Kotlin Syntax: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples and Explanations

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Kotlin, a modern and concise programming language, has captivated developers worldwide with its expressive nature and powerful features. For developers familiar with C-style syntax languages, like Java, C#, or Scala, Kotlin’s syntax will feel like a comfortable homecoming. While it shares many similarities with its predecessors, Kotlin introduces unique features that make it concise, expressive, and enjoyable to work with. But as a budding Kotlin enthusiast, understanding the basic syntax is crucial to unlock its potential. This article delves into the fundamental building blocks of Kotlin, empowering you to write your first program and embark on your coding journey.

Program Entry Point: The Mighty main() Function

Every Kotlin program starts with the main() function, serving as the entry point for execution. This function acts as the stage for your code to come alive. It’s declared with the keyword fun followed by the function name (main) and parentheses. Here’s a simple “Hello World” example:

fun main() {
    println("Hello, World!")

To display information on the console, we use the println() function. It takes any string as an argument and prints it to the console followed by a newline character. In the above example, println("Hello, world!") prints the desired message.

Variables and Data Types

Kotlin is a statically-typed language, which means variable types are known at compile time. Variables can be declared using the val (immutable/read-only) or var (mutable) keyword.

fun main() {
    // Immutable variable
    val message: String = "Hello, Kotlin!"

    // Mutable variable
    var count: Int = 42

    println("Count: $count")
  • val message: String: Declares an immutable variable named message of type String. Once assigned, its value cannot be changed.
  • var count: Int: Declares a mutable variable named count of type Int. It can be reassigned with a new value.
  • String Interpolation ($count): Allows embedding variables directly within strings. We will discuss it in detail next.

Kotlin offers several built-in data types for representing different kinds of information. Some commonly used types include:

  • Numbers: Integer (Int), Long (Long), Double (Double), etc.
  • Strings: Sequences of characters (String)
  • Booleans: True or False (Boolean)
  • Characters: Single characters (Char)

In Kotlin, all data types are represented as objects, and there are no primitive data types like in some other programming languages (e.g., Java).

String Magic: Concatenation and Interpolation

Kotlin offers two powerful tools for manipulating strings: concatenation and interpolation. Both methods allow you to join multiple strings or insert values into them, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

String Concatenation

Familiar friend: The + operator facilitates string concatenation, much like in Java and other C-style languages.

val temperature = 12
println("Current temperature: " + temperature + " Celsius degrees")
  • Drawbacks: Can be cumbersome for complex expressions and leads to repetitive string creation.

String Interpolation

Elegant and concise: Offers a more natural and expressive way to combine strings with values.

Utilizes the dollar sign ($):

  • Simple values: Place the variable name directly after $ without any space. Kotlin provides a more concise and expressive way to perform string concatenation through string interpolation. With string interpolation, you can embed variables directly within strings by using the dollar symbol ($) followed by the variable name.
val temperature = 12
println("Current temperature: $temperature Celsius degrees")
  • Complex expressions: Enclose the expression in curly braces ({ }). String interpolation is particularly useful when dealing with more complex expressions. You can include simple calculations directly within the string by enclosing them in curly braces preceded by the dollar symbol.
val temperature = 12
println("Temperature for tonight: ${temperature - 4} Celsius degrees")

This allows for dynamic content within the string, making it a powerful tool for creating informative and flexible output. For situations requiring even more complexity, the dollar symbol with braces (${...}) provides a flexible way to include arbitrary expressions and computations directly within your strings.

  • Increased readability: Simplifies string construction and improves code clarity.
  • Reduced verbosity: Eliminates repetitive string creation, leading to cleaner code.
  • Enhanced expressiveness: Allows embedding complex expressions directly within strings.

Beyond the Basics: String Templates and Raw Strings

Kotlin offers powerful features beyond simple string concatenation and interpolation. Let’s explore two advanced techniques: string templates and raw strings.

String Templates

String templates allow you to create multi-line strings with embedded expressions for complex formatting. This eliminates the need for string concatenation and simplifies formatting code.

val name = "Amol Pawar"
val age = 30
val job = "Software Engineer"

val template = """
Name: $name
Age: $age
Job: $job

He is a $job with $age years of experience.

  • Enhanced readability: Improves code clarity and organization.
  • Reduced code duplication: Eliminates the need for repetitive string creation.
  • Flexible formatting: Supports multi-line strings and complex expression embedding.

Raw Strings

Raw strings are represented by triple quotes (""") and allow you to include escape characters without interpretation. This is particularly useful when dealing with paths, regular expressions, and other situations requiring literal interpretation of escape characters.

val path = """C:\Users\softAai\Documents\myfile.txt"""

val regex = Regex("\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}")
  • Literal interpretation: Prevents escape characters from being interpreted.
  • Improved clarity: Makes code more readable and easier to maintain.
  • Increased safety: Reduces the risk of errors related to escape character interpretation.

String templates and raw strings can be combined to build sophisticated string manipulation logic. For example, you can create a multi-line template containing raw string literals with embedded expressions for complex formatting tasks.

Control Structures in Kotlin: Take Control of Your Code

Control structures are the building blocks of any programming language, and Kotlin offers a variety of powerful options to manage the flow of your code. This blog post dives into the four basic control structures in Kotlin: if, when, for, and while, providing clear explanations and examples to help you master their use.

if Expression: Conditional Logic Made Easy

The if expression is the most fundamental control structure, allowing you to execute code based on a boolean condition. Kotlin’s if syntax is similar to other C-style languages, but it offers a unique twist: it’s an expression, meaning it can return a value.

if (2 > 1) {
    println("2 is greater than 1")
} else {
    println("This never gonna happen")

This code snippet checks if 2 is greater than 1. If it is, the code inside the if block is executed. Otherwise, the code inside the else block is executed.

But it gets even better! In Kotlin, you can also use if expressions within other expressions, making your code more concise and readable. For example:

val message = if (2 > 1) {
    "2 is greater than 1"
} else {
    "This never gonna happen"

This code snippet assigns the value of the if expression to the message variable. This allows you to use the result of the conditional logic within other parts of your code.

And for those times when you need a one-liner, Kotlin has you covered! You can use a single line to write your if expression:

println(if(2 > 1) "2 is greater than 1" else "This never gonna happen")

when Expression: More Than Just a Switch

Unlike other C-style languages, Kotlin doesn’t have a traditional switch statement. Instead, it offers the when expression, which is much more versatile. The when expression allows you to match values against multiple conditions and execute different code blocks accordingly.

Here’s an example of a when expression:

val x: Int = // Some unknown value here
when (x) {
    0 -> println("x is zero")
    1, 2 -> println("x is 1 or 2")
    in 3..5 -> println("x is between 3 and 5")
    else -> println("x is bigger than 5... or maybe is negative...")

This code snippet checks the value of the variable x and prints different messages based on its value.

Just like if, the when expression can also be used within other expressions:

val message = when {
    2 > 1 -> "2 is greater than 1"
    else -> "This never gonna happen"

This code snippet uses a when expression to assign a value to the message variable based on the boolean condition.

And for those times when you need to replace a nested if expression, the when expression comes in handy:

when {
    x > 10 -> println("x is greater than 10")
    x > 5 -> println("x is between 5 and 10")
    else -> println("x is less than or equal to 5")

This code snippet uses a when expression to avoid nested if statements, making the code more concise and readable.

for Loop: Repetitive Tasks Made Simple

The for loop allows you to iterate over a sequence of elements, executing a block of code for each element. This is useful for tasks that need to be repeated multiple times, such as printing elements of a list or summing up the values in an array.

Here’s an example of a for loop iterating over a range:

for(i in 1..10) { // range
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates over the range of numbers from 1 to 10 (inclusive) and prints each value.

Kotlin also allows you to iterate over collections using the for loop:

val names = listOf("John", "Jane", "Mary")
for (name in names) {
    println("Hello, $name!")

This code snippet iterates over the names list and prints a greeting message for each name.

Ranges in Kotlin

Ranges are a powerful and versatile tool in Kotlin, allowing you to represent and manipulate sequences of values concisely and efficiently. Here we will delve into the various aspects of ranges, providing a thorough understanding of their creation, usage, and related functionalities.

Creating Ranges

There are two main ways to create ranges in Kotlin:

Inclusive Range: The .. operator defines an inclusive range from a starting value to an ending value.

val numbers = 1..10 // Creates a range from 1 to 10 (inclusive)

Exclusive Range: We will use until to define exclusive range, where the ending value is not included.

val exclusiveRange = 1 until 5
// Represents the range [1, 2, 3, 4]
Using Ranges

Iteration: Ranges are commonly used in loops for iteration.

for (i in 1..5) {
// Prints: 1 2 3 4 5

Checking Inclusion: You can check if a value is within a range.

val range = 10..20
val value = 15
if (value in range) {
    println("$value is in the range.")
// Prints: 15 is in the range.

Progression: Ranges support progression with steps.

 val progression = 1..10 step 2
// Represents the range [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

Functions and Properties

Kotlin’s standard library provides several functions and properties related to ranges.

  • isEmpty: Checks if the range is empty.
  • first: Returns the first element of the range.
  • last: Returns the last element of the range.
  • size: Returns the size of the range (number of elements).
  • step: Specifies the step (increment) between elements in the range.
val stepRange = 1..10 step 2
  • contains: Checks if a specific element is within the range.
  • reversed: Returns a reversed version of the range.
  • step: Returns the step value of the range.
  • iterator: Returns an iterator that allows iterating over the elements of the range.
  • forEach: Executes a block of code for each element in the range.

rangeTo() Function: The rangeTo() function is used to create a range.

val myRange = 1.rangeTo(5)

downTo()nction: Creates a range in descending order.

val descendingRange = 5.downTo(1)

reversed() Function: Reverses the order of elements in the range.

val reversedRange = 5..1 step 2
val reversedList = reversedRange.reversed()
// Represents the range [5, 3, 1] and the list [5, 3, 1]

while and do Loops: Conditional Execution with Flexibility

Both while and do-while loops allow you to execute code repeatedly based on a condition. However, they differ in the way they check the condition:

  • while loop: The condition is checked before each iteration. If the condition is true, the loop body is executed. If the condition is false, the loop exits.
  • do-while loop: The condition is checked after each iteration. This means that the loop body will always be executed at least once.

Here’s an example of a while loop:

var i = 1
while (i <= 10) {
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates from 1 to 10 and prints each value. The loop continues as long as the variable i is less than or equal to 10.

Here’s an example of a do-while loop:

do {
    println("i = $i")
} while (i > 0)

This code snippet iterates backwards from 10 to 1 and prints each value. The loop continues as long as the variable i is greater than 0.

Conditional Execution within Loops

While both while and do-while loops check conditions at specific points, you can also use conditional statements inside the loop body to achieve more complex control flow.

For example, you can use a break statement to exit the loop early if a certain condition is met:

for (i in 1..10) {
    if (i == 5) {
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates from 1 to 10, but it will only print the values up to 5 because the loop is exited when i reaches 5.

Similarly, you can use a continue statement to skip the remaining code in the current iteration and move on to the next iteration:

forComments in Kotlin (i in 1..10) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
    println("i = $i")

This code snippet iterates from 1 to 10, but it will only print the odd numbers because the loop skips any iteration where i is an even number.

Using these conditional statements within loops allows you to tailor the execution of your code based on specific conditions, making your programs more efficient and flexible.

Comments in Kotlin: Concisely Explained

In Kotlin, you can include both single-line and block comments to enhance code readability and provide explanations. Single-line comments are created using a double slash (//), and block comments use a slash and asterisk to open the block (/*) and an asterisk and slash to close it (*/).

Here’s an example of single-line comments:

// This is a single line comment
println("Hello, World!") // This is a single line comment too, after valid code

Single-line comments are ideal for brief explanations on the same line as the code they are referencing.

For more extensive comments that span multiple lines, you can use block comments:

This is a multi-line comment,
Roses are red
... and I forgot the rest
println(/*block comments can be inside valid code*/ "Hello, World!")

Block comments are useful when you need to provide detailed explanations or temporarily disable a block of code.

In both cases, comments contribute to code documentation and understanding. Use comments judiciously to clarify complex logic, document important decisions, or make notes for future reference.


In conclusion, Kotlin’s modern and concise nature, coupled with its C-style syntax, makes it a developer-friendly language. From the basics of “Hello World” to advanced string manipulation and control structures, this article provides a comprehensive overview.

Kotlin’s statically typed variables (val and var) offer flexibility, while string interpolation simplifies string handling. Advanced techniques like string templates and raw strings further enhance readability and code organization.

Exploring control structures— if, when, for, and while—reveals Kotlin’s expressive power. With concise syntax and illustrative examples, developers can efficiently manage code flow.

Mastering these Kotlin fundamentals sets the stage for diving into more complex features. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a coding enthusiast, Kotlin’s blend of familiarity and innovation promises an enjoyable coding journey. Armed with this knowledge, venture into the world of Kotlin programming and bring your ideas to life!

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