda given to the table function, you can use the tr function to create an HTML <tr> tag. Outside of this lambda, the tr function wouldn’t be recognized. Similarly, the td function is only accessible within the tr function. (The API design enforces adherence to the HTML language structure.)

The naming context within each block is determined by the receiver type of the lambda. The lambda for table has a receiver of a special type TABLE, which defines the tr method. Similarly, the tr function expects an extended lambda for TR.

The following listing is a greatly simplified view of the declarations of these classes and methods. Here we are declaring tag classes for the HTML builder

// Placeholder for the Tag class
open class Tag

// Define the TABLE class
class TABLE : Tag {
    // Define a function to add TR tags to TABLE
    fun tr(init: TR.() -> Unit) {                      // The tr function expects a lambda with a receiver of type TR
        // Implementation of tr function

// Define the TR class
class TR : Tag {
    // Define a function to add TD tags to TR
    fun td(init: TD.() -> Unit) {                  // The tr function expects a lambda with a receiver of type TR
        // Implementation of td function

// Define the TD class
class TD : Tag {
    // Implementation of TD class

In this code, you are creating a basic structure for building an HTML table using Kotlin’s DSL-like capabilities. The Tag class (whose implementation is not shown in the above code snippet) likely serves as a base class or interface for HTML tags. The TABLE class has a function tr that accepts a lambda expression as an argument, allowing you to configure TR elements. Similarly, the TR class has a function td that accepts a lambda expression to configure TD elements.

The classes TABLE, TR, and TD are utility classes that don’t need to be directly mentioned in the code. That’s why they are in uppercase letters. They all inherit from the Tag superclass. Each of these classes defines methods for generating tags that are allowed within them. For instance, TABLE has the tr method, while TR has the td method.

Pay attention to the types of the init parameters in the tr and td functions: they are extension function types TR.() -> Unit and TD.() -> Unit. These determine the types of receivers expected in the argument lambdas: TR and TD, respectively.

To make the process clearer, you can rewrite the previous example while being explicit about all the receivers. Just remember, you can access the lambda’s receiver argument in the foo function by using this@foo.

fun createSimpleTable() = createHTML().table {
    (this@table).tr {
        (this@tr).td {

The most important things to understand here are,

  1. table { ... }: This block defines the structure of the HTML table. It’s a lambda expression that’s executed within the context of the table tag.
  2. (this@table).tr { ... }: Inside the table block, there’s a call to the tr function. (this@table) refers to the current table tag instance, and the tr function is called within its context.
  3. (this@tr).td { ... }: Similarly, within the tr block, the td function is called with the context of the current tr tag instance.

Advantages of Lambdas with Receivers

Using regular lambdas instead of lambdas with receivers for builders would result in less readable code. You’d need to use the “it” reference to call tag-creation methods or assign new parameter names for each lambda. Making the receiver implicit and hiding the “this” reference is what makes the builder syntax clean and similar to the original HTML.

Nested Lambdas and Receivers

If you have one lambda with a receiver nested within another one (as seen in the above example), the receiver defined in the outer lambda remains accessible in the inner lambda. For instance, within the lambda argument of the td function, you have access to all three receivers: this@table, this@tr, and this@td. However, starting from Kotlin 1.1, you can use the @DslMarker annotation to control the availability of outer receivers in Lambdas.

Generating HTML to a string

We’ve explained how HTML builder syntax is built upon the concept of lambdas with receivers. Next, we’ll delve into how the desired HTML content is actually generated.

The above example uses functions from the kotlinx.html library. Now, we’ll create a simpler version of an HTML builder library. We’ll extend the declarations of TABLE, TR, and TD tags, and add support for generating the resulting HTML. Our starting point will be a top-level table function, which will generate an HTML fragment with <table> as the top tag.

import kotlinx.html.*
import kotlinx.html.stream.createHTML

fun createTable(): String = createHTML().table {
    tr {
        td {
            // You can add content or other HTML elements here

fun main() {
    val tableHtml = createTable()
    println(tableHtml)      // <table><tr><td></td></tr></table>

The table function creates a fresh instance of the TABLE tag, initializes it (by calling the function provided as the init parameter on it), and then returns it. Here’s how it’s done:

fun table(init: TABLE.() -> Unit) = TABLE().apply(init)

In the createTable example, the lambda given as an argument to the table function contains the call to the tr function. To make everything as clear as possible, you could rewrite the call like this: table(init = { this.tr { ... } }). This will result in the tr function being invoked on the newly created TABLE instance, similar to writing TABLE().tr { ... }.

In this simplified example, <table> is the top-level tag, and other tags are nested inside it. Each tag keeps a list of references to its children. Because of this, the tr function needs to not only create a new TR tag instance but also add it to the list of children of the outer tag.

Defining a tag builder function:

fun tr(init: TR.() -> Unit) {
    val tr = TR()

Let’s break down what’s happening in this code:

  1. fun tr(init: TR.() -> Unit): This defines a function called tr that takes a lambda as a parameter. The lambda takes an instance of TR as its receiver and has a return type of Unit (i.e., it doesn’t return any value).
  2. val tr = TR(): This creates an instance of the TR class, which represents an HTML table row.
  3. tr.init(): This invokes the lambda passed to the tr function. The lambda is invoked in the context of the tr instance, allowing you to configure the properties of the tr element using the lambda’s receiver (i.e., this).
  4. children.add(tr): This adds the configured tr instance as a child to some parent element. The children property likely refers to a list of child elements that the parent element contains.

The logic of initializing a tag and adding it to the children of the outer tag is shared among all tags. So, it’s possible to extract this logic into a doInit member method within the Tag superclass. The doInit function has two responsibilities: storing the reference to the child tag and executing the lambda provided as an argument. Then, different tags can call it. For instance, the tr function generates a new TR class instance and then hands it over to the doInit function, along with the init lambda: doInit(TR(), init).

Here’s the complete code implementation that demonstrates how the desired HTML is generated:

open class Tag(val name: String) {
    private val children = mutableListOf<Tag>()    // Stores all nested tags

    // Function to initialize a child tag and add it to the children list
    protected fun <T : Tag> doInit(child: T, init: T.() -> Unit) {
        child.init() // Call the init lambda on the child tag and Initializes the child tag
        children.add(child) // Add the child tag to the list and Store a reference to the child tag

    // Generate the HTML representation of the tag and its children
    override fun toString() =
        "<$name>${children.joinToString("")}</$name>"   // Returns the resulting HTML as String

// Function to create a top-level <table> tag
fun table(init: TABLE.() -> Unit) = TABLE().apply(init)

// Subclass representing the <table> tag
class TABLE : Tag("table") {
    // Function to add a <tr> tag as a child
    fun tr(init: TR.() -> Unit) = doInit(TR(), init)  // Creates, initializes, and adds to the children of TABLE a new instance of the TR tag

// Subclass representing the <tr> tag
class TR : Tag("tr") {
    // Function to add a <td> tag as a child
    fun td(init: TD.() -> Unit) = doInit(TD(), init)  // Adds a new instance of the TD tag to the children of TR

// Subclass representing the <td> tag
class TD : Tag("td")

// Function to create the HTML table structure
fun createTable() =
    table {
        tr {
            td {
                // No content here

fun main() {
    println(createTable()) // Output the generated HTML

The output of println(createTable()) is:


Each tag in this simplified implementation maintains a list of nested tags and renders itself accordingly. When rendered, it displays its name and recursively includes all the nested tags. It’s important to note that this version doesn’t handle text inside tags or tag attributes. For a complete and comprehensive implementation, you can explore the kotlinx.html library as mentioned earlier.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that the tag-creation functions are designed to automatically add the appropriate tag to the list of children of its parent. This allows you to dynamically generate tags, enhancing the flexibility of the HTML builder.

Generating tags dynamically with an HTML builder

fun createAnotherTable() = table {
    for (i in 1..2) {
        tr {
            td {
                // No content here

fun main() {
    println(createAnotherTable()) // Output the generated HTML

When you run this code and call createAnotherTable(), the output will be:


As you’ve seen, Lambdas with receivers are highly valuable for constructing DSLs. By altering the name-resolution context within a code block, they enable you to establish a structured API. This capability is a fundamental aspect that sets DSLs apart from mere sequences of method calls.

Kotlin builders: enabling abstraction and reuse

Now, let’s delve into the advantages of integrating such DSLs within statically typed programming languages.

Code Reusability with Internal DSLs

In regular programming, you can avoid repetition and enhance code readability by extracting repetitive chunks into separate functions with meaningful names. However, this might not be straightforward for languages like SQL or HTML. However, by utilizing internal DSLs in Kotlin, you can achieve the same goal of abstracting repeated code into new functions and reusing them effectively.

Example: Adding Drop-Down Lists with Bootstrap

Let’s consider an example from the Bootstrap library, a popular framework for web development. The example involves adding drop-down lists to a web application. When you want to include such a list in an HTML page, you usually copy the required snippet and paste it where needed. This snippet typically includes references and titles for the items in the drop-down menu.

Here’s a simplified version of building a drop-down menu in HTML using Bootstrap:

<div class="dropdown">
    <button class="btn dropdown-toggle">
        <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
        <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
        <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
        <li class="dropdown-header">Header</li>
        <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>

This HTML code snippet demonstrates the creation of a dropdown menu using Bootstrap classes. It includes a button that triggers the dropdown, a list of menu items, separators, and a dropdown header. This manual approach is the standard way to create such dropdowns in HTML and CSS.

Next, we’ll see how Kotlin’s internal DSL can help streamline the process of generating this kind of HTML code.

Building a drop-down menu using a Kotlin HTML builder

In Kotlin with the kotlinx.html library, you can replicate the same HTML structure using functions like div, button, ul, li, and more. This is the power of Kotlin’s internal DSL approach for creating structured content like HTML. It allows you to build the same structure as the provided HTML code using functions that closely resemble the HTML tags and attributes. This approach can lead to cleaner and more maintainable code.

fun buildDropdown() = createHTML().div(classes = "dropdown") {
    button(classes = "btn dropdown-toggle") {
        +"Dropdown"        // This adds the text "Dropdown" to the button element
        span(classes = "caret")
    ul(classes = "dropdown-menu") {
        li { a("#") { +"Action" } }
        li { a("#") { +"Another action" } }
        li { role = "separator"; classes = setOf("divider") }
        li { classes = setOf("dropdown-header"); +"Header" }
        li { a("#") { +"Separated link" } }

Building a drop-down menu with helper functions

You can enhance the readability and reusability of the code by extracting repetitive logic into separate functions. This approach makes the code more concise and easier to maintain. Here’s the improved version of the code:

fun dropdownExample() = createHTML().dropdown {
    dropdownButton { +"Dropdown" }
    dropdownMenu {
        item("#", "Action")
        item("#", "Another action")
        item("#", "Separated link")

In this code, you’ve encapsulated the entire dropdown creation logic using functions that closely mimic the HTML structure. This approach enhances readability and reduces repetition, leading to more maintainable and modular code. The code now clearly expresses the intention of creating a dropdown, a dropdown button, dropdown menu items, a divider, and a dropdown header. This example shows how Kotlin’s internal DSL can greatly improve the way structured content is created in a statically typed programming language.

Now, let’s explore the implementation of the item function and how it simplifies the code.

The item function is designed to add a new list item to the dropdown menu. Inside the function, it uses the existing li function (which is an extension to the UL class) to create a list item with an anchor (a) element containing the provided reference and name.

Here’s the code snippet demonstrating the item function’s implementation:

fun UL.item(href: String, name: String) = li { a(href) { +name } }

By defining the item function as an extension to the UL class, you can call it within any UL tag, and it will generate a new instance of a LI tag containing the anchor element. This encapsulates the creation of dropdown menu items and simplifies the code.

This approach allows you to transform the original version of the code into a cleaner and more readable version, all while maintaining the generated HTML structure. This showcases the power of Kotlin’s internal DSLs in abstracting away implementation details and creating more expressive APIs.

Using the item function for drop-down menu construction

ul {
    classes = setOf("dropdown-menu")
    item("#", "Action")
    item("#", "Another action")
    li { role = "separator"; classes = setOf("divider") }
    li { classes = setOf("dropdown-header"); +"Header" }
    item("#", "Separated link")

In this version, the code looks cleaner and more declarative. The item function abstracts the creation of list items with anchor elements, and the rest of the code clearly represents the structure of the dropdown menu. The use of the li and ul functions provided by the kotlinx.html library allows you to create the desired structure while hiding low-level implementation details.

The extension functions defined on the UL class follow a consistent pattern, which allows you to easily replace the remaining li tags with more specialized functions. This pattern involves encapsulating the creation of specific list items using extension functions that leverage the power of Kotlin’s internal DSL.

By providing functions like item, divider, and dropdownHeader as extensions to the UL class, you’re able to abstract away the lower-level HTML tag creation and attributes. This not only enhances the readability of the code but also promotes code reusability and maintainability.

"divider” Function

This function creates a list item with the role attribute set to “separator” and a class of “divider.” It adds the list item using the li function.

fun UL.divider() = li { role = "separator"; classes = setOf("divider") }

"dropdownHeader" Function

This function creates a list item with a class of “dropdown-header” and the provided text as its content. It also adds the list item using the li function.

fun UL.dropdownHeader(text: String) =
    li { classes = setOf("dropdown-header"); +text }

Now, let’s explore the implementation of the dropdownMenu function, which creates a ul tag with the specified dropdown-menu class and takes a lambda with a receiver as an argument to fill the tag with content. This approach enables you to build the dropdown menu content using a more concise and structured syntax.

dropdownMenu {
    item("#", "Action")
    // ... other menu items

In this code, you’re calling the dropdownMenu function and providing a lambda with a receiver as its argument. Inside this lambda, you’re able to use specialized functions like item, divider, and dropdownHeader to construct the content of the dropdown menu.

Certainly, you’re referring to the concept of using extension lambdas within the dropdownMenu function. This approach allows you to keep the same context and easily call functions that were defined as extensions to the UL class, such as UL.item. Here’s the declaration and usage of the dropdownMenu function:

fun DIV.dropdownMenu(block: UL.() -> Unit) = ul("dropdown-menu", block)

In this declaration, the dropdownMenu function takes a lambda with a receiver of type UL.() -> Unit as an argument. This lambda can contain calls to functions like item, divider, and dropdownHeader that were defined as extensions to the UL class. The ul function creates the actual <ul> tag with the “dropdown-menu” class, and the provided lambda fills the content of the dropdown menu.

The dropdownButton function is implemented similarly. While we’re not providing the details here, you can find the complete implementation in the samples available for the kotlinx.html library.

Now, let’s explore the dropdown function. This function is more versatile since it can be used with any HTML tag. It allows you to place drop-down menus anywhere within your code.

The top-level function for building a drop-down menu

fun StringBuilder.dropdown(block: DIV.() -> Unit): String =
    div("dropdown", block)

In this implementation, the dropdown function is defined as an extension function on StringBuilder. It takes a lambda with a receiver of type DIV.() -> Unit as an argument. This lambda is used to construct the content of the dropdown menu within a DIV container.

Inside the function, you’re calling the div function provided by the kotlinx.html library. The first argument is the class name “dropdown”, which applies the necessary styling. The second argument is the lambda with a receiver that you pass into the div function. This lambda allows you to construct the content of the dropdown menu within the context of the DIV tag.

This version is simplified for printing HTML as a string. In the complete implementation in kotlinx.html, an abstract TagConsumer class is used as the receiver, allowing support for various destinations for the resulting HTML output. This example highlights how abstraction and reuse can enhance your code and make it more comprehensible.

More flexible block nesting with the “invoke” convention

The “invoke convention” lets you treat custom objects like functions. Just like you can call functions by using parentheses (like function()), this convention allows you to call your own objects in a similar way.

This might not be something you use all the time, because it can make your code confusing. For example, writing something like 1() doesn’t make much sense. However, there are cases where it’s helpful, especially when creating Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) which are specialized languages for specific tasks. We’ll explain why this is useful, but before that, let’s talk more about how this convention works.

The “invoke” convention: objects callable as functions

As we know Kotlin’s “conventions” are special functions with specific names. These functions are used in a different way than regular methods. For instance, we know the “get” convention that lets you use the index operator to access objects. If you have a variable called “foo” of a type called “Foo,” writing “foo[bar]” is the same as calling “foo.get(bar).” This works if the “get” function is defined as part of the “Foo” class or as an extra function attached to “Foo.”

Now, the “invoke” convention is similar, but it uses parentheses instead of brackets. When a class has an “invoke” method with the “operator” keyword, you can call an object of that class as if it were a function. Here’s an example to help understand this concept better.

class Greeter(val greeting: String) {
    operator fun invoke(name: String) {       // Defines the “invoke” method on Greeter
        println("$greeting, $name!")

fun main() {
    val bavarianGreeter = Greeter("Hello")
    bavarianGreeter("softAai")   // Calls the Greeter instance as a function

This code introduces the “invoke” method in the context of the “Greeter” class. This method allows you to treat instances of “Greeter” as if they were functions. Behind the scenes, when you write something like bavarianGreeter("softAai"), it’s actually translated to the method call bavarianGreeter.invoke("softAai"). It’s not complicated; it’s just like a normal rule: it lets you swap a wordy expression with a shorter and clearer one.

The “invoke” method isn’t limited to any specific setup. You can define it with any number of inputs and any output type. You can even make multiple versions of the “invoke” method with different types of inputs. When you use the class instance like a function, you can choose any of those versions for the call. Now, let’s examine when this approach is practically used. First, we’ll look at its usage in regular programming situations and then in a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) scenario.

The “invoke” convention and functional types

We can call a variable that holds a nullable function type by using the syntax “lambda?.invoke()”. This is done with the safe-call technique, combining the “invoke” method name.

Now that you’re familiar with the “invoke” convention, it should make sense that the regular way of calling a lambda (using parentheses like “lambda()”) is essentially an application of this convention. When not inlined, lambdas are turned into classes that implement functional interfaces like “Function1” and others. These interfaces define the “invoke” method with the appropriate number of parameters:

interface Function2<in P1, in P2, out R> {      // This interface denotes a function that takes exactly two arguments
    operator fun invoke(p1: P1, p2: P2): R   

When you treat a lambda like a function and call it, this action is transformed into a call to the “invoke” method, thanks to the convention we’ve been discussing. Why is this knowledge valuable? It offers a way to break down a complex lambda into multiple methods, while still allowing you to use it along with functions that require parameters of a function type.

To achieve this, you can create a class that implements an interface for a function type. You can define the base interface explicitly, such as “FunctionN,” or you can use a more concise format like “(P1, P2) -> R,” as shown in the following example. In this example, a class is used to filter a list of issues based on a complicated condition:

data class Issue(
    val id: String, val project: String, val type: String,
    val priority: String, val description: String

class ImportantIssuesPredicate(val project: String)
    : (Issue) -> Boolean {
    override fun invoke(issue: Issue): Boolean {
        return issue.project == project && issue.isImportant()
    private fun Issue.isImportant(): Boolean {
        return type == "Bug" &&
               (priority == "Major" || priority == "Critical")

fun main() {
    val i1 = Issue("IDEA-154446", "IDEA", "Bug", "Major", "Save settings failed")
    val i2 = Issue("KT-12183", "Kotlin", "Feature", "Normal", "Intention: convert several calls on the same receiver to with/apply")
    val predicate = ImportantIssuesPredicate("IDEA")
    for (issue in listOf(i1, i2).filter(predicate)) {

Let’s first break down the code step by step:

Data Class Definition (Issue):

data class Issue(
    val id: String, val project: String, val type: String,
    val priority: String, val description: String

This defines a data class called Issue. Data classes are used to store and manage data. In this case, each Issue has properties like id, project, type, priority, and description.

Custom Function-Like Class Definition (ImportantIssuesPredicate):

class ImportantIssuesPredicate(val project: String)
    : (Issue) -> Boolean {
    override fun invoke(issue: Issue): Boolean {
        return issue.project == project && issue.isImportant()
    private fun Issue.isImportant(): Boolean {
        return type == "Bug" &&
               (priority == "Major" || priority == "Critical")

The ImportantIssuesPredicate class implements the (Issue) -> Boolean function type, which means it can be treated as a function taking an Issue parameter and returning a Boolean.

  • The class constructor takes a project parameter and initializes it.
  • The invoke function is overridden from the (Issue) -> Boolean function type. It checks whether the issue’s project matches the instance’s project and whether the issue is important using the isImportant function.
  • The isImportant function checks if an issue’s type is “Bug” and if the priority is “Major” or “Critical”.

Main Function (main):

fun main() {
    val i1 = Issue("IDEA-154446", "IDEA", "Bug", "Major", "Save settings failed")
    val i2 = Issue("KT-12183", "Kotlin", "Feature", "Normal", "Intention: convert several calls on the same receiver to with/apply")
    val predicate = ImportantIssuesPredicate("IDEA")
    for (issue in listOf(i1, i2).filter(predicate)) {
  • In the main function, two instances of Issue are created: i1 and i2.
  • An instance of the ImportantIssuesPredicate class is created with the project name “IDEA”.
  • The filter function is used with the predicate to filter the list of issues (i1 and i2) and retrieve those that match the predicate’s condition.
  • In the loop, the id of each filtered issue is printed.

When the code is run, it filters the issues and prints the id of the important issues from the “IDEA” project:


In this case, the logic within the predicate is too intricate to fit into a single lambda. So, we divide it into several methods to ensure each check has a clear purpose. Transforming a lambda into a class that implements a function type interface and then overriding the “invoke” method is a way to perform this kind of improvement. This method offers a key benefit: the methods you extract from the lambda body have the smallest possible scope. They are only visible within the predicate class. This is advantageous when there’s substantial logic both within the predicate class and surrounding code. This separation of concerns helps maintain a clean distinction between different aspects of the code.

The “invoke” convention in DSLs: declaring dependencies in Gradle

Now, let’s explore how the “invoke” convention can enhance the flexibility of creating structures for your Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs).

Let’s see the example of the Gradle DSL for configuring the dependencies of a module. Here’s the code :

dependencies {

You might often need to support two different ways of organizing your code using either a nested block structure or a flat call structure within the same API. In simpler terms, you’d like to enable both of the following approaches:


dependencies {

In this design, users of the DSL can employ the nested block structure when configuring multiple items, and the flat call structure to keep the code concise when configuring only one thing.

For the first case, they call the compile method on the dependencies variable. The second notation can be expressed by defining the invoke method on dependencies to accept a lambda as an argument. This call looks like dependencies.invoke({ ... }).

The dependencies object is an instance of the DependencyHandler class, which defines both the compile and invoke methods. The invoke method takes a lambda with a receiver as an argument, and the type of receiver for this method is once again DependencyHandler. Inside the lambda’s body, you’re working with a DependencyHandler as the receiver, allowing you to directly call methods like compile on it. Here’s a simple example illustrating how this part of DependencyHandler might be implemented:

Custom DependencyHandler Class:

class DependencyHandler {
    fun compile(coordinate: String) {
        println("Added dependency on $coordinate")
    operator fun invoke(body: DependencyHandler.() -> Unit) {

In this code, you define a class named DependencyHandler. This class has two main functions:

  • The compile function takes a coordinate parameter, which represents a dependency coordinate (e.g., “org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.0.0”). It prints a message indicating that a dependency has been added.
  • The invoke function takes a lambda with receiver of type DependencyHandler. This lambda allows you to use a block of code with a different syntax for adding dependencies.

Using the Custom DSL-like Syntax:

val dependencies = DependencyHandler()


dependencies {
  • You create an instance of DependencyHandler named dependencies.
  • You use the compile function directly on the dependencies instance to add a dependency on "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.0.0".
  • You use the custom syntax made possible by the invoke function. Inside the block, you use the compile function as if it were a regular method, passing the dependency coordinate "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:1.0.0".

As a result, when you run this code, you’ll see the following output:

Added dependency on org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.0.0
Added dependency on org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:1.0.0

When you add the first dependency, you directly call the compile method. The second call, on the other hand, is essentially transformed into the following:


In simpler terms, what’s happening is that you’re treating the dependencies as a function and providing a lambda as an input. This lambda’s parameter type is a function type with a “receiver,” where the receiver type is the same as the DependencyHandler type. The invoke method then executes this lambda. Since it’s a method of the DependencyHandler class, an instance of that class is automatically available as a kind of “hidden” receiver, so you don’t have to mention it explicitly when you call body() within the lambda.

By making this small change and redefining the invoke method, you’ve significantly increased the flexibility of the DSL API. This pattern is versatile and can be reused in your own DSLs with minimal adjustments.

Kotlin DSLs in practice

By now, you’ve become acquainted with various Kotlin features that are employed when creating DSLs. Some of these features, like extensions and infix calls, should be familiar to you. Others, such as lambdas with receivers, were thoroughly explained in this article. It’s time to apply all this knowledge and explore a range of practical examples for constructing DSLs. Our examples will cover a variety of topics, including testing, expressing dates more intuitively, querying databases, and building user interfaces for Android applications.

Chaining infix calls: “should” in test frameworks

As we’ve previously mentioned, one of the key characteristics of an internal DSL is its clean syntax, achieved by minimizing punctuation in the code. Most internal DSLs essentially come down to chains of method calls. Any features that help reduce unnecessary symbols in these method calls are highly valuable. In Kotlin, these features include the shorthand syntax for invoking lambdas (which we’ve discussed in detail) and infix function calls. Here we’ll focus on their application within DSLs.

Let’s consider an example that uses the DSL of “kotlintest,” a testing library inspired by Scalatest. You encountered this library earlier in this article.

Expressing an assertion with the kotlintest DSL:

s should startWith("kot")

This call will fail with an assertion if the value of the s variable doesn’t start with “kot”. The code reads almost like English: “The s string should start with this constant.” To accomplish this, you declare the should function with the infix modifier.

Implementing the should function

infix fun <T> T.should(matcher: Matcher<T>) = matcher.test(this)

The function should requires a Matcher instance, which is a versatile interface used for making assertions about values. The function startWith is a specific implementation of this Matcher interface. It verifies if a given string begins with a particular substring.

Defining a matcher for the kotlintest DSL

interface Matcher<T> {
    fun test(value: T)

class StartsWith(val prefix: String) : Matcher<String> {
    override fun test(value: String) {
        if (!value.startsWith(prefix)) {
            throw AssertionError("String '$value' does not start with '$prefix'")

fun main() {
    val startsWithHello: Matcher<String> = StartsWith("Hello")
    try {
        startsWithHello.test("Hello, World!") // No exception will be thrown.
        startsWithHello.test("Hi there!")     // Throws an AssertionError.
    } catch (e: AssertionError) {
        println("Assertion error: ${e.message}")

In regular code, you usually capitalize class names like “StartWith.” However, in DSLs, naming rules can be different. In above code, using infix calls in the DSL context is easy and makes your code less cluttered. With some clever tricks, you can make it even cleaner. The kotlintest DSL allows for this.

Chaining calls in the kotlintest DSL

"kotlin" should start with "kot"

At first glance, this doesn’t look like Kotlin. To understand how it works, let’s convert the infix calls to regular ones.


This demonstrates that there were two infix calls in a row. The term “start” was the argument for the first call. Specifically, “start” represents the declaration of an object. On the other hand, “should” and “with” are functions that are used with infix notation.

The “should” function has a unique version that takes the “start” object as a parameter type. It then returns an intermediate wrapper on which you can utilize the “with” method.

Defining the API to support chained infix calls

object start

infix fun String.should(x: start): StartWrapper = StartWrapper(this)

class StartWrapper(val value: String) {
    infix fun with(prefix: String) {
        if (!value.startsWith(prefix)) {
            throw AssertionError("String does not start with $prefix: $value")

fun main() {
    val testString = "Hello, World!"
    testString should start with "Hello"

The object being passed (start) is utilized not to transmit data to the function, but rather to play a role in the grammar of the DSL. By providing start as an argument, you can select the appropriate overload of the should function and obtain an instance of StartWrapper as the result. The StartWrapper class includes the with member, which takes the actual value as an argument.

The library supports other matchers as well, and they all read as English:

"kotlin" should end with "in"
"kotlin" should have substring "otl"

To enable this functionality, the should function offers additional overloads that accept object instances like end and have, and they return instances of EndWrapper and HaveWrapper, respectively.

This example might have seemed a bit tricky, but the outcome is so elegant that it’s worth understanding how this approach functions. The combination of infix calls and object instances empowers you to build relatively intricate grammatical structures for your DSLs. Consequently, you can use these DSLs with a clear and concise syntax. Additionally, it’s important to note that the DSL remains fully statically typed. If there’s an incorrect combination of functions and objects, your code won’t even compile.

Defining extensions on primitive types: handling dates

val yesterday = 1.days.ago
val tomorrow = 1.days.fromNow

To implement this DSL using the Java 8 java.time API and Kotlin, you need just a few lines of code. Here’s the relevant part of the implementation.

Defining a date manipulation DSL

val Int.days: Period
    get() = Period.ofDays(this)

val Period.ago: LocalDate
    get() = LocalDate.now() - this

val Period.fromNow: LocalDate
    get() = LocalDate.now() + this

fun main() {
    println(1.days.ago)      // Prints a date 1 day ago.
    println(1.days.fromNow)  // Prints a date 1 day from now.

In this code snippet, the days property is an extension property on the Int type. Kotlin allows you to define extension functions on a wide range of types, including primitive types and constants. The days property returns a value of the Period type, which is a type from the JDK 8’s java.time API representing an interval between two dates.

To complete the functionality and accommodate the use of the word “ago,” you’ll need to define another extension property, this time on the Period class. The type of this property is a LocalDate, which represents a specific date. It’s worth noting that the use of the - (minus) operator in the implementation of the ago property doesn’t rely on any Kotlin-specific extensions. The LocalDate class from the JDK includes a method called minus with a single parameter, which matches the Kotlin convention for the - operator. Kotlin maps the operator usage to that method automatically.

Now that you have a grasp of how this straightforward DSL operates, let’s progress to a more intricate challenge: the creation of a DSL for database queries.

If you’re interested in exploring the complete implementation of the library, which supports various time units beyond just days, you can find it in the “kxdate” library on GitHub at this link: https://github.com/yole/kxdate.

Member extension functions: internal DSL for SQL

In DSL design, extension functions play a significant role. In this section, we’ll explore a further technique we’ve mentioned before: declaring extension functions and extension properties within a class. Such functions or properties are both members of their containing class and extensions to other types simultaneously. We refer to these functions and properties as “member extensions.”

Let’s explore a couple of examples of member extensions from the internal DSL for SQL using the Exposed framework that we mentioned earlier. Before we delve into those examples, let’s first understand how Exposed allows you to define the structure of a database.

When working with SQL tables using the Exposed framework, you’re required to declare them as objects that extend the Table class. Here’s an example declaration of a simple Country table with two columns.

Declaring a table in Exposed

object Country : Table() {
    val id = integer("id").autoIncrement().primaryKey()
    val name = varchar("name", 50)

The declaration you provided corresponds to a table in a database. To actually create this table, you can use the SchemaUtils.create(Country) method. When you invoke this method, it generates the appropriate SQL statement based on the structure you’ve declared for the table. This SQL statement is then used to create the table in the database.

    name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT pk_Country PRIMARY KEY (id)

Just like when generating HTML, you can observe how the declarations in the original Kotlin code become integral components of the generated SQL statement.

When you inspect the types of the properties within the Country object, you’ll notice that they have the type Column with the appropriate type argument: id has the type Column<Int>, and name has the type Column<String>.

In the Exposed framework, the Table class defines various types of columns that you can declare for your table. This includes the column types we’ve just seen:

class Table {
    fun integer(name: String): Column<Int> {
        // Simulates creating an 'integer' column with the given name
        // and returning a Column<Int> instance.

    fun varchar(name: String, length: Int): Column<String> {
        // Simulates creating a 'varchar' column with the given name and length
        // and returning a Column<String> instance.

    // Other methods for defining columns could be here...

The integer and varchar methods are used to create new columns specifically meant for storing integers and strings, respectively.

Now, let’s delve into specifying properties for these columns. This is where member extensions come into action:

val id = integer("id").autoIncrement().primaryKey()

Methods like autoIncrement and primaryKey are utilized to define the properties of each column. Each of these methods can be invoked on a Column instance and returns the same instance it was called on. This design allows you to chain these methods together. Here are simplified declarations of these functions:

class Table {
    fun <T> Column<T>.primaryKey(): Column<T> {
        // Adds primary key behavior to the column and returns the same column.

    fun Column<Int>.autoIncrement(): Column<Int> {
        // Adds auto-increment behavior to an integer column and returns the same column.

    // Other extension functions for columns could be here...

These functions are part of the Table class, which means you can only use them within the scope of this class. This explains why it’s logical to declare methods as member extensions: doing so confines their usability to a specific context. You can’t specify column properties outside the context of a table because the required methods won’t be accessible.

Another excellent aspect of extension functions comes into play here — the ability to limit the receiver type. While any column within a table could potentially be a primary key, only numeric columns can be designated as auto-incremented. This constraint can be expressed in the API by declaring the autoIncrement method as an extension on Column<Int>. If you attempt to mark a column of a different type as auto-incremented, it will not compile.

Furthermore, when you designate a column as a primary key, this information is stored within the containing table. By having this function declared as a member of the Table class, you can directly store this information in the table instance.

Member extensions are still members

Member extensions indeed come with a notable limitation: the lack of extensibility. Since they’re part of the class, you can’t easily define new member extensions on the side.

Consider this example: Let’s say you want to expand Exposed’s capabilities to support a new type of database that introduces additional attributes for columns. Achieving this would require modifying the Table class definition and incorporating the member extension functions for the new attributes directly there. Unlike regular (non-member) extensions, you wouldn’t be able to add these necessary declarations without altering the original class. This is because the extensions wouldn’t have access to the Table instance where they could store the new definitions.

Overall, while member extensions provide clear advantages by keeping the context constrained and enhancing the syntax, they do come with the trade-off of reduced extensibility.

Let’s look at another member extension function that can be found in a simple SELECT query. Imagine that you’ve declared two tables, Customer and Country, and each Customer entry stores a reference to the country the customer is from. The following code prints the names of all customers living in the USA.

Joining two tables in Exposed

val result = (Country join Customer)
    .select { Country.name eq "USA" }

result.forEach { println(it[Customer.name]) }

The select method can be invoked on a Table or on a join of two tables. It takes a lambda argument that specifies the condition for selecting the desired data.

The eq method is used as an infix function here. It takes the argument "USA". As you might have guessed, it’s another member extension.

In this case, you’re encountering another extension function, this time on Column. Just like before, it’s a member extension, so it can only be used in the appropriate context. For example, when defining the condition for the select method. The simplified declarations of the select and eq methods are as follows:

fun Table.select(where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>): Query

Now, let’s look at the SqlExpressionBuilder object:

object SqlExpressionBuilder {
    infix fun <T> Column<T>.eq(t: T): Op<Boolean>

The SqlExpressionBuilder object offers various ways to express conditions in the Exposed framework. These include comparing values, checking for null values, performing arithmetic operations, and more. While you won’t explicitly refer to it in your code, you’ll frequently invoke its methods with it as an implicit receiver.

In the select function, a lambda with a receiver is used as an argument. Inside this lambda, the SqlExpressionBuilder object serves as an implicit receiver. This means you can utilize all the extension functions defined within this object, such as eq.

You’ve encountered two kinds of extensions on columns: those meant to declare a Table, and those intended for comparing values within conditions. If it weren’t for member extensions, you’d need to declare all of these functions as either extensions or members of Column. This would allow you to use them in any context. However, the approach of using member extensions enables you to exercise control over their scope and application.

Note: Delegated properties are a powerful concept that often plays a significant role in DSLs. I already discussed Kotlin Delegation & Delegated Properties in detail. The Exposed framework provides a great illustration of how delegated properties can be applied effectively within DSL design.

While we won’t reiterate the discussion on delegated properties here, it’s worth remembering this feature if you’re enthusiastic about crafting your own DSL or enhancing your API to make it more concise and readable. Delegated properties offer a convenient and flexible mechanism to simplify code and improve the user experience when working with DSLs or other specialized APIs.

Anko: creating Android UIs dynamically

Let’s explore how the Anko library can simplify the process of building user interfaces for Android applications by utilizing a DSL-like structure.

To illustrate, let’s take a look at how Anko can wrap Android APIs in a more DSL-like manner. The following example showcases the definition of an alert dialog using Anko, which displays a somewhat annoying message along with two options (to continue or to halt the operation).

Using Anko to show an Android alert dialog

fun Activity.showAreYouSureAlert(process: () -> Unit) {
    alert(title = "Are you sure?", message = "Are you really sure?") {
        positiveButton("Yes") { process() }
        negativeButton("No") { cancel() }

Let’s identify the three lambdas in the above code snippet:

  1. The first lambda is the third argument of the alert function. It is used to build the content of the alert dialog.
  2. The second lambda is passed as an argument to the positiveButton function. It defines the action to be taken when the positive button is clicked.
  3. The third lambda is passed as an argument to the negativeButton function. It specifies the action to be executed when the negative button is clicked.

The receiver type of the first (outer) lambda is AlertDialogBuilder. This means that you can access members of the AlertDialogBuilder class within this lambda to add elements to the alert dialog. In the code, you don’t explicitly mention the name of the AlertDialogBuilder class; instead, you interact with its members directly.

Declarations of the alert API

import android.content.Context
import android.content.DialogInterface

class AlertDialogBuilder {
    fun positiveButton(text: String, callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
        // Simulate positive button configuration
        println("Configured positive button: $text")

    fun negativeButton(text: String, callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
        // Simulate negative button configuration
        println("Configured negative button: $text")

fun Context.alert(
    message: String,
    title: String,
    init: AlertDialogBuilder.() -> Unit
) {
    val builder = AlertDialogBuilder()
    // Simulate displaying the alert with configured options
    println("Alert title: $title")
    println("Alert message: $message")

fun main() {
    val context: Context = /* Obtain a context from your Android application */
    context.alert("Are you sure?", "Confirmation") {
        positiveButton("Yes") {
            // Simulate positive button action
            println("User clicked 'Yes'")
        negativeButton("No") {
            // Simulate negative button action
            println("User clicked 'No'")

You add two buttons to the alert dialog. If the user clicks the Yes button, the process action will be called. If the user isn’t sure, the operation will be canceled. The cancel method is a member of the DialogInterface interface, so it’s called on an implicit receiver of this lambda.

import android.content.Context
import android.content.DialogInterface

class AlertDialogBuilder {
    fun positiveButton(text: String, callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
        // Simulate positive button configuration
        println("Configured positive button: $text")

    fun negativeButton(text: String, callback: DialogInterface.() -> Unit) {
        // Simulate negative button configuration
        println("Configured negative button: $text")

fun Context.alert(
    message: String,
    title: String,
    process: () -> Unit
) {
    val builder = AlertDialogBuilder()
    builder.positiveButton("Yes") {
    builder.negativeButton("No") {

    // Simulate displaying the alert with configured options
    println("Alert title: $title")
    println("Alert message: $message")

fun main() {
    val context: Context = /* Obtain a context from your Android application */

    context.alert("Are you sure?", "Confirmation") {
        // Simulate positive button action
        println("User clicked 'Yes' and the process action is executed.")

Now let’s look at a more complex example where the Anko DSL acts as a complete replacement for a layout definition in XML. The next listing declares a simple form with two editable fields: one for entering an email address and another for putting in a password. At the end, you add a button with a click handler.

Using Anko to define a simple activity

verticalLayout {
    val email = editText {
        hint = "Email"
    val password = editText {
        hint = "Password"
        transformationMethod = PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance()
    button("Log In") {
        onClick {
            logIn(email.text, password.text)

In this code:

  • verticalLayout { ... }: This defines a vertical layout. All the UI components within the curly braces will be arranged vertically.
  • val email = editText { ... }: This creates an EditText for entering an email. The hint attribute sets the placeholder text to “Email”. The email variable will hold a reference to this EditText.
  • val password = editText { ... }: This creates an EditText for entering a password. The hint attribute sets the placeholder text to “Password”. The transformationMethod is set to hide the password characters. The password variable will hold a reference to this EditText.
  • button("Log In") { ... }: This creates a “Log In” button. The onClick block specifies what should happen when the button is clicked. In this case, the logIn function (assumed to be defined elsewhere) is called with the email and password text from the EditText fields.

The Anko library simplifies Android UI creation by providing a DSL that closely resembles the structure of UI components. It enhances readability and reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed for UI creation. Please note that you need to include the Anko library in your project to use these DSL functions.

Lambdas with receivers are a powerful tool in creating concise and structured UI elements. By declaring these elements in code instead of XML files, you can extract and reuse repetitive logic. This approach empowers you to distinctly separate the UI design and the underlying business logic into separate components, all within the realm of Kotlin code. This alignment results in more maintainable and versatile codebases for your Android applications.


In conclusion, Kotlin DSLs are a powerful tool that enables developers to build expressive, concise, and type-safe code for specific problem domains. By leveraging Kotlin’s features such as extension functions, lambda expressions, and infix notation, you can design a DSL that reads like a natural language, improving code readability and maintainability. Whether you’re developing Android apps, configuring build scripts, or building web applications, mastering Kotlin DSLs will undoubtedly boost your productivity and make your code more elegant and efficient. So, go ahead and explore the world of Kotlin DSLs to take your programming skills to new heights!

kotlin inline properties

Unveiling the Power: A Deep Dive into Kotlin Inline Properties for Enhanced Development Magic

Kotlin, known for its concise syntax and powerful features, has gained immense popularity among developers. One of its notable features is the ability to declare kotlin inline properties. Kotlin inline properties combine the benefits of properties and inline functions, providing improved performance and better control over code structure. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into Kotlin inline properties, covering their definition, benefits, and use cases, and providing detailed examples to solidify your understanding.

Understanding Inline Properties

An inline property is a property that is backed by an inline function. This means that when you access the property, the code of the getter function is directly inserted at the call site, similar to how inline functions work. This has significant implications for performance, as it eliminates the overhead of function calls.

What are Kotlin inline properties?

Inline properties are a Kotlin feature that allows you to improve the performance of your code by inlining the property accessors into the code that uses them. This means that the compiler will copy the body of the accessors into the call site, instead of calling them as separate functions.

Inline properties can be used for both read-only (val) and mutable (var) properties. However, they can only be used for properties that do not have a backing field.

When to use Kotlin inline properties?

Inline properties should be used when you want to improve the performance of your code by reducing the number of function calls. This is especially useful for properties that are accessed frequently or that are used in performance-critical code.

Inline properties should not be used when the property accessors are complex or when the property is not accessed frequently. In these cases, the performance benefits of inlining may not be worth the added complexity.

Declaring Kotlin Inline Properties

To declare an inline property in Kotlin, you’ll use the inline keyword before the property definition. Here’s the general syntax:

inline val propertyName: PropertyType
    get() = propertyValue

Let’s break down the code:

  • inline: This keyword indicates that the property is inline, allowing its getter code to be inserted at the call site.
  • val: Indicates that the property is read-only.
  • propertyName: The name you give to your property.
  • PropertyType: The data type of the property.
  • propertyValue: The value that the property holds.

Few Simple Declarations of Kotlin inline properties

Here are some simple examples of how to use Kotlin inline properties:

// A read-only inline property
inline val foo: String
    get() = "Hello, softAai!"

// A mutable inline property
inline var bar: Int
    get() = TODO() // You need a getter function for a mutable property
    set(value) {
        // Do something with the value.

// An inline property with a custom getter and setter
inline val baz: String
    get() = "This is a custom getter."
    set(value) {
        // Do something with the value.

In the above code snippet:

  • For the bar property, you need to provide a getter function since it’s a mutable property. In this case, I’ve used TODO() to indicate that you need to replace it with an actual getter implementation.
  • The baz property is defined with a custom getter and setter. The getter provides a string value, and the setter is a placeholder where you can implement custom logic to handle the incoming value.

Use Cases for Kotlin Inline Properties

  1. Simple Properties: Inline properties are ideal for cases where you have simple read-only properties that involve minimal computation. For instance, properties that return constant values or perform basic calculations can benefit from inlining.
  2. Performance-Critical Code: In scenarios where performance is crucial, such as in high-frequency loops, using inline properties can significantly reduce function call overhead and lead to performance improvements.
  3. DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages): Inline properties can be used to create more readable and expressive DSLs. The inlined properties can provide syntactic sugar that enhances the DSL’s usability.
  4. Custom Accessors: Inline properties are useful when you want to customize the getter logic for a property without incurring function call overhead.

Examples of Kotlin Inline Properties

Let’s explore a few examples to solidify our understanding.

Example 1: Constant Inline Property

inline val pi: Double
    get() = 3.141592653589793

In this example, the pi property always returns the constant value of Pi.

Example 2: Performance Optimization

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
    val magnitude: Double
        inline get() = Math.sqrt(x.toDouble() * x + y.toDouble() * y)

fun main() {
    val point = Point(3, 4)
    println("Magnitude of the point: ${point.magnitude}")

In this example, the inline property magnitude allows you to access the magnitude of the Point instance without invoking a separate function. The getter’s code is expanded and copied directly at the call site, eliminating the function call overhead.

Example 3: DSL Enhancement

class Element(val tagName: String) {
    inline val cssClass: String
        get() = "$tagName-class"

fun main() {
    val div = Element("div")
    println(div.cssClass) // Output: div-class

Here, the cssClass property enhances the readability of constructing CSS class names within an HTML DSL.

Rules for Kotlin Inline Properties

1. Inline Modifier

To declare an inline property, use the inline modifier before the property definition. This indicates that the property getter’s code will be inserted directly at the call site.

inline val propertyName: PropertyType
    get() = propertyValue


inline val pi: Double
    get() = 3.141592653589793

2. Read-Only Properties

Inline properties are read-only; they don’t support custom setters(as don’t have backing fields). You can only define the getter logic. It might feel confusing but don’t worry, you will get a clearer idea as we proceed. So, bear with me.


data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)

inline val Point.magnitude: Double
    get() = Math.sqrt(x.toDouble() * x + y.toDouble() * y)

3. Limited Logic in Getters

Keep the logic inside the inline property getter minimal and straightforward. Avoid complex computations or excessive branching.


inline val half: Int
    get() = 100 / 2

4. No Property Initialization

You can’t directly initialize the inline property’s value within the property declaration.


// Not allowed
inline val invalid: Int = 42   

// We will get this compilation error: Inline property cannot have backing field

5. Interaction with Inline Functions

When an inline property is accessed within an inline function, the property’s code is also inlined. This can create a hierarchy of inlining that affects performance and code size.


inline val greeting: String
    get() = "Hello"

inline fun printGreeting() {
    println(greeting) // The code of 'greeting' property will be inlined here

By marking both the property and the function as inline, the property’s getter code is directly placed into the function’s call site. This can optimize performance by avoiding the function call overhead. However, it might lead to larger compiled code if the same property’s getter logic is used in multiple locations.

6. Parameterization with Higher-Order Functions

Inline properties can’t take parameters directly. You can use higher-order functions or lambdas for parameterized behavior.


inline val greeting: (String) -> String
    get() = { name -> "Hello, $name!" }

fun main() {
    val greetFunction = greeting // Assign the lambda to a variable
    val message = greetFunction("softAai") // Call the lambda with a name
    println(message)   // o/p : Hello, softAai!

Inline Modifier and Inline Properties

The inline modifier can be used on accessors of properties that don’t have backing fields. You can annotate individual property accessors. That means we can mark entire property or individual accessors (getter and setter) as inline:

Inline Getter

var ageProperty: Int
    inline get() {
    set(value) {

Inline Setter

var ageProperty: Int
    get() {
    inline set(value) {

Inline Entire Property

You can also annotate an entire property, which marks both of its accessors as inline:

inline val ageProperty: Int
    get() {
    set(value) {

Remember, when you use inline accessors in Kotlin, whether for getters or setters, their code behaves like regular inline functions at the call site. This means that the code inside the accessor is inserted directly where the property is accessed or modified, similar to how inline functions work.

Kotlin Inline Properties and Backing Fields

In Kotlin, properties are usually associated with a backing field — a hidden field that stores the actual value of the property. This backing field is automatically generated by the compiler for properties with custom getters or setters. However, inline properties differ in this aspect.

What Does “No Backing Field” Mean?

When you declare an inline property, the property’s getter code is directly inserted at the call site where the property is accessed. This means that there’s no separate backing field holding the value of the property. Instead, the getter logic is inlined into the code that accesses the property, eliminating the need for a distinct memory location to store the property value.

Implications of No Backing Field

  1. Memory Efficiency: Since inline properties don’t require a backing field, they can be more memory-efficient compared to regular properties with backing fields. This can be especially beneficial when dealing with large data structures or frequent property accesses.
  2. Direct Calculation: The absence of a backing field means that any calculations performed within the inline property’s getter are done directly at the call site. This can lead to improved performance by avoiding unnecessary memory accesses.

Example: Understanding No Backing Field

Consider the following example of a regular property with a backing field and an inline property:

class Rectangle(val width: Int, val height: Int) {
    // Regular property with backing field
    val area: Int
        get() = width * height
    // Inline property without backing field
    inline val perimeter: Int
        get() = 2 * (width + height)

fun main() {
    val rectangle = Rectangle(5, 10)
    println("Area: ${rectangle.area}")   // o/p : 50
    println("Perimeter: ${rectangle.perimeter}")  // o/p : 30

In this example, the area property has a backing field that stores the result of the area calculation. On the other hand, the perimeter inline property doesn’t have a backing field; its getter code is directly inserted wherever it’s accessed.

When to Use Kotlin Inline Properties without Backing Fields

Inline properties without backing fields are suitable for cases where you want to perform direct calculations or return simple values without the need for separate memory storage. They are particularly useful when the logic within the getter is straightforward and lightweight.

However, remember that inline properties are read-only and can’t have custom setters. We cannot set values to inline properties in the same way we do with regular properties. However, we can use custom setters for performing additional operations other than simple value assignment to it. Therefore, they’re most appropriate for scenarios where the value is determined by a simple calculation or constant.

Restriction: No Backing Field with inline Accessors

In Kotlin, when you use the inline modifier on property accessors (getter or setter), it’s important to note that this modifier is only allowed for accessors that don’t have a backing field associated with them. This means that properties with inline accessors cannot have a separate storage location (backing field) to hold their values.

Reason for the Restriction

The restriction on using inline with properties that have backing fields is in place to prevent potential issues with infinite loops and unexpected behavior. The inlining process could lead to situations where the inlined accessor is calling itself, creating a loop. By disallowing inline on properties with backing fields, Kotlin ensures that this kind of situation doesn’t occur.

Hypothetical Example

Consider the following hypothetical scenario, which would result in an infinite loop if the restriction wasn’t in place:

class InfiniteLoopExample {
    private var _value: Int = 0

    inline var value: Int
        get() = value   // This could lead to an infinite loop
        set(v) {
            _value = v

In this example, if the inline modifier were allowed on the getter, an infinite loop would occur since the inline getter is calling itself.

To fix the code and prevent the infinite loop, you should reference the backing property _value in the getter and also make it public, as shown below:

class InfiniteLoopExample {
    var _value: Int = 0   // // Change visibility to public

    inline var value: Int
        get() = _value   // Use the backing property here
        set(v) {
            _value = v

fun main() {
    val example = InfiniteLoopExample()
    example.value = 42

Note: By changing the visibility to ‘public,’ you introduce a security risk as it exposes the internal details of your class. This approach is not recommended; even though it violates the ‘no backing field’ rule, I only made these changes for the sake of understanding. Instead, it’s better to follow the rules and guidelines for inline properties.

Real Life Example

inline var votingAge: Int
    get() {
        return 18    // Minimum voting age in India
    set(value) {
        if (value < 18) {
            val waitingValue = 18 - value
            println("Setting: Still waiting $waitingValue years to voting age")
        } else {
            println("Setting: No more waiting years to voting age")

fun main() {
    votingAge = 4
    val votableAge = votingAge
    println("The votable age in India is $votableAge")

When you run the code, the following output will be produced:

Setting: Still waiting 14 years to voting age
The votable age in India is 18

In India, the minimum voting age is 18 years old. This means that a person must be at least 18 years old in order to vote in an election. The inline property here stores the minimum voting age in India, and it can be used to check if a person is old enough to vote.

In the code, the value of the votingAge property is set to 4. However, the setter checks if the value is less than 18. Since it is, the setter prints a message saying that the person is still waiting to reach the voting age. The value of the votingAge property is not changed.

This code snippet can be used to implement a real-world application that checks if a person is old enough to vote. For example, it could be used to validate the age of a voter before they are allowed to cast their vote.

Benefits of Kotlin Inline Properties

There are several benefits to using Kotlin inline properties:

  1. Performance Optimization: Inline properties eliminate the overhead of function calls, resulting in improved performance by reducing the runtime costs associated with accessing properties.
  2. Control over Inlining: Inline properties give you explicit control over which properties should be inlined, allowing you to fine-tune performance optimizations for specific parts of your codebase.
  3. Cleaner Syntax: Inline properties can lead to cleaner and more concise code by reducing the need for explicit getter methods.
  4. Reduced Object Creation: In some cases, inline properties can help avoid unnecessary object creation, as the getter code is inserted directly into the calling code.
  • Smaller code size: Inline properties can reduce the size of your compiled code by eliminating the need to create separate functions for the property accessors.
  • Easier debugging: Inline properties can make it easier to debug your code by making it easier to see where the property accessors are being called.

Drawbacks of using Kotlin inline properties

There are a few drawbacks to using Kotlin inline properties:

  • Increased complexity: Inline properties can make your code more complex, especially if the property accessors are complex.
  • Reduced flexibility: Inline properties can reduce the flexibility of your code, because you cannot override or extend the property accessors.


Kotlin’s inline properties provide a powerful mechanism for optimizing code performance and enhancing code structure. By using inline properties, you gain the benefits of both properties and inline functions, leading to more readable and performant code. Understanding when and how to use inline properties can elevate your Kotlin programming skills and contribute to the efficiency of your projects.


Unlock the Power of Kotlin Lambda Name-Resolution: Positive Insights into Rules and Practical Examples

Let’s explore Kotlin lambda name-resolution in this comprehensive guide. Learn how Kotlin resolves names in lambda expressions, enhancing your understanding of this powerful language feature. Master the intricacies of lambda function naming for improved code clarity and functionality.

Kotlin, with its concise and expressive syntax, brings functional programming concepts to the forefront. One of its powerful features is lambda expressions, which allow you to define and pass around blocks of code as first-class citizens. However, understanding the name-resolution rules when working with Kotlin lambdas can sometimes be a bit tricky. In this blog post, we’ll dive into these rules with clear examples to help you navigate them confidently.

What exactly are name-resolution rules?

Name-resolution rules refer to the guidelines that determine how the programming language identifies and selects variables, functions, or other symbols based on their names in different contexts. In the context of programming languages like Kotlin, these rules define how the compiler or interpreter decides which variable, function, or other entities should be referred to when a particular name is used.

For example, if you have a variable named x declared in a certain scope, and you use the name x in that scope, the name-resolution rules determine whether you are referring to the local variable x or some other variable with the same name in an outer or enclosing scope.

In the context of Kotlin lambda expressions, the name-resolution rules specify how variables from the surrounding scope are captured by lambdas and how lambda parameters interact with variables of the same name in outer scopes. Understanding these rules is crucial for writing correct and maintainable code when working with lambdas and closures.

Lambda Expressions in a Nutshell

Lambda expressions in Kotlin provide a way to define small, inline functions, often used as arguments to higher-order functions or assigned to variables. The general syntax of a lambda expression is as follows:

val lambdaName: (parameters) -> returnType = { arguments -> lambdaBody }

Now, let’s explore the intricacies of name resolution within lambda expressions. Let’s go through each of the lambda name-resolution rules in Kotlin with corresponding code examples and explanations

Capturing Variables (Just a short Recap for Rule_1)

Lambdas can capture variables from their surrounding scopes. These captured variables are accessible within the lambda’s body. However, the rules for capturing variables can sometimes lead to unexpected results.

Example 1: Capturing Variables

fun main() {
    val outsideVariable = 42
    val lambda: () -> Unit = {
        println(outsideVariable) // Captured variable accessible
    lambda() // Prints: 42

In this example, the lambda captures the outsideVariable and can access it within its body.

Example 2: Capturing Changing Variables

fun main() {
    var outsideVariable = 42
    val lambda: () -> Unit = {
    outsideVariable = 99
    lambda() // Prints: 99

In this case, the lambda captures the reference to outsideVariable, so it prints the updated value even after the variable changes.

Example 3: Capturing Final Variables

fun main() {
    val outsideVariable = 42
    val lambda: () -> Unit = {
    outsideVariable = 99 // Compilation error: Val cannot be reassigned

Since outsideVariable is a final (val) variable, it cannot be reassigned, leading to a compilation error.

Rule 1: Local Scope Access

Lambdas can access variables and functions from their surrounding scope (enclosing function or block) just like regular functions.

fun main() {
    val outerValue = 42
    val lambda = {
        println(outerValue) // Can access outerValue from the enclosing scope
    lambda() // Prints: 42

Explanation: Lambda expressions can access variables from their surrounding scope just like regular functions. The lambda in this example can access the outerValue variable defined in the main function.

Shadowing Lambda Parameters

Lambda parameters can shadow variables from outer scopes. This means that if a lambda parameter has the same name as a variable in the enclosing scope, the lambda will refer to its parameter, not the outer variable.

Example 1: Shadowing Lambda Parameters

fun main() {
    val value = 42
    val lambda: (value: Int) -> Unit = { value ->
        println(value) // Refers to lambda parameter
    lambda(99) // Prints: 99

In this example, the lambda’s parameter value shadows the outer variable value, and the lambda refers to its parameter.

Rule 2: Shadowing

If a lambda parameter or a variable inside the lambda has the same name as a variable in the enclosing scope, the lambda’s local variable shadows the outer variable. The lambda will use its own variable instead of the outer one.

fun main() {
    val value = 42
    val lambda = { value: Int ->
        println(value) // Refers to the parameter inside the lambda
    lambda(10) // Prints: 10

Explanation: If a lambda parameter or a variable inside the lambda has the same name as a variable in the enclosing scope, the lambda’s local variable shadows the outer variable. In this example, the lambda parameter value shadows the outer value, so the lambda prints the parameter’s value.

Qualifying Lambda Parameters

To refer to variables from the outer scope when they are shadowed by lambda parameters, you can use the label @ followed by the variable name.

Example 1: Qualifying Lambda Parameters

fun main() {
    val value = 42
    val lambda: (value: Int) -> Unit = { @value ->
        println(value) // Refers to outer variable
    lambda(99) // Prints: 42

By using @value, the lambda refers to the outer variable value instead of its parameter.

Rule 3: Qualified Access

You can use a qualified name to access variables from an outer scope. For example, if you have a lambda inside a class method, you can access class-level properties using this.propertyName.

class Example {
    val property = "Hello from Example"
    fun printProperty() {
        val lambda = {
            println(this.property) // Uses 'this' to access class-level property
        lambda() // Prints: Hello from Example

fun main() {
    val example = Example()

Explanation: Inside a class method, you can access class-level properties using this.property. In this example, the lambda inside the printProperty method accesses the property of the Example class using this.

Rule 4: Avoiding Variable Capture

If you want to avoid capturing variables by reference and instead capture their values, you can use the run function.

Example 1: Avoiding Variable Capture with run

fun main() {
    val outsideVariable = 42
    val lambda: () -> Unit = {
        run {
            println(outsideVariable) // Captures value, not reference
    lambda() // Prints: 42

By using run, you ensure that the value of outsideVariable is captured instead of its reference.

Rule 5: Access to Receiver

In lambdas with receivers, you can directly access properties and functions of the receiver object without needing to qualify them with the receiver’s name.

fun main() {
    val message = StringBuilder().apply {
        append("Hello, ")
    println(message) // Prints: Hello, Kotlin!

Explanation: In lambdas with receivers (like the lambda passed to apply here), you can directly access properties and functions of the receiver object without needing to qualify them with the receiver’s name. The lambda modifies the StringBuilder receiver directly.

Rule 6: Closure

Lambda expressions have closure, which means they capture the variables they reference from their containing scope. These captured variables are available even if the containing scope is no longer active.

fun closureExample(): () -> Unit {
    val outerValue = 42
    return {
        println(outerValue) // Captures outerValue from its containing scope

fun main() {
    val closure = closureExample()
    closure() // Prints: 42

Explanation: Lambda expressions have closure, meaning they capture the variables they reference from their containing scope. In this example, the closure captures the outerValue variable from its surrounding scope and retains it even after the closureExample function has finished executing.

Rule 7: Anonymous Functions

In contrast to lambda expressions, anonymous functions don’t have implicit name-resolution rules. They behave more like regular functions in terms of scoping and access.

fun main() {
    val outerValue = 42
    val anonymousFunction = fun() {
        println(outerValue) // Can access outerValue like a regular function
    anonymousFunction() // Prints: 42

Explanation: Anonymous functions behave more like regular functions in terms of scoping and access. They don’t introduce the same implicit receiver and closure behavior that lambda expressions do.

I hope these examples help you understand how each name-resolution rule works in Kotlin lambda expressions


Kotlin’s lambda expressions provide a flexible and powerful way to work with functional programming concepts. Understanding the name-resolution rules, especially when capturing variables and dealing with parameter shadowing, is essential to writing clean and predictable code. By following the examples provided in this blog post, you’ll be better equipped to use lambdas effectively in your Kotlin projects. Happy coding!

kotlin infix functions

Kotlin Infix Functions: Simplify Your Code with Style and Clarity

In Kotlin, we often come across situations where we need to call functions on objects using dot notation, which can sometimes lead to verbose and cluttered code. To address this issue, Kotlin introduces the concept of infix functions, a powerful feature that allows you to call methods in a more concise and intuitive way. In this blog, we will explore the ins and outs of kotlin infix functions, understand their usage, and see how they can enhance code readability and maintainability.

What are Kotlin Infix Functions?

An infix function is a special type of function in Kotlin that allows you to call methods with a specific syntax using the infix notation. Instead of using the regular dot notation (obj.method()), you can use the infix notation, which places the function name between the object and the parameter, separated by spaces (obj method parameter). This makes the code more human-readable, similar to writing natural language.

For an infix function to work, it must satisfy the following conditions:

  • It must be a member function or an extension function.
  • It must have a single parameter.
  • The function must be marked with the infix keyword.

Defining Kotlin Infix Functions

To create an infix function, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Define the function as a member or extension function.
  2. Add the infix keyword before the fun keyword.

Here’s the general syntax for defining an infix function:

infix fun <ReceiverType>.functionName(param: ParamType): ReturnType {
    // Function logic here
    // ...
    return result


  • <ReceiverType> represents the type of the object on which the function is called (for member functions).
  • functionName is the name of the function.
  • param is the single parameter of the function.
  • ReturnType is the type of the value returned by the function.

Syntax and Rules

There are specific rules and guidelines to follow when using infix functions in Kotlin:

  1. Infix functions must be member functions or extension functions.
  2. Infix functions must have only one parameter.
  3. The function must be marked with the infix keyword.
  4. The function must be called using infix notation (object function parameter).

It’s essential to keep these rules in mind while defining and using kotlin infix functions to ensure consistency and readability in the codebase.

Precedence and Associativity

When using kotlin infix functions in expressions, it’s crucial to understand their precedence and associativity. Infix functions follow the same rules as regular infix operators (+, -, *). The precedence of infix functions depends on their first character:

  • Kotlin Infix functions starting with alphanumeric characters have lower precedence than arithmetic operators.
  • Kotlin Infix functions starting with special characters have higher precedence than arithmetic operators.

If you have multiple kotlin infix functions in a single expression, they will be evaluated from left to right, regardless of their precedence. To control the evaluation order, you can use parentheses.

Reusability and Code Organization

Kotlin Infix functions can significantly improve code readability when used judiciously. However, it’s essential to strike a balance and avoid overusing them. Using infix functions for every method in your codebase can lead to code that is difficult to read and understand. Reserve infix functions for situations where they genuinely enhance clarity and maintainability.

Additionally, consider defining kotlin infix functions in a dedicated utility or extension class to keep your code organized. This will prevent cluttering the main business logic classes with potentially unrelated infix functions.

Applying Kotlin Infix Functions to Custom Classes

Kotlin Infix functions are not restricted to the standard Kotlin library functions. You can apply them to your own classes as well. This can be particularly useful when you want to create DSL-like structures for domain-specific tasks, as shown in the custom DSL example in the previous section.

By applying infix functions to your custom classes, you can create an expressive and domain-specific syntax, making your codebase more elegant and maintainable.

Using infix for Extension Functions

Kotlin Infix functions can also be used with extension functions. This means you can create infix functions that act as extensions to existing classes. This is a powerful technique to add functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code.

infix fun String.customExtensionFunction(other: String): String {
    // Some logic here
    return this + other

fun main() {
    val result = "Hello" customExtensionFunction " World"
    println(result) // Output: Hello World

Overloading Kotlin Infix Functions

Like regular functions, you can also overload kotlin infix functions with different parameter types. This gives you the flexibility to provide alternative implementations based on the parameter types, making your code more versatile.

infix fun Int.add(other: Int): Int = this + other
infix fun Double.add(other: Double): Double = this + other

fun main() {
    val result1 = 10 add 5
    val result2 = 3.5 add 1.5
    println("Result 1: $result1") // Output: Result 1: 15
    println("Result 2: $result2") // Output: Result 2: 5.0

Combining Kotlin Infix Functions and Operator Overloading

Kotlin allows you to combine infix functions with operator overloading. This provides even more expressive capabilities, allowing you to use custom operators in infix form

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
    operator fun plus(other: Point): Point = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)

infix fun Point.addTo(other: Point): Point = this + other

fun main() {
    val point1 = Point(2, 3)
    val point2 = Point(4, 5)

    val result1 = point1 + point2
    val result2 = point1 addTo point2

    println("Result 1: $result1") // Output: Result 1: Point(x=6, y=8)
    println("Result 2: $result2") // Output: Result 2: Point(x=6, y=8)

Chaining Kotlin Infix Functions

One of the significant advantages of kotlin infix functions is the ability to chain multiple function calls together, resulting in more fluent and readable code. By properly designing infix functions and adhering to meaningful naming conventions, you can create code that reads like a natural language sentence.

infix fun String.join(other: String): String = "$this and $other"
infix fun String.capitalizeFirstLetter(): String = this.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercase() }

fun main() {
    val result = "hello" capitalizeFirstLetter() join "world"
    println(result) // Output: Hello and world

Null Safety and Kotlin Infix Functions

When dealing with nullable objects, kotlin infix functions can still be useful, but you need to consider null safety. If an infix function is used on a nullable object, it will lead to a NullPointerException if the object is null.

To handle nullable objects, you can define the infix function as an extension function on a nullable receiver type and use safe calls or the elvis operator (?:) within the function.

infix fun String?.safeJoin(other: String?): String =
    "${this ?: "null"} and ${other ?: "null"}"

fun main() {
    val result1 = "hello" safeJoin "world"
    val result2 = null safeJoin "Kotlin"
    val result3 = "Java" safeJoin null

    println(result1) // Output: hello and world
    println(result2) // Output: null and Kotlin
    println(result3) // Output: Java and null

Kotlin Infix Functions and Scope Functions

Kotlin Infix functions can be combined with scope functions (let, run, with, apply, also) to create even more concise and expressive code. This combination can lead to powerful and readable constructs, especially when dealing with data manipulation and transformations.

data class Person(var name: String, var age: Int)

// Infix function using 'also'
infix fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T {
    return this

fun main() {
    val person = Person("Alice", 30)

    with(person) {
        name = "Bob"
        age = 32

    println(person) // Output: Person(name=Bob, age=32)

    // Using 'also' as an infix function
    person also {
        it.name = "Charlie"
        it.age = 25

    println(person) // Output: Person(name=Charlie, age=25)

Combining Kotlin Infix Functions with when Expressions

Kotlin Infix functions can be used in combination with when expressions to create more readable and expressive patterns, especially when dealing with multiple conditions.

infix fun Int.isInRange(range: IntRange): Boolean = this in range

fun main() {
    val num = 25
    val result = when (num) {
        in 1..10 -> "In range 1 to 10"
        in 11..20 -> "In range 11 to 20"
        else -> "Outside the given ranges"

    println(result)  // Outside the given ranges

Kotlin Infix Functions and Collections

Kotlin Infix functions can be useful when working with collections. By combining infix functions with functional programming constructs, you can create concise and readable code for filtering, mapping, and other collection operations.

data class Book(val title: String, val author: String)

infix fun List<Book>.byAuthor(author: String): List<Book> = filter { it.author == author }

fun main() {
    val books = listOf(
        Book("Book A", "Author X"),
        Book("Book B", "Author Y"),
        Book("Book C", "Author X")

    val booksByAuthorX = books byAuthor "Author X"
    println(booksByAuthorX) // Output: [Book(title=Book A, author=Author X), Book(title=Book C, author=Author X)]

Unit Testing Kotlin Infix Functions

When writing unit tests for code that involves infix functions, ensure that you cover all possible scenarios, including edge cases and null values. Properly test the behavior of infix functions, especially when they interact with other parts of the codebase.

Performance Considerations

Kotlin Infix functions in Kotlin do not impose any significant performance overhead compared to regular functions. Under the hood, infix functions are just regular functions with a specific syntax. The choice between using infix functions and regular functions should primarily be based on code readability and maintainability rather than performance considerations.

Keep in mind that the performance impact, if any, will be negligible, as the Kotlin compiler optimizes the code during the compilation process.

Kotlin Infix Functions and Code Style

When using infix functions, it’s essential to adhere to the established coding standards and style guidelines of your project or team. A consistent coding style ensures that the codebase remains clean and coherent.

Consider the following best practices for using infix functions:

  • Use meaningful names for infix functions to improve readability.
  • Use infix functions for operations that naturally read like an English sentence.
  • Avoid chaining too many infix functions together in a single expression, as it can make the code less readable.

Conflicting Kotlin Infix Functions

If you have multiple libraries or modules with infix functions that share the same name, Kotlin allows you to resolve the conflict by explicitly specifying the receiver type when calling the infix function.

For example, if both ClassA and ClassB have an infix function named combine, you can disambiguate the call as follows:

val objA = ClassA()
val objB = Class