Amol Pawar

when expressions in kotlin

Supercharge Your Code: Harnessing the Power of When Expressions in Kotlin for Enhanced Development

Kotlin is a modern, concise and powerful programming language that has gained a lot of popularity among developers in recent years. One of the features that makes Kotlin stand out is its powerful when expression, which is a more expressive version of the traditional switch statement in Java. In this article, we will dive deep into the power of when expressions in Kotlin.

Syntax of When Expressions in Kotlin

The syntax of the when expression is straightforward and intuitive. It consists of a keyword “when”, followed by a variable or expression in parentheses, and then a series of cases separated by commas. Each case is defined by a value or a range of values, followed by the arrow operator (->) and the block of code to execute. Finally, there is an optional else block, which executes when none of the cases match.

when (variable) {
    case1Value -> {
        // Code to execute when case1Value matches the variable
    case2Value, case3Value -> {
        // Code to execute when case2Value or case3Value matches the variable
    in case4Value..case6Value -> {
        // Code to execute when the variable is in the range from case4Value to case6Value
    else -> {
        // Code to execute when none of the above cases match


Here are some simple examples that demonstrate the power of when expressions in Kotlin:

Matching on Types:

When expressions in kotlin can be used to match on types of objects. For example, the following code matches on a variable x and executes different blocks of code depending on whether x is an Int, a String, or a Boolean:

when (x) {
    is Int -> {
        // Code to execute when x is an integer
    is String -> {
        // Code to execute when x is a string
    is Boolean -> {
        // Code to execute when x is a boolean
    else -> {
        // Code to execute when x is none of the above types

Matching on Values:

When expressions in kotlin can also be used to match on specific values. For example, the following code matches on a variable x and executes different blocks of code depending on whether x is 1, 2, 3 or none of the above:

when (x) {
    1 -> {
        // Code to execute when x is 1
    2 -> {
        // Code to execute when x is 2
    3 -> {
        // Code to execute when x is 3
    else -> {
        // Code to execute when x is none of the above values

Matching on Ranges:

When expressions in kotlin can also match on ranges of values. For example, the following code matches on a variable x and executes a block of code if x is in the range from 1 to 10:

when (x) {
    in 1..10 -> {
        // Code to execute when x is in the range from 1 to 10
    else -> {
        // Code to execute when x is not in the range from 1 to 10

Multiple Conditions:

When expressions in kotlin can match on multiple conditions. For example, the following code matches on a variable x and executes a block of code if x is greater than 10 and less than 20:

when (x) {
    in 11..19 -> {
        // Code to execute when x is in the range from 11 to 19
    else -> {
        // Code to execute when x is not in the range from 11 to 19

Smart Casting:

When expressions in kotlin can be used to cast an object to a specific type. For example, the following code matches on a variable x and casts it to an Int if possible, then executes a block of code that uses the casted Int:

when (x) {
    is String -> {
        val length = x.length
        // Code to execute using the length of the string
    is Int -> {
        val value = x
        // Code to execute using the integer value of x
    else -> {
        // Code to execute when x is neither a String nor an Int

Returning Values:

When expressions in kotlin can return values, which can be useful in functional programming. For example, the following code matches on a variable x and returns a corresponding value depending on whether x is 1, 2, or none of the above:

val result = when (x) {
    1 -> "One"
    2 -> "Two"
    else -> "Other"

It’s worth noting that when expressions in kotlin are often used in conjunction with other Kotlin features, such as enum, extension functions, lambdas, and sealed classes, to provide even more powerful and expressive code.

Now let’s see some cool ways to deal with other Kotlin features

Using “when” to deal with enum classes:

Kotlin’s “enum” class is a powerful and flexible way to represent a fixed set of values. When expressions in kotlin can be particularly useful for dealing with enum classes, as they can handle each value in a concise and readable way. For example:

enum class Color {

fun getColorName(color: Color) = when (color) {
    Color.RED -> "Red"
    Color.ORANGE -> "Orange"
    Color.YELLOW -> "Yellow"
    Color.GREEN -> "Green"
    Color.BLUE -> "Blue"
    Color.INDIGO -> "Indigo"
    Color.VIOLET -> "Violet"

Here, the “when” expression takes in a value of type “Color” and matches each possible value of the enum with a corresponding string. This makes the code more concise and easier to read than a series of “if-else” statements.

Using “when” with arbitrary objects:

In addition to using “when” expressions with enum classes, Kotlin also allows developers to use “when” with arbitrary objects. This can be useful for handling multiple types of objects in a concise and readable way. For example:

fun describeObject(obj: Any): String = when (obj) {
    is String -> "String with length ${obj.length}"
    is Int -> "Integer with value $obj"
    is Long -> "Long integer with value $obj"
    else -> "Unknown object"

Here, the “when” expression takes in an arbitrary object of type “Any” and matches it against each possible type using “is” checks. This allows the function to provide a concise and readable description of any object that is passed in.

Using “When” with extension functions:

Kotlin also allows developers to use “when” with extention functions in Kotlin, Here’s an example:

fun Int.isEven(): Boolean = this % 2 == 0

fun Int.isOdd(): Boolean = this % 2 == 1

fun Int.classify(): String {
    return when {
        this.isEven() -> "Even"
        this.isOdd() -> "Odd"
        else -> "Unknown"

fun main() {
    println(2.classify())  // Output: Even
    println(3.classify())  // Output: Odd
    println(4.classify())  // Output: Even
    println(5.classify())  // Output: Odd

In this example, we define two extension functions called isEven and isOdd that can be called on integer values. We then define another extension function called classify that uses a “when” expression to classify integer values as “Even”, “Odd”, or “Unknown”. The “when” expression is called on the integer value using the this keyword.

Using “When” with Sealed Classes

Using “when” expressions with sealed classes is a powerful feature in Kotlin that allows for concise and type-safe pattern matching.

sealed class AppState {
    object Loading : AppState()
    data class Success(val data: List<Item>) : AppState()
    data class Error(val message: String) : AppState()

fun renderState(state: AppState) {
    when (state) {
        is AppState.Loading -> showLoadingScreen()
        is AppState.Success -> showItems(
        is AppState.Error -> showErrorScreen(state.message)

// Usage:
val state = AppState.Loading

val data = listOf(Item("Item 1"), Item("Item 2"))
val state = AppState.Success(data)

val error = "An error occurred"
val state = AppState.Error(error)

In this example, we define a sealed class called AppState, which represents the state of an app screen. It has three possible subclasses: Loading, Success, and Error. The Success subclass contains a list of Item objects, while the Error subclass contains an error message.

We then define a function called renderState that takes an AppState instance as a parameter and uses a “when” expression to pattern match on the possible subclasses. Depending on the subclass, it calls different functions to render the appropriate screen.

Using “when” expressions with sealed classes in this way allows for more readable and maintainable code, as the pattern matching is type-safe and localized to a single function. It also allows for easy extensibility of the AppState hierarchy, as new subclasses can be added to represent different states of the app screen.

Using “When” with Lambda

Here’s a simple example of using a “when” expression with a lambda in Kotlin to filter a list of numbers:

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

val evenNumbers = numbers.filter { number ->
    when (number % 2) {
        0 -> true // The number is even, so include it in the filtered list
        else -> false // The number is odd, so exclude it from the filtered list

println(evenNumbers) // Prints: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

In this example, we start with a list of numbers and use the “filter” function to create a new list that only includes the even numbers. We pass a lambda expression to the “filter” function, which takes each number in the list and applies the “when” expression to determine if it should be included in the filtered list.

The “when” expression checks if the number is divisible by 2 (i.e., if it’s even) and returns true if it is, and false if it’s not. This lambda expression is concise and easy to read, and demonstrates how “when” expressions can be used in practical scenarios to create more expressive and flexible code.

Pattern Matching: To Regex or Custom Type

Here’s an example of how “when” expressions can be used for pattern matching:

fun checkType(obj: Any) {
    when(obj) {
        is Int -> println("Integer: $obj")
        is String -> println("String: $obj")
        is List<*> -> println("List: $obj")
        else -> println("Unknown Type")
fun main() {
    checkType(listOf(1, 2, 3))

In this example, we define a function called checkType that takes an arbitrary object as its input and uses a “when” expression to perform pattern matching on the object. The expression checks whether the object is an integer, a string, or a list of any type of element, and then prints a message indicating the type of the object.

Note that “when” expressions are not limited to simple type checks, but can also be used for more complex pattern-matching scenarios involving regular expressions or custom types. However, this example demonstrates the basic pattern-matching functionality of “when” expressions.

Lets see couple of examples of how “when” expressions can be used for more complex pattern matching scenarios in Kotlin.

1. Matching against regular expressions:

val input = "Hello123"
val pattern = "d+".toRegex()

val result = when (input) {
    pattern.matches(input) -> "Input matches pattern"
    else -> "Input does not match pattern"


In this example, we are using a “when” expression to match the input string against the regular expression pattern \\d+, which matches one or more digits. If the input matches the pattern, we print “Input matches pattern”. If it does not match the pattern, we print “Input does not match pattern”.

2. Matching against custom types:

sealed class Animal {
    object Dog : Animal()
    object Cat : Animal()
    object Fish : Animal()

fun describeAnimal(animal: Animal) = when (animal) {
    is Animal.Dog -> "This is a dog."
    is Animal.Cat -> "This is a cat."
    is Animal.Fish -> "This is a fish."

val myPet = Animal.Dog

In this example, we have a sealed class Animal with three objects: Dog, Cat, and Fish. We then define a function describeAnimal that takes in an Animal object and uses a “when” expression to match against the three possible cases of the sealed class. Depending on which case matches, the function returns a description of the animal.

Finally, we create an instance of Animal.Dog and pass it to describeAnimal, which prints “This is a dog.” to the console.

Smart casts: combining type checks and casts

You might have an idea about smart casts, as we saw in the previous smart casting example. In Kotlin, “smart casts” are a feature that allows developers to combine type checks and casts in a single operation. This can make code more concise and less error-prone. For example:

fun processString(str: Any) {
    if (str is String) {

Here, the “is” check ensures that the variable “str” is of type “String”, and the subsequent call to “toUpperCase()” can be made without casting “str” explicitly.

This same functionality can be achieved using a “when” expression, like so:

fun processString(str: Any) = when (str) {
    is String -> str.toUpperCase()
    else -> ""

Here, the “when” expression combines the “is” check and the call to “toUpperCase()” in a single operation. If the variable “str” is not a string, the expression returns an empty string.

Refactoring: replacing “if” with “when”:

Kotlin’s “when” expression can be a useful tool for refactoring existing “if-else” code. In many cases, “if-else” statements can be replaced with a “when” expression, which can make the code more concise and easier to read. For example:

fun getMessage(isValid: Boolean): String {
    return if (isValid) {
    } else {

This can be refactored into a “when” expression like so:

fun getMessage(isValid: Boolean): String = when (isValid) {
    true -> "Valid"
    false -> "Invalid"

Here, the “when” expression replaces the “if-else” statement, resulting in more concise and readable code.

Blocks as branches of “if” and “when”:

Kotlin’s “if” and “when” expressions can also be used to evaluate blocks of code, rather than just simple expressions. This can be useful for handling complex logic or multiple statements. For example:

fun evaluateGrade(score: Int): String = when {
    score < 60 -> {
        "Failing grade"
    score < 70 -> {
    score < 80 -> {
    score < 90 -> {
    else -> {

Here, each branch of the “when” expression contains a block of code, allowing for more complex logic to be evaluated. This can make the code more readable and easier to maintain.

Real-world examples in Android Code

Let’s see some real-world examples of where when expressions in kotlin can be used in Android app code:

Handling different button clicks: In an app with multiple buttons, “when” expressions can be used to handle the click events for each button. For example:

button.setOnClickListener { view ->
    when ( { -> {
            // Handle button1 click event
        } -> {
            // Handle button2 click event
        // Handle other button click events

Displaying different views: In a complex app with many different screens, “when” expressions can be used to display the appropriate view for each screen. For example:

when (screen) {
    Screen.Home -> {
        // Display the home screen view
    Screen.Profile -> {
        // Display the profile screen view
    // Handle other screen views

Handling different data types: In an app that deals with different data types, “when” expressions can be used to handle each data type appropriately. For example:

when (data) {
    is String -> {
        // Handle string data type
    is Int -> {
        // Handle integer data type
    // Handle other data types

Handling different API responses: In an app that communicates with an API, “when” expressions can be used to handle the different responses from the API. For example:

when (response) {
    is Success -> {
        // Handle successful API response
    is Error -> {
        // Handle API error response
    // Handle other API responses

When expression in Extention Function: Here’s an example of using “when” expressions with extension functions in an Android app:

fun TextView.setTextColorByStatus(status: String) {
    val colorRes = when (status) {
        "OK" ->
        "WARNING" -> R.color.yellow
        "ERROR" ->
        else ->
    this.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, colorRes))

// usage:

When expression in Lambda expression: Lambda expressions are often used in conjunction with “when” expressions in Android. Here’s an example:

val sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences("MyPrefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

val isDarkModeEnabled = sharedPreferences.getBoolean("isDarkModeEnabled", false)

val statusBarColor = when {
    isDarkModeEnabled -> Color.BLACK
    else -> Color.WHITE

window.statusBarColor = statusBarColor

Let’s see some benefits and limitations of “when” expressions in Kotlin:


  1. Concise and expressive: “when” expressions can help make your code more concise and expressive, which can improve readability and maintainability.
  2. More flexible than switch statements: “when” expressions are more flexible than traditional switch statements, as they can handle a wider range of conditions and types.
  3. Smart casting: “when” expressions can be used to perform smart casting, which can help eliminate the need for explicit type casting in your code.
  4. Works with enums and arbitrary objects: “when” expressions can be used with enums and arbitrary objects, which can help simplify your code.
  5. Supports functional programming: “when” expressions can be used with lambda functions, which makes them well-suited to functional programming approaches.


  1. Limited readability in complex scenarios: “when” expressions can become difficult to read and understand in more complex scenarios, especially when there are nested conditions or multiple actions associated with each condition.
  2. No fall-through behavior: Unlike switch statements, “when” expressions do not support fall-through behavior. This means that you cannot execute multiple actions for a single condition without using additional code.
  3. Limited to simple pattern matching: “when” expressions are limited to simple pattern matching, and cannot be used for more complex operations such as complex regular expressions.
  4. Limited backward compatibility: “when” expressions were introduced in Kotlin 1.1 and are not available in earlier versions of the language.
Kotlin Default Parameters

Empowering Kotlin: Unleashing the Dynamic Potential of Default Parameters for Streamlined and Flexible Functionality

In Kotlin, default parameters are a feature that allows developers to define default values for function parameters. This means that if a function is called with fewer arguments than expected, the default values will be used instead. Default parameters can help simplify function calls and reduce the amount of code you need to write.

Defining Default Parameters

To define default parameters in Kotlin, you simply specify a default value for a parameter in the function declaration. Here’s an example:

fun sayHello(name: String = \"softAai\") {
println(\"Hello, $name!\")

sayHello() // prints \"Hello, softAai!\"
sayHello(\"amol\") // prints \"Hello, amol!\"

In this example, the sayHello function has a default parameter name with a default value of \"softAai\". When called with no arguments, the function will print \”Hello, softAai!\”. When called with an argument, such as \"amol\", the function will print \”Hello, amol!\”.

Using Default Parameters in Functions

Default parameters can be useful when writing functions that have many optional parameters or when you want to provide a default value for a parameter that is commonly used. Here’s an example of a function that uses default parameters to simplify its signature:

fun sendResumeEmail(to: String, subject: String = \"\", body: String = \"\") {
// send email with given parameters and attached resume

sendResumeEmail(\"[email protected]\") // sends resume email with empty subject and body
sendResumeEmail(\"[email protected]\", \"Resume\") // sends resume email with \"Resume\" as subject and empty body
sendResumeEmail(\"[email protected]\", \"Resume\", \"PFA!\") // sends resume email with \"Resume\" as subject and \"PFA!\" as body

In this example, the sendResumeEmail function has two optional parameters, subject and body, with default values of \"\". This allows the function to be called with just a to parameter, which will send an email with an empty subject and body, or with both subject and body parameters, which will send a resume email with the specified subject and body.

Using Default Parameters with Named Parameters

Default parameters can also be used with named parameters to make the function call more readable and self-documenting. Here’s an example:

fun calculateInterest(principal: Double, rate: Double = 0.05, years: Int = 1): Double {
val interest = principal * rate * years
return interest

val interest1 = calculateInterest(principal = 1000.0, rate = 0.06, years = 2)
val interest2 = calculateInterest(principal = 500.0, rate = 0.07)
val interest3 = calculateInterest(principal = 2000.0)

println(\"Interest 1: $interest1\") // prints \"Interest 1: 120.0\"
println(\"Interest 2: $interest2\") // prints \"Interest 2: 17.5\"
println(\"Interest 3: $interest3\") // prints \"Interest 3: 100.0\"

In this example, the calculateInterest function has three parameters, principal, rate, and years, with default values of 0.05 and 1, respectively. By using named parameters, we can specify only the parameters we care about and use the default values for the others. This makes the function call more readable and reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed.

Using Default Parameters with Extension Functions

Default parameters can also be used with extension functions in Kotlin. When defining an extension function with default parameters, you can specify default values for any optional parameters. Here’s an example:

fun String.format(separator: String = \", \", prefix: String = \"[\", suffix: String = \"]\"): String {
return \"$prefix${this.split(\",\").joinToString(separator)}$suffix\"

In this example, we define an extension function on the String class called format. The format function takes three optional parameters: separator, prefix, and suffix. Each parameter has a default value, making them optional. The format function splits the string by commas and joins the resulting list with the specified separator, prefix, and suffix.

Using Default Parameters with Java Interoperability

Default parameters can also be used with Java interoperability in Kotlin. When a Kotlin function with default parameters is called from Java code, the default values are automatically generated as overloaded methods. Here’s an example:

fun greet(name: String, greeting: String = \"Hello\") {
println(\"$greeting, $name!\")

In this example, we use the @JvmOverloads annotation to tell the Kotlin compiler to generate overloaded methods for each combination of parameters, including the default parameters. This allows Java code to call the greet function with either one or two parameters, using the default value for the second parameter if it is not specified.

Using Default Parameters in Function Overloading

Default parameters can also be used in function overloading in Kotlin. When defining overloaded functions with default parameters, you can specify different default values for each function. Here’s an example:

fun multiply(x: Int, y: Int = 1) = x * y

fun multiply(x: Double, y: Double = 1.0) = x * y

In this example, we define two overloaded functions called multiply. The first function takes two integers and multiplies them together, with a default value of 1 for the second parameter. The second function takes two doubles and multiplies them together, with a default value of 1.0 for the second parameter. This allows callers to use either function with different types of parameters, while still providing default values for the optional parameters.

One more thing to note about default parameters in Kotlin is that they can only be defined for parameters that come after all non-default parameters. In other words, if a function has a mix of parameters with default and non-default values, the non-default parameters must come first in the parameter list, followed by the parameters with default values.

For example, this is a valid function with default parameters in Kotlin:

fun sayHello(name: String, greeting: String = \"Hello\") {
println(\"$greeting, $name!\")

In this example, the name parameter is a required parameter, while the greeting parameter has a default value of \”Hello\”. If we were to call the function without providing a value for greeting, the default value would be used:

sayHello(\"softAai\") // Prints \"Hello, softAai!\"

However, if we were to define the function with the parameters in the opposite order, it would not be valid:

// This is not valid!
fun sayHello(greeting: String = \"Hello\", name: String) {
println(\"$greeting, $name!\")

This is because the greeting parameter with the default value comes before the required name parameter. Defining default parameters in this way would result in a compilation error.

So in Kotlin, when defining a function with default parameters, the parameters with default values must come after all the parameters without default values in the function declaration. If this order is not followed, the code will not compile and the Kotlin compiler will generate an error message. This is a design decision made in the Kotlin language to prevent potential errors and to ensure clarity and consistency in the way functions with default parameters are defined.

Benefits of default parameters in Kotlin:

  1. Default parameters allow developers to define function parameters with default values, which can be used if a value is not provided by the caller. This can simplify function calls by reducing the number of parameters that need to be specified.
  2. Default parameters can help improve code readability, as developers can define a function with fewer parameters, making it easier to read and understand.
  3. Default parameters can also simplify function overloading, as developers can define multiple versions of a function with different default parameter values, reducing the need for separate functions with different parameter lists.
  4. Default parameters can help improve code maintenance, as developers can change the default parameter values in a function without having to modify all the callers of that function.

Limitations of default parameters in Kotlin:

  1. One of the limitations of default parameters is that they can only be defined for function parameters, not for properties or other types of variables.
  2. Default parameters can also make it more difficult to understand the behavior of a function, as callers may not be aware of the default parameter values and may not explicitly provide all necessary parameters.
  3. Default parameters can also lead to ambiguous function calls if there are multiple functions with similar parameter lists and default values.
  4. Default parameters can also have a negative impact on performance if a function is called with default parameter values frequently, as the function may need to execute additional logic to handle the default values.

Overall, default parameters in Kotlin can provide benefits in terms of code readability, maintenance, and simplifying function calls, but they should be used carefully and with consideration for their limitations.

kotlin named parameters

Exploring Use Cases Named Parameters in Kotlin

Kotlin is a modern programming language that has become popular for its concise syntax, powerful features, and seamless interoperability with Java. One of the features that sets Kotlin apart from other languages is its support for named parameters. Named parameters provide developers with more flexibility and readability when working with functions and methods. In this article, we will cover all aspects of named parameters in Kotlin and provide examples to help you understand how they work.

What are named parameters?

Named parameters allow you to pass arguments to a function or method by specifying the parameter name along with its value. This provides greater clarity and reduces the chance of errors when calling functions with many parameters or when dealing with optional parameters.

For example, consider the following function in Kotlin:

fun createPerson(name: String, age: Int, address: String) {
// implementation here

To call this function in Kotlin, you would typically pass the arguments in the order that they are defined in the function signature:

createPerson(\"amol pawar\", 25, \"House 23, Pune\")

With named parameters, you can specify the name of the parameters and their corresponding values, like this:

createPerson(name = \"amol pawar\", age = 25, address = \"House 23, Pune\")

This makes the code more readable and reduces the risk of passing the wrong values to the wrong parameters.

Kotlin introduced named parameters as a way to improve the readability and maintainability of code. In traditional programming languages, like Java, method parameters are passed in a specific order and it can sometimes be difficult to remember which parameter comes first, especially when the method has many parameters. Named parameters in Kotlin allow developers to specify the purpose of each parameter explicitly, making the code easier to understand and modify.

Named parameters also provide additional flexibility when calling functions or constructors. With named parameters, you can omit some parameters and use default values for them, while specifying values for only the parameters you care about. This can reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed and make the code more concise.

Another advantage of named parameters is that they make it easier to refactor code. When you add, remove, or reorder parameters in a function or constructor, you don’t need to worry about breaking any existing code that calls the function, as long as you use named parameters. This can save you time and effort when making changes to your code.

When using named parameters, it’s important to choose meaningful and descriptive names for the parameters.

Here is an example of using meaningful and descriptive names:

fun calculateBMI(weightInKg: Double, heightInCm: Double): Double {
val heightInMeters = heightInCm / 100
return weightInKg / (heightInMeters * heightInMeters)

val bmi = calculateBMI(weightInKg = 70.5, heightInCm = 175.0)
println(\"BMI: $bmi\")

In this example, we have defined a function called calculateBMI that takes two parameters: weightInKg and heightInCm. By using meaningful and descriptive names for the parameters, we can make it clear what each parameter represents and what units they are measured in. We are also using named parameters when calling the calculateBMI function to make the code more readable and self-documenting.

How To Use Named Parameters in Kotlin?

Let’s see different use cases where we use named parameters in Kotlin

1. Using named parameters with default values

Kotlin also allows you to define default parameter values for functions, which are used when a value is not provided by the caller. When combined with named parameters, this can make your code even more concise and expressive.

Consider the following function, which defines a default value for the address parameter:

fun createPerson(name: String, age: Int, address: String = \"Unknown\") {
// implementation here

With named parameters, you can call this function and only provide the non-default parameters:

createPerson(name = \"amol pawar\", age = 25)

In this example, the address parameter will default to \"Unknown\".

2. Using named parameters with both functions and constructors

Named parameters can be used with both functions and constructors in Kotlin. Here is an example of using named parameters with a constructor:

class Person(val name: String, val age: Int, val gender: String) {
// ...

val person = Person(name = \"Amol\", age = 30, gender = \"male\")

In this example, we are creating an instance of the Person class using named parameters. By using named parameters, we can explicitly state the purpose of each parameter and make the code more readable.

Let’s see another example where we use default parameter values for one or more parameters.

fun printMessage(message: String, count: Int = 1) {
repeat(count) {

printMessage(\"Hello\") // prints \"Hello\" once
printMessage(\"World\", 3) // prints \"World\" three times

In this example, we have defined a function called printMessage that takes two parameters: message and count. The count parameter has a default value of 1, which means that if it is not specified when calling the function, it will default to 1.

One more use case we need to consider here is, we can use named parameters to specify only some of the parameters for a function or constructor, and omit others.

fun greet(name: String, greeting: String = \"Hello\") {
println(\"$greeting, $name!\")

greet(\"Amol\") // prints \"Hello, Amol!\"
greet(\"softAai\", \"Hi\") // prints \"Hi, softAai!\"

In this example, we have defined a function called greet that takes two parameters: name and greeting. The greeting parameter has a default value of \"Hello\", which means that if it is not specified when calling the function, it will default to \"Hello\". By using named parameters, we can omit the greeting parameter and use the default value.

3. Using named parameters with both positional and non-positional arguments

In Kotlin, you can use named arguments with both positional and non-positional arguments. Here is an example of using named arguments with both types of arguments:

fun printValues(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) {
println(\"a = $a, b = $b, c = $c\")

printValues(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) // named arguments
printValues(1, c = 3, b = 2) // positional and named arguments

In this example, we have defined a function called printValues that takes three parameters: a, b, and c. We can call this function using named arguments or a combination of positional and named arguments.

4. Using named parameters with varargs

Kotlin also supports varargs, which allows you to pass an arbitrary number of arguments to a function or method. When using named parameters with varargs, you can specify the name of the parameter and then provide a comma-separated list of values.

Consider the following function, which accepts a vararg of integers:

fun sum(vararg numbers: Int): Int {
return numbers.sum()

To call this function with named parameters, you would specify the parameter name followed by a comma-separated list of values:

val result = sum(numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

In this example, the numbers parameter is assigned the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

5. Using named parameters with extension functions

Kotlin also allows you to use named parameters with extension functions, which are functions that can be called as if they were methods of an object.

Consider the following extension function, which adds an exclamation point to a string:

fun String.addExclamationPoint(times: Int = 1): String {
return this + \"!\".repeat(times)

To call this extension function with named parameters, you would specify the parameter name followed by its value:

val result = \"Hello\".addExclamationPoint(times = 3)

In this example, the times parameter is assigned the value 3.

Named Parameters & Interoperability with Java

Kotlin is designed to be highly interoperable with Java, which means that Kotlin code can be used in Java projects and vice versa. However, when using named parameters in Kotlin, there are some considerations to keep in mind to ensure interoperability with Java code.

When calling a Kotlin function with named parameters from Java, the named parameters are not supported and instead, the arguments must be passed in the order that they are defined in the function signature. For example, consider the following Kotlin function with named parameters:

fun calculateArea(length: Int, width: Int, units: String = \"square units\"): String {
val area = length * width
return \"The area is $area $units\"

To call this function from Java, the named parameters cannot be used, so the arguments must be passed in the correct order:

String result = MyKotlinClass.INSTANCE.calculateArea(10, 20, \"square meters\");

In this example, the arguments are passed in the order that they are defined in the Kotlin function signature, with the default value for the units parameter overridden by the value \"square meters\".

To make the Kotlin function more interoperable with Java code, it’s a good idea to define overloaded versions of the function that take only the required parameters in the correct order. For example:

fun calculateArea(length: Int, width: Int): String {
return calculateArea(length, width, \"square units\")

In this example, the @JvmOverloads annotation is used to generate overloaded versions of the function that take only the required parameters, with the default value for the units parameter used. These overloaded functions can be called from Java code without having to use named parameters.

Advantages of Named Parameters in Kotlin:

  1. Increased readability: Named parameters can make code more readable and easier to understand by explicitly stating the purpose of each parameter.
  2. Improved code maintenance: Named parameters can reduce errors that might arise when code is being maintained or modified because changes to the code can be made without having to worry about the order of parameters.
  3. Flexibility: Named parameters can be used with default values, which can make code more concise and expressive.
  4. Better documentation: Named parameters can help to document the code and make it more self-explanatory.
  5. Easier to use with overloaded functions: Named parameters can make it easier to call overloaded functions by providing a clear indication of which parameters are being passed to the function.

Disadvantages of Named Parameters in Kotlin:

  1. Increased verbosity: Using named parameters can make code more verbose, which can make it harder to read and understand.
  2. Potential performance impact: Using named parameters can have a small performance impact due to the additional processing required to match the parameter names to their corresponding values.
  3. Potential confusion with similar parameter names: Named parameters can potentially cause confusion if the names of parameters are similar, which can make it harder to identify which parameter is being referred to.
  4. Potential for misuse: Named parameters can be misused if developers use them excessively or incorrectly, which can lead to code that is harder to read and maintain.
  5. Incompatibility with some Java code: Named parameters are not supported by Java, so when calling Kotlin code from Java, named parameters cannot be used. This can cause issues if Kotlin code is being integrated with existing Java codebases.


Overall, named parameters are a powerful feature in Kotlin that can make code more readable, maintainable, and expressive. By using them judiciously and following best practices, you can take advantage of the benefits of named parameters in your Kotlin code.

side effects

Mastering Kotlin Side Effects for Powerful and Efficient Development

In Kotlin, a side effect is a change in the state of a program that occurs outside of the current function. A side effect can be caused by modifying a variable outside of a local scope(don’t worry we will look in detail), modifying the state of a database, making a network request, or updating a file. Side effects are considered impure because they introduce external dependencies and can cause unpredictable behavior.

Kotlin is a multi-paradigm programming language, which means that it supports both functional and imperative programming styles. In functional programming, a pure function is a function that has no side effects and produces the same output given the same input. Pure functions are predictable and easy to reason about, which makes them ideal for functional programming. In Kotlin, side effects are often managed using techniques such as monads or pure functional state.

A monad is a design pattern that is commonly used in functional programming to manage side effects. A monad is a data type that wraps a value and provides a way to chain together operations that can have side effects, while still maintaining referential transparency.

In other words, a monad is a way to encapsulate side effects and provide a functional interface for working with them. The key idea behind monads is that they provide a way to abstract away the complexity of side effects and provide a simple, composable interface for working with them.

What does mean by outside of local scope?

In programming, a function’s local scope refers to the area of the code where the function is defined. This includes any variables or parameters that are passed into the function as arguments. Any changes made to these variables or parameters within the function are considered to be within the function’s local scope.

For example, consider the following Kotlin function:

fun addTwoNumbers(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    val sum = a + b
    return sum

In this function, the local scope includes the parameters a and b, as well as the variable sum. Any changes made to these variables or parameters within the function are considered to be within the local scope.

However, a function can also interact with variables or resources outside of its local scope. For example:

val x = 0

fun incrementX() {

In this case, the incrementX function modifies the value of the variable x, which is defined outside of the function’s local scope. Any changes made to x within the function are considered to be outside of its local scope, and are therefore side effects.

Similarly, a function that reads from or writes to a file, sends a network request, or interacts with a database is considered to have side effects, because it is changing the state of an external resource outside of its local scope.

Managing Side Effects in Kotlin

Managing side effects in Kotlin requires careful attention to how external dependencies are accessed and modified. One approach is to use functional programming techniques such as pure functions or monads to isolate side effects from the rest of the code. Another approach is to use the suspend keyword to manage asynchronous side effects in a coroutine scope.

Pure Functions in Kotlin

Pure functions in Kotlin are functions that have no side effects and always return the same output given the same input. Pure functions are easy to reason about and test, since they only depend on their input parameters and do not modify any external state.

Here’s an example of a pure function in Kotlin:

fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return a + b

In this example, the add function takes two integers as input and returns their sum. The function has no side effects and always returns the same output given the same input. This makes the function pure and predictable.

In simple terms, if a function satisfies the below conditions, we can say it’s a pure function.

  1. The function must always return a value.
  2. It must not throw any exceptions or errors.
  3. It must not mutate or change anything outside the scope of the function, and any changes within the function must also not be visible outside its scope.
  4. It should not modify or change its argument.
  5. For a given set of arguments, it should always return the same value.

A function that does not satisfy the above conditions is called an impure function (We will look at its definition and examples later here in this article)

Based on these conditions, let’s analyze and classify the functions as pure and impure:

1. Pure function without conditions:

fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return a * b
  • Returns value: (The function returns the product of a and b, an integer.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (There are no exceptions or errors in the function.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function doesn’t modify any arguments or external variables.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: (For a given set of a and b, the function will always return the same result.)

2. Pure function with conditions:

fun getPositiveNumber(number: Int): Int {
    return if (number >= 0) number else 0
  • Returns value: (The function returns an integer, either number or 0 based on the condition.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (There are no exceptions or errors in the function.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function doesn’t modify any arguments or external variables.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: (For a given value of number, the function will always return the same result.)

3. Pure function with immutable data structures:

fun appendElementToList(list: List<Int>, element: Int): List<Int> {
    return list + element
  • Returns value:(The function returns a new list by appending element to the original list.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (There are no exceptions or errors in the function.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function doesn’t modify any arguments or external variables.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: (For the same list and element, the function will always return the same resulting list.)

4. Pure function using Kotlin Standard Library functions:

fun calculateAverage(numbers: List<Double>): Double {
    return numbers.average()
  • Returns value: (The function returns the average of the numbers list.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (There are no exceptions or errors in the function.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function doesn’t modify any arguments or external variables.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: (For the same numbers list, the function will always return the same average.)

5. Impure function with side effects:

fun updateGlobalCounter(value: Int) {
    globalCounter += value
  • Returns value: (The function doesn’t have a return type, and it doesn’t return any value.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (There are no exceptions or errors in the function.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function modifies the external variable globalCounter, causing a side effect.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: N/A (The function doesn’t return any value, so this condition is not applicable.)

6. Impure function with changing results:

fun getRandomNumber(): Int {
    return (1..100).random()
  • Returns value: (The function returns an integer, a random number between 1 and 100.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (There are no exceptions or errors in the function.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function doesn’t modify any arguments or external variables.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: (The function returns different random values on each call, making it impure.)

7. Impure function with exception:

fun divide(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    if (b == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot divide by zero.")
    return a / b
  • Returns value: (The function returns the result of the division a / b if b is not zero.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (The function throws an exception when b is zero, making it impure.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function doesn’t modify any arguments or external variables.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: (For the same a and b (excluding the case where b is zero), the function will always return the same result.)

8. Impure function with external dependency:

fun fetchUserData(userId: String): User {
    // Code to fetch user data from an external service/database
    // and return the user object.
  • Returns value: (The function is expected to return a User object fetched from an external service/database.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (The function may throw exceptions if the external service is down or there’s a data retrieval issue.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function interacts with an external service/database, making it impure.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: N/A (The function’s behavior depends on the external service/database, so this condition is not applicable.)

9. Impure function modifying mutable data:

fun incrementListItems(list: MutableList<Int>) {
    for (i in 0 until list.size) {
  • Returns value: (The function doesn’t have a return type, and it doesn’t return any value.)
  • No exceptions or errors: (There are no exceptions or errors in the function.)
  • No mutation of argument or external dependencies: (The function modifies the list by incrementing its elements, causing a side effect.)
  • Always returns the same value for the same input: N/A (The function doesn’t return any value, so this condition is not applicable.)

Impure Functions in Kotlin

Impure functions in Kotlin are functions that have side effects and modify external state. Impure functions can be more difficult to reason about and test, since they can have unpredictable behavior depending on the current state of the program.

Here’s an example of an impure function in Kotlin:

var counter = 0
fun incrementCounter() {
    println("Counter is now $counter")

In this example, the incrementCounter function modifies the value of the counter variable outside of the local scope of the function. This introduces a side effect, since the function modifies external state. The function also prints the current value of the counter variable, which is another side effect.

Let’s see a few more examples of side effects in Kotlin

  1. Reading and Writing to a File
fun writeToFile(filename: String, content: String) {

This function writes the input content to a file specified by filename. Writing to a file is an example of a side effect because it modifies the state of an external resource outside of its local scope.

2. Changing the Value of a Variable

var x = 0
fun increment() {

This function increments the value of a global variable x by 1. Modifying the value of a variable outside of the local scope of a function is an example of a side effect.

3. Sending an HTTP Request

fun fetchJson(url: String): String {
    val json = URL(url).readText()
    return json

This function sends an HTTP request to retrieve JSON data from a specified url. Sending an HTTP request is an example of a side effect because it interacts with an external resource outside of its local scope.

Kotlin Coroutines

Kotlin coroutines provide a way to manage asynchronous side effects in Kotlin. Coroutines are lightweight threads that allow you to write asynchronous code in a synchronous style. Coroutines allow you to suspend the execution of a function until a result is available, without blocking the main thread.

Here’s an example of using coroutines to manage a network request in Kotlin:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

suspend fun fetchUrl(url: String): String {
    return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

In this example, we’re using the withContext function to execute a network request in a coroutine scope. The withContext function takes a coroutine context and a suspendable block of code, and suspends the coroutine until the block completes.

Dispatchers.IO is a coroutine dispatcher that is optimized for I/O operations such as network requests. By using withContext, we’re able to manage the side effect of a network request without blocking the main thread.

Here’s an example of using a monad in Kotlin to manage a network request:

import arrow.core.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext

suspend fun fetchUrl(url: String): Either<Throwable, String> {
    return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
        Either.catch { URL(url).readText() }

In this example, we’re using the Either monad from the Arrow library to manage a network request in a functional way. Either monad is used to represent a computation that can return either a value or an error. The catch function is used to catch any exceptions that may occur during the network request and return an error value.

By using a monad, we’re able to encapsulate the side effects of the network request and provide a functional interface for working with the result. This makes it easier to reason about and test the code and also makes it easier to compose multiple side-effecting computations together.

How to Avoid Side Effects?

Consider the following simple function that takes a list of integers, adds a new value to it, and returns the updated list:

fun addValue(list: MutableList<Int>, value: Int): MutableList<Int> {
    return list

This function modifies the state of the input list by adding a new element to it. This is an example of a side effect, as the function changes the state of an object outside of its local scope.

To avoid side effects, you could modify the function to create a new list instead of modifying the input list directly:

fun addValue(list: List<Int>, value: Int): List<Int> {
    return list + value

This function takes a read-only list as input and returns a new list that includes the input value. The input list is not modified, and there are no side effects. as we know side effects occur when a function modifies state outside of its local scope. By using functional programming techniques, you can reduce side effects and make your code more maintainable and predictable.

What about Jetpack Compose Side Effects?

The concept of side effects is present in both functional programming (Kotlin) and Jetpack Compose, but there are some differences in how they are handled.

In functional programming, a pure function is a function that has no side effects and produces the same output given the same input. Pure functions are predictable and easy to reason about, which makes them ideal for functional programming. Side effects in functional programming are usually avoided, but when necessary, they are managed using techniques such as monads or pure functional state.

In Jetpack Compose, on the other hand, side effects are a common occurrence due to the nature of UI programming, where interactions with external resources such as databases, network requests, or sensors are often necessary. Jetpack Compose provides a way to manage side effects using the LaunchedEffect and SideEffect APIs, which allow you to execute side effects in a controlled and predictable manner.

Here’s an example:

fun MyComposable() {
    val context = LocalContext.current
    var myData by remember { mutableStateOf("") }

    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        val result = fetchDataFromDatabase(context)
        myData = result

    Text(text = myData)

suspend fun fetchDataFromDatabase(context: Context): String {
    // perform some asynchronous operation to fetch data from a database
    return "Hello, softAai!"

In this example, we’re using LaunchedEffect to fetch data from a database asynchronously and update the UI when the data is available. LaunchedEffect is a composable function that runs a side effect in a coroutine scope. In this case, we’re using a suspend function fetchDataFromDatabase to fetch data from a database and update the UI with the result.

The remember function is used to store the current state of myData, which is initially an empty string. Once the data is fetched from the database, we update the state of myData with the result.

By using LaunchedEffect, we’re able to manage the asynchronous nature of the side effect and update the UI when the data is available. This helps to keep our composable functions pure and predictable, while still allowing us to interact with external resources.

Another important distinction is that functional programming emphasizes the avoidance of side effects, while Jetpack Compose acknowledges that side effects are often necessary in UI programming and provides tools to manage them. However, both approaches share the goal of maintaining predictability and reducing complexity in software development.


Managing side effects in Kotlin requires careful attention to how external dependencies are accessed and modified. Using functional programming techniques such as pure functions and monads, or managing asynchronous side effects with coroutines, can help isolate side effects from the rest of the code and make it easier to reason about and test.

By understanding how side effects work in Kotlin, you can write more predictable and maintainable code that is less prone to bugs and errors. It’s important to use best practices for managing side effects and to understand how different approaches can affect the behavior of your program.

Kotlin Introduction

Introduction to Kotlin: A Pragmatic, Concise, and Safe Language

Kotlin is a modern programming language that has been gaining popularity in recent years, thanks to its combination of pragmatic design, concise syntax, and a strong focus on safety. Developed by JetBrains, the company behind popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Kotlin is a statically typed language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Android, and JavaScript.

As I mentioned earlier Kotlin is a statically typed programming language, just like Java. This means that the type of every expression in a program is known at compile time, and the compiler can validate that the methods and fields you’re trying to access exist on the objects you’re using. This allows for benefits such as faster method calling, fewer crashes at runtime, and easier code maintenance.

When it comes to functional programming, Kotlin offers benefits such as conciseness, safe multithreading, and easier testing. By working with first-class functions, immutability, and pure functions without side effects, developers can write code that is easier to test and debug.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the key features of Kotlin and how they can benefit our development workflow.

Pragmatic Design

Kotlin is designed to be a practical language that solves real-world problems. Its syntax is concise, making it easy to read and write. This is especially beneficial when working on large projects where you need to add new features or fix bugs quickly.

Kotlin also has a strong focus on tooling. It integrates seamlessly with IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, and other popular IDEs, providing features like code completion, refactoring, and debugging. This makes it easy to develop Kotlin applications without worrying about the details of the underlying language.

Concise Syntax

Kotlin’s concise syntax makes it easy to write code that is easy to read and understand. For example, Kotlin supports type inference, which means you don’t always have to specify the type of a variable explicitly. The compiler can often infer the type based on the value assigned to the variable.

Kotlin also supports first-class functions, which means you can pass functions as parameters and return them from other functions. This allows you to write more concise and expressive code.


Kotlin is designed to be a safe language, which means it provides features to help prevent certain kinds of errors in your code. For example, Kotlin’s type system ensures that you can’t call methods on objects that don’t support them. This helps prevent runtime errors that might otherwise crash your application.

Kotlin also supports immutability and pure functions. Immutable objects can’t be changed once they are created, which helps prevent bugs caused by unexpected changes in the object state. Pure functions don’t have side effects and always return the same value for the same inputs, which makes them easier to test and reason about.


One of the key advantages of Kotlin is its interoperability with Java. Kotlin code can call Java code and vice versa, making it easy to use existing Java libraries and frameworks. This is especially useful when working on Android applications, where many libraries are written in Java.

To use Kotlin in your Java project, you need to add the Kotlin runtime library to your classpath. You can then write Kotlin code and compile it to a Java-compatible bytecode that can be used in your Java application.

Functional Programming

The key concepts of functional programming are first-class functions, immutability, and no side effects. First-class functions allow you to work with functions as values, store them in variables, pass them as parameters, or return them from other functions. Immutability ensures that objects’ states cannot change after their creation, and pure functions that don’t modify the state of other objects or interact with the outside world are used to avoid side effects.

Writing code in the functional style can bring several benefits, such as conciseness, safe multithreading, and easier testing. Concise code is easier to read and maintain, and safe multithreading can help prevent errors in multithreaded programs. Functions without side effects can be tested in isolation without requiring a lot of setup code to construct the entire environment that they depend on.

Kotlin on the Server Side

Kotlin enables developers to create a variety of server-side applications, including web applications that return HTML pages to a browser, backends of mobile applications that expose a JSON API over HTTP, and microservices that communicate with other microservices over an RPC protocol. Kotlin’s focus on interoperability allows developers to use existing libraries, call Java methods, extend Java classes and implement interfaces, apply Java annotations to Kotlin classes, and more.


Kotlin is a powerful and versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications. Its pragmatic design, concise syntax, and focus on safety make it a popular choice among developers. With its seamless interoperability with Java and strong tooling support, Kotlin is a great choice for any project that requires a modern and reliable language.

Kotlin Sealed Class

Supercharge Your Code: Unveiling the Power of Kotlin Sealed Classes for Robust and Elegant Code

Kotlin Sealed classes are a powerful tool for implementing a type hierarchy with a finite set of classes. A sealed class can have several subclasses, but all of them must be defined within the same file. This restriction allows the compiler to determine all possible subclasses of a sealed class, making it possible to use exhaustive when statements to handle all possible cases.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of using Kotlin sealed classes, their syntax, and real-world examples of how to use them effectively.

What are Kotlin Sealed Classes?

Sealed classes are a type of class that can only be subclassed within the same file in which it is declared. This means that all subclasses of a sealed class must be defined within the same Kotlin file. Sealed classes provide a restricted class hierarchy, which means that a sealed class can only have a finite number of subclasses.

Syntax of Kotlin Sealed Class

A sealed class is declared using the sealed keyword, followed by the class name. Subclasses of a sealed class are defined within the same file and are marked as data, enum, or regular classes.

sealed class Shape {
    data class Rectangle(val width: Int, val height: Int) : Shape()
    data class Circle(val radius: Int) : Shape()
    object Empty : Shape()

In the example above, we’ve declared a sealed class Shape. It has two subclasses, Rectangle and Circle, which are data classes, and an object Empty. Since these subclasses are defined in the same file as the sealed class, they are the only possible subclasses of Shape.

Different ways to define Kotlin sealed class

In Kotlin, there are a few different ways you can define sealed classes in a Kotlin file. Here are some examples:

1. Defining a sealed class with subclasses defined in the same file

sealed class Fruit {
    data class Apple(val variety: String) : Fruit()
    data class Orange(val seedCount: Int) : Fruit()
    object Banana : Fruit()

Here, we’ve defined a sealed class called Fruit with three subclasses: Apple, Orange, and Banana. The subclasses are defined in the same file as the sealed class.

2. Defining a Kotlin sealed class with subclasses defined in different files


package com.softaai.fruits

sealed class Fruit {
    abstract val name: String


package com.softaai.fruits

data class Apple(override val name: String, val variety: String) : Fruit()


package com.softaai.fruits

data class Orange(override val name: String, val seedCount: Int) : Fruit()


package com.softaai.fruits

object Banana : Fruit() {
    override val name: String = "Banana"

Here in this case, we have organized all files into a package called com.softaai.fruits.we have a Fruit sealed class defined in a file called Fruit.kt. The Fruit class is abstract, meaning that it cannot be instantiated directly, and it has an abstract property called name.

We then have three subclasses of Fruit defined in separate files: Apple.kt, Orange.kt, and Banana.kt. Each of these subclasses extends the Fruit sealed class and provides its own implementation of the name property.

The Apple and Orange subclasses are defined as data classes, which means that they automatically generate methods for creating and copying objects. The Banana subclass is defined as an object, which means that it is a singleton and can only have one instance.

Note —When defining a sealed class and its subclasses in separate files, you will need to ensure that all of the files are included in the same module or package. This can be done by organizing the files into the same directory or package, or by including them in the same module in your build system.

By defining the subclasses in separate files, we can organize our code more effectively and make it easier to maintain. We can also import the subclasses only when we need them, which can help to reduce the size of our codebase and improve performance.

3. Defining a sealed class with subclasses defined inside a companion object

sealed class Vehicle {
    companion object {
        data class Car(val make: String, val model: String) : Vehicle()
        data class Truck(val make: String, val model: String, val payloadCapacity: Int) : Vehicle()
        object Motorcycle : Vehicle()

Here, we’ve defined a sealed class called Vehicle with three subclasses: Car, Truck, and Motorcycle. The subclasses are defined inside a companion object of the sealed class.

4. Define a sealed class in Kotlin by using an interface

interface Shape

sealed class TwoDimensionalShape : Shape {
    data class Circle(val radius: Double) : TwoDimensionalShape()
    data class Square(val sideLength: Double) : TwoDimensionalShape()

sealed class ThreeDimensionalShape : Shape {
    data class Sphere(val radius: Double) : ThreeDimensionalShape()
    data class Cube(val sideLength: Double) : ThreeDimensionalShape()

In this example, we’ve defined an interface called Shape, which is implemented by two sealed classes: TwoDimensionalShape and ThreeDimensionalShape. Each sealed class has its own subclasses, representing different types of shapes.

Using an interface in this way can be useful if you want to define a common set of methods or properties that apply to all subclasses of a sealed class. In this example, we could define methods like calculateArea() or calculateVolume() in the Shape interface, which could be implemented by each subclass.

How to Use Kotlin Sealed Classes?

To use sealed classes, you first need to declare a sealed class using the sealed keyword, followed by the class name. You can then define subclasses of the sealed class within the same Kotlin file.

sealed class Shape {
    class Circle(val radius: Double) : Shape()
    class Rectangle(val width: Double, val height: Double) : Shape()

To create an instance of a subclass, you can use the val or var keyword followed by the name of the subclass.

val circle = Shape.Circle(5.0)
val rectangle = Shape.Rectangle(10.0, 20.0)

You can also use when expressions to perform pattern matching on a sealed class hierarchy. This can be particularly useful when you need to perform different actions based on the type of object.

fun calculateArea(shape: Shape): Double = when (shape) {
    is Shape.Circle -> Math.PI * shape.radius * shape.radius
    is Shape.Rectangle -> shape.width * shape.height

In this example, we have defined a function that takes a Shape object as a parameter and returns the area of the shape. We then use a when expression to perform pattern matching on the Shape object, and calculate the area based on the type of the object.

Let’s see another example of Pattern Matching using when statement

fun describeFruit(fruit: Fruit) {
    when (fruit) {
        is Fruit.Apple -> println("This is an ${fruit.variety} apple")
        is Fruit.Orange -> println("This is an orange with ${fruit.seedCount} seeds")
        is Fruit.Banana -> println("This is a banana")

In this example, we’ve defined a function called describeFruit that takes a parameter of type Fruit. Using a when expression, we can pattern match on the different subclasses of Fruit and print out a description of each one.

Using sealed classes in combination with when expressions can make your code more concise and expressive, and can help you avoid complex if-else or switch statements. It’s a powerful feature of Kotlin that can make your code easier to read and maintain.

Real-world Examples of Kotlin Sealed Class

Here are some examples of how sealed classes are used in real-time Android applications.

  1. Result Type: A sealed class can be used to represent the possible outcomes of a computation, such as Success or Failure.
sealed class Result<out T : Any> {
    data class Success<out T : Any>(val data: T) : Result<T>()
    data class Failure(val error: String) : Result<Nothing>()

2. Network Responses: Sealed classes can be used to represent the different types of network responses, including successful responses, error responses, and loading states.

sealed class NetworkResponse<out T : Any> {
    data class Success<out T : Any>(val data: T) : NetworkResponse<T>()
    data class Error(val errorMessage: String) : NetworkResponse<Nothing>()
    object Loading : NetworkResponse<Nothing>()

3. Event Type: A sealed class can be used to represent the possible types of events that can occur in an application, such as UserClick or NetworkError.

sealed class Event {
    object UserClick : Event()
    object NetworkError : Event()
    data class DataLoaded(val data: List<String>) : Event()

4. Navigation: Sealed classes can be used to represent the different types of navigation events, such as navigating to a new screen or showing a dialog.

sealed class NavigationEvent {
    data class NavigateToScreen(val screenName: String) : NavigationEvent()
    data class ShowDialog(val dialogId: String) : NavigationEvent()

In this example, we have declared a sealed class named NavigationEvent that has two subclasses: NavigateToScreen and ShowDialog. The NavigateToScreen subclass contains the name of the screen to navigate to, and the ShowDialog subclass contains the ID of the dialog to show.

We can then use this sealed class to handle navigation events:

fun handleNavigationEvent(event: NavigationEvent) {
    when (event) {
        is NavigationEvent.NavigateToScreen -> {
            // navigate to new screen
            val screenName = event.screenName
        is NavigationEvent.ShowDialog -> {
            // show dialog
            val dialogId = event.dialogId

In both of these examples, sealed classes provide a type-safe way to handle different types of events.

Properties of Kotlin Sealed Class

  1. Limited Subclasses: A sealed class can only have a limited set of subclasses. This restriction makes it easier to handle all possible cases of a sealed class in a when statement.
  2. Inheritance: Subclasses of a sealed class can inherit from the sealed class or from other subclasses. This allows for a flexible and modular class hierarchy.
  3. Constructor Parameters: Subclasses of a sealed class can have their own set of constructor parameters. This allows for more fine-grained control over the properties of each subclass.

Limitations of Kotlin Sealed Class

  1. File Scope: All subclasses of a sealed class must be defined in the same file as the sealed class. This can be limiting if you want to define subclasses in separate files or modules.
  2. Singleton Objects: A sealed class can have a singleton object as a subclass, but this object cannot have any parameters. This can be limiting if you need to define a singleton object with specific properties.

Advantages of Kotlin Sealed Class

  1. Type safety: Sealed classes provide type safety by restricting the set of classes that can be used in a particular context. This makes the code more robust and less prone to errors.
  2. Extensibility: Sealed classes can be easily extended by adding new subclasses to the hierarchy. This allows you to add new functionality to your code without affecting existing code.
  3. Pattern matching: Sealed classes can be used with pattern matching to handle different cases based on the type of the object. This makes it easy to write clean and concise code.
  4. Flexibility: Sealed classes can have their own state and behavior, which makes them more flexible than enums or other data types that are used to represent a finite set of related classes.

Sealed Classes vs Enum Classes

Enums and sealed classes are both used to define a restricted set of values, but they have some differences in their implementation and usage.

Here are some key differences between enums and sealed classes:

  1. Inheritance: Enums are not designed for inheritance. All of the values of an enum are defined at the same level, and they cannot be extended or inherited from.

Sealed classes, on the other hand, are designed for inheritance. A sealed class can have multiple subclasses, and these subclasses can be defined in separate files or packages. Each subclass can have its own properties, methods, and behavior, and can be used to represent a more specific type or subtype of the sealed class.

Here is an example of an enum and a kotlin sealed class that represent different types of fruits:

// Using an enum
enum class FruitEnum {

// Using a sealed class
sealed class FruitSealed {
    object Apple : FruitSealed()
    object Orange : FruitSealed()
    object Banana : FruitSealed()

In this example, the FruitEnum has three values, each representing a different type of fruit. The FruitSealed class also has three values, but each one is defined as a separate object and inherits from the sealed class.

2. Extensibility: Enums are not very extensible. Once an enum is defined, it cannot be extended or modified.

Sealed classes are more extensible. New subclasses can be added to a sealed class at any time, as long as they are defined within the same file or package. This allows for more flexibility in the types of values that can be represented by the sealed class.

Here is an example of how a sealed class can be extended with new subclasses:

sealed class FruitSealed {
    object Apple : FruitSealed()
    object Orange : FruitSealed()
    object Banana : FruitSealed()

object Pineapple : FruitSealed()

3. Functionality: Enums can have some basic functionality, such as properties and methods, but they are limited in their ability to represent more complex data structures or behaviors.

Kotlin Sealed classes can have much more complex functionality, including properties, methods, and behavior specific to each subclass. This makes them useful for representing more complex data structures or modeling inheritance relationships between types.

Here is an example of how a kotlin sealed class can be used to represent a hierarchy of different types of animals:

sealed class Animal {
    abstract val name: String
    abstract fun makeSound()

data class Dog(override val name: String) : Animal() {
    override fun makeSound() {

data class Cat(override val name: String) : Animal() {
    override fun makeSound() {

sealed class WildAnimal : Animal()

data class Lion(override val name: String) : WildAnimal() {
    override fun makeSound() {

data class Elephant(override val name: String) : WildAnimal() {
    override fun makeSound() {

In this example, we have a sealed class called Animal with two subclasses, Dog and Cat. Each subclass has a name property and a makeSound() method that prints out the sound the animal makes.

We have also defined a second sealed class called WildAnimal, which extends Animal. WildAnimal has two subclasses, Lion and Elephant, which also have name and makeSound() methods. Because WildAnimal extends Animal, it inherits all of the properties and methods of Animal.

With this hierarchy of classes, we can represent different types of animals and their behaviors. We can create instances of Dog and Cat to represent domestic animals, and instances of Lion and Elephant to represent wild animals.

val dog = Dog("Rufus")
dog.makeSound()  // Output: Woof!

val lion = Lion("Simba")
lion.makeSound()  // Output: Roar!

In short, enums and sealed classes are both useful for defining restricted sets of values, but they have some key differences in their implementation and usage. Enums are simple and easy to use, but sealed classes are more flexible and powerful, making them a good choice for modeling more complex data structures or inheritance relationships.


In summary, Kotlin sealed classes are a powerful feature of Kotlin that provide type safety, extensibility, pattern matching, and flexibility. They are used to represent a closed hierarchy of related classes that share some common functionality or properties, and are a useful alternative to enums. However, it’s important to consider the requirements of your code and choose the best data type for your specific use case.


Architecting Success: A Comprehensive Guide to TCA Architecture in Android Development

I had the opportunity to work with the TCA (The Composable Architecture) in the past and would like to share my knowledge about it with our community. This architecture has gained popularity as a reliable way to create robust and scalable applications. TCA is a composable, unidirectional, and predictable architecture that helps developers to build applications that are easy to test, maintain and extend. In this blog, we’ll explore TCA in Android and how it can be implemented using Kotlin code.

What is TCA?

The Composable Architecture is a pattern that is inspired by Redux and Elm. It aims to simplify state management and provide a clear separation of concerns. TCA achieves this by having a strict unidirectional data flow and by breaking down the application into smaller, reusable components.

The basic components of TCA are:

  • State: The single source of truth for the application’s data.
  • Action: A description of an intent to change the state.
  • Reducer: A pure function that takes the current state and an action as input and returns a new state.
  • Effect: A description of a side-effect, such as fetching data from an API or showing a dialog box.
  • Environment: An object that contains dependencies that are needed to perform side-effects.

TCA uses a unidirectional data flow, meaning that the flow of data in the application goes in one direction. Actions are dispatched to the reducer, which updates the state, and effects are executed based on the updated state. This unidirectional flow makes the architecture predictable and easy to reason about.

Implementing TCA in Android using Kotlin

To implement TCA in Android using Kotlin, we will use the following libraries:

  • Kotlin Coroutines: For handling asynchronous tasks.
  • Kotlin Flow: For creating reactive streams of data.
  • Compose: For building the UI.

Let’s start by creating a basic TCA structure for our application.

1. State

The State is the single source of truth for the application’s data. In this example, we will create a simple counter app, where the state will contain an integer value representing the current count.

data class CounterState(val count: Int = 0)

2. Action

Actions are descriptions of intents to change the state. In this example, we will define two actions, one to increment the count and another to decrement it.

sealed class CounterAction {
    object Increment : CounterAction()
    object Decrement : CounterAction()

3. Reducer

Reducers are pure functions that take the current state and an action as input and return a new state. In this example, we will create a reducer that updates the count based on the action.

fun counterReducer(state: CounterState, action: CounterAction): CounterState {
    return when (action) {
        is CounterAction.Increment -> state.copy(count = state.count + 1)
        is CounterAction.Decrement -> state.copy(count = state.count - 1)

4. Effect

Effects are descriptions of side-effects, such as fetching data from an API or showing a dialog box. In this example, we don’t need any effects.

sealed class CounterEffect

5. Environment

The Environment is an object that contains dependencies that are needed to perform side-effects. In this example, we don’t need any dependencies.

class CounterEnvironment

6. Store

The Store is the central component of TCA. It contains the state, the reducer, the effect handler, and the environment. It also provides a way to dispatch actions and subscribe to state changes.

class CounterStore : CoroutineScope {
    private val job = Job()
    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
        get() = Dispatchers.Main + job

    private val _state = MutableStateFlow(CounterState())
    val state: StateFlow<CounterState> = _state.asStateFlow()

    fun dispatch(action: CounterAction) {
        val newState = counterReducer(_state.value, action)
        _state.value = newState

    fun dispose() {

We create a MutableStateFlow to hold the current state of the application. We also define a StateFlow to provide read-only access to the state. The dispatch function takes an action, passes it to the reducer, and updates the state accordingly. Finally, the dispose function cancels the job to clean up any ongoing coroutines when the store is no longer needed.

7. Compose UI

Now that we have our TCA components in place, we can create a simple UI to interact with the counter store. We will use Compose to create the UI, which allows us to define the layout and behavior of the UI using declarative code.

fun CounterScreen(store: CounterStore) {
    val state = store.state.collectAsState()

    Column {
        Text(text = "Counter: ${state.value.count}")
        Row {
            Button(onClick = { store.dispatch(CounterAction.Increment) }) {
                Text(text = "+")
            Button(onClick = { store.dispatch(CounterAction.Decrement) }) {
                Text(text = "-")

We define a CounterScreen composable function that takes a CounterStore as a parameter. We use the collectAsState function to create a state holder for the current state of the store. Inside the Column, we display the current count and two buttons to increment and decrement the count. When a button is clicked, we dispatch the corresponding action to the store.

8. Putting it all together

To put everything together, we can create a simple MainActivity that creates a CounterStore and displays the CounterScreen.

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    private val store = CounterStore()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        setContent {

    override fun onDestroy() {

We create a CounterStore instance and pass it to the CounterScreen composable function in the setContent block. We also call disposeon the store when the activity is destroyed to clean up any ongoing coroutines.

Let’s take a look at a real-world example to gain a clearer understanding of this concept in action and see how it can be applied to solve practical problems.

Here’s another example of TCA in action using a Weather App an example.

1. State

Let’s start by defining the state of our weather app:

data class WeatherState(
    val location: String,
    val temperature: Double,
    val isFetching: Boolean,
    val error: String?

Our state consists of the current location, the temperature at that location, a flag indicating whether the app is currently fetching data, and an error message if an error occurs.

2. Action

Next, we define the actions that can be performed in our weather app:

sealed class WeatherAction {
    data class UpdateLocation(val location: String) : WeatherAction()
    object FetchData : WeatherAction()
    data class DataFetched(val temperature: Double) : WeatherAction()
    data class Error(val message: String) : WeatherAction()

We define four actions: UpdateLocation to update the current location, FetchData to fetch the weather data for the current location, DataFetched to update the temperature after the data has been fetched, and Error to handle errors that occur during the fetch.

3. Reducer

Our reducer takes the current state and an action and returns a new state based on the action:

fun weatherReducer(state: WeatherState, action: WeatherAction): WeatherState {
    return when (action) {
        is WeatherAction.UpdateLocation -> state.copy(location = action.location)
        WeatherAction.FetchData -> state.copy(isFetching = true, error = null)
        is WeatherAction.DataFetched -> state.copy(
            temperature = action.temperature,
            isFetching = false,
            error = null
        is WeatherAction.Error -> state.copy(isFetching = false, error = action.message)

Our reducer updates the state based on the action that is dispatched. We use the copy function to create a new state object with updated values.

4. Effects

Our effect is responsible for fetching the weather data for the current location:

fun fetchWeatherData(location: String): Flow<WeatherAction> = flow {
    try {
        val temperature = getTemperatureForLocation(location)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        emit(WeatherAction.Error(e.message ?: "Unknown error"))

Our effect uses a suspend function getTemperatureForLocation to fetch the weather data for the current location. We emit a DataFetched action if the data is fetched successfully and an Error action if an exception occurs.

5. Environment

Our environment provides dependencies required by our effect:

interface WeatherEnvironment {
    suspend fun getTemperatureForLocation(location: String): Double

class WeatherEnvironmentImpl : WeatherEnvironment {
    override suspend fun getTemperatureForLocation(location: String): Double {
        // implementation omitted

Our environment defines a single function getTemperatureForLocation which is implemented by WeatherEnvironmentImpl.

import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Request

class WeatherEnvironmentImpl : WeatherEnvironment {
    private val client = OkHttpClient()
    override suspend fun getTemperatureForLocation(location: String): Double {
        val url = "$location&appid=API_KEY&units=metric"
        val request = Request.Builder().url(url).build()

        val response = client.newCall(request).execute()
        val jsonResponse = response.body()?.string()
        val json = JSONObject(jsonResponse)
        val main = json.getJSONObject("main")
        return main.getDouble("temp")

In this implementation, we’re using the OkHttpClient library to make an HTTP request to the OpenWeatherMap API. The API returns a JSON response, which we parse using the JSONObject class from the org.json package. We then extract the temperature from the JSON response and return it as a Double.

Note that the API_KEY placeholder in the URL should be replaced with a valid API key obtained from OpenWeatherMap.

6. Store

Our store holds the current state and provides functions to dispatch actions and read the current state:

class WeatherStore(environment: WeatherEnvironment) {
    private val _state = MutableStateFlow(WeatherState("", 0.0, false, null))
    val state: StateFlow<WeatherState> = _state.asStateFlow()

    private val job = Job()
    private val scope = CoroutineScope(job + Dispatchers.IO)

    fun dispatch(action: WeatherAction) {
        val newState = weatherReducer(_state.value, action)
        _state.value = newState

        when (action) {
            is WeatherAction.UpdateLocation -> {
                scope.launch {
                    val weatherAction = fetchWeatherData(newState.location).first()
            WeatherAction.FetchData -> {
                scope.launch {
                    val weatherAction = fetchWeatherData(newState.location).first()
            else -> Unit

    init {
        scope.launch {
            val weatherAction = fetchWeatherData(_state.value.location).first()

Our store initializes the state with default values and provides a dispatch function to update the state based on actions. We use a CoroutineScope to run our effects and dispatch new actions as required.

In the init block, we fetch the weather data for the current location and dispatch a DataFetched action with the temperature.

In the dispatch function, we update the state based on the action and run our effect to fetch the weather data. If an UpdateLocation or FetchData action is dispatched, we launch a new coroutine to run our effect and dispatch a new action based on the result.

That’s a simple example of how TCA can be used in a real-world application. By using TCA, we can easily manage the state of our application and handle complex interactions between different components.

Testing in TCA

In TCA, the reducer is the most important component as it is responsible for managing the state of the application. Hence, unit testing the reducer is essential. However, there are other components in TCA such as actions, environment, and effects that can also be tested.

Actions can be tested to ensure that they are constructed correctly and have the intended behavior when dispatched to the reducer. Environment can be tested to ensure that it provides the necessary dependencies to the reducer and effects. Effects can also be tested to ensure that they produce the expected results when executed.

Unit Testing For Reducer

import kotlinx.coroutines.test.TestCoroutineDispatcher
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test

class WeatherReducerTest {

    private val testDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()

    fun `update location action should update location in state`() {
        val initialState = WeatherState(location = "Satara")
        val expectedState = initialState.copy(location = "Pune")

        val actualState = weatherReducer(

        assertEquals(expectedState, actualState)

    fun `fetch data action should update fetching state and clear error`() {
        val initialState = WeatherState(isFetching = false, error = "Some error")
        val expectedState = initialState.copy(isFetching = true, error = null)

        val actualState = weatherReducer(initialState, WeatherAction.FetchData)

        assertEquals(expectedState, actualState)

    fun `data fetched action should update temperature and reset fetching state`() {
        val initialState = WeatherState(isFetching = true, temperature = 0.0)
        val expectedState = initialState.copy(isFetching = false, temperature = 20.0)

        val actualState = weatherReducer(

        assertEquals(expectedState, actualState)

    fun `error action should update error and reset fetching state`() {
        val initialState = WeatherState(isFetching = true, error = null)
        val expectedState = initialState.copy(isFetching = false, error = "Some error")

        val actualState = weatherReducer(
            WeatherAction.Error("Some error")

        assertEquals(expectedState, actualState)

    fun `fetch data effect should emit data fetched action with temperature`() {
        val initialState = WeatherState(isFetching = false, temperature = 0.0)
        val expectedState = initialState.copy(isFetching = false, temperature = 20.0)

        val fetchTemperature = { 20.0 }

        val actualState = performActionWithEffect(

        assertEquals(expectedState, actualState)

    fun `fetch data effect should emit error action with message`() {
        val initialState = WeatherState(isFetching = false, error = null)
        val expectedState = initialState.copy(isFetching = false, error = "Failed to fetch temperature")

        val fetchTemperature = { throw Exception("Failed to fetch temperature") }

        val actualState = performActionWithEffect(

        assertEquals(expectedState, actualState)

In this example, we test each case of the when expression in the weatherReducer function using different test cases. We also test the effect that is dispatched when the FetchData action is dispatched. We create an initial state and define an expected state after each action is dispatched or effect is performed. We then call the weatherReducer function with the initial state and action to obtain the updated state. Finally, we use assertEquals to compare the expected and actual states.

To test the effect, we define a function that returns a value or throws an exception, depending on the test case. We then call the performActionWithEffect function, passing in the initial state, action, and effect function, to obtain the updated state after the effect is performed. We then use assertEquals to compare the expected and actual states.

Furthermore, integration testing can also be performed to test the interactions between the components of the TCA architecture. For example, integration testing can be used to test the flow of data between the reducer, effects, and the environment.

Overall, while the reducer is the most important component in TCA, it is important to test all components to ensure the correctness and robustness of the application.


  1. Predictable state management: TCA provides a strict, unidirectional data flow, which makes it easy to reason about the state of your application. This helps reduce the possibility of unexpected bugs and makes it easier to maintain and refactor your codebase.
  2. Testability: The unidirectional data flow in TCA makes it easier to write tests for your application. You can test your reducers and effects independently, which can help you catch bugs earlier in the development process.
  3. Modularity: With TCA, your application is broken down into small, composable pieces that can be easily reused across your codebase. This makes it easier to maintain and refactor your codebase as your application grows.
  4. Error handling: TCA provides a clear path for error handling, which makes it easier to handle exceptions and recover from errors in your application.


  1. Learning curve: TCA has a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to functional programming. You may need to invest some time to learn the concepts and get comfortable with the syntax.
  2. Overhead: TCA can introduce some overhead, especially if you have a small application. The additional boilerplate code required to implement TCA can be a barrier to entry for some developers.
  3. More verbose code: The strict, unidirectional data flow of TCA can lead to more verbose code, especially for more complex applications. This can make it harder to read and maintain your codebase.
  4. Limited tooling: TCA is a relatively new architecture, so there is limited tooling and support available compared to more established architectures like MVP or MVVM. This can make it harder to find solutions to common problems or get help when you’re stuck.


In summary, each architecture has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best architecture for your project depends on your specific needs and requirements. TCA can be a good choice for projects that require predictable state management, testability, and modularity, but it may not be the best fit for every project.

Higher-order function

A Deep Dive into Kotlin Higher-Order Functions for Advanced Programming

Kotlin is a modern programming language that is designed to be both functional and object-oriented. One of the features that makes Kotlin stand out is its support for higher-order functions. In Kotlin, functions are first-class citizens, which means they can be treated as values and passed around as parameters. In this blog, we will explore what higher-order functions are, how they work, and their pros and cons.

What are Higher-Order Functions?

In Kotlin, a higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments, or returns a function as its result. Higher-order functions can be used to encapsulate and reuse code, making your code more concise and expressive.


fun higherOrderFunction(parameter: Type, function: (Type) -> ReturnType): ReturnType {
    // Function body

In this example, the parameter is a regular parameter, while function is a function type parameter that takes a Type parameter and returns a ReturnType. The higherOrderFunction function can be called with any function that matches this signature.

Lambdas and High-Order Functions

In programming, a lambda is a function without a name. It can be used to define a piece of code that can be executed at a later time, without having to define a separate function. A lambda expression consists of three parts: the function signature, the function parameters, and the function body.

For instance, we can define a lambda function that takes two integer parameters and returns their sum:

val myLambdaFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y }

Here, myLambdaFunc is the name of the lambda function, (Int, Int) -> Int is the function signature, x and y are the function parameters, and x + y is the function body.

We can use this lambda function as an argument to a high-level function. A high-level function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments, or returns a function as its result. For example, we can define a function addTwoNum that takes two integers and a lambda function as arguments:

fun addTwoNum(a: Int, b: Int, myFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int) {
    var result = myFunc(a, b)

Here, addTwoNum is a high-level function that takes two integer parameters a and b, and a lambda function myFunc that takes two integer parameters and returns an integer. The function addTwoNum calls the lambda function with a and b as arguments, and prints the result.

We can pass the lambda function myLambdaFunc to the high-level function addTwoNum as follows:

addTwoNum(3, 8, myLambdaFunc) // OUTPUT: 11

Alternatively, we can pass the lambda function as an anonymous function:

addTwoNum(3, 8, { x, y -> x + y })

Or, we can pass the lambda function as the last argument to the function:

addTwoNum(3, 8) { x, y -> x + y }

In short, we can define lambda expression by following ways all are the same

val myLambdaFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y }

addTwoNum( 3, 8, myLambdaFunc ) 
addTwoNum( 3, 8, { x, y -> x + y } )         // OR .. Same as Above
addTwoNum( 3, 8 ) { x, y -> x + y }          // OR .. Same as Above 

fun addTwoNum( a: Int, b: Int, myFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int) {
      // required code

Here are some use cases for higher-order functions in Kotlin:

1. Callbacks: You can pass a function as a parameter to another function and have it called when a certain event occurs. For example, in Android development, you might pass a function as a parameter to a button click listener to be called when the button is clicked.

fun setOnClickListener(listener: (View) -> Unit) {
    // Set up click listener

2. Filter and map operations: Higher-order functions can be used to filter or transform collections of data. The filter and map functions are examples of higher-order functions in the Kotlin standard library.

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val evenNumbers = numbers.filter { it % 2 == 0 } // [2, 4]
val doubledNumbers = { it * 2 } // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

3. Dependency injection: You can pass functions as parameters to provide behavior to a component. For example, you might pass a function that retrieves data from a database to a repository class.

class UserRepository(private val getData: () -> List<User>) {
    fun getUsers(): List<User> = getData()

4. DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages): Higher-order functions can be used to create DSLs that allow you to write code in a more readable and concise way.

data class Person(var name: String = "", var age: Int = 0)

fun person(block: Person.() -> Unit): Person {
    val p = Person()
    return p

val john = person {
    name = "John"
    age = 30

In this example, we define a higher-order function named person that takes a lambda expression with a receiver of type Person. The lambda expression can be used to initialize the Person object within its scope.

The person function creates a new Person object, calls the lambda expression on it, and returns the resulting Person object. The lambda expression sets the name and age properties of the Person object to \”John\” and 30, respectively.


1. Higher-order function that takes a lambda as a parameter:

fun printFilteredNames(names: List<String>, filter: (String) -> Boolean) {
    names.filter(filter).forEach { println(it) }

// Usage
val names = listOf("John", "Jane", "Sam", "Mike", "Lucy")
printFilteredNames(names) { it.startsWith("J") }

Explanation: The printFilteredNames function takes a list of strings and a lambda expression as parameters. The lambda expression takes a single string argument and returns a boolean value. The function then filters the names list using the provided lambda expression and prints the filtered results. In this example, the lambda expression filters the names list by returning true for names that start with the letter “J”.

2. Higher-order function that returns a lambda:

fun add(x: Int): (Int) -> Int {
    return { y -> x + y }

// Usage
val add5 = add(5)
println(add5(10)) // Output: 15

Explanation: The add function takes an integer value x as a parameter and returns a lambda expression. The lambda expression takes another integer value y as a parameter and returns the sum of x and y. In this example, we create a new lambda expression add5 by calling the add function with the argument 5. We then call add5 with the argument 10 and print the result, which is 15.

3. Higher-order function that takes a lambda with receiver:

fun buildString(builderAction: StringBuilder.() -> Unit): String {
    val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
    return stringBuilder.toString()

// Usage
val result = buildString {
    append("softAai ")
println(result) // Output: "softAai Apps"

Explanation: The buildString function takes a lambda expression with receiver as a parameter. The lambda expression takes a StringBuilder object as the receiver and performs some actions on it. The function then returns the StringBuilder object as a string. In this example, we use the buildString function to create a new StringBuilder object and append the strings “softAai” and “Apps” to it using the lambda expression. The resulting string is then printed to the console.

Pros of Higher-Order Functions

  1. Code Reusability — Higher-order functions can be used to encapsulate and reuse code. This makes your code more concise, easier to read and maintain.
  2. Flexibility — Higher-order functions provide greater flexibility in designing your code. They allow you to pass functions as arguments, return functions as results, and even create new functions on the fly.
  3. Composability — Higher-order functions can be composed together to create more complex functions. This allows you to build up functionality from smaller, reusable parts.
  4. Improved Abstraction — Higher-order functions allow you to abstract away the details of how a calculation is performed. This can lead to more modular and composable code.

Cons of Higher-Order Functions

  1. Performance Overhead — Higher-order functions can have a performance overhead due to the additional function calls and the creation of function objects. However, this overhead is typically negligible in most applications.
  2. Increased Complexity — Higher-order functions can make code more complex and harder to understand, especially for developers who are not familiar with functional programming concepts.
  3. Debugging — Debugging code that uses higher-order functions can be more challenging due to the nested function calls and the potential for complex control flow.


In summary, higher-order functions are powerful tools in Kotlin that allow developers to write more flexible and reusable code. By taking or returning functions as parameters, or using lambdas with receivers, higher-order functions can be used to achieve a wide range of functionality in a concise and readable manner.

new plugin convention

New Plugin Convention: Embracing the Positive Shift with Android Studio’s New Plugin Convention

Plugins are modules that provide additional functionality to the build system in Android Studio. They can help you perform tasks such as code analysis, testing, or building and deploying your app.

New Plugin Convention

The new plugin convention for Android Studio was introduced in version 3.0 of the Android Gradle plugin, which was released in 2017. While the new plugin convention was officially introduced in Android Studio 3.0, it is still being used and recommended in recent versions of Android Studio.

To define plugins in the build.gradle file, you can add the plugin’s ID to the plugins block.

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
plugins {
    id '' version '7.4.2' apply false
    id '' version '7.4.2' apply false
    id '' version '1.8.0' apply false

In this example, the plugins block is used to define three different plugins: ‘’, ‘’, and ‘’. Each plugin is identified by its unique ID, and a specific version is specified as well. The ‘apply false’ statement means that the plugin is not applied to the current module yet — it will only be applied when explicitly called later on in the file.

Once you’ve defined your plugins in the build.gradle file, you can fetch them from the settings file. The settings file is typically located in the root directory of your project, and is named settings.gradle. You can add the following code to the settings.gradle file to fetch your plugins:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
} = "AutoSilentDriveMvvm"
include ':app'

This is an example of the new convention for the settings.gradle file in Android Studio, which includes the pluginManagement and dependencyResolutionManagement blocks.

In the pluginManagement block, repositories are defined where Gradle can search for plugin versions. In this example, gradlePluginPortal(), google(), and mavenCentral() are included as repositories. These repositories provide access to a wide range of plugins that can be used in your Android project.

In the dependencyResolutionManagement block, repositories for dependency resolution are defined. The repositoriesMode is set to FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS, which means that if a repository is defined in a module’s build.gradle file that conflicts with one of the repositories defined here, the build will fail. This helps to ensure that dependencies are resolved consistently across all modules in the project.

Finally, the and include statements are used to specify the name of the root project and the modules that are included in the project. In this example, there is only one module, :app, but you can include multiple modules by adding additional include statements.

Advantages Over Traditional Way

The new convention of defining plugins in the build.gradle file and fetching them from the settings file in Android Studio was introduced to improve the modularity and maintainability of the build system.

Traditionally, plugins were defined in a separate file called “buildscript.gradle” and fetched from a separate “build.gradle” file. This approach made it difficult to manage and update plugins, especially in large projects with many dependencies.

By defining plugins in the build.gradle file, the build system becomes more modular and easier to maintain. Each module can specify its own set of plugins, and the build system can handle transitive dependencies automatically.

Fetching plugins from the settings file also provides a central location for managing and updating plugin versions. This approach ensures that all modules use the same version of a plugin, which helps to avoid conflicts and makes it easier to upgrade to newer versions of a plugin.


  1. Complexity: The new convention adds some complexity to the build system, especially for developers who are not familiar with Gradle or Android Studio. This complexity can make it harder to understand and troubleshoot issues that arise during the build process.
  2. Learning Curve: The new convention requires developers to learn a new way of managing plugins, which can take time and effort. Developers who are used to the traditional approach may find it challenging to adapt to the new convention.
  3. Migration: Migrating an existing project from the traditional approach to the new convention can be time-consuming and error-prone. Developers may need to update multiple files and dependencies, which can introduce new issues and require extensive testing.
Kotlin Lambda Expressions

Mastering Kotlin Lambda Expressions: A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking Their Power in Your Code

Kotlin Lambda expressions are a powerful feature of Kotlin that allow for the creation of anonymous functions that can be passed as arguments to other functions. They are a concise and expressive way to define small pieces of functionality, making them an essential tool for functional programming in Kotlin.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about Kotlin lambda expressions, including their syntax, common use cases, and best practices.

What is a Kotlin Lambda Expressions?

A lambda expression is a way to define a small, anonymous function that can be passed as an argument to another function. In Kotlin, lambda expressions are defined using curly braces {} and the arrow operator ->.

Here’s an example of a simple lambda expression:

val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }

This lambda expression takes two integer arguments, x and y, and returns their sum. The type of this lambda expression is (Int, Int) -> Int, which means that it takes two integers and returns an integer.

Kotlin Lambda expressions are often used as a replacement for anonymous classes, which were commonly used in Java to define callbacks or listeners. In Kotlin, lambda expressions provide a more concise and expressive way to define such functionality.

Syntax of Lambda Expressions

The syntax of a lambda expression in Kotlin is as follows:

{ argumentList -> codeBody }

The argument list can include zero or more arguments, separated by commas, and enclosed in parentheses. The code body is the actual code that will be executed when the lambda is called.

Here’s an example of a lambda expression with no arguments:

val printHello = { println("Hello!") }

This lambda expression takes no arguments and simply prints “Hello!” when it is called.

If the argument types can be inferred from the context in which the lambda is used, they can be omitted. For example:

val sum = { x, y -> x + y }

This lambda expression takes two integer arguments, but the types are not explicitly specified because they can be inferred from the usage context.

Higher-Order Functions and Lambda Expressions

In Kotlin, higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as arguments or return them as results. Lambda expressions are a natural fit for higher-order functions, as they can be used to pass functionality as an argument to a higher-order function.

Here’s an example of a higher-order function that takes a lambda expression as an argument:

fun operateOnNumber(number: Int, operation: (Int) -> Int): Int {
    return operation(number)

This function takes an integer argument and a lambda expression that takes an integer argument and returns an integer. The function applies the lambda expression to the integer argument and returns the result.

Here’s an example of using this function with a lambda expression:

val square = { x: Int -> x * x }
val result = operateOnNumber(5, square) // returns 25

In this example, we define a lambda expression called square that takes an integer argument and returns its square. We then pass this lambda expression as an argument to the operateOnNumber function, along with the integer 5. The result is 25, which is the square of 5.

Best Practices for Using Kotlin Lambda Expressions

  1. Use meaningful variable names — When defining kotlin lambda expressions, it’s important to use meaningful variable names that clearly describe the functionality being performed.
  2. Keep lambda expressions short — Lambda expressions are meant to be small, concise pieces of functionality. If your lambda expression is becoming too long, it may be better to extract the functionality into a separate function.
  3. Avoid side-effects — Lambda expressions should not have side-effects, which are actions that affect the state of the system outside of the lambda expression. Instead, lambda expressions should be used to perform calculations or transformations.
  4. Use type inference — Type inference can help make your code more concise and readable by inferring the types of variables and arguments where possible.
  5. Use lambdas to reduce duplication —Kotlin  lambda expressions can be used to reduce code duplication by encapsulating common functionality in a lambda expression that can be reused in multiple places.
  6. Be aware of performance implications — In some cases, using a lambda expression may have a performance cost. For example, creating a new instance of a lambda expression every time it is called can be expensive in terms of memory and processing time.


Kotlin lambda expressions are a powerful feature that can help you write more expressive and concise code. They are essential for functional programming in Kotlin and can be used to define small pieces of functionality that can be passed as arguments to other functions.

By following best practices for using lambda expressions, you can write clean, efficient code that is easy to read and maintain. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large codebase, understanding how to use lambda expressions effectively is a valuable skill for any Kotlin developer.

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