Design Patterns

Enhance Your Code Using the Composite Design Pattern: Important Insights for Developers!

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by complex systems in your software projects? You’re not alone! The Composite Design Pattern is here to help simplify those tangled webs, but surprisingly, it often gets overlooked. Many of us miss out on its benefits simply because we aren’t familiar with its basics or how to apply it in real-life scenarios.

But don’t worry—I’ve got your back! In this blog, I’ll walk you through the essentials of the Composite Design Pattern, breaking down its structure and showing you practical, real-world examples. By the end, you’ll see just how powerful this pattern can be for streamlining your code. So let’s jump right in and start making your design process easier and more efficient!

Composite Design Pattern

The Composite Design Pattern is a structural pattern that allows you to treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. The pattern is particularly useful when you have a tree structure of objects, where individual objects and groups of objects need to be treated in the same way.

In short, it lets you work with both single objects and groups of objects in a similar manner, making your code more flexible and easier to maintain.

When to Use the Composite Design Pattern

The Composite pattern is super handy when you’re working with a bunch of objects that fit into a part-whole hierarchy.

Wait, what’s a part-whole hierarchy?

A part-whole hierarchy is basically a structure where smaller parts come together to form a larger system. It’s a way of organizing things so that each part can function on its own, but also as part of something bigger. Think of it like a tree or a set of nested boxes — each piece can be treated individually, but they all fit into a larger whole.

In software design, this idea is key to the Composite Design Pattern. It lets you treat both individual objects and collections of objects in the same way. Here’s how it works:

  • Leaf objects: These are the basic, standalone parts that don’t contain anything else.
  • Composite objects: These are more complex and can hold other parts, both leaf and composite, forming a tree-like structure.

You’ll find this in many places, like:

  • UI Components: A window might have buttons, text fields, and panels. A panel can have more buttons or even nested panels inside.
  • File Systems: Files and directories share similar operations — open, close, getSize, etc. Directories can hold files or other directories.
  • Drawing Applications: A simple shape, like a circle or rectangle, can stand alone or be part of a bigger graphic made up of multiple shapes.

Now, let’s look at a simple example.

Imagine we’re building a graphic editor that works with different shapes — simple ones like circles, rectangles, and lines. But we also want to create more complex drawings by grouping these shapes together. The tricky part is that we want to treat both individual shapes and groups of shapes the same way. That’s where the Composite Pattern comes in handy.

Structure of the Composite Pattern

Composite Pattern Structure

In the Composite Pattern, there are usually three key pieces:

  • Component: This is an interface or abstract class that lays out the common operations that both simple objects and composite objects can perform.
  • Leaf: This represents an individual object in the structure. It’s a basic part of the system and doesn’t have any children.
  • Composite: This is a group of objects, which can include both leaves and other composites. It handles operations by passing them down to its children.

Composite Design Pattern in Kotlin

Now, let’s dive into how to implement the Composite Pattern in Kotlin.

We’ll model a graphics system where shapes like circles and rectangles are treated as Leaf components, and a group of shapes (like a drawing) is treated as a Composite.

Step 1: Defining the Component Interface

The first step is to define a Shape interface that all shapes (both individual and composite) will implement.

interface Shape {
    fun draw()

Step 2: Creating the Leaf Components

Now, let’s implement two basic shape classes: Circle and Rectangle. These classes will be the Leaf nodes in our Composite structure, meaning they do not contain any other shapes.

class Circle(private val name: String) : Shape {
    override fun draw() {
        println("Drawing a Circle: $name")

class Rectangle(private val name: String) : Shape {
    override fun draw() {
        println("Drawing a Rectangle: $name")

Here, both Circle and Rectangle implement the Shape interface. They only define the draw() method because these are basic shapes.

Step 3: Creating the Composite Component

Next, we will create a Composite class called Drawing, which can hold a collection of shapes (both Circle and Rectangle, or even other Drawing objects).

class Drawing : Shape {
    private val shapes = mutableListOf<Shape>()

    // Add a shape to the drawing
    fun addShape(shape: Shape) {

    // Remove a shape from the drawing
    fun removeShape(shape: Shape) {

    // Drawing the entire group of shapes
    override fun draw() {
        println("Drawing a group of shapes:")
        for (shape in shapes) {
            shape.draw()  // Delegating the draw call to child components

Here’s what’s happening:

  • Drawing class implements Shape and contains a list of Shape objects.
  • It allows adding and removing shapes.
  • When draw() is called on the Drawing, it delegates the drawing task to all the shapes in its list.

Step 4: Bringing It All Together

Now, let’s look at an example that demonstrates how the Composite pattern works in action.

fun main() {
    // Create individual shapes
    val circle1 = Circle("Circle 1")
    val circle2 = Circle("Circle 2")
    val rectangle1 = Rectangle("Rectangle 1")

    // Create a composite drawing of shapes
    val drawing1 = Drawing()

    // Create another drawing with its own shapes
    val drawing2 = Drawing()
    drawing2.addShape(drawing1)  // Adding a drawing within a drawing

    // Draw the second drawing, which contains a nested structure


Drawing a group of shapes:
Drawing a Circle: Circle 2
Drawing a group of shapes:
Drawing a Circle: Circle 1
Drawing a Rectangle: Rectangle 1

We first create individual Circle and Rectangle shapes.We then create a Drawing (composite) that contains circle1 and rectangle1.Finally, we create another composite Drawing that includes circle2 and even the previous Drawing. This shows how complex structures can be built from simpler components.

Real-World Examples

Now, let’s go further and explore a few more real-world examples.

Composite Pattern in Shopping Cart System

We’ll create a system to represent a product catalog, where a product can be either a single item (leaf) or a bundle of items (composite).

Step 1: Define the Component Interface

The Component defines the common operations. Here, the Product interface will have a method showDetails to display the details of each product.

// Component
interface Product {
    fun showDetails()

Step 2: Implement the Leaf Class

The Leaf class represents individual products, like a single item in our catalog.

// Leaf
class SingleProduct(private val name: String, private val price: Double) : Product {
    override fun showDetails() {
        println("$name: $price")

In this class:

  • name: Represents the product name.
  • price: Represents the price of the product.

The showDetails method simply prints the product’s name and price.

Step 3: Implement the Composite Class

Now, let’s implement the Composite class, which can hold a collection of products (either single or composite).

// Composite
class ProductBundle(private val bundleName: String) : Product {
    private val products = mutableListOf<Product>()

    fun addProduct(product: Product) {

    fun removeProduct(product: Product) {

    override fun showDetails() {
        println("$bundleName contains the following products:")
        for (product in products) {


  • The ProductBundle class maintains a list of Product objects.
  • The addProduct method lets us add new products to the bundle.
  • The removeProduct method lets us remove products from the bundle.
  • The showDetails method iterates through each product and calls its showDetails method.

Step 4: Putting It All Together

Now that we have both single and composite products, we can build a catalog of individual items and bundles.

fun main() {
    // Individual products
    val laptop = SingleProduct("Laptop", 1000.0)
    val mouse = SingleProduct("Mouse", 25.0)
    val keyboard = SingleProduct("Keyboard", 75.0)

    // A bundle of products
    val computerSet = ProductBundle("Computer Set")

    // Another bundle
    val officeSupplies = ProductBundle("Office Supplies")
    officeSupplies.addProduct(SingleProduct("Notebook", 10.0))
    officeSupplies.addProduct(SingleProduct("Pen", 2.0))

    // Master bundle
    val shoppingCart = ProductBundle("Shopping Cart")

    // Display details of all products


  • We first create individual products (laptop, mouse, keyboard).
  • Then, we group them into a bundle (computerSet).
  • We create another bundle (officeSupplies).
  • Finally, we add both bundles to a master bundle (shoppingCart).
  • When calling shoppingCart.showDetails(), the Composite Pattern allows us to display all the products, both single and grouped, using the same showDetails() method.


Shopping Cart contains the following products:
Computer Set contains the following products:
Laptop: 1000.0
Mouse: 25.0
Keyboard: 75.0
Office Supplies contains the following products:
Notebook: 10.0
Pen: 2.0

Composite Pattern in File System

Let’s implement the Composite Design Pattern in a file system where files and directories share common operations like opening, deleting, and renaming. In this scenario:

  • Files are treated as individual objects (leaf nodes).
  • Directories can contain both files and other directories (composite nodes).

Step 1: Define the FileSystemComponent Interface

The Component will be an interface that defines the common operations for both files and directories. We’ll include methods like open, delete, rename, and showDetails.

// Component
interface FileSystemComponent {
    fun open()
    fun delete()
    fun rename(newName: String)
    fun showDetails()

Step 2: Implement the File Class (Leaf)

The File class is a leaf node in the composite pattern. It represents individual files that implement the common operations defined in the FileSystemComponent interface.

// Leaf
class File(private var name: String) : FileSystemComponent {
    override fun open() {
        println("Opening file: $name")

    override fun delete() {
        println("Deleting file: $name")

    override fun rename(newName: String) {
        println("Renaming file from $name to $newName")
        name = newName

    override fun showDetails() {
        println("File: $name")

Step 3: Implement the Directory Class (Composite)

The Directory class is the composite node in the pattern. It can hold a collection of files and other directories. The directory class implements the same operations as files but delegates actions to its child components (files or directories).

// Composite
class Directory(private var name: String) : FileSystemComponent {
    private val contents = mutableListOf<FileSystemComponent>()

    fun add(component: FileSystemComponent) {

    fun remove(component: FileSystemComponent) {

    override fun open() {
        println("Opening directory: $name")
        for (component in contents) {

    override fun delete() {
        println("Deleting directory: $name and its contents:")
        for (component in contents) {
        contents.clear()  // Remove all contents after deletion

    override fun rename(newName: String) {
        println("Renaming directory from $name to $newName")
        name = newName

    override fun showDetails() {
        println("Directory: $name contains:")
        for (component in contents) {

Step 4: Putting It All Together

Now, let’s use the File and Directory classes to simulate a file system where directories contain files and possibly other directories.

fun main() {
    // Create individual files
    val file1 = File("file1.txt")
    val file2 = File("file2.txt")
    val file3 = File("file3.txt")

    // Create a directory and add files to it
    val dir1 = Directory("Documents")

    // Create another directory and add files and a subdirectory to it
    val dir2 = Directory("Projects")
    dir2.add(dir1)  // Adding the Documents directory to the Projects directory

    // Display the structure of the file system

    // Perform operations on the file system
    println("\n-- Opening the directory --")

    println("\n-- Renaming file and directory --")

    // Show updated structure

    println("\n-- Deleting directory --")

    // Try to show the structure after deletion
    println("\n-- Trying to show details after deletion --")


  • We create individual files (file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt).
  • We create a directory Documents and add file1 and file2 to it.
  • We create another directory Projects, add file3 and also add the Documents directory to it, demonstrating that directories can contain both files and other directories.
  • We display the contents of the Projects directory, which includes the Documents directory and its files.
  • We perform operations like open, rename, and delete on the files and directories.
  • After deletion, we attempt to show the details again to verify that the contents are removed.


Directory: Projects contains:
File: file3.txt
Directory: Documents contains:
File: file1.txt
File: file2.txt

-- Opening the directory --
Opening directory: Projects
Opening file: file3.txt
Opening directory: Documents
Opening file: file1.txt
Opening file: file2.txt

-- Renaming file and directory --
Renaming file from file1.txt to new_file1.txt
Renaming directory from Documents to New_Documents
Directory: Projects contains:
File: file3.txt
Directory: New_Documents contains:
File: new_file1.txt
File: file2.txt

-- Deleting directory --
Deleting directory: Projects and its contents:
Deleting file: file3.txt
Deleting directory: New_Documents and its contents:
Deleting file: new_file1.txt
Deleting file: file2.txt

-- Trying to show details after deletion --
Directory: Projects contains:

The Composite Pattern allows us to treat directories (composite objects) just like files (leaf objects). This means that operations such as opening, renaming, deleting, and showing details can be handled uniformly for both files and directories. The hierarchy can grow naturally, supporting nested structures where directories can contain files or even other directories. Overall, this implementation showcases how the Composite Design Pattern effectively models a real-world file system in Kotlin, allowing files and directories to share common behavior while maintaining flexibility and scalability.

Benefits of the Composite Pattern

  • Simplicity: You can treat individual objects and composites in the same way.
  • Flexibility: Adding or removing components is easy since they follow a consistent interface.
  • Transparency: Clients don’t need to worry about whether they’re working with a single item or a composite.


  • Complexity: The pattern can introduce complexity, especially if it’s used in scenarios that don’t involve a natural hierarchy.
  • Overhead: If not carefully implemented, it may lead to unnecessary overhead when dealing with very simple structures.

When to Use the Composite Pattern?

  • When you want to represent part-whole hierarchies of objects.
  • When you want clients to be able to treat individual objects and composite objects uniformly.
  • When you need to build complex structures out of simpler objects but still want to treat the whole structure as a single entity.


And there you have it! We’ve unraveled the Composite Design Pattern together, and I hope you’re feeling inspired to give it a try in your own projects. It’s all about simplifying those complex systems and making your life a little easier as a developer.

As you move forward, keep an eye out for situations where this pattern can come in handy. The beauty of it is that once you start using it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!

Thanks for hanging out with me today. I’d love to hear about your experiences with the Composite Design Pattern or any cool projects you’re working on. Happy coding, and let’s make our software as clean and efficient as possible!

Bridge Design Pattern

Mastering the Bridge Design Pattern in Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide

A few days ago, I shared my thoughts on the Adapter Design Pattern—where I noticed it seamlessly bridges the gap between different systems. Now, as I dive into the Bridge Design Pattern, I see it’s more than just about bridging gaps; it’s about creating flexibility, decoupling abstraction from implementation, and making your code as adaptable as possible.

In this blog, we’ll explore:

  • What exactly is the Bridge Design Pattern?
  • Its structure and how it works under the hood
  • Practical, real-world examples that bring the concept to life
  • And perhaps most importantly, how it differs from the Adapter Pattern (because, yes, there’s a key difference!).

So, let’s dive in and discover what makes the Bridge Design Pattern a game-changer in clean, scalable software architecture.

What is the Bridge Design Pattern?

Let’s start with the basics: the Bridge Design Pattern is a structural pattern designed to decouple an abstraction from its implementation. By separating these two components, you can vary them independently, which enhances the system’s flexibility and scalability. This means you can extend either the abstraction or the implementation without disrupting the existing system.

In simpler terms, the Bridge Pattern allows you to modify what your code does without affecting how it does it. If that sounds confusing, don’t worry; it will become clearer as we go on.

Essentially, the Bridge Pattern promotes object composition over inheritance, making it particularly useful when dealing with complex class hierarchies that can lead to a proliferation of subclasses as variations increase.

Why is this important? As your project grows, you might find that every new feature requires adjustments to existing code, which can quickly lead to chaos. The Bridge Pattern helps you avoid this mess by keeping your code flexible and easier to manage.

Why Use the Bridge Design Pattern?

Here’s an example you might relate to: imagine you’re building a simple drawing app. You have different shapes—let’s say Circle and Rectangle. You also want to paint them in different colors, like Red and Green. Sounds easy, right? But if you approach this by creating classes like RedCircle, GreenRectangle, GreenCircle, etc., you’ll quickly end up with a ton of redundant classes.

      |                                 |
   Rectangle                          Circle
      |                                 |
   -------------                   -------------
  |             |                 |             |
RedRectangle  GreenRectangle   RedCircle    GreenCircle

With Bridge Pattern 

      |                                 |
  Rectangle (Color)                 Circle (Color)

                            -------- Color ----------
                           |                         |
                         Red                       Green

Enter the Bridge Pattern. It allows you to keep the Shape and Color separate so that you can easily mix and match them without creating dozens of new classes. It’s like having a separate “shape drawer” and “color palette” that you can combine however you like.

Components of the Bridge Design Pattern

The Bridge Design Pattern is a structural pattern that decouples an abstraction from its implementation, allowing them to vary independently. This pattern is particularly useful when you want to avoid a proliferation of classes that arise from combining multiple variations of abstractions and implementations.

Structure of Bridge Design Pattern


  • Abstraction: This defines the abstract interface and contains a reference to the implementer. The abstraction typically provides a higher-level interface that clients use.
  • Refined Abstraction: This extends the abstraction and may provide additional functionality or specificity. It can also override behaviors defined in the abstraction.
  • Implementer: This defines the interface for the implementation classes. It does not have to match the abstraction interface; in fact, it can be quite different. The implementer interface can have multiple implementations.
  • Concrete Implementers: These are specific implementations of the implementer interface. Each concrete implementer provides a different implementation of the methods defined in the implementer interface.

How the Bridge Pattern Works

  1. Decoupling: The Bridge Pattern decouples the abstraction from the implementation. This means that you can change or extend either side independently.
  2. Client Interaction: The client interacts with the abstraction interface, and the abstraction can delegate calls to the implementation without the client needing to know about it.
  3. Flexibility: You can add new abstractions and implementations without modifying existing code, promoting adherence to the Open/Closed Principle.

Let’s take a more detailed example to illustrate how the Bridge Pattern works.

Example: Shapes and Colors

Scenario: You are building a drawing application that allows users to create shapes with different colors.

Abstraction: Shape

  • Methods: draw()

Refined Abstraction: Circle and Rectangle

  • Each shape has a draw() method that uses the color implementation.

Implementer: Color

  • Method: fill()

Concrete Implementers: Red and Green

  • Each color has a specific implementation of the fill() method.
// Implementer interface
interface Color {
    fun fill()

// Concrete Implementers
class Red : Color {
    override fun fill() {
        println("Filling with Red color.")

class Green : Color {
    override fun fill() {
        println("Filling with Green color.")

// Abstraction
abstract class Shape(protected val color: Color) {
    abstract fun draw()

// Refined Abstraction
class Circle(color: Color) : Shape(color) {
    override fun draw() {
        print("Drawing Circle. ")

class Rectangle(color: Color) : Shape(color) {
    override fun draw() {
        print("Drawing Rectangle. ")

// Client Code
fun main() {
    val redCircle: Shape = Circle(Red())
    redCircle.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle. Filling with Red color.

    val greenRectangle: Shape = Rectangle(Green())
    greenRectangle.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle. Filling with Green color.
  • Separation of Concerns: The Bridge Pattern promotes separation of concerns by dividing the abstraction from its implementation.
  • Flexibility and Extensibility: It provides flexibility and extensibility, allowing new abstractions and implementations to be added without modifying existing code.
  • Avoiding Class Explosion: It helps in avoiding class explosion that occurs when you have multiple variations of abstractions and implementations combined together.

The Bridge Design Pattern is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to manage multiple dimensions of variability, providing a clean and maintainable code structure.

Real World Example

Let’s consider a scenario where we are building a notification system. We have different types of notifications (e.g., Email, SMS, Push Notification), and each notification can be sent for different platforms (e.g., Android, iOS).

If we don’t use the Bridge pattern, we might end up with a class hierarchy like this:

  • AndroidEmailNotification
  • IOSEmailNotification
  • AndroidSMSNotification
  • IOSMSNotification

This quickly becomes cumbersome and difficult to maintain as the number of combinations increases. The Bridge Design Pattern helps us to handle such cases more efficiently by separating the notification type (abstraction) from the platform (implementation).

Before implementing, here’s a quick recap of what the components of the Bridge Pattern are.

  1. Abstraction: Defines the high-level interface.
  2. Refined Abstraction: Extends the abstraction and adds additional operations.
  3. Implementor: Defines the interface for implementation classes.
  4. Concrete Implementor: Provides concrete implementations of the implementor interface.

Let’s implement the Bridge Design Pattern in Kotlin for our notification system.

Step 1: Define the Implementor (Platform Interface)

interface NotificationSender {
    fun sendNotification(message: String)

The NotificationSender interface acts as the Implementor. It defines the method sendNotification() that will be implemented by concrete platform-specific classes.

Step 2: Concrete Implementors (Platform Implementations)

Now, we’ll create concrete classes that implement NotificationSender for different platforms.

class AndroidNotificationSender : NotificationSender {
    override fun sendNotification(message: String) {
        println("Sending notification to Android device: $message")

class IOSNotificationSender : NotificationSender {
    override fun sendNotification(message: String) {
        println("Sending notification to iOS device: $message")

Here, AndroidNotificationSender and IOSNotificationSender are Concrete Implementors. They provide platform-specific ways of sending notifications.

Step 3: Define the Abstraction (Notification)

Next, we define the Notification class, which represents the Abstraction. It contains a reference to the NotificationSender interface.

abstract class Notification(protected val sender: NotificationSender) {
    abstract fun send(message: String)

The Notification class holds a sender object that allows it to delegate the task of sending notifications to the appropriate platform implementation.

Step 4: Refined Abstractions (Different Types of Notifications)

Now, we’ll create refined abstractions for different types of notifications.

class EmailNotification(sender: NotificationSender) : Notification(sender) {
    override fun send(message: String) {
        println("Email Notification:")

class SMSNotification(sender: NotificationSender) : Notification(sender) {
    override fun send(message: String) {
        println("SMS Notification:")

Here, EmailNotification and SMSNotification extend the Notification class and specify the type of notification. They use the sender to send the actual message via the appropriate platform.

Step 5: Putting It All Together

Let’s see how we can use the Bridge Design Pattern in action:

fun main() {
    val androidSender = AndroidNotificationSender()
    val iosSender = IOSNotificationSender()

    val emailNotification = EmailNotification(androidSender)
    emailNotification.send("You've got mail!")

    val smsNotification = SMSNotification(iosSender)
    smsNotification.send("You've got a message!")


Email Notification:
Sending notification to Android device: You've got mail!
SMS Notification:
Sending notification to iOS device: You've got a message!

What’s happening here?

  • We created an AndroidNotificationSender and IOSNotificationSender for the platforms.
  • Then, we created EmailNotification and SMSNotification to handle the type of message.
  • Finally, we sent notifications to both Android and iOS devices using the same abstraction, but different platforms.

Advantages of Bridge Design Pattern

The Bridge Design Pattern provides several advantages:

  • Decoupling Abstraction and Implementation: You can develop abstractions and implementations independently. Changes to one won’t affect the other.
  • Improved Flexibility: The pattern allows you to extend either the abstraction or the implementation without affecting the rest of the codebase.
  • Reduced Class Explosion: It prevents an explosion of subclasses that would otherwise occur with direct inheritance.
  • Better Maintainability: Since abstraction and implementation are separated, code becomes cleaner and easier to maintain.

Adapter & Bridge: Difference in Intent

When it comes to design patterns, understanding the difference between the Adapter and Bridge patterns is crucial for effective software development. The Adapter pattern focuses on resolving incompatibilities between two existing interfaces, allowing them to work together seamlessly. In this scenario, the two interfaces operate independently, enabling them to evolve separately over time. However, the coupling between them can be unforeseen, which may lead to complications down the road. On the other hand, the Bridge pattern takes a different approach by connecting an abstraction with its various implementations. This pattern ensures that the evolution of the implementations aligns with the base abstraction, creating a more cohesive structure. In this case, the coupling between the abstraction and its implementations is well-defined and intentional, promoting better maintainability and flexibility. By understanding these distinctions, developers can choose the right pattern based on their specific needs, leading to more robust and adaptable code.

When to Use the Bridge Pattern

Consider using the Bridge Pattern in the following scenarios:

  • When your system has multiple dimensions of variations (like different shapes and colors), and you want to minimize subclassing.
  • When you need to decouple abstraction from implementation, allowing both to evolve independently.
  • When you want to reduce the complexity of a class hierarchy that would otherwise grow out of control with multiple subclasses.


The Bridge Design Pattern is a lifesaver when you have multiple dimensions that need to change independently. By separating the abstraction (what you want to do) from the implementation (how you do it), this pattern ensures your code remains flexible, clean, and easy to extend.

In our notification system example, we applied the pattern, but it can also be used in countless other scenarios, such as database drivers, payment gateways, or even UI frameworks.

Hopefully, this guide has given you a solid understanding of the Bridge Pattern in Kotlin. I encourage you to implement it in your projects and feel free to adapt it as needed!

Adapter Design Pattern

Discover the Power of the Adapter Design Pattern: Structure, Types, and Android Best Practices

The Adapter Design Pattern is a developer’s secret weapon when it comes to making incompatible systems work together smoothly without altering their original code. Acting as a bridge, it allows different components to communicate effortlessly. If you’ve ever hit a roadblock where two pieces of code just wouldn’t “talk” to each other, then you’ve faced the exact challenge that the Adapter Pattern is designed to solve!

In this blog, we’re diving deep into everything about the Adapter Design Pattern—its structure, types (like Class and Object adapters), examples, real-world use cases, and how it’s applied in Android development. Whether you’re working with legacy systems or building new features, this pattern is key to simplifying integration and boosting code flexibility.

Grab a coffee mug—this blog’s going to be a big one! Get ready for a complete guide that will take your understanding of design patterns to the next level. Let’s get started!

What is the Adapter Design Pattern?

The Adapter Design Pattern helps connect two things that wouldn’t normally work together because they don’t “fit” or communicate the same way. It acts as a bridge that makes an existing class compatible with another class you need, without changing either one.

Think of it like using an adapter to plug something into an outlet that has a different shape—it allows them to work together without altering either the plug or the outlet.

Imagine you’re traveling in Europe with your US laptop. The European wall outlet provides 220 volts, while your laptop’s power adapter is designed for a standard AC plug and expects 110 volts. They’re incompatible, right? That’s where a power adapter steps in, converting the European outlet’s power to match what your laptop needs.

In software, the Adapter Pattern works in the same way. It allows two incompatible interfaces to work together without changing their core functionality. Just like the power adapter converts the outlet’s power, a software adapter “translates” between systems to make them compatible.

Instead of rewriting code, you create an adapter class that bridges the gap—keeping everything working smoothly.

In short, the Adapter Pattern is your go-to solution for making incompatible systems work together, just like your handy travel adapter!

Defination of Adapter Design Pattern

The Adapter design pattern (one of the structural design patterns) acts as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces. It allows an existing class (which has a specific interface) to be used with another class (which expects a different interface), without changing their existing code. It does this by creating an intermediary adapter class that translates the method calls from one interface to the other.

Why is the Adapter called ‘glue’ or ‘wrapper’?

Sometimes, a class has the features a client needs, but its way of interacting (interface) doesn’t match what the client expects. In these cases, we need to transform the existing interface into a new one that the client can work with, while still utilizing the original class.

Suppose you have an existing software system that requires integrating a new vendor library, but the new vendor has designed their interfaces differently from the previous vendor. What should you do? Write a class that adapts the new vendor’s interface to the one you’re expecting.

The Adapter Pattern helps us achieve this by creating a wrapper class around the original object. This wrapper is called an adapter, and the original object is known as the adaptee. The adapter acts as a bridge, allowing the client to use the adaptee’s functionality in a way that meets their needs.

To expand on this, the adapter is often referred to as “glue” because it metaphorically binds together two different interfaces, making them work smoothly as one. Similarly, it is called a “wrapper” because it encloses the original object (the adaptee) and presents a modified interface that the client can use without needing to change the original object.

The Structure of Adapter Pattern

The Adapter Design Pattern involves four components:

  1. Target (Interface): The desired interface that the client expects.
  2. Adaptee: The existing class that has the behavior we want to use but with an incompatible interface.
  3. Adapter: A wrapper class that implements the Target interface and translates the requests from the client to the Adaptee.
  4. Client: The entity that interacts with the Target interface.

Let’s revisit our example of a European wall socket and a US laptop’s AC plug for better understanding.

  • Adaptee Interface: This is the existing interface or system that needs to be adapted. It has its own methods that may not be compatible with what the client expects.
  • Target Interface: This is the interface that the client is designed to work with. The client will call methods from this interface.
  • Request Method: This is the method defined in the target interface that the client will use.
  • Adapter:
    The adapter acts as a bridge between the target interface and the adaptee interface. It implements the target interface and holds a reference to an instance of the adaptee. The adapter translates calls from the target interface into calls to the adaptee interface.
  • Translated Request Method: This method in the adapter takes the request from the client and converts it into a format that the adaptee can understand.

Now, we have a EuropeanWallSocket that provides electricity in a format incompatible with a US laptop. We will create an adapter to make them compatible.

Step 1: Define the Adaptee Interface

This is the existing interface that represents the European wall socket.

// Adaptee interface
interface EuropeanWallSocket {
    fun provideElectricity(): String // Provides electricity in European format

// Implementation of the adaptee
class EuropeanWallSocketImpl : EuropeanWallSocket {
    override fun provideElectricity(): String {
        return "220V AC from European wall socket"

Step 2: Define the Target Interface

This is the interface that our US laptop expects.

// Target interface
interface USLaptop {
    fun plugIn(): String // Expects a method to plug in

Step 3: Create the Adapter

The adapter will implement the target interface and use an instance of the adaptee.

// Adapter class
class SocketAdapter(private val europeanWallSocket: EuropeanWallSocket) : USLaptop {
    override fun plugIn(): String {
        // Adapt the European socket output for the US laptop
        val electricity = europeanWallSocket.provideElectricity()
        return "Adapting: $electricity to 110V AC for US laptop"

Step 4: Client Code

Now, the client can use the USLaptop interface without worrying about the underlying EuropeanWallSocket.

fun main() {
    // Create an instance of the adaptee (European socket)
    val europeanSocket = EuropeanWallSocketImpl()

    // Use the adapter to connect the US laptop
    val socketAdapter = SocketAdapter(europeanSocket)

    // Plug in the US laptop using the adapter
  1. Adaptee: The EuropeanWallSocket interface and its implementation, EuropeanWallSocketImpl, represent a wall socket that provides electricity in the European format (220V AC).
  2. Target: The USLaptop interface defines the method the laptop uses to connect to a power source.
  3. Adapter: The SocketAdapter class implements the USLaptop interface and contains an instance of EuropeanWallSocket. It adapts the output from the European wall socket to a format that the US laptop can understand (converting it to 110V AC).
  4. Client: In the main function, we create an instance of the EuropeanWallSocketImpl, wrap it in the SocketAdapter, and call the plugIn method to simulate plugging in the US laptop.


When you run this code, it will output:

Adapting: 220V AC from European wall socket to 110V AC for US laptop

This example is only for demonstration purposes, illustrating how the Adapter Pattern allows a US laptop to work with a European wall socket by adapting the interface, making the systems compatible without altering their original functionality.

Bridging the Gap: How the Adapter Pattern Facilitates Communication

Have you ever wondered how the Adapter Pattern bridges the gap? The answer lies in the use of object composition and the principle that the pattern binds the client to an interface rather than an implementation.

Delegation serves as the vital link that connects an Adapter to its Adaptee, facilitating seamless communication between the two. Meanwhile, interface inheritance defines the contract that the Adapter class must follow, ensuring clarity and consistency in its interactions.

Look at the previous example above: the client code binds to the USLaptop interface, not to the specific implementation of the adapter or the Adaptee. This design allows for flexibility; if you need to adapt to a different type of socket in the future, you can create a new adapter that implements the same USLaptop interface without changing the client code.

The Target and the Adaptee—often an older, legacy system—are established before the Adapter is introduced. The Adapter acts as a bridge, allowing the Target to utilize the Adaptee’s functionality without modifying its original structure. This approach not only enhances flexibility, but also elegantly encapsulates complexity, enabling developers to create more adaptable systems.

Adapter Pattern Variants

There are two common variants of the Adapter pattern:

  • Object Adapter: The adapter holds an instance of the adaptee and delegates requests to it.
  • Class Adapter: The adapter inherits from both the target and adaptee classes. However, Kotlin (like Java) does not support multiple inheritance, so this variant is less commonly used in Kotlin.

Object Adapters and Class Adapters use two different methods to adapt the Adaptee: composition and inheritance.

Let’s look at each one individually and discuss their differences.

Object Adapter Pattern

In the Object Adapter Pattern, the adapter contains an instance of the adaptee and implements the interface expected by the client. It “adapts” the methods of the adaptee to fit the expected interface.

Structure of Object Adapter Pattern

  1. Client: The class that interacts with the target interface.
  2. Target Interface: The interface that the client expects.
  3. Adaptee: The class with an incompatible interface that needs to be adapted.
  4. Adapter: The class that implements the target interface and holds a reference to the adaptee, enabling the two incompatible interfaces to work together.

In this UML diagram of the Object Adapter Pattern,

  • Client → Depends on → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Implements → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Has a reference to → Adaptee
  • Adaptee → Has methods incompatible with the Target Interface

Key Points:

  • Object Adapter uses composition (by containing the adaptee) instead of inheritance, which makes it more flexible and reusable.
  • The adapter doesn’t alter the existing Adaptee class but makes it compatible with the Target Interface.

Simple Example of Object Adapter Pattern

Let’s consider a simple scenario where we want to charge different types of phones, but their charging ports are incompatible.

  1. The Client is a phone charger that expects to use a USB type-C charging port.
  2. The Adaptee is an old phone that uses a micro-USB charging port.
  3. The Adapter bridges the difference by converting the micro-USB interface to a USB type-C interface.

Step 1: Define the Target Interface

The charger (client) expects all phones to implement this interface (USB Type-C).

// Target interface that the client expects
interface UsbTypeCCharger {
    fun chargeWithUsbTypeC()

Step 2: Define the Adaptee

This is the old phone, which only has a Micro-USB port. The charger can’t directly use this interface.

// Adaptee class that uses Micro-USB for charging
class MicroUsbPhone {
    fun rechargeWithMicroUsb() {
        println("Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port")

Step 3: Create the Adapter

The adapter will “adapt” the Micro-USB phone to make it compatible with the USB Type-C charger. It wraps the MicroUsbPhone and translates the charging request.

// Adapter that makes Micro-USB phone compatible with USB Type-C charger
class MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter(private val microUsbPhone: MicroUsbPhone) : UsbTypeCCharger {
    override fun chargeWithUsbTypeC() {
        println("Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB")
        microUsbPhone.rechargeWithMicroUsb() // Delegating the charging to the Micro-USB phone

Step 4: Implement the Client

The client (charger) works with the target interface (UsbTypeCCharger). It can now charge a phone with a Micro-USB port by using the adapter.

fun main() {
    // Old phone with a Micro-USB port (Adaptee)
    val microUsbPhone = MicroUsbPhone()

    // Adapter that makes the Micro-USB phone compatible with USB Type-C charger
    val usbTypeCAdapter = MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter(microUsbPhone)

    // Client (USB Type-C Charger) charges the phone using the adapter
    println("Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger")


Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger
Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB
Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port


  • Client: The charger expects all phones to be charged using a USB Type-C port, so it calls chargeWithUsbTypeC().
  • Adapter: The adapter receives the request from the client to charge using USB Type-C. It converts this request and adapts it to the MicroUsbPhone by calling rechargeWithMicroUsb() internally.
  • Adaptee (MicroUsbPhone): The phone knows how to charge itself using Micro-USB. The adapter simply makes it compatible with the client’s expectation.

Now, let’s look at another type, the Class Adapter Pattern.

Class Adapter Pattern

The Class Adapter Pattern is another type of adapter design pattern where an adapter class inherits from both the target interface and the Adaptee class. Unlike the Object Adapter Pattern, which uses composition (holding an instance of the Adaptee), the Class Adapter Pattern employs multiple inheritance to directly connect the client and the Adaptee.

In languages like Kotlin, which do not support true multiple inheritance, we simulate this behavior by using interfaces. The adapter implements the target interface and extends the Adaptee class to bridge the gap between incompatible interfaces.

Before going into much detail, let’s first understand the structure of the Class Adapter Pattern.

Structure of Class Adapter Pattern

  1. Client: The class that interacts with the target interface.
  2. Target Interface: The interface that the client expects to interact with.
  3. Adaptee: The class with an incompatible interface that needs to be adapted.
  4. Adapter: A class that inherits from both the target interface and the adaptee, adapting the adaptee to be compatible with the client.

In this UML diagram of the Class Adapter Pattern,

  • Client → Depends on → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Inherits from → Adaptee
  • Adapter → Implements → Target Interface
  • Adaptee → Has methods incompatible with the target interface

Key Points:

  • The Class Adapter pattern relies on inheritance to connect the Adaptee and the Target Interface.
  • The adapter inherits from the adaptee and implements the target interface, thus combining both functionalities.

Simple Example of Class Adapter Pattern 

Now, let’s look at an example of the Class Adapter Pattern. We’ll use the same scenario: a charger that expects a USB Type-C interface but has an old phone that only supports Micro-USB.

Step 1: Define the Target Interface

This is the interface that the client (charger) expects.

// Target interface that the client expects
interface UsbTypeCCharger {
    fun chargeWithUsbTypeC()

Step 2: Define the Adaptee

This is the class that needs to be adapted. It’s the old phone with a Micro-USB charging port.

// Adaptee class that uses Micro-USB for charging
class MicroUsbPhone {
    fun rechargeWithMicroUsb() {
        println("Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port")

Step 3: Define the Adapter (Class Adapter)

The Adapter inherits from the MicroUsbPhone (adaptee) and implements the UsbTypeCCharger (target interface). It adapts the MicroUsbPhone to be compatible with the UsbTypeCCharger interface.

// Adapter that inherits from MicroUsbPhone and implements UsbTypeCCharger
class MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter : MicroUsbPhone(), UsbTypeCCharger {
    // Implement the method from UsbTypeCCharger
    override fun chargeWithUsbTypeC() {
        println("Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB")
        // Call the inherited method from MicroUsbPhone
        rechargeWithMicroUsb() // Uses the Micro-USB method to charge

Step 4: Client Usage

The Client only interacts with the UsbTypeCCharger interface and charges the phone through the adapter.

fun main() {
    // Adapter that allows charging a Micro-USB phone with a USB Type-C charger
    val usbTypeCAdapter = MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter()

    // Client (USB Type-C Charger) charges the phone through the adapter
    println("Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger")


Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger
Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB
Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port


  • Client: The client expects all phones to be charged using the UsbTypeCCharger interface.
  • Adapter: The adapter class inherits the behavior of the MicroUsbPhone (adaptee) and implements the UsbTypeCCharger interface. It converts the USB Type-C charging request and delegates it to the inherited rechargeWithMicroUsb() method.
  • Adaptee (Micro-USB phone): The MicroUsbPhone class has a method to recharge using Micro-USB, which is directly called by the adapter.

Class Adapter Vs. Object Adapter

The main difference between the Class Adapter and the Object Adapter lies in how they achieve compatibility between the Target and the Adaptee. In the Class Adapter pattern, we use inheritance by subclassing both the Target interface and the Adaptee class, which allows the adapter to directly access the Adaptee’s behavior. This means the adapter is tightly coupled to both the Target and the Adaptee at compile-time.

On the other hand, the Object Adapter pattern relies on composition, meaning the adapter holds a reference to an instance of the Adaptee rather than inheriting from it. This approach allows the adapter to forward requests to the Adaptee, making it more flexible because the Adaptee instance can be changed or swapped without modifying the adapter. The Object Adapter pattern is generally preferred when more flexibility is needed, as it loosely couples the adapter and Adaptee.

In short, the key difference is that the Class Adapter subclasses both the Target and the Adaptee, while the Object Adapter uses composition to forward requests to the Adaptee.

Real-World Examples

We’ll look at more real-world examples soon, but before that, let’s first explore a structural example of the Adapter Pattern to ensure a smooth understanding.

Adapter Pattern: Structural Example

Since we’ve already seen many code examples, there’s no rocket science here. Let’s jump straight into the code and then go over its explanation.

// Target interface that the client expects
interface Target {
    fun request()

// Adaptee class that has an incompatible method
class Adaptee {
    fun delegatedRequest() {
        println("This is the delegated method.")

// Adapter class that implements Target and adapts Adaptee
class Adapter : Target {
    private val delegate = Adaptee() // Composition: holding an instance of Adaptee

    // Adapting the request method to call Adaptee's delegatedRequest
    override fun request() {

// Test class to demonstrate the Adapter Pattern
fun main() {
    val client: Target = Adapter() // Client interacts with the Adapter through the Target interface
    client.request() // Calls the adapted method



// This is the delegated method.

In the code above,

  • Target interface: The interface that the client expects to interact with.
  • Adaptee class: Contains the method delegatedRequest(), which needs to be adapted to the Target interface.
  • Adapter class: Implements the Target interface and uses composition to hold an instance of Adaptee. It adapts the request() method to call delegatedRequest().
  • Client: Uses the adapter by interacting through the Target interface.

Here, the Adapter adapts the incompatible interface (Adaptee) to the interface the client expects (Target), allowing the client to use the Adaptee without modification.

Adapting an Enumeration to an Iterator

In the landscape of programming, particularly when dealing with collections in Kotlin and Java, we often navigate between legacy enumerators and modern iterators. In Java, the legacy Enumeration interface features straightforward methods like hasMoreElements() to check for remaining elements and nextElement() to retrieve the next item, representing a simpler time. In contrast, the modern Iterator interface—found in both Java and Kotlin—introduces a more robust approach, featuring hasNext(), next(), and even remove() (In Kotlin, the remove() method is part of the MutableIterator<out T> interface) for effective collection management.

Old world Enumerators & New world Iterators

Despite these advancements, many applications still rely on legacy code that exposes the Enumeration interface. This presents developers with a dilemma: how to seamlessly integrate this outdated system with newer code that prefers iterators. This is where the need for an adapter emerges, bridging the gap and allowing us to leverage the strengths of both worlds. By creating an adapter that implements the Iterator interface while wrapping an Enumeration instance, we can provide a smooth transition to modern coding practices without discarding the functionality of legacy systems.

Let’s examine the two interfaces

Adapting an Enumeration to an Iterator begins with examining the two interfaces. The Iterator interface includes three essential methods: hasNext(), next(), and remove(), while the older Enumeration interface features hasMoreElements() and nextElement(). The first two methods from Enumeration map easily to Iterator‘s counterparts, making the initial adaptation straightforward. However, the real challenge arises with the remove() method in Iterator, which has no equivalent in Enumeration. This disparity highlights the complexities involved in bridging legacy code with modern practices, emphasizing the need for an effective adaptation strategy to ensure seamless integration of the two interfaces.

Designing the Adapter

To effectively bridge the gap between the old-world Enumeration and the new-world Iterator, we will utilize methods from both interfaces. The Iterator interface includes hasNext(), next(), and remove(), while the Enumeration interface offers hasMoreElements() and nextElement(). Our goal is to create an adapter class, EnumerationIterator, which implements the Iterator interface while internally working with an existing Enumeration. This design allows our new code to leverage Iterators, even though an Enumeration operates beneath the surface. In essence, EnumerationIterator serves as the adapter, transforming the legacy Enumeration into a modern Iterator for your codebase, ensuring seamless integration and enhancing compatibility.

Dealing with the remove() Method

The Enumeration interface is a “read-only” interface that does not support the remove() method. This limitation implies that there is no straightforward way to implement a fully functional remove() method in the adapter. The best approach is to throw a runtime exception, as the Iterator designers anticipated this need and implemented an UnsupportedOperationException for such cases.

EnumerationIterator Adapter Code

Now, let’s look at how we can convert all of this into code.

import java.util.Enumeration
import java.util.Iterator

// EnumerationIterator class implementing Iterator
// Since we are adapting Enumeration to Iterator, 
// the EnumerationIterator must implement the Iterator interface 
// -- it has to look like the Iterator.
class EnumerationIterator<T>(private val enumeration: Enumeration<T>) : Iterator<T> {
    // We are adapting the Enumeration, using composition to store it in an instance variable.
    // hasNext() and next() are implemented by delegating to the corresponding methods in the Enumeration. 
    // Checks if there are more elements in the enumeration
    override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
        return enumeration.hasMoreElements()

    // Retrieves the next element from the enumeration
    override fun next(): T {
        return enumeration.nextElement()

    // For remove(), we simply throw an exception.
    override fun remove() {
        throw UnsupportedOperationException("Remove operation is not supported.")


  • Generic Type: The EnumerationIterator class is made generic with <T> to handle different types of enumerations.
  • Constructor: The constructor takes an Enumeration<T> object as a parameter.
  • hasNext() Method: This method checks if there are more elements in the enumeration.
  • next() Method: This method retrieves the next element from the enumeration.
  • remove() Method: This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException, indicating that the remove operation is not supported.

Here’s how we can use it,

fun main() {
    val list = listOf("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry")
    val enumeration: Enumeration<String> = list.elements()

    val iterator = EnumerationIterator(enumeration)
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

Here, you can see how the EnumerationIterator can be utilized to iterate over the elements of an Enumeration. Please note that the elements() method is specific to classes like Vector or Stack, so ensure you have a valid Enumeration instance to test this example.

While the adapter may not be perfect, it provides a reasonable solution as long as the client is careful and the adapter is well-documented. This clarity ensures that developers understand the limitations and can work with the adapter effectively.

Adapting an Integer Set to an Integer Priority Queue

Transforming an Integer Set into a Priority Queue might sound tricky since a Set inherently doesn’t maintain order, while a Priority Queue relies on element priority. However, by using the Adapter pattern, we can bridge this gap. The Adapter serves as an intermediary, allowing the Set to be used as if it were a Priority Queue. It adds the necessary functionality by reordering elements based on their priority when accessed. This way, you maintain the uniqueness of elements from the Set, while enabling the prioritized behavior of a Priority Queue, all without modifying the original structures. This approach enhances code flexibility and usability.

I know some of you might still be a little confused. Before we dive into the adapter code, let’s quickly revisit the basics of priority queues and integer sets. After that, we’ll walk through how we design the adapter, followed by the code and explanations.

What is a Priority Queue?

A Priority Queue is a type of queue in which elements are dequeued based on their priority, rather than their insertion order. In a typical queue (like a regular line), the first element added is the first one removed, which is known as FIFO (First In, First Out). However, in a priority queue, elements are removed based on their priority—typically the smallest (or sometimes largest) value is removed first.

  • Example of Priority Queue Behavior: Imagine a hospital emergency room. Patients aren’t necessarily treated in the order they arrive; instead, the most critical cases (highest priority) are treated first. Similarly, in a priority queue, elements with the highest (or lowest) priority are processed first.In a min-priority queue, the smallest element is dequeued first. In a max-priority queue, the largest element is dequeued first.

What is an Integer Set?

A Set is a collection of unique elements. In programming, an Integer Set is simply a set of integers. The key characteristic of a set is that it does not allow duplicate elements and typically has no specific order.

  • Example of Integer Set Behavior: If you add the integers 3, 7, 5, 3 to a set, the set will only contain 3, 7, 5, as the duplicate 3 will not be added again.

How Does the Integer Set Adapt to Priority Queue Behavior?

A Set by itself does not have any priority-based behavior. However, with the help of the Adapter pattern, we can make the set behave like a priority queue. The Adapter pattern is useful when you have two incompatible interfaces and want to use one in place of the other.

Here, the Set itself doesn’t manage priorities, but we build an adapter around the set that makes it behave like a Priority Queue. Specifically, we implement methods that will:

  1. Add elements to the set (add() method).
  2. Remove the smallest element (which gives it the behavior of a min-priority queue).
  3. Check the size of the set, mimicking the size() behavior of a queue.

PriorityQueueAdapter : Code 

Now, let’s see the code and its explanations

// Define a PriorityQueue interface
interface PriorityQueue {
    fun add(element: Any)
    fun size(): Int
    fun removeSmallest(): Any?

// Implement the PriorityQueueAdapter that adapts a Set to work like a PriorityQueue
class PriorityQueueAdapter(private val set: MutableSet<Int>) : PriorityQueue {

    // Add an element to the Set
    override fun add(element: Any) {
        if (element is Int) {

    // Get the size of the Set
    override fun size(): Int {
        return set.size

    // Find and remove the smallest element from the Set
    override fun removeSmallest(): Int? {
        // If the set is empty, return null
        if (set.isEmpty()) return null

        // Find the smallest element using Kotlin's built-in functions
        val smallest = set.minOrNull()

        // Remove the smallest element from the set
        if (smallest != null) {

        // Return the smallest element
        return smallest

PriorityQueue Interface:

  • We define an interface PriorityQueue with three methods:
  • add(element: Any): Adds an element to the queue.
  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the queue.
  • removeSmallest(): Removes and returns the smallest element from the queue.

PriorityQueueAdapter Class:

  • This is the adapter that makes a MutableSet<Int> work as a PriorityQueue. It adapts the Set behavior to match the PriorityQueue interface.
  • It holds a reference to a MutableSet of integers, which will store the elements.

add() method:

  • Adds an integer to the Set. Since Set ensures that all elements are unique, duplicate values will not be added.

size() method:

  • Returns the current size of the Set, which is the number of elements stored.

removeSmallest() method:

  • This method first checks if the set is empty; if so, it returns null.
  • If not, it uses the built-in Kotlin method minOrNull() to find the smallest element in the set.
  • Once the smallest element is found, it is removed from the set using remove(), and the smallest element is returned.

PriorityQueueAdapter: How It Works

Let’s walk through how the PriorityQueueAdapter works by using a simple example, followed by detailed explanations.

fun main() {
    // Create a mutable set of integers
    val integerSet = mutableSetOf(15, 3, 7, 20)

    // Create an instance of PriorityQueueAdapter using the set
    val priorityQueue: PriorityQueue = PriorityQueueAdapter(integerSet)

    // Add elements to the PriorityQueue

    // Print the size of the PriorityQueue
    println("Size of the PriorityQueue: ${priorityQueue.size()}") // Expected: 6 (15, 3, 7, 20, 10, 5)

    // Remove the smallest element
    val smallest = priorityQueue.removeSmallest()
    println("Smallest element removed: $smallest") // Expected: 3 (which is the smallest in the set)

    // Check the size of the PriorityQueue after removing the smallest element
    println("Size after removing smallest: ${priorityQueue.size()}") // Expected: 5 (remaining: 15, 7, 20, 10, 5)

    // Remove the next smallest element
    val nextSmallest = priorityQueue.removeSmallest()
    println("Next smallest element removed: $nextSmallest") // Expected: 5

    // Final state of the PriorityQueue
    println("Remaining elements in the PriorityQueue: $integerSet") // Expected: [15, 7, 20, 10]


  • We create a MutableSet of integers with values: 15, 3, 7, and 20.The PriorityQueueAdapter is initialized with this set.

Adding Elements:

  • We add two new integers, 10 and 5, using the add() method of the PriorityQueueAdapter.After adding these, the set contains the following elements: [15, 3, 7, 20, 10, 5].

Size of the PriorityQueue:

  • We check the size of the queue using the size() method. Since we have six unique elements in the set, the size returned is 6.

Removing the Smallest Element:

  • The removeSmallest() method is called.The method scans the set and finds 3 to be the smallest element.It removes 3 from the set and returns it.After removal, the set becomes: [15, 7, 20, 10, 5].

Size After Removal:

  • The size is checked again, and it returns 5, since one element (3) was removed.

Removing the Next Smallest Element:

  • The removeSmallest() method is called again.This time, it finds 5 as the smallest element in the set.It removes 5 and returns it.After removal, the set is now: [15, 7, 20, 10].

Final State of the Queue:

  • The final remaining elements in the set are printed, showing the updated state of the set: [15, 7, 20, 10].

The PriorityQueueAdapter demonstrates how we can transform a Set (which does not naturally support priority-based operations) into something that behaves like a PriorityQueue, using the Adapter design pattern. By implementing additional functionality (finding and removing the smallest element), this adapter provides a simple and effective solution to integrate a set into contexts that require a priority queue behavior.

Adapter Design Pattern in Android

The primary goal of the Adapter pattern is to enable communication between two incompatible interfaces. This becomes particularly valuable in Android development, where you frequently need to bridge data sources — such as arrays, lists, or databases — with UI components like RecyclerView, ListView, or Spinner.

So, the Adapter pattern is widely utilized in Android development. Let’s explore its applications one by one.

RecyclerView Adapter

The RecyclerView is a flexible view for providing a limited window into a large data set. The RecyclerView.Adapter serves as the bridge that connects the data to the RecyclerView, allowing for efficient view recycling and performance optimization.

class MyAdapter(private val itemList: List<String>) : RecyclerView.Adapter<MyAdapter.ViewHolder>() {

    class ViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
        val textView: TextView = view.findViewById(

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
        val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.item_layout, parent, false)
        return ViewHolder(view)

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
        holder.textView.text = itemList[position]

    override fun getItemCount(): Int = itemList.size

ListView Adapter

Before RecyclerView, ListView was the primary component for displaying lists of data. The ArrayAdapter and SimpleAdapter are classic examples of adapters used with ListView. They help convert data into views.

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private lateinit var listView: ListView

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        listView = findViewById(
        val items = listOf("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3")
        val adapter = ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, items)
        listView.adapter = adapter

Spinner Adapter

A Spinner is a dropdown list that allows the user to select an item from a list. The Adapter pattern is also applied here, typically through ArrayAdapter or a custom adapter to provide data to the Spinner.

class MySpinnerAdapter(private val context: Context, private val items: List<String>) : BaseAdapter() {

    override fun getCount(): Int = items.size

    override fun getItem(position: Int): String = items[position]

    override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long = position.toLong()

    override fun getView(position: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup?): View {
        val textView = TextView(context)
        textView.text = getItem(position)
        return textView

// In your activity
val spinner: Spinner = findViewById(
val items = listOf("Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3")
val adapter = MySpinnerAdapter(this, items)
spinner.adapter = adapter

ViewPager Adapter

In ViewPager, the adapter is used to manage the pages of content. The PagerAdapter (or its subclass FragmentPagerAdapter) allows developers to create and manage the fragments that are displayed in the ViewPager.

class MyPagerAdapter(fm: FragmentManager) : FragmentPagerAdapter(fm) {
    private val fragments = listOf(Fragment1(), Fragment2(), Fragment3())

    override fun getItem(position: Int): Fragment = fragments[position]

    override fun getCount(): Int = fragments.size

// In your activity
val viewPager: ViewPager = findViewById(
val adapter = MyPagerAdapter(supportFragmentManager)
viewPager.adapter = adapter

Custom Adapter for Data Binding

As developers, we often create custom adapters to directly bind data to views. This approach is especially beneficial when working with frameworks like Android Data Binding or when connecting complex data models to UI components.

// Custom Binding Adapter
fun loadImage(view: ImageView, url: String?) {
    // Load image using a library like Glide or Picasso

The Adapter pattern is prevalent in various components of Android development, from UI elements like ListView, Spinner, and ViewPager to more complex data binding scenarios. It is essential for facilitating seamless communication between data sources and UI components. By implementing various adapters, we enhance code organization, reusability, and flexibility, allowing developers to create responsive and dynamic applications more efficiently.


The Adapter Design Pattern is a powerful tool that every developer should have in their toolkit. By bridging the gap between incompatible systems, it allows for smoother integration and greater code flexibility. Whether you’re using the Class Adapter or Object Adapter, understanding these types can significantly enhance the adaptability of your projects.

From real-world examples to its use in Android development, the Adapter Design Pattern shows its versatility in solving common coding challenges. As we’ve explored, it’s not just about making systems work together—it’s about doing so in a way that’s clean, maintainable, and future-proof.

So next time you face a compatibility issue, remember that the Adapter Pattern is here to save the day. Keep this pattern in mind, and you’ll find yourself writing more robust, adaptable, and efficient code. Now that you’ve finished your coffee, it’s time to apply what you’ve learned—happy coding!


Master the PriorityQueueAdapter: Seamlessly Adapt an Integer Set to an Integer Priority Queue

In Java and Kotlin development, efficiently managing collections often requires adapting one data structure to another. A common scenario is converting an Integer Set into an Integer Priority Queue. The PriorityQueueAdapter simplifies this process, enabling developers to leverage the unique features of both data structures—fast access and automatic ordering.

In this blog, we will delve into the PriorityQueueAdapter, exploring its purpose, structure, and implementation. We’ll demonstrate how to seamlessly adapt an Integer Set to an Integer Priority Queue with practical examples and insights. By the end of this article, you’ll understand how this adapter enhances your code’s flexibility and performance in Java and Kotlin applications.

Adapting an Integer Set to an Integer Priority Queue

Adapting an Integer Set to work like a Priority Queue might seem like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, but the Adapter pattern makes this transformation both possible and practical. In the original form, an Integer Set doesn’t support the behavior of a Priority Queue because it’s unordered, whereas a Priority Queue is all about organizing elements based on priority. By implementing an Adapter, you can create a layer that acts as a bridge between these two incompatible structures. The Adapter can introduce methods that reorder the Set elements, ensuring they are retrieved based on priority, just like a Priority Queue. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of the Set’s unique element constraint while also incorporating the functionality of a priority-based retrieval system. The key here is that the Adapter provides a seamless interface, allowing the underlying Set to work in a completely different context, opening doors for more flexible and maintainable code.

I know some of you might still be a little confused. Before we dive into the adapter code, let’s quickly revisit the basics of priority queues and integer sets. After that, we’ll walk through how we design the adapter, followed by the code and explanations.

What is a Priority Queue?

A Priority Queue is a type of queue in which elements are dequeued based on their priority, rather than their insertion order. In a typical queue (like a regular line), the first element added is the first one removed, which is known as FIFO (First In, First Out). However, in a priority queue, elements are removed based on their priority—typically the smallest (or sometimes largest) value is removed first.

  • Example of Priority Queue Behavior: Imagine a hospital emergency room. Patients aren’t necessarily treated in the order they arrive; instead, the most critical cases (highest priority) are treated first. Similarly, in a priority queue, elements with the highest (or lowest) priority are processed first.In a min-priority queue, the smallest element is dequeued first. In a max-priority queue, the largest element is dequeued first.

What is an Integer Set?

A Set is a collection of unique elements. In programming, an Integer Set is simply a set of integers. The key characteristic of a set is that it does not allow duplicate elements and typically has no specific order.

  • Example of Integer Set Behavior: If you add the integers 3, 7, 5, 3 to a set, the set will only contain 3, 7, 5, as the duplicate 3 will not be added again.

How Does the Integer Set Adapt to Priority Queue Behavior?

A Set by itself does not have any priority-based behavior. However, with the help of the Adapter pattern, we can make the set behave like a priority queue. The Adapter pattern is useful when you have two incompatible interfaces and want to use one in place of the other.

Here, the Set itself doesn’t manage priorities, but we build an adapter around the set that makes it behave like a Priority Queue. Specifically, we implement methods that will:

  1. Add elements to the set (add() method).
  2. Remove the smallest element (which gives it the behavior of a min-priority queue).
  3. Check the size of the set, mimicking the size() behavior of a queue.

PriorityQueueAdapter : Code 

Now, let’s see the code and its explanations

// Define a PriorityQueue interface
interface PriorityQueue {
    fun add(element: Any)
    fun size(): Int
    fun removeSmallest(): Any?

// Implement the PriorityQueueAdapter that adapts a Set to work like a PriorityQueue
class PriorityQueueAdapter(private val set: MutableSet<Int>) : PriorityQueue {

    // Add an element to the Set
    override fun add(element: Any) {
        if (element is Int) {

    // Get the size of the Set
    override fun size(): Int {
        return set.size

    // Find and remove the smallest element from the Set
    override fun removeSmallest(): Int? {
        // If the set is empty, return null
        if (set.isEmpty()) return null

        // Find the smallest element using Kotlin's built-in functions
        val smallest = set.minOrNull()

        // Remove the smallest element from the set
        if (smallest != null) {

        // Return the smallest element
        return smallest

PriorityQueue Interface:

  • We define an interface PriorityQueue with three methods:
  • add(element: Any): Adds an element to the queue.
  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the queue.
  • removeSmallest(): Removes and returns the smallest element from the queue.

PriorityQueueAdapter Class:

  • This is the adapter that makes a MutableSet<Int> work as a PriorityQueue. It adapts the Set behavior to match the PriorityQueue interface.
  • It holds a reference to a MutableSet of integers, which will store the elements.

add() method:

  • Adds an integer to the Set. Since Set ensures that all elements are unique, duplicate values will not be added.

size() method:

  • Returns the current size of the Set, which is the number of elements stored.

removeSmallest() method:

  • This method first checks if the set is empty; if so, it returns null.
  • If not, it uses the built-in Kotlin method minOrNull() to find the smallest element in the set.
  • Once the smallest element is found, it is removed from the set using remove(), and the smallest element is returned.

Key Points

  • Adapter Pattern: The class PriorityQueueAdapter acts as an adapter, allowing the Set to behave like a PriorityQueue. The set keeps unique elements, but the adapter adds additional functionality to behave like a priority queue by tracking and removing the smallest element.
  • Flexibility: This approach enables you to use a Set in scenarios that require a PriorityQueue without altering the original Set structure. The adapter adds the priority-based behavior without modifying the Set itself.

PriorityQueueAdapter: How It Works

Let’s walk through how the PriorityQueueAdapter works by using a simple example, followed by detailed explanations.

fun main() {
    // Create a mutable set of integers
    val integerSet = mutableSetOf(15, 3, 7, 20)

    // Create an instance of PriorityQueueAdapter using the set
    val priorityQueue: PriorityQueue = PriorityQueueAdapter(integerSet)

    // Add elements to the PriorityQueue

    // Print the size of the PriorityQueue
    println("Size of the PriorityQueue: ${priorityQueue.size()}") // Expected: 6 (15, 3, 7, 20, 10, 5)

    // Remove the smallest element
    val smallest = priorityQueue.removeSmallest()
    println("Smallest element removed: $smallest") // Expected: 3 (which is the smallest in the set)

    // Check the size of the PriorityQueue after removing the smallest element
    println("Size after removing smallest: ${priorityQueue.size()}") // Expected: 5 (remaining: 15, 7, 20, 10, 5)

    // Remove the next smallest element
    val nextSmallest = priorityQueue.removeSmallest()
    println("Next smallest element removed: $nextSmallest") // Expected: 5

    // Final state of the PriorityQueue
    println("Remaining elements in the PriorityQueue: $integerSet") // Expected: [15, 7, 20, 10]


  • We create a MutableSet of integers with values: 15, 3, 7, and 20.
  • The PriorityQueueAdapter is initialized with this set.

Adding Elements:

  • We add two new integers, 10 and 5, using the add() method of the PriorityQueueAdapter.
  • After adding these, the set contains the following elements: [15, 3, 7, 20, 10, 5].

Size of the PriorityQueue:

  • We check the size of the queue using the size() method. Since we have six unique elements in the set, the size returned is 6.

Removing the Smallest Element:

  • The removeSmallest() method is called.
  • The method scans the set and finds 3 to be the smallest element.
  • It removes 3 from the set and returns it.
  • After removal, the set becomes: [15, 7, 20, 10, 5].

Size After Removal:

  • The size is checked again, and it returns 5, since one element (3) was removed.

Removing the Next Smallest Element:

  • The removeSmallest() method is called again.
  • This time, it finds 5 as the smallest element in the set.
  • It removes 5 and returns it.
  • After removal, the set is now: [15, 7, 20, 10].

Final State of the Queue:

  • The final remaining elements in the set are printed, showing the updated state of the set: [15, 7, 20, 10].

So, the add() method in the PriorityQueueAdapter is responsible for adding elements to the internal set. Since sets do not allow duplicate elements, only unique items are added; if an attempt is made to add an element that already exists in the set, it will not be added again. The removeSmallest() method scans the set to identify the smallest element, removes it, and returns its value. This method utilizes the built-in minOrNull() function to efficiently find the smallest element during each iteration, ensuring that the set is modified appropriately. The adapter employs a MutableSet as the underlying data structure, allowing it to function like a priority queue by focusing on adding elements and removing the smallest ones. Additionally, the design of the PriorityQueueAdapter ensures that the set is effectively utilized as a priority queue without altering its inherent behavior.


The PriorityQueueAdapter offers a straightforward and effective way to convert an Integer Set into an Integer Priority Queue, enhancing your data management capabilities in Java and Kotlin. By utilizing this adapter, you can take advantage of the automatic ordering and efficient retrieval features of a priority queue, all while maintaining the unique characteristics of a set.

Whether you’re optimizing algorithms or simply looking for a better way to handle integer data, the PriorityQueueAdapter serves as a valuable tool in your development toolkit. Implementing this adapter will streamline your collection handling, allowing your applications to operate more efficiently and effectively. Embrace the power of the PriorityQueueAdapter in your projects and elevate your coding practices!


Mastering the EnumerationIterator Adapter: Seamlessly Convert Legacy Enumerations to Modern Iterators

In Kotlin and Java development, working with legacy code often requires bridging the gap between outdated interfaces like Enumeration and modern ones like Iterator. To address this challenge, the EnumerationIterator Adapter is a useful tool that allows developers to seamlessly convert an Enumeration into an Iterator.

In this blog, we’ll dive into what the EnumerationIterator Adapter is, how it works, and why it’s essential for maintaining or updating legacy Java applications—as well as its use in Kotlin. Through simple examples and practical insights, you’ll discover how this adapter enhances code flexibility and makes working with older systems more efficient.

Adapting an Enumeration to an Iterator

In the landscape of programming, particularly when dealing with collections in Kotlin and Java, we often navigate between legacy enumerators and modern iterators. In Java, the legacy Enumeration interface features straightforward methods like hasMoreElements() to check for remaining elements and nextElement() to retrieve the next item, representing a simpler time. In contrast, the modern Iterator interface—found in both Java and Kotlin—introduces a more robust approach, featuring hasNext(), next(), and even remove() (In Kotlin, the remove() method is part of the MutableIterator<out T> interface) for effective collection management.

Old world Enumerators & New world Iterators

Despite these advancements, many applications still rely on legacy code that exposes the Enumeration interface. This presents developers with a dilemma: how to seamlessly integrate this outdated system with newer code that prefers iterators. This is where the need for an adapter emerges, bridging the gap and allowing us to leverage the strengths of both worlds. By creating an adapter that implements the Iterator interface while wrapping an Enumeration instance, we can provide a smooth transition to modern coding practices without discarding the functionality of legacy systems.

Let’s examine the two interfaces

Adapting an Enumeration to an Iterator begins with examining the two interfaces. The Iterator interface includes three essential methods: hasNext(), next(), and remove(), while the older Enumeration interface features hasMoreElements() and nextElement(). The first two methods from Enumeration map easily to Iterator‘s counterparts, making the initial adaptation straightforward. However, the real challenge arises with the remove() method in Iterator, which has no equivalent in Enumeration. This disparity highlights the complexities involved in bridging legacy code with modern practices, emphasizing the need for an effective adaptation strategy to ensure seamless integration of the two interfaces.

Designing the Adapter

To effectively bridge the gap between the old-world Enumeration and the new-world Iterator, we will utilize methods from both interfaces. The Iterator interface includes hasNext(), next(), and remove(), while the Enumeration interface offers hasMoreElements() and nextElement(). Our goal is to create an adapter class, EnumerationIterator, which implements the Iterator interface while internally working with an existing Enumeration. This design allows our new code to leverage Iterators, even though an Enumeration operates beneath the surface. In essence, EnumerationIterator serves as the adapter, transforming the legacy Enumeration into a modern Iterator for your codebase, ensuring seamless integration and enhancing compatibility.

Dealing with the remove() Method

The Enumeration interface is a “read-only” interface that does not support the remove() method. This limitation implies that there is no straightforward way to implement a fully functional remove() method in the adapter. The best approach is to throw a runtime exception, as the Iterator designers anticipated this need and implemented an UnsupportedOperationException for such cases.

EnumerationIterator Adapter Code

Now, let’s look at how we can convert all of this into code.

import java.util.Enumeration
import java.util.Iterator

// EnumerationIterator class implementing Iterator
// Since we are adapting Enumeration to Iterator, 
// the EnumerationIterator must implement the Iterator interface 
// -- it has to look like the Iterator.
class EnumerationIterator<T>(private val enumeration: Enumeration<T>) : Iterator<T> {
    // We are adapting the Enumeration, using composition to store it in an instance variable.
    // hasNext() and next() are implemented by delegating to the corresponding methods in the Enumeration. 
    // Checks if there are more elements in the enumeration
    override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
        return enumeration.hasMoreElements()

    // Retrieves the next element from the enumeration
    override fun next(): T {
        return enumeration.nextElement()

    // For remove(), we simply throw an exception.
    override fun remove() {
        throw UnsupportedOperationException("Remove operation is not supported.")


  • Generic Type: The EnumerationIterator class is made generic with <T> to handle different types of enumerations.
  • Constructor: The constructor takes an Enumeration<T> object as a parameter.
  • hasNext() Method: This method checks if there are more elements in the enumeration.
  • next() Method: This method retrieves the next element from the enumeration.
  • remove() Method: This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException, indicating that the remove operation is not supported.

Here’s how we can use it,

fun main() {
    val list = listOf("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry")
    val enumeration: Enumeration<String> = list.elements()

    val iterator = EnumerationIterator(enumeration)
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

Here, you can see how the EnumerationIterator can be utilized to iterate over the elements of an Enumeration. Please note that the elements() method is specific to classes like Vector or Stack, so ensure you have a valid Enumeration instance to test this example.

While the adapter may not be perfect, it provides a reasonable solution as long as the client is careful and the adapter is well-documented. This clarity ensures that developers understand the limitations and can work with the adapter effectively.


The EnumerationIterator Adapter offers a smooth and efficient way to modernize legacy Java code and Kotlin applications without sacrificing functionality. By converting an Enumeration to an Iterator, you can enhance compatibility with newer Java collections and APIs, as well as leverage Kotlin’s powerful collection functions, all while keeping your code clean and maintainable.

Whether you’re refactoring legacy systems in Java or Kotlin, or ensuring compatibility with modern practices, the EnumerationIterator Adapter provides a simple yet powerful solution. By incorporating this adapter into your projects, you’ll streamline your development process and make your code more adaptable for the future.

Adapter Pattern

Exploring Adapter Pattern Types: A Comprehensive Guide

The Adapter Design Pattern is a fundamental concept in software engineering that allows incompatible interfaces to work together seamlessly. In a world where systems and components often need to communicate despite their differences, understanding the various types of Adapter Design Patterns becomes essential for developers. By acting as a bridge between disparate systems, these patterns enhance code reusability and maintainability.

In this blog, we will explore the different types of Adapter Design Patterns, including the Class Adapter and Object Adapter, and their respective roles in software development. We’ll break down their structures, provide practical examples, and discuss their advantages and potential drawbacks. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how to effectively implement these patterns in your projects, making your codebase more adaptable and robust. Let’s dive into the world of Adapter Design Patterns!

Object Adapter Pattern Definition

The Object Adapter Pattern is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate by using composition rather than inheritance. Instead of modifying the existing class (adaptee), the adapter creates a bridge between the client and the adaptee by holding a reference to the adaptee. This approach enables flexible and reusable solutions without altering existing code.

In the Object Adapter Pattern, the adapter contains an instance of the adaptee and implements the interface expected by the client. It “adapts” the methods of the adaptee to fit the expected interface.

Structure of Object Adapter Pattern

  1. Client: The class that interacts with the target interface.
  2. Target Interface: The interface that the client expects.
  3. Adaptee: The class with an incompatible interface that needs to be adapted.
  4. Adapter: The class that implements the target interface and holds a reference to the adaptee, enabling the two incompatible interfaces to work together.

In this UML diagram of the Object Adapter Pattern,

  • Client → Depends on → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Implements → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Has a reference to → Adaptee
  • Adaptee → Has methods incompatible with the Target Interface

Key Points:

  • Object Adapter uses composition (by containing the adaptee) instead of inheritance, which makes it more flexible and reusable.
  • The adapter doesn’t alter the existing Adaptee class but makes it compatible with the Target Interface.

Simple Example of Object Adapter Pattern

Let’s consider a simple scenario where we want to charge different types of phones, but their charging ports are incompatible.

  1. The Client is a phone charger that expects to use a USB type-C charging port.
  2. The Adaptee is an old phone that uses a micro-USB charging port.
  3. The Adapter bridges the difference by converting the micro-USB interface to a USB type-C interface.

Step 1: Define the Target Interface

The charger (client) expects all phones to implement this interface (USB Type-C).

// Target interface that the client expects
interface UsbTypeCCharger {
    fun chargeWithUsbTypeC()

Step 2: Define the Adaptee

This is the old phone, which only has a Micro-USB port. The charger can’t directly use this interface.

// Adaptee class that uses Micro-USB for charging
class MicroUsbPhone {
    fun rechargeWithMicroUsb() {
        println("Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port")

Step 3: Create the Adapter

The adapter will “adapt” the Micro-USB phone to make it compatible with the USB Type-C charger. It wraps the MicroUsbPhone and translates the charging request.

// Adapter that makes Micro-USB phone compatible with USB Type-C charger
class MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter(private val microUsbPhone: MicroUsbPhone) : UsbTypeCCharger {
    override fun chargeWithUsbTypeC() {
        println("Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB")
        microUsbPhone.rechargeWithMicroUsb() // Delegating the charging to the Micro-USB phone

Step 4: Implement the Client

The client (charger) works with the target interface (UsbTypeCCharger). It can now charge a phone with a Micro-USB port by using the adapter.

fun main() {
    // Old phone with a Micro-USB port (Adaptee)
    val microUsbPhone = MicroUsbPhone()

    // Adapter that makes the Micro-USB phone compatible with USB Type-C charger
    val usbTypeCAdapter = MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter(microUsbPhone)

    // Client (USB Type-C Charger) charges the phone using the adapter
    println("Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger")


Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger
Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB
Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port


  • Client: The charger expects all phones to be charged using a USB Type-C port, so it calls chargeWithUsbTypeC().
  • Adapter: The adapter receives the request from the client to charge using USB Type-C. It converts this request and adapts it to the MicroUsbPhone by calling rechargeWithMicroUsb() internally.
  • Adaptee (MicroUsbPhone): The phone knows how to charge itself using Micro-USB. The adapter simply makes it compatible with the client’s expectation.

What’s Happening in Each Step

  1. Client: The charger (client) is asking to charge a phone via USB Type-C.
  2. Adapter: The adapter intercepts this request and converts it to something the old phone understands, which is charging via Micro-USB.
  3. Adaptee (Micro-USB phone): The old phone proceeds with charging using its Micro-USB port.

Basically, the Object Adapter Pattern is a powerful and flexible way to make incompatible interfaces work together. By using composition in Kotlin, you can create an adapter that wraps an existing class (the Adaptee) and makes it compatible with the client’s expected interface without changing the original code. This approach ensures better maintainability, flexibility, and reusability of your code.

Class Adapter Pattern

The Class Adapter Pattern is another type of adapter design pattern where an adapter class inherits from both the target interface and the Adaptee class. Unlike the Object Adapter Pattern, which uses composition (holding an instance of the Adaptee), the Class Adapter Pattern employs multiple inheritance to directly connect the client and the Adaptee.

In languages like Kotlin, which do not support true multiple inheritance, we simulate this behavior by using interfaces. The adapter implements the target interface and extends the Adaptee class to bridge the gap between incompatible interfaces.

Before going into much detail, let’s first understand the structure of the Class Adapter Pattern.

Structure of Class Adapter Pattern

  1. Client: The class that interacts with the target interface.
  2. Target Interface: The interface that the client expects to interact with.
  3. Adaptee: The class with an incompatible interface that needs to be adapted.
  4. Adapter: A class that inherits from both the target interface and the adaptee, adapting the adaptee to be compatible with the client.

In this UML diagram of the Class Adapter Pattern,

  • Client → Depends on → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Inherits from → Adaptee
  • Adapter → Implements → Target Interface
  • Adaptee → Has methods incompatible with the target interface

Key Points:

  • The Class Adapter pattern relies on inheritance to connect the Adaptee and the Target Interface.
  • The adapter inherits from the adaptee and implements the target interface, thus combining both functionalities.

Simple Example of Class Adapter Pattern 

Now, let’s look at an example of the Class Adapter Pattern. We’ll use the same scenario: a charger that expects a USB Type-C interface but has an old phone that only supports Micro-USB.

Step 1: Define the Target Interface

This is the interface that the client (charger) expects.

// Target interface that the client expects
interface UsbTypeCCharger {
    fun chargeWithUsbTypeC()

Step 2: Define the Adaptee

This is the class that needs to be adapted. It’s the old phone with a Micro-USB charging port.

// Adaptee class that uses Micro-USB for charging
class MicroUsbPhone {
    fun rechargeWithMicroUsb() {
        println("Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port")

Step 3: Define the Adapter (Class Adapter)

The Adapter inherits from the MicroUsbPhone (adaptee) and implements the UsbTypeCCharger (target interface). It adapts the MicroUsbPhone to be compatible with the UsbTypeCCharger interface.

// Adapter that inherits from MicroUsbPhone and implements UsbTypeCCharger
class MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter : MicroUsbPhone(), UsbTypeCCharger {
    // Implement the method from UsbTypeCCharger
    override fun chargeWithUsbTypeC() {
        println("Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB")
        // Call the inherited method from MicroUsbPhone
        rechargeWithMicroUsb() // Uses the Micro-USB method to charge

Step 4: Client Usage

The Client only interacts with the UsbTypeCCharger interface and charges the phone through the adapter.

fun main() {
    // Adapter that allows charging a Micro-USB phone with a USB Type-C charger
    val usbTypeCAdapter = MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter()

    // Client (USB Type-C Charger) charges the phone through the adapter
    println("Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger")


Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger
Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB
Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port


  • Client: The client expects all phones to be charged using the UsbTypeCCharger interface.
  • Adapter: The adapter class inherits the behavior of the MicroUsbPhone (adaptee) and implements the UsbTypeCCharger interface. It converts the USB Type-C charging request and delegates it to the inherited rechargeWithMicroUsb() method.
  • Adaptee (Micro-USB phone): The MicroUsbPhone class has a method to recharge using Micro-USB, which is directly called by the adapter.

What’s Happening in Each Step

  1. Client: The client attempts to charge a phone using the chargeWithUsbTypeC() method.
  2. Adapter: The adapter intercepts this request and converts it to the rechargeWithMicroUsb() method, which it inherits from the MicroUsbPhone class.
  3. Adaptee: The phone charges using the rechargeWithMicroUsb() method, fulfilling the request.

Actually, the Class Adapter Pattern allows you to make incompatible interfaces work together by using inheritance. In Kotlin, this involves implementing the target interface and extending the Adaptee class. While this approach is simple and performant, it’s less flexible than the Object Adapter Pattern because it binds the adapter directly to the Adaptee.

This pattern works well when you need a tight coupling between the adapter and the Adaptee, but for more flexibility, the Object Adapter Pattern is often the better choice.

Class Adapter Vs. Object Adapter 

The main difference between the Class Adapter and the Object Adapter lies in how they achieve compatibility between the Target and the Adaptee. In the Class Adapter pattern, we use inheritance by subclassing both the Target interface and the Adaptee class, which allows the adapter to directly access the Adaptee’s behavior. This means the adapter is tightly coupled to both the Target and the Adaptee at compile-time.

On the other hand, the Object Adapter pattern relies on composition, meaning the adapter holds a reference to an instance of the Adaptee rather than inheriting from it. This approach allows the adapter to forward requests to the Adaptee, making it more flexible because the Adaptee instance can be changed or swapped without modifying the adapter. The Object Adapter pattern is generally preferred when more flexibility is needed, as it loosely couples the adapter and Adaptee.

In short, the key difference is that the Class Adapter subclasses both the Target and the Adaptee, while the Object Adapter uses composition to forward requests to the Adaptee.


Adapter Design Pattern plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between incompatible interfaces, making it an invaluable tool in software development. By exploring the various types of adapters—such as the Class Adapter and Object Adapter—you can enhance the flexibility and maintainability of your code.

As we’ve seen, each type of adapter has its unique structure, advantages, and challenges. Understanding these nuances allows you to choose the right adapter for your specific needs, ultimately leading to more efficient and cleaner code. As you continue to develop your projects, consider how the Adapter Design Pattern can streamline integration efforts and improve your software architecture. Embrace these patterns, and empower your code to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape. Happy coding!

Class Adapter

Unlock the Power of the Class Adapter Pattern for Seamless Code Integration

In software development, we frequently face challenges when trying to connect different systems or components. One design pattern that can facilitate this integration is the Class Adapter Pattern. Despite its potential, many developers overlook this pattern in their day-to-day coding due to the complexities of multiple inheritance. However, with the right approach—by cleverly extending and implementing—we can harness its power effectively.

In this blog, we will explore the Class Adapter Pattern in detail. We’ll break down its structure and functionality, walk through a straightforward example, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this pattern. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to apply the Class Adapter Pattern in your projects, empowering you to create more flexible and maintainable code. Let’s dive in and unlock the possibilities of the Class Adapter Pattern together!

Class Adapter Pattern

The Class Adapter Pattern is a structural design pattern where an adapter class inherits from both the target interface and the adaptee class. Unlike the Object Adapter Pattern, which uses composition (holding an instance of the adaptee), the Class Adapter Pattern uses multiple inheritance to directly connect the client and the adaptee.

In languages like Kotlin, which do not support true multiple inheritance, we simulate it by using interfaces. The adapter will implement the target interface and extend the adaptee class to bridge the gap between incompatible interfaces.

Before going into much detail, let’s first understand the structure of the Class Adapter Pattern.

Structure of Class Adapter Pattern

  1. Client: The class that interacts with the target interface.
  2. Target Interface: The interface that the client expects to interact with.
  3. Adaptee: The class with an incompatible interface that needs to be adapted.
  4. Adapter: A class that inherits from both the target interface and the adaptee, adapting the adaptee to be compatible with the client.

In this UML diagram of the Class Adapter Pattern,

  • Client → Depends on → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Inherits from → Adaptee
  • Adapter → Implements → Target Interface
  • Adaptee → Has methods incompatible with the target interface

Key Points:

  • The Class Adapter pattern relies on inheritance to connect the Adaptee and the Target Interface.
  • The adapter inherits from the adaptee and implements the target interface, thus combining both functionalities.

Simple Example of Class Adapter Pattern 

Now, let’s look at an example of the Class Adapter Pattern. We’ll use the same scenario: a charger that expects a USB Type-C interface but has an old phone that only supports Micro-USB.

Step 1: Define the Target Interface

This is the interface that the client (charger) expects.

// Target interface that the client expects
interface UsbTypeCCharger {
    fun chargeWithUsbTypeC()

Step 2: Define the Adaptee

This is the class that needs to be adapted. It’s the old phone with a Micro-USB charging port.

// Adaptee class that uses Micro-USB for charging
class MicroUsbPhone {
    fun rechargeWithMicroUsb() {
        println("Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port")

Step 3: Define the Adapter (Class Adapter)

The Adapter inherits from the MicroUsbPhone (adaptee) and implements the UsbTypeCCharger (target interface). It adapts the MicroUsbPhone to be compatible with the UsbTypeCCharger interface.

// Adapter that inherits from MicroUsbPhone and implements UsbTypeCCharger
class MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter : MicroUsbPhone(), UsbTypeCCharger {
    // Implement the method from UsbTypeCCharger
    override fun chargeWithUsbTypeC() {
        println("Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB")
        // Call the inherited method from MicroUsbPhone
        rechargeWithMicroUsb() // Uses the Micro-USB method to charge

Step 4: Client Usage

The Client only interacts with the UsbTypeCCharger interface and charges the phone through the adapter.

fun main() {
    // Adapter that allows charging a Micro-USB phone with a USB Type-C charger
    val usbTypeCAdapter = MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter()

    // Client (USB Type-C Charger) charges the phone through the adapter
    println("Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger")


Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger
Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB
Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port


  • Client: The client expects all phones to be charged using the UsbTypeCCharger interface.
  • Adapter: The adapter class inherits the behavior of the MicroUsbPhone (adaptee) and implements the UsbTypeCCharger interface. It converts the USB Type-C charging request and delegates it to the inherited rechargeWithMicroUsb() method.
  • Adaptee (Micro-USB phone): The MicroUsbPhone class has a method to recharge using Micro-USB, which is directly called by the adapter.

What’s Happening in Each Step

  1. Client: The client attempts to charge a phone using the chargeWithUsbTypeC() method.
  2. Adapter: The adapter intercepts this request and converts it to the rechargeWithMicroUsb() method, which it inherits from the MicroUsbPhone class.
  3. Adaptee: The phone charges using the rechargeWithMicroUsb() method, fulfilling the request.

Class Adapter Pattern Short Recap

  • Class Adapter pattern uses inheritance to connect the adaptee and target interface.
  • The adapter inherits the functionality of the adaptee and implements the target interface, converting the incompatible interface.
  • In this pattern, the adapter can directly access the methods of the adaptee class because it extends it, which may provide better performance in certain situations but can also lead to more coupling between the classes.

Advantages of Class Adapter Pattern

  • Simplicity: Since the adapter inherits from the adaptee, there’s no need to explicitly manage the adaptee object.
  • Performance: Direct inheritance avoids the overhead of composition (no need to hold a reference to the adaptee), potentially improving performance in certain cases.
  • Code Reusability: You can extend the adapter functionality by inheriting additional methods from the adaptee.

Disadvantages of Class Adapter Pattern

  • Less Flexibility: Since the adapter inherits from the adaptee, it is tightly coupled to it. It cannot be used to adapt multiple adaptees (unlike the Object Adapter Pattern, which can wrap different adaptees).
  • Single Adaptee: It only works with one adaptee due to inheritance, whereas the Object Adapter can work with multiple adaptees by holding references to different objects.


Class Adapter Pattern is a valuable design tool that can simplify the integration of diverse components in your software projects. While it may seem complex due to the challenges of multiple inheritance, understanding its structure and application can unlock significant benefits.

By leveraging the Class Adapter Pattern, you can create more adaptable and maintainable code, enabling seamless communication between different interfaces. As we’ve explored, this pattern offers unique advantages, but it’s essential to weigh its drawbacks in your specific context.

As you continue your development journey, consider how the Class Adapter Pattern can enhance your solutions. Embracing such design patterns not only improves your code quality but also equips you with the skills to tackle increasingly complex challenges with confidence.

Happy coding!

Object Adapter

Unlocking Flexibility: Master the Object Adapter Design Pattern in Your Code

In the fast-paced world of software development, it’s easy to overlook some of the powerful design patterns that can streamline our code and enhance its flexibility. One such pattern is the Object Adapter Design Pattern. While many developers use it in their projects, it often gets sidelined amid tight deadlines and urgent tasks. However, understanding this pattern can significantly improve the quality of our software architecture.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the Object Adapter Design Pattern, exploring its structure and purpose. I’ll guide you through a simple example to illustrate its implementation, showcasing how it can bridge the gap between incompatible interfaces. By the end, you’ll see why this pattern is an essential tool in your development toolkit—making your code not only more adaptable but also easier to maintain and extend. Let’s unlock the potential of the Object Adapter Design Pattern together!

Object Adapter Pattern Definition

The Object Adapter Pattern is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate by using composition rather than inheritance. Instead of modifying the existing class (adaptee), the adapter creates a bridge between the client and the adaptee by holding a reference to the adaptee. This approach enables flexible and reusable solutions without altering existing code.

In the Object Adapter Pattern, the adapter contains an instance of the adaptee and implements the interface expected by the client. It “adapts” the methods of the adaptee to fit the expected interface.

Structure of Object Adapter Pattern

  1. Client: The class that interacts with the target interface.
  2. Target Interface: The interface that the client expects.
  3. Adaptee: The class with an incompatible interface that needs to be adapted.
  4. Adapter: The class that implements the target interface and holds a reference to the adaptee, enabling the two incompatible interfaces to work together.

In this UML diagram of the Object Adapter Pattern,

  • Client → Depends on → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Implements → Target Interface
  • Adapter → Has a reference to → Adaptee
  • Adaptee → Has methods incompatible with the Target Interface

Key Points:

  • Object Adapter uses composition (by containing the adaptee) instead of inheritance, which makes it more flexible and reusable.
  • The adapter doesn’t alter the existing Adaptee class but makes it compatible with the Target Interface.

Simple Example 

Let’s consider a simple scenario where we want to charge different types of phones, but their charging ports are incompatible.

  1. The Client is a phone charger that expects to use a USB type-C charging port.
  2. The Adaptee is an old phone that uses a micro-USB charging port.
  3. The Adapter bridges the difference by converting the micro-USB interface to a USB type-C interface.

Step 1: Define the Target Interface

The charger (client) expects all phones to implement this interface (USB Type-C).

// Target interface that the client expects
interface UsbTypeCCharger {
    fun chargeWithUsbTypeC()

Step 2: Define the Adaptee

This is the old phone, which only has a Micro-USB port. The charger can’t directly use this interface.

// Adaptee class that uses Micro-USB for charging
class MicroUsbPhone {
    fun rechargeWithMicroUsb() {
        println("Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port")

Step 3: Create the Adapter

The adapter will “adapt” the Micro-USB phone to make it compatible with the USB Type-C charger. It wraps the MicroUsbPhone and translates the charging request.

// Adapter that makes Micro-USB phone compatible with USB Type-C charger
class MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter(private val microUsbPhone: MicroUsbPhone) : UsbTypeCCharger {
    override fun chargeWithUsbTypeC() {
        println("Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB")
        microUsbPhone.rechargeWithMicroUsb() // Delegating the charging to the Micro-USB phone

Step 4: Implement the Client

The client (charger) works with the target interface (UsbTypeCCharger). It can now charge a phone with a Micro-USB port by using the adapter.

fun main() {
    // Old phone with a Micro-USB port (Adaptee)
    val microUsbPhone = MicroUsbPhone()

    // Adapter that makes the Micro-USB phone compatible with USB Type-C charger
    val usbTypeCAdapter = MicroUsbToUsbTypeCAdapter(microUsbPhone)

    // Client (USB Type-C Charger) charges the phone using the adapter
    println("Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger")


Client: Charging phone using USB Type-C charger
Adapter: Converting USB Type-C to Micro-USB
Micro-USB phone: Charging using Micro-USB port


  • Client: The charger expects all phones to be charged using a USB Type-C port, so it calls chargeWithUsbTypeC().
  • Adapter: The adapter receives the request from the client to charge using USB Type-C. It converts this request and adapts it to the MicroUsbPhone by calling rechargeWithMicroUsb() internally.
  • Adaptee (MicroUsbPhone): The phone knows how to charge itself using Micro-USB. The adapter simply makes it compatible with the client’s expectation.

What’s Happening in Each Step

  1. Client: The charger (client) is asking to charge a phone via USB Type-C.
  2. Adapter: The adapter intercepts this request and converts it to something the old phone understands, which is charging via Micro-USB.
  3. Adaptee (Micro-USB phone): The old phone proceeds with charging using its Micro-USB port.

This structure makes the responsibilities of each component clearer:

  • The adapter’s job is to convert between incompatible interfaces.
  • The client only works with the UsbTypeCCharger interface, while the old phone uses its own rechargeWithMicroUsb() method.

Object Adapter Pattern Short Recap

  • Object Adapter relies on composition rather than inheritance to adapt one interface to another.
  • It is used when you need to integrate an existing class (adaptee) with an interface that it does not implement.
  • This pattern ensures that you do not need to modify the adaptee class to make it compatible with a new system.

Advantages of Object Adapter Pattern

  • Flexibility: By using composition, the adapter pattern allows multiple adaptees to be wrapped by the same adapter without modifying the adaptee classes.
  • Code Reusability: The adapter allows reusing existing classes even if their interfaces do not match the required one.
  • Separation of Concerns: The client is decoupled from the adaptee, making the system easier to maintain and extend.


The Object Adapter Design Pattern serves as a powerful solution for integrating incompatible interfaces, making it a vital asset in our software development arsenal. By facilitating communication between different classes without modifying their source code, this pattern promotes flexibility and reusability, ultimately leading to cleaner, more maintainable code.

As we’ve explored, implementing the Object Adapter not only simplifies complex interactions but also enhances the scalability of your applications. Whether you’re working on legacy systems or integrating new functionalities, the Object Adapter Design Pattern can help you tackle challenges with ease.

Embracing design patterns like the Object Adapter allows us to write code that is not just functional, but also elegant and robust. So, the next time you find yourself in a hurry, take a moment to consider how the Object Adapter can streamline your solution. By investing a little time to understand and apply this pattern, you’ll be well-equipped to create software that stands the test of time. Happy coding!

Creational Design Patterns

Creational Design Patterns in Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide

Design patterns are the cornerstone of software design, providing standardized solutions to common problems. Among the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, creational design patterns are particularly crucial as they focus on object creation mechanisms. In this blog, we will delve into the five GoF creational design patterns in Kotlin: Singleton, Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype. We’ll explore each pattern’s purpose, structure, and practical usage in Kotlin, complete with code examples.

Creational Design Patterns: Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern restricts the instantiation of a class to one “single” instance. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across a system. Examples include database connections, logging, configuration settings, or even hardware interface access.

Why and When to Use the Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern is often used when:

  • You have a resource-heavy object that should be created only once, like a database connection.
  • You need global access to an object, like application-wide logging, configuration management, or caching.
  • You want to ensure consistency, such as using the same state across multiple activities in Android.

Implementation of Singleton

Implementing the Singleton pattern requires careful consideration to ensure thread safety, lazy or eager initialization, and prevention of multiple instances through serialization or reflection.

Here are different ways to implement the Singleton design pattern:

Singleton in Kotlin: A Built-In Solution

Kotlin simplifies the implementation of the Singleton pattern by providing the object keyword. This keyword allows you to define a class that automatically has a single instance. Here’s a simple example:

object DatabaseConnection {
    init {
        println("DatabaseConnection instance created")

    fun connect() {
        println("Connecting to the database...")

fun main() {

In this example, DatabaseConnection is a Singleton. The first time DatabaseConnection.connect() is called, the instance is created, and the message “DatabaseConnection instance created” is printed. Subsequent calls to connect() will use the same instance without reinitializing it.

Advantages of Kotlin’s “object” Singleton
  1. Simplicity: The object keyword makes the implementation of the Singleton pattern concise and clear.
  2. Thread Safety: Kotlin ensures thread safety for objects declared using the object keyword. This means that you don’t have to worry about multiple threads creating multiple instances of the Singleton.
  3. Eager Initialization: The Singleton instance is created at the time of the first access, making it easy to manage resource allocation.

Lazy Initialization

In some cases, you might want to delay the creation of the Singleton instance until it’s needed. Kotlin provides the lazy function, which can be combined with a by delegation to achieve this:

class ConfigManager private constructor() {
    companion object {
        val instance: ConfigManager by lazy { ConfigManager() }

    fun loadConfig() {
        println("Loading configuration...")

fun main() {
    val config = Configuration.getInstance1()

Here, the ConfigManager instance is created only when instance.loadConfig() is called for the first time. This is particularly useful in scenarios where creating the instance is resource-intensive.

Singleton with Parameters

Sometimes, you might need to pass parameters to the Singleton. However, the object keyword does not allow for constructors with parameters. One approach to achieve this is to use a regular class with a private constructor and a companion object:

class Logger private constructor(val logLevel: String) {
    companion object {
        @Volatile private var INSTANCE: Logger? = null

        fun getInstance(logLevel: String): Logger =
            INSTANCE ?: synchronized(this) {
                INSTANCE ?: Logger(logLevel).also { INSTANCE = it }

    fun log(message: String) {
        println("[$logLevel] $message")

In this example, the Logger class is a Singleton that takes a logLevel parameter. The getInstance method ensures that only one instance is created, even when accessed from multiple threads. The use of @Volatile and synchronized blocks ensures thread safety.

Thread-Safe Singleton (Synchronized Method)

When working in multi-threaded environments (e.g., Android), ensuring that the Singleton instance is thread-safe is crucial. In Kotlin, the object keyword is inherently thread-safe. However, when using manual Singleton implementations, you need to take additional care.

class ThreadSafeSingleton private constructor() {

    companion object {
        private var instance: ThreadSafeSingleton? = null

        fun getInstance(): ThreadSafeSingleton {
            return instance ?: synchronized(this) {
                instance ?: ThreadSafeSingleton().also { instance = it }

Here, the most important approach used is the double-checked locking pattern. Let’s first see what it is, then look at the above code implementation for a better understanding.

Double-Checked Locking

This method reduces the overhead of synchronization by checking the instance twice before creating it. The @Volatile annotation ensures visibility of changes to variables across threads.

class Singleton private constructor() {
    companion object {
        private var instance: Singleton? = null

        fun getInstance(): Singleton {
            if (instance == null) {
                synchronized(this) {
                    if (instance == null) {
                        instance = Singleton()
            return instance!!

Here’s how both approaches work: This implementation uses double-checked locking. First, the instance is checked outside of the synchronized block. If it’s not null, the instance is returned directly. If it is null, the code enters the synchronized block to ensure that only one thread can initialize the instance. The instance is then checked again inside the block to prevent multiple threads from initializing it simultaneously.

Bill Pugh Singleton (Initialization-on-demand holder idiom)

The Bill Pugh Singleton pattern, or the Initialization-on-Demand Holder Idiom, ensures that the Singleton instance is created only when it is requested for the first time, leveraging the classloader mechanism to ensure thread safety.

Key Points:

  • Lazy Initialization: The Singleton instance is not created until the getInstance() method is called.
  • Thread Safety: The class initialization phase is thread-safe, ensuring that only one thread can execute the initialization logic.
  • Efficient Performance: No synchronized blocks are used, which avoids the potential performance hit.
class BillPughSingleton private constructor() {

    companion object {
        // Static inner class - inner classes are not loaded until they are referenced.
        private class SingletonHolder {
            companion object {
                val INSTANCE = BillPughSingleton()

        // Method to get the singleton instance
        fun getInstance(): BillPughSingleton {
            return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE

    // Any methods or properties for your Singleton can be defined here.
    fun showMessage() {
        println("Hello, I am Bill Pugh Singleton in Kotlin!")

fun main() {
    // Get the Singleton instance
    val singletonInstance = BillPughSingleton.getInstance()

    // Call a method on the Singleton instance


O/P - Hello, I am Bill Pugh Singleton in Kotlin!

Explanation of the Implementation

  • Private Constructor: The private constructor() prevents direct instantiation of the Singleton class.
  • Companion Object: In Kotlin, the companion object is used to hold the Singleton instance. The actual instance is inside the SingletonHolder companion object, ensuring it is not created until needed.
  • Lazy Initialization: The SingletonHolder.INSTANCE is only initialized when getInstance() is called for the first time, ensuring the Singleton is created lazily.
  • Thread Safety: The Kotlin classloader handles the initialization of the SingletonHolder class, ensuring that only one instance of the Singleton is created even if multiple threads try to access it simultaneously. In short, The JVM guarantees that static inner classes are initialized only once, ensuring thread safety without explicit synchronization.

Enum Singleton

In Kotlin, you might wonder why you’d choose an enum for implementing a Singleton when the object keyword provides a straightforward and idiomatic way to create singletons. The primary reason to use an enum as a Singleton is its inherent protection against multiple instances and serialization-related issues.

Key Points:

  • Thread Safety: Enum singletons are thread-safe by default.
  • Serialization: The JVM guarantees that during deserialization, the same instance of the enum is returned, which isn’t the case with other singleton implementations unless you handle serialization explicitly.
  • Prevents Reflection Attacks: Reflection cannot be used to instantiate additional instances of an enum, providing an additional layer of safety.

Implementing an Enum Singleton in Kotlin is straightforward. Here’s an example:

enum class Singleton {

    fun doSomething() {
        println("Doing something...")

fun main() {
  • enum class Singleton: Defines an enum with a single instance, INSTANCE.
  • doSomething: A method within the enum that can perform any operation. This method can be expanded to include more complex logic as needed.
  • Usage: Accessing the singleton is as simple as calling Singleton.INSTANCE.

Benefits of Enum Singleton

Using an enum to implement a Singleton in Kotlin comes with several benefits:

  1. Simplicity: The code is simple and easy to understand, with no need for explicit thread-safety measures or additional synchronization code.
  2. Serialization Safety: Enum singletons handle serialization automatically, ensuring that the Singleton property is maintained across different states of the application.
  3. Reflection Immunity: Unlike traditional Singleton implementations, enums are immune to attacks via reflection, adding a layer of security.

Singleton in Android Development

In Android, Singletons are often used for managing resources like database connections, shared preferences, or network clients. However, care must be taken to avoid memory leaks, especially when dealing with context-dependent objects.

Example with Android Context:

object SharedPreferenceManager {

    private const val PREF_NAME = "MyAppPreferences"
    private var preferences: SharedPreferences? = null

    fun init(context: Context) {
        if (preferences == null) {
            preferences = context.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

    fun saveData(key: String, value: String) {
        preferences?.edit()?.putString(key, value)?.apply()

    fun getData(key: String): String? {
        return preferences?.getString(key, null)

// Usage in Application class
class MyApp : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

Context Initialization: The init method ensures that the SharedPreferenceManager is initialized with a valid context, typically from the Application class.

Avoiding Memory Leaks: By initializing with the Application context, we prevent memory leaks that could occur if the Singleton holds onto an Activity or other short-lived context.

Network Client Singleton

object NetworkClient {
    val retrofit: Retrofit by lazy {

In this example, NetworkClient is a Singleton that provides a global Retrofit instance for making network requests. By using the object keyword, the instance is lazily initialized the first time it is accessed and shared throughout the application.

Singleton with Dependency Injection

In modern Android development, Dependency Injection (DI) is a common pattern, often implemented using frameworks like Dagger or Hilt. The Singleton pattern can be combined with DI to manage global instances efficiently.

Hilt Example:

class ApiService @Inject constructor() {
    fun fetchData() {
        println("Fetching data from API")

// Usage in an Activity or Fragment
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var apiService: ApiService

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

@Singleton: The @Singleton annotation ensures that ApiService is treated as a Singleton within the DI framework.

@Inject: This annotation is used to inject the ApiService instance wherever needed, like in an Activity or Fragment.

When to Use the Singleton Pattern

While the Singleton pattern is useful, it should be used judiciously. Consider using it in the following scenarios:

  • Centralized Management: When you need a single point of control for a shared resource, such as a configuration manager, database connection, or thread pool.
  • Global State: When you need to maintain a global state across the application, such as user preferences or application settings.
  • Stateless Utility Classes: When creating utility classes that don’t need to maintain state, Singleton can provide a clean and efficient implementation.

Caution: Overuse of Singletons can lead to issues like hidden dependencies, difficulties in testing, and reduced flexibility. Always assess whether a Singleton is the best fit for your use case.

Drawbacks and Considerations

Despite its advantages, the Singleton pattern has some drawbacks:

  • Global State: Singleton can introduce hidden dependencies across the system, making the code harder to understand and maintain.
  • Testing: Singleton classes can be difficult to test in isolation due to their global nature. It might be challenging to mock or replace them in unit tests.
  • Concurrency: While Kotlin’s object and lazy initialization handle thread safety well, improper use of Singleton in multithreaded environments can lead to synchronization issues if not handled carefully.

Factory Method Design Patterns

Object creation in software development can feel routine, but what if you could streamline the process? The Factory Method Design Pattern does just that, allowing you to create objects without tightly coupling your code to specific classes. In Kotlin, known for its simplicity and versatility, this pattern is even more effective, helping you build scalable, maintainable applications with ease. Let’s explore why the Factory Method is a must-know tool for Kotlin developers by first looking at a common problem it solves.


Imagine you’re working on an app designed to simplify transportation bookings. At first, you’re just focusing on Taxis, a straightforward service. But as user feedback rolls in, it becomes clear: people are craving more options. They want to book Bikes, Buses, and even Electric Scooters—all from the same app.

So, your initial setup for Taxis might look something like this:

class Taxi {
    fun bookRide() {
        println("Taxi ride booked!")

class Bike {
    fun bookRide() {
        println("Bike ride booked!")

class App {
    fun bookTransport(type: String) {
        when (type) {
            "taxi" -> Taxi().bookRide()
            "bike" -> Bike().bookRide()
            else -> println("Transport not available!")

But, here’s the problem:

Scalability: Each time you want to introduce a new transportation option—like a Bus or an Electric Scooter—you find yourself diving into the App class to make adjustments. This can quickly become overwhelming as the number of transport types grows.

Maintainability: As the App class expands to accommodate new features, it becomes a tangled mess, making it tougher to manage and test. What started as a simple setup turns into a complicated beast.

Coupling: The app is tightly linked with specific transport classes, so making a change in one area often means messing with others. This tight coupling makes it tricky to update or enhance features without unintended consequences.

The Solution – Factory Method Design Pattern

We need a way to decouple the transport creation logic from the App class. This is where the Factory Method Design Pattern comes in. Instead of hard-coding which transport class to instantiate, we delegate that responsibility to a method in a separate factory. This approach not only simplifies your code but also allows for easier updates and expansions.

Step 1: Define a Common Interface

First, we create a common interface that all transport types (Taxi, Bike, Bus, etc.) will implement. This ensures our app can handle any transport type without knowing the details of each one.

interface Transport {
    fun bookRide()

Now, we make each transport type implement this interface:

class Taxi : Transport {
    override fun bookRide() {
        println("Taxi ride booked!")

class Bike : Transport {
    override fun bookRide() {
        println("Bike ride booked!")

class Bus : Transport {
    override fun bookRide() {
        println("Bus ride booked!")

Step 2: Create the Factory

Now, we create a Factory class. The factory will decide which transport object to create based on input, but the app itself won’t need to know the details.

abstract class TransportFactory {
    abstract fun createTransport(): Transport

Step 3: Implement Concrete Factories

For each transport type, we create a corresponding factory class that extends TransportFactory. Each factory knows how to create its specific type of transport:

class TaxiFactory : TransportFactory() {
    override fun createTransport(): Taxi {
        return Taxi()

class BikeFactory : TransportFactory() {
    override fun createTransport(): Bike {
        return Bike()

class BusFactory : TransportFactory() {
    override fun createTransport(): Bus {
        return Bus()

Step 4: Use the Factory in the App

Now, we update our app to use the factory classes instead of directly creating transport objects. The app no longer needs to know which transport it’s booking — the factory handles that.

class App {
    private lateinit var transportFactory: TransportFactory

    fun setTransportFactory(factory: TransportFactory) {
        this.transportFactory = factory

    fun bookRide() {
        val transport: Transport = transportFactory.createTransport()

Step 5: Putting It All Together

Now, you can set different factories at runtime, depending on the user’s choice of transport, without modifying the App class.

fun main() {
    val app = App()

    // To book a Taxi
    app.bookRide() // Output: Taxi ride booked!

    // To book a Bike
    app.bookRide() // Output: Bike ride booked!

    // To book a Bus
    app.bookRide() // Output: Bus ride booked!

Here’s how the Factory Method Solves the Problem:

  1. Decoupling: The App class no longer needs to know the details of each transport type. It only interacts with the TransportFactory and Transport interface.
  2. Scalability: Adding new transport types (like Electric Scooter) becomes easier. You simply create a new class (e.g., ScooterFactory) without changing existing code in App.
  3. Maintainability: Each transport creation logic is isolated in its own factory class, making the codebase cleaner and easier to maintain.

What is the Factory Method Pattern?

The Factory Method pattern defines an interface for creating an object, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. Instead of calling a constructor directly to create an object, the pattern suggests calling a special factory method to create the object. This allows for more flexibility and encapsulation.

The Factory Method pattern is also called the “virtual constructor” pattern. It’s used in core Java libraries, like java.util.Calendar.getInstance() and java.nio.charset.Charset.forName().

Why Use the Factory Method?

  1. Loose Coupling: It helps keep code parts separate, so changes in one area won’t affect others much.
  2. Flexibility: Subclasses can choose which specific class of objects to create, making it easier to add new features or change existing ones without changing the code that uses these objects.

In short, the Factory Method pattern lets a parent class define the process of creating objects, but leaves the choice of the specific object type to its subclasses.

Structure of Factory Method Pattern

The Factory Method pattern can be broken down into the following components:

  • Product: An interface or abstract class that defines the common behavior for the objects created by the factory method.
  • ConcreteProduct: A class that implements the Product interface.
  • Creator: An abstract class or interface that declares the factory method. This class may also provide some default implementation of the factory method that returns a default product.
  • ConcreteCreator: A subclass of Creator that overrides the factory method to return an instance of a ConcreteProduct.


  • Product: The common interface.
  • Concrete Products: Different versions of the Product.
  • Creator: Defines the factory method.
  • Concrete Creators: Override the factory method to create specific products.

When to Use the Factory Method Pattern

The Factory Method pattern is useful in several situations. Here’s a brief overview; we will discuss detailed implementation soon:

  1. Unknown Object Dependencies:
    • Situation: When you don’t know which specific objects you’ll need until runtime.
    • Example: If you’re building an app that handles various types of documents, but you don’t know which document type you’ll need until the user chooses, the Factory Method helps by separating the document creation logic from the rest of your code. You can add new document types by creating new subclasses and updating the factory method.
  2. Extending Frameworks or Libraries:
    • Situation: When you provide a framework or library that others will use and extend.
    • Example: Suppose you’re providing a UI framework with square buttons. If someone needs round buttons, they can create a RoundButton subclass and configure the framework to use the new button type instead of the default square one.
  3. Reusing Existing Objects:
    • Situation: When you want to reuse objects rather than creating new ones each time.
    • Example: If creating a new object is resource-intensive, the Factory Method helps by reusing existing objects, which speeds up the process and saves system resources.

Implementation in Kotlin

Let’s dive into the implementation of the Factory Method pattern in Kotlin with some examples.

Basic Simple Implementation

Consider a scenario where we need to create different types of buttons in a GUI application.

// Step 1: Define the Product interface
interface Button {
    fun render()

// Step 2: Implement ConcreteProduct classes
class WindowsButton : Button {
    override fun render() {
        println("Rendering Windows Button")

class MacButton : Button {
    override fun render() {
        println("Rendering Mac Button")

// Step 3: Define the Creator interface
abstract class Dialog {
    abstract fun createButton(): Button

    fun renderWindow() {
        val button = createButton()

// Step 4: Implement ConcreteCreator classes
class WindowsDialog : Dialog() {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return WindowsButton()

class MacDialog : Dialog() {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return MacButton()

// Client code
fun main() {
    val dialog: Dialog = WindowsDialog()

In this example:

  • The Button interface defines the common behavior for all buttons.
  • WindowsButton and MacButton are concrete implementations of the Button interface.
  • The Dialog class defines the factory method createButton(), which is overridden by WindowsDialog and MacDialog to return the appropriate button type.

Advanced Implementation

In more complex scenarios, you might need to include additional logic in the factory method or handle multiple products. Let’s extend the example to include a Linux button and dynamically choose which dialog to create based on the operating system.

// Step 1: Add a new ConcreteProduct class
class LinuxButton : Button {
    override fun render() {
        println("Rendering Linux Button")

// Step 2: Add a new ConcreteCreator class
class LinuxDialog : Dialog() {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return LinuxButton()

// Client code with dynamic selection
fun main() {
    val osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase()
    val dialog: Dialog = when {
        osName.contains("win") -> WindowsDialog()
        osName.contains("mac") -> MacDialog()
        osName.contains("nix") || osName.contains("nux") -> LinuxDialog()
        else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported OS")

Here, we added support for Linux and dynamically selected the appropriate dialog based on the operating system. This approach showcases how the Factory Method pattern can be extended to handle more complex scenarios.

Real-World Examples

Factory method pattern for Payment App

Let’s imagine you have several payment methods like Credit Card, PayPal, and Bitcoin. Instead of hardcoding the creation of each payment processor in the app, you can use the Factory Method pattern to dynamically create the correct payment processor based on the user’s selection.

// Step 1: Define the Product interface
interface PaymentProcessor {
    fun processPayment(amount: Double)

// Step 2: Implement ConcreteProduct classes
class CreditCardProcessor : PaymentProcessor {
    override fun processPayment(amount: Double) {
        println("Processing credit card payment of $$amount")

class PayPalProcessor : PaymentProcessor {
    override fun processPayment(amount: Double) {
        println("Processing PayPal payment of $$amount")

class BitcoinProcessor : PaymentProcessor {
    override fun processPayment(amount: Double) {
        println("Processing Bitcoin payment of $$amount")

// Step 3: Define the Creator abstract class
abstract class PaymentDialog {
    abstract fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor

    fun process(amount: Double) {
        val processor = createProcessor()

// Step 4: Implement ConcreteCreator classes
class CreditCardDialog : PaymentDialog() {
    override fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor {
        return CreditCardProcessor()

class PayPalDialog : PaymentDialog() {
    override fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor {
        return PayPalProcessor()

class BitcoinDialog : PaymentDialog() {
    override fun createProcessor(): PaymentProcessor {
        return BitcoinProcessor()

// Client code
fun main() {
    val paymentType = "PayPal"
    val dialog: PaymentDialog = when (paymentType) {
        "CreditCard" -> CreditCardDialog()
        "PayPal" -> PayPalDialog()
        "Bitcoin" -> BitcoinDialog()
        else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported payment type")

Here, we defined a PaymentProcessor interface with three concrete implementations: CreditCardProcessor, PayPalProcessor, and BitcoinProcessor. The client can select the payment type, and the appropriate payment processor is created using the Factory Method.

Factory method pattern for Document App

Imagine you are building an application that processes different types of documents (e.g., PDFs, Word Documents, and Text Files). You want to provide a way to open these documents without hard-coding the types.

// 1. Define the Product interface
interface Document {
    fun open(): String

// 2. Implement ConcreteProducts
class PdfDocument : Document {
    override fun open(): String {
        return "Opening PDF Document"

class WordDocument : Document {
    override fun open(): String {
        return "Opening Word Document"

class TextDocument : Document {
    override fun open(): String {
        return "Opening Text Document"

// 3. Define the Creator class
abstract class DocumentFactory {
    abstract fun createDocument(): Document

    fun openDocument(): String {
        val document = createDocument()

// 4. Implement ConcreteCreators
class PdfDocumentFactory : DocumentFactory() {
    override fun createDocument(): Document {
        return PdfDocument()

class WordDocumentFactory : DocumentFactory() {
    override fun createDocument(): Document {
        return WordDocument()

class TextDocumentFactory : DocumentFactory() {
    override fun createDocument(): Document {
        return TextDocument()

// Usage
fun main() {
    val pdfFactory: DocumentFactory = PdfDocumentFactory()
    println(pdfFactory.openDocument()) // Output: Opening PDF Document

    val wordFactory: DocumentFactory = WordDocumentFactory()
    println(wordFactory.openDocument()) // Output: Opening Word Document

    val textFactory: DocumentFactory = TextDocumentFactory()
    println(textFactory.openDocument()) // Output: Opening Text Document


Product Interface (Document): This is the interface that all concrete products (e.g., PdfDocument, WordDocument, and TextDocument) implement. It ensures that all documents have the open() method.

Concrete Products (PdfDocument, WordDocument, TextDocument): These classes implement the Document interface. Each class provides its own implementation of the open() method, specific to the type of document.

Creator (DocumentFactory): This is an abstract class that declares the factory method createDocument(). The openDocument() method relies on this factory method to obtain a document and then calls the open() method on it.

Concrete Creators (PdfDocumentFactory, WordDocumentFactory, TextDocumentFactory): These classes extend the DocumentFactory class and override the createDocument() method to return a specific type of document.

Factory Method Pattern in Android Development

In Android development, the Factory Method Pattern is commonly used in many scenarios where object creation is complex or dependent on external factors like user input, configuration, or platform-specific implementations. Here are some examples:

ViewModelProvider in MVVM Architecture

When working with ViewModels in Android’s MVVM architecture, you often use the Factory Method Pattern to create instances of ViewModel.

class ResumeSenderViewModelFactory(private val repository: ResumeSenderRepository) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
    override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
        if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom( {
            return ResumeSenderViewModel(repository) as T
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ViewModel class")

This factory method is responsible for creating ViewModel instances and passing in necessary dependencies like the repository.

Let’s quickly look at a few more.

Dependency Injection

interface DependencyFactory {
    fun createNetworkClient(): NetworkClient
    fun createDatabase(): Database

class ProductionDependencyFactory : DependencyFactory {
    override fun createNetworkClient(): NetworkClient {
        return Retrofit.Builder()

    override fun createDatabase(): Database {
        return Room.databaseBuilder(

class TestingDependencyFactory : DependencyFactory {
    override fun createNetworkClient(): NetworkClient {
        return MockNetworkClient()

    override fun createDatabase(): Database {
        return InMemoryDatabaseBuilder(context,

Themeing and Styling

interface ThemeFactory {
    fun createTheme(): Theme

class LightThemeFactory : ThemeFactory {
    override fun createTheme(): Theme {
        return Theme(

class DarkThemeFactory : ThemeFactory {
    override fun createTheme(): Theme {
        return Theme(

Data Source Management

interface DataSourceFactory {
    fun createDataSource(): DataSource

class LocalDataSourceFactory : DataSourceFactory {
    override fun createDataSource(): DataSource {
        return LocalDataSource(database)

class RemoteDataSourceFactory : DataSourceFactory {
    override fun createDataSource(): DataSource {
        return RemoteDataSource(networkClient)

Image Loading

interface ImageLoaderFactory {
    fun createImageLoader(): ImageLoader

class GlideImageLoaderFactory : ImageLoaderFactory {
    override fun createImageLoader(): ImageLoader {
        return Glide.with(context).build()

class PicassoImageLoaderFactory : ImageLoaderFactory {
    override fun createImageLoader(): ImageLoader {
        return Picasso.with(context).build()

Benefits of the Factory Method Pattern

Flexibility: The Factory Method pattern provides flexibility in object creation, allowing subclasses to choose the type of object to instantiate.

Decoupling: It decouples the client code from the object creation code, making the system more modular and easier to maintain. Through this, we achieve the Single Responsibility Principle.

Scalability: Adding new products to the system is straightforward and doesn’t require modifying existing code. Through this, we achieve the Open/Closed Principle.

Drawbacks of the Factory Method Pattern

Complexity: The Factory Method pattern can introduce additional complexity to the codebase, especially when dealing with simple object creation scenarios.

Overhead: It might lead to unnecessary subclassing and increased code size if not used appropriately.

Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Design patterns are key to solving recurring software design challenges. The Abstract Factory pattern, a creational design pattern, offers an interface to create related objects without specifying their concrete classes. It’s particularly helpful when your system needs to support various product types with shared traits but different implementations.

Here, in this section, we’ll explore the Abstract Factory pattern, its benefits, and how to implement it in Kotlin.

What is Abstract Factory Pattern?

We will look at the Abstract Factory Pattern in detail, but before that, let’s first understand one core concept: the ‘object family.

Object family

An “object family” refers to a group of related or dependent objects that are designed to work together. In the context of software design, particularly in design patterns like the Abstract Factory, an object family is a set of products that are designed to interact or collaborate with each other. Each product in this family shares a common theme, behavior, or purpose, making sure they can work seamlessly together without compatibility issues.

For example, if you’re designing a UI theme for a mobile app, you might have an object family that includes buttons, text fields, and dropdowns that all conform to a particular style (like “dark mode” or “light mode”). These objects are designed to be used together to prevent mismatching styles or interactions.

In software, preventing mismatches is crucial because inconsistencies between objects can cause bugs, user confusion, or functionality breakdowns. Design patterns like Abstract Factory help ensure that mismatched objects don’t interact, preventing unwanted behavior and making sure that all components belong to the same family.

Abstract Factory Pattern

The Abstract Factory pattern operates at a higher level of abstraction compared to the Factory Method pattern. Let me break this down in simple terms:

  1. Factory Method pattern: It provides an interface for creating an object but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. In other words, it returns one of several possible sub-classes (or concrete products). You have a single factory that produces specific instances of a class, based on some logic or criteria.
  2. Abstract Factory pattern: It goes one step higher. Instead of just returning one concrete product, it returns a whole factory (a set of related factories). These factories, in turn, are responsible for producing families of related objects. In other words, the Abstract Factory itself creates factories (or “creators”) that will eventually return specific sub-classes or concrete products.

So, the definition is:

The Abstract Factory Pattern defines an interface or abstract class for creating families of related (or dependent) objects without specifying their concrete subclasses. This means that an abstract factory allows a class to return a factory of classes. Consequently, the Abstract Factory Pattern operates at a higher level of abstraction than the Factory Method Pattern. The Abstract Factory Pattern is also known as a “kit.”

Structure of Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Abstract Factory:

  • Defines methods for creating abstract products.
  • Acts as an interface that declares methods for creating each type of product.

Concrete Factory:

  • Implements the Abstract Factory methods to create concrete products.
  • Each Concrete Factory is responsible for creating products that belong to a specific family or theme.

Abstract Product:

  • Defines an interface or abstract class for a type of product object.
  • This could be a generalization of the product that the factory will create.

Concrete Product:

  • Implements the Abstract Product interface.
  • Represents specific instances of the products that the factory will create.


  • Uses the Abstract Factory and Abstract Product interfaces to work with the products.
  • The client interacts with the factories through the abstract interfaces, so it does not need to know about the specific classes of the products it is working with.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough: Implementing the Abstract Factory in Kotlin

Let’s assume we’re working with a UI theme system where we have families of related components, such as buttons and checkboxes. These components can be styled differently based on a Light Theme or a Dark Theme.

Now, let’s implement a GUI theme system with DarkTheme and LightTheme using the Abstract Factory pattern.

Step 1: Define the Abstract Products

First, we’ll define interfaces for products, i.e., buttons and checkboxes, which can have different implementations for each theme.

// Abstract product: Button
interface Button {
    fun paint()

// Abstract product: Checkbox
interface Checkbox {
    fun paint()

These are abstract products that define the behaviors common to all buttons and checkboxes, regardless of the theme.

Step 2: Create Concrete Products

Next, we create concrete implementations for the DarkTheme and LightTheme variations of buttons and checkboxes.

// Concrete product for DarkTheme: DarkButton
class DarkButton : Button {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Dark Button")

// Concrete product for DarkTheme: DarkCheckbox
class DarkCheckbox : Checkbox {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Dark Checkbox")

// Concrete product for LightTheme: LightButton
class LightButton : Button {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Light Button")

// Concrete product for LightTheme: LightCheckbox
class LightCheckbox : Checkbox {
    override fun paint() {
        println("Rendering Light Checkbox")

Each product conforms to its respective interface while providing theme-specific rendering logic.

Step 3: Define Abstract Factory Interface

Now, we define the abstract factory that will create families of related objects (buttons and checkboxes).

// Abstract factory interface
interface GUIFactory {
    fun createButton(): Button
    fun createCheckbox(): Checkbox

This factory is responsible for creating theme-consistent products without knowing their concrete implementations.

Step 4: Create Concrete Factories

We now define two concrete factories that implement the GUIFactory interface for DarkTheme and LightTheme.

// Concrete factory for DarkTheme
class DarkThemeFactory : GUIFactory {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return DarkButton()

    override fun createCheckbox(): Checkbox {
        return DarkCheckbox()

// Concrete factory for LightTheme
class LightThemeFactory : GUIFactory {
    override fun createButton(): Button {
        return LightButton()

    override fun createCheckbox(): Checkbox {
        return LightCheckbox()

Each concrete factory creates products that belong to a specific theme (dark or light).

Step 5: Client Code

The client is agnostic about the theme being used. It interacts with the abstract factory to create theme-consistent buttons and checkboxes.

// Client code
class Application(private val factory: GUIFactory) {
    fun render() {
        val button = factory.createButton()
        val checkbox = factory.createCheckbox()

fun main() {
    // Client is configured with a concrete factory
    val darkFactory: GUIFactory = DarkThemeFactory()
    val app1 = Application(darkFactory)

    val lightFactory: GUIFactory = LightThemeFactory()
    val app2 = Application(lightFactory)

Rendering Dark Button
Rendering Dark Checkbox
Rendering Light Button
Rendering Light Checkbox

Here, in this code:

  • The client, Application, is initialized with a factory, either DarkThemeFactory or LightThemeFactory.
  • Based on the factory, it creates and renders theme-consistent buttons and checkboxes.

Real-World Examples

Suppose we have different types of banks, like a Retail Bank and a Corporate Bank. Each bank offers different types of accounts and loans:

  • Retail Bank offers Savings Accounts and Personal Loans.
  • Corporate Bank offers Business Accounts and Corporate Loans.

We want to create a system where the client (e.g., a bank application) can interact with these products without needing to know the specific classes that implement them.

Here, we’ll use the Abstract Factory Pattern to create families of related objects: bank accounts and loan products.


Abstract Products

// Abstract Product for Accounts
interface Account {
    fun getAccountType(): String

// Abstract Product for Loans
interface Loan {
    fun getLoanType(): String

Concrete Products

// Concrete Product for Retail Bank Savings Account
class RetailSavingsAccount : Account {
    override fun getAccountType(): String {
        return "Retail Savings Account"

// Concrete Product for Retail Bank Personal Loan
class RetailPersonalLoan : Loan {
    override fun getLoanType(): String {
        return "Retail Personal Loan"

// Concrete Product for Corporate Bank Business Account
class CorporateBusinessAccount : Account {
    override fun getAccountType(): String {
        return "Corporate Business Account"

// Concrete Product for Corporate Bank Corporate Loan
class CorporateLoan : Loan {
    override fun getLoanType(): String {
        return "Corporate Loan"

Abstract Factory

// Abstract Factory for creating Accounts and Loans
interface BankFactory {
    fun createAccount(): Account
    fun createLoan(): Loan

Concrete Factories

// Concrete Factory for Retail Bank
class RetailBankFactory : BankFactory {
    override fun createAccount(): Account {
        return RetailSavingsAccount()

    override fun createLoan(): Loan {
        return RetailPersonalLoan()

// Concrete Factory for Corporate Bank
class CorporateBankFactory : BankFactory {
    override fun createAccount(): Account {
        return CorporateBusinessAccount()

    override fun createLoan(): Loan {
        return CorporateLoan()


fun main() {
    // Client code that uses the abstract factory
    val retailFactory: BankFactory = RetailBankFactory()
    val corporateFactory: BankFactory = CorporateBankFactory()

    val retailAccount: Account = retailFactory.createAccount()
    val retailLoan: Loan = retailFactory.createLoan()

    val corporateAccount: Account = corporateFactory.createAccount()
    val corporateLoan: Loan = corporateFactory.createLoan()

    println("Retail Bank Account: ${retailAccount.getAccountType()}")
    println("Retail Bank Loan: ${retailLoan.getLoanType()}")

    println("Corporate Bank Account: ${corporateAccount.getAccountType()}")
    println("Corporate Bank Loan: ${corporateLoan.getLoanType()}")


Retail Bank Account: Retail Savings Account
Retail Bank Loan: Retail Personal Loan
Corporate Bank Account: Corporate Business Account
Corporate Bank Loan: Corporate Loan


  • Abstract Products (Account and Loan): Define the interfaces for the products.
  • Concrete Products: Implement these interfaces with specific types of accounts and loans for different banks.
  • Abstract Factory (BankFactory): Provides methods to create abstract products.
  • Concrete Factories (RetailBankFactory, CorporateBankFactory): Implement the factory methods to create concrete products.
  • Client: Uses the factory to obtain the products and interact with them, without knowing their specific types.

This setup allows the client to work with different types of banks and their associated products without being tightly coupled to the specific classes that implement them.

Let’s see one more, suppose you are creating a general-purpose gaming environment and want to support different types of games. Player objects interact with Obstacle objects, but the types of players and obstacles vary depending on the game you are playing. You determine the type of game by selecting a particular GameElementFactory, and then the GameEnvironment manages the setup and play of the game.


Abstract Products

// Abstract Product for Obstacle
interface Obstacle {
    fun action()

// Abstract Product for Player
interface Player {
    fun interactWith(obstacle: Obstacle)

Concrete Products

// Concrete Product for Player: Kitty
class Kitty : Player {
    override fun interactWith(obstacle: Obstacle) {
        print("Kitty has encountered a ")

// Concrete Product for Player: KungFuGuy
class KungFuGuy : Player {
    override fun interactWith(obstacle: Obstacle) {
        print("KungFuGuy now battles a ")

// Concrete Product for Obstacle: Puzzle
class Puzzle : Obstacle {
    override fun action() {

// Concrete Product for Obstacle: NastyWeapon
class NastyWeapon : Obstacle {
    override fun action() {

Abstract Factory

// Abstract Factory
interface GameElementFactory {
    fun makePlayer(): Player
    fun makeObstacle(): Obstacle

Concrete Factories

// Concrete Factory: KittiesAndPuzzles
class KittiesAndPuzzles : GameElementFactory {
    override fun makePlayer(): Player {
        return Kitty()

    override fun makeObstacle(): Obstacle {
        return Puzzle()

// Concrete Factory: KillAndDismember
class KillAndDismember : GameElementFactory {
    override fun makePlayer(): Player {
        return KungFuGuy()

    override fun makeObstacle(): Obstacle {
        return NastyWeapon()

Game Environment

// Game Environment
class GameEnvironment(private val factory: GameElementFactory) {
    private val player: Player = factory.makePlayer()
    private val obstacle: Obstacle = factory.makeObstacle()

    fun play() {

Main Function

fun main() {
    // Creating game environments with different factories
    val kittiesAndPuzzlesFactory: GameElementFactory = KittiesAndPuzzles()
    val killAndDismemberFactory: GameElementFactory = KillAndDismember()

    val game1 = GameEnvironment(kittiesAndPuzzlesFactory)
    val game2 = GameEnvironment(killAndDismemberFactory)

    println("Game 1:") // Output: Kitty has encountered a Puzzle

    println("Game 2:") // Output: KungFuGuy now battles a NastyWeapon


Abstract Products:

  • Obstacle and Player are interfaces that define the methods for different game elements.

Concrete Products:

  • Kitty and KungFuGuy are specific types of players.
  • Puzzle and NastyWeapon are specific types of obstacles.

Abstract Factory:

  • GameElementFactory defines the methods for creating Player and Obstacle.

Concrete Factories:

  • KittiesAndPuzzles creates a Kitty player and a Puzzle obstacle.
  • KillAndDismember creates a KungFuGuy player and a NastyWeapon obstacle.

Game Environment:

  • GameEnvironment uses the factory to create and interact with game elements.

Main Function:

  • Demonstrates how different game environments (factories) produce different combinations of players and obstacles.

This design allows for a flexible gaming environment where different types of players and obstacles can be easily swapped in and out based on the chosen factory, demonstrating the power of the Abstract Factory Pattern in managing families of related objects.

Abstract Factory Pattern in Android Development

When using a Dependency Injection framework, you might use the Abstract Factory pattern to provide different implementations of dependencies based on runtime conditions.

// Abstract Product
interface NetworkClient {
    fun makeRequest(url: String): String

// Concrete Products
class HttpNetworkClient : NetworkClient {
    override fun makeRequest(url: String): String = "HTTP Request to $url"

class HttpsNetworkClient : NetworkClient {
    override fun makeRequest(url: String): String = "HTTPS Request to $url"

// Abstract Factory 
interface NetworkClientFactory {
    fun createClient(): NetworkClient

//Concrete Factories
class HttpClientFactory : NetworkClientFactory {
    override fun createClient(): NetworkClient = HttpNetworkClient()

class HttpsClientFactory : NetworkClientFactory {
    override fun createClient(): NetworkClient = HttpsNetworkClient()

//Client code
fun main() {
    val factory: NetworkClientFactory = HttpsClientFactory() // or HttpClientFactory()

    val client: NetworkClient = factory.createClient()
    println(client.makeRequest("")) // Output: HTTPS Request to or HTTP Request to

When to Use Abstract Factory?

A system must be independent of how its products are created: This means you want to decouple the creation logic from the actual usage of objects. The system will use abstract interfaces, and the concrete classes that create the objects will be hidden from the user, promoting flexibility.

A system should be configured with one of multiple families of products: If your system needs to support different product variants that are grouped into families (like different UI components for MacOS, Windows, or Linux), Abstract Factory allows you to switch between these families seamlessly without changing the underlying code.

A family of related objects must be used together: Often, products in a family are designed to work together, and mixing objects from different families could cause problems. Abstract Factory ensures that related objects (like buttons, windows, or icons in a GUI) come from the same family, preserving compatibility.

You want to reveal only interfaces of a family of products and not their implementations: This approach hides the actual implementation details, exposing only the interface. By doing so, you make the system easier to extend and maintain, as any changes to the product families won’t affect client code directly.

Abstract Factory vs Factory Method

The Factory Method pattern provides a way to create a single product, while the Abstract Factory creates families of related products. If you only need to create one type of object, the Factory Method might be sufficient. However, if you need to handle multiple related objects (like in our theme example), the Abstract Factory is more suitable.

Advantages of Abstract Factory

  • Isolation of Concrete Classes: The client interacts with factory interfaces, making it independent of concrete class implementations.
  • Consistency Among Products: The factory ensures that products from the same family are used together, preventing inconsistent states.
  • Scalability: Adding new families (themes) of products is straightforward. You only need to introduce new factories and product variants without affecting existing code.

Disadvantages of Abstract Factory

  • Complexity: As more product families and variations are introduced, the number of classes can grow substantially, leading to more maintenance complexity.
  • Rigid Structure: If new types of products are required that don’t fit the existing family structure, refactoring may be needed.

Builder Design Pattern

Creating objects with multiple parameters can get complicated, especially when some are optional or require validation. The Builder Design Pattern simplifies this by offering a flexible, structured way to construct complex objects.

Here, in this section, we’ll break down the Builder Design Pattern in Kotlin, exploring how it works, why it’s useful, and how to apply it effectively. By the end, you’ll be ready to use the Builder pattern in your Kotlin projects.

What is the Builder Design Pattern?

Some objects are complex and need to be built step-by-step (think of objects with multiple fields or components). Instead of having a single constructor that takes in many arguments (which can get confusing), the Builder pattern provides a way to build an object step-by-step. By using this approach, we can have multiple different ways to build (or “represent”) the object, but still follow the same process of construction

In simple terms, the Builder Design Pattern is like ordering a burger at a fancy burger joint. You don’t just ask for “a burger” (unless you enjoy living dangerously); instead, you customize it step by step. First, you pick your bun, then your patty, cheese, sauces, toppings—you get the idea. By the time you’re done, you’ve built your perfect burger 🍔.

Similarly, in software development, when you want to create an object, instead of passing every possible parameter into a constructor (which can be messy and error-prone), you build the object step by step in a clean and readable manner. The Builder Design Pattern helps you construct complex objects without losing your sanity.

Let’s take one more real-world example with a Car class. First, we’ll see the scenario without the Builder Pattern (also known as the Constructor Overload Nightmare).

class Car(val make: String, val model: String, val color: String, val transmission: String, val hasSunroof: Boolean, val hasBluetooth: Boolean, val hasHeatedSeats: Boolean)

Ugh, look at that. My eyes hurt just reading it. 🥲 Now, let’s fix this using the Builder Pattern (Don’t worry about the structure; we’ll look at it soon):

class Car private constructor(
    val make: String?,
    val model: String?,
    val color: String?,
    val transmission: String?,
    val hasSunroof: Boolean,
    val hasBluetooth: Boolean,
    val hasHeatedSeats: Boolean
) {
    // Builder Class Nested Inside Car Class
    class Builder {
        private var make: String? = null
        private var model: String? = null
        private var color: String? = null
        private var transmission: String? = null
        private var hasSunroof: Boolean = false
        private var hasBluetooth: Boolean = false
        private var hasHeatedSeats: Boolean = false

        fun make(make: String) = apply { this.make = make }
        fun model(model: String) = apply { this.model = model }
        fun color(color: String) = apply { this.color = color }
        fun transmission(transmission: String) = apply { this.transmission = transmission }
        fun hasSunroof(hasSunroof: Boolean) = apply { this.hasSunroof = hasSunroof }
        fun hasBluetooth(hasBluetooth: Boolean) = apply { this.hasBluetooth = hasBluetooth }
        fun hasHeatedSeats(hasHeatedSeats: Boolean) = apply { this.hasHeatedSeats = hasHeatedSeats }

        fun build(): Car {
            return Car(make, model, color, transmission, hasSunroof, hasBluetooth, hasHeatedSeats)


val myCar = Car.Builder()
    .model("Model S")
    .color("Midnight Silver")

println("I just built a car: ${myCar.make} ${myCar.model}, in ${myCar.color}, with Bluetooth: ${myCar.hasBluetooth}")

Boom! 💥 You’ve just built a car step by step, specifying only the parameters you need without cramming everything into one big constructor. Isn’t that a lot cleaner?

Technical Definition:

The Builder Pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different representations.

The Builder Design Pattern allows you to construct objects step by step, without needing to pass a hundred parameters into the constructor. It also lets you create different versions of the same object, using the same construction process. In simple terms, it separates object construction from its representation, making it more flexible and manageable.

For example, think of building a house. You have several steps: laying the foundation, building the walls, adding the roof, etc. If you change how each of these steps is done (e.g., using wood or brick for the walls), you end up with different kinds of houses. Similarly, in programming, different implementations of each step can lead to different final objects, even if the overall process is the same.

Structure of Builder Design Pattern

Here’s a breakdown of the structure of the Builder Design pattern:

  1. Product: This is the complex object that is being built. It might have several parts or features that need to be assembled. The Product class defines these features and provides methods to access or manipulate them.
  2. Builder: This is an abstract interface or class that declares the construction steps necessary to create the Product. It often includes methods to set various parts of the Product.
  3. ConcreteBuilder: This class implements the Builder interface and provides specific implementations of the construction steps. It keeps track of the current state of the product being built and assembles it step by step. Once the construction is complete, it returns the final Product.
  4. Director: The Director class is responsible for managing the construction process. It uses a Builder instance to construct the product. It controls the order of the construction steps, ensuring that the product is built in a consistent and valid way.
  5. Client: The Client is responsible for initiating the construction process. It creates a Director and a ConcreteBuilder, and then uses the Director to construct the Product through the ConcreteBuilder.

Let’s break down each component:

Builder (Interface)

The Builder interface (or abstract class) defines the methods for creating different parts of the Product. It typically includes methods like buildPartA(), buildPartB(), etc., and a method to get the final Product. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Methods:
    • buildPartA(): Defines how to build part A of the Product.
    • buildPartB(): Defines how to build part B of the Product.
    • getResult(): Returns the final Product after construction.


The ConcreteBuilder class implements the Builder interface. It provides specific implementations for the construction steps and keeps track of the current state of the Product. Once the construction is complete, it can return the constructed Product.

  • Methods:
    • buildPartA(): Implements the logic to build part A of the Product.
    • buildPartB(): Implements the logic to build part B of the Product.
    • getResult(): Returns the constructed Product.


The Director class orchestrates the construction process. It uses a Builder instance to construct the Product step by step, controlling the order of the construction steps.

  • Methods:
    • construct(): Manages the sequence of construction steps using the Builder.
    • It might also call methods like buildPartA() and buildPartB() in a specific order.


The Product represents the complex object being built. It is assembled from various parts defined by the Builder. It usually includes features or properties that were set during the building process.

Real-World Examples

Let’s say we want to build a House object. A house can be simple, luxury, or modern, with different features (like number of windows, rooms, etc.). Each of these houses requires similar steps during construction, but the outcome is different.

Key Components:

  1. Product: The object that is being built (House in this case).
  2. Builder Interface: Declares the steps to build different parts of the product.
  3. Concrete Builders: Implement the steps to build different versions of the product.
  4. Director: Controls the building process and calls the necessary steps in a sequence.

Kotlin Example: House Construction

// Product: The object that is being built
data class House(
    var foundation: String = "",
    var structure: String = "",
    var roof: String = "",
    var interior: String = ""

// Builder Interface: Declares the building steps
interface HouseBuilder {
    fun buildFoundation()
    fun buildStructure()
    fun buildRoof()
    fun buildInterior()
    fun getHouse(): House

// Concrete Builder 1: Builds a luxury house
class LuxuryHouseBuilder : HouseBuilder {
    private val house = House()

    override fun buildFoundation() { = "Luxury Foundation with basement"

    override fun buildStructure() {
        house.structure = "Luxury Structure with high-quality materials"

    override fun buildRoof() {
        house.roof = "Luxury Roof with tiles"

    override fun buildInterior() {
        house.interior = "Luxury Interior with modern design"

    override fun getHouse(): House {
        return house

// Concrete Builder 2: Builds a simple house
class SimpleHouseBuilder : HouseBuilder {
    private val house = House()

    override fun buildFoundation() { = "Simple Foundation"

    override fun buildStructure() {
        house.structure = "Simple Structure with basic materials"

    override fun buildRoof() {
        house.roof = "Simple Roof with asphalt shingles"

    override fun buildInterior() {
        house.interior = "Simple Interior with basic design"

    override fun getHouse(): House {
        return house

// Director: Controls the building process
class Director(private val houseBuilder: HouseBuilder) {
    fun constructHouse() {

// Client: Using the builder pattern
fun main() {
    // Construct a luxury house
    val luxuryBuilder = LuxuryHouseBuilder()
    val director = Director(luxuryBuilder)
    val luxuryHouse = luxuryBuilder.getHouse()
    println("Luxury House: $luxuryHouse")

    // Construct a simple house
    val simpleBuilder = SimpleHouseBuilder()
    val director2 = Director(simpleBuilder)
    val simpleHouse = simpleBuilder.getHouse()
    println("Simple House: $simpleHouse")


  • House (Product): Represents the object being built, with attributes like foundation, structure, roof, and interior.
  • HouseBuilder (Interface): Declares the steps required to build a house.
  • LuxuryHouseBuilder and SimpleHouseBuilder (Concrete Builders): Provide different implementations of how to construct a luxury or simple house by following the same steps.
  • Director: Orchestrates the process of building a house. It doesn’t know the details of construction but knows the sequence of steps.
  • Client: Chooses which builder to use and then delegates the construction to the director.

Let’s revisit our initial real-world example of a Car class. Let’s try to build it by following the proper structure of the Builder Design Pattern.

// Product
class Car(
    val engine: String,
    val wheels: Int,
    val color: String
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Car(engine='$engine', wheels=$wheels, color='$color')"

// Builder Interface
interface CarBuilder {
    fun buildEngine(engine: String): CarBuilder
    fun buildWheels(wheels: Int): CarBuilder
    fun buildColor(color: String): CarBuilder
    fun getResult(): Car

// ConcreteBuilder
class ConcreteCarBuilder : CarBuilder {
    private var engine: String = ""
    private var wheels: Int = 0
    private var color: String = ""

    override fun buildEngine(engine: String): CarBuilder {
        this.engine = engine
        return this

    override fun buildWheels(wheels: Int): CarBuilder {
        this.wheels = wheels
        return this

    override fun buildColor(color: String): CarBuilder {
        this.color = color
        return this

    override fun getResult(): Car {
        return Car(engine, wheels, color)

// Director
class CarDirector(private val builder: CarBuilder) {
    fun constructSportsCar() {

    fun constructFamilyCar() {

// Client
fun main() {
    val builder = ConcreteCarBuilder()
    val director = CarDirector(builder)

    val sportsCar = builder.getResult()

    val familyCar = builder.getResult()

// Output 

//Car(engine='V8', wheels=4, color='Red')
//Car(engine='V6', wheels=4, color='Blue')


  • Product: Car class represents the complex object with various parts.
  • Builder: CarBuilder interface defines methods to set different parts of the Car.
  • ConcreteBuilder: ConcreteCarBuilder provides implementations for the CarBuilder methods and assembles the Car.
  • Director: CarDirector manages the construction process and defines specific configurations.
  • Client: The main function initiates the building process by creating a ConcreteCarBuilder and a CarDirector, then constructs different types of cars.

Builder Design Pattern – Collaboration

In the Builder design pattern, the Director and Builder work together to create complex objects step by step. Here’s how their collaboration functions:

  1. Client Sets Up the Director and Builder:
    • The client (main program) creates a Director and selects a specific Builder to do the construction work.
  2. Director Gives Instructions:
    • The Director tells the Builder what part of the product to build, step by step.
  3. Builder Constructs the Product:
    • The Builder follows the instructions from the Director and adds each part to the product as it’s told to.
  4. Client Gets the Finished Product:
    • Once everything is built, the client gets the final product from the Builder.


  • Director’s Role: Manages the process, knows the order in which the parts need to be created, but not the specifics of how the parts are built.
  • Builder’s Role: Handles the construction details, assembling the product part by part as instructed by the Director.
  • Client’s Role: Initiates the process, sets up the Director with the appropriate Builder, and retrieves the completed product.

Real-World Examples in Android

In Android, the Builder Design pattern is commonly used to construct objects that require multiple parameters or a specific setup order. A classic real-world example of this is building dialogs, such as AlertDialog, or creating notifications using NotificationCompat.Builder.

AlertDialog Builder

An AlertDialog in Android is a great example of the Builder pattern. It’s used to build a dialog step by step, providing a fluent API to add buttons, set the title, message, and other properties.

val alertDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
    .setTitle("Delete Confirmation")
    .setMessage("Are you sure you want to delete this item?")
    .setPositiveButton("Yes") { dialog, which ->
        // Handle positive button click
    .setNegativeButton("No") { dialog, which ->

Here, the AlertDialog.Builder is used to construct a complex dialog. Each method (setTitle, setMessage, setPositiveButton) is called in a chained manner, and finally, create() is called to generate the final AlertDialog object.

Notification Builder Using NotificationCompat.Builder

Another common use of the Builder pattern in Android is when constructing notifications.

val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

// Create a notification channel for Android O and above
    val channel = NotificationChannel("channel_id", "Channel Name", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT)

val notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, "channel_id")
    .setContentTitle("New Message")
    .setContentText("You have a new message!")

notificationManager.notify(1, notification)

Here, the NotificationCompat.Builder allows you to create a notification step by step. You can set various attributes like the icon, title, text, and priority, and finally, call build() to create the notification object.

Builder Design Pattern vs. Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract Factory Pattern

  1. Purpose: It focuses on creating multiple related or dependent objects (often of a common family or theme) without specifying their exact classes.
  2. Object Creation Knowledge: The Abstract Factory knows ahead of time what objects it will create, and the configuration is usually predefined.
  3. Fixed Configuration: Once deployed, the configuration of the objects produced by the factory tends to remain fixed. The factory doesn’t change its set of products during runtime.

Builder Design Pattern

  1. Purpose: It focuses on constructing complex objects step by step, allowing more flexibility in the object creation process.
  2. Object Construction Knowledge: The Director (which orchestrates the Builder) knows how to construct the object but does so by using various Builders to manage different configurations.
  3. Dynamic Configuration: The Builder allows the configuration of the object to be modified during runtime, offering more flexibility. The specific configuration is chosen dynamically based on the concrete builder used during construction.

Key Differences

  • Scope: Abstract Factory deals with families of related objects, while Builder constructs a single, complex object.
  • Flexibility: Abstract Factory has a fixed set of products, while Builder allows step-by-step customization during runtime.
  • Role of Director: In the Builder pattern, the Director oversees object construction, while the Abstract Factory does not rely on a director to manage creation steps.

In short, use Abstract Factory when you need to create families of objects, and use Builder when constructing a complex object in steps is more important.

Advantages of Builder Design Pattern

  1. Encapsulates Complex Construction:
    The Builder pattern encapsulates the process of constructing complex objects, keeping the construction logic separate from the actual object logic.
  2. Supports Multi-step Object Construction:
    It allows objects to be built step-by-step, enabling greater flexibility in how an object is constructed, as opposed to a one-step factory approach.
  3. Abstracts Internal Representation:
    The internal details of the product being built are hidden from the client. The client interacts only with the builder, without worrying about the product’s internal structure.
  4. Flexible Product Implementation:
    The product implementations can be swapped without impacting the client code as long as they conform to the same abstract interface. This promotes maintainability and scalability.

Disadvantages of Builder Design Pattern

  1. Increased Code Complexity:
    Implementing the Builder pattern can lead to more classes and additional boilerplate code, which may be overkill for simpler objects that don’t require complex construction.
  2. Not Ideal for Simple Objects:
    For objects that can be constructed in a straightforward manner, using a Builder pattern might be unnecessarily complex and less efficient compared to simple constructors or factory methods.
  3. Can Lead to Large Number of Builder Methods:
    As the complexity of the object grows, the number of builder methods can increase, which might make the Builder class harder to maintain or extend.
  4. Potential for Code Duplication:
    If the construction steps are similar across various products, there could be some code duplication, especially when multiple builders are required for related products.

Prototype Design Pattern

Design patterns may sometimes seem like fancy terms reserved for architects, but they solve real problems we face in coding. One such pattern is the Prototype Design Pattern. While the name might sound futuristic, don’t worry—we’re not cloning dinosaurs. Instead, we’re making exact copies of objects, complete with all their properties, without rebuilding them from scratch every time.

Imagine how convenient it would be to duplicate objects effortlessly, just like using a cloning feature in your favorite video game. 🎮 That’s exactly what the Prototype Design Pattern offers—a smart way to streamline object creation.

Here, we’ll explore the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin, break it down with easy-to-follow examples, and show you how to clone objects like a pro. Let’s dive in!

What is the Prototype Design Pattern?

Imagine you’re making an army of robots 🦾 for world domination. You have a base robot design, but each robot should have its unique characteristics (maybe different colors, weapons, or dance moves 💃). Creating every robot from scratch seems exhausting. What if you could just make a copy, tweak the details, and deploy? That’s the Prototype Design Pattern!

The Prototype Pattern allows you to create new objects by copying existing ones (called prototypes). This approach is super useful when object creation is costly, and you want to avoid all the drama of reinitializing or setting up.


  • Purpose: To avoid the cost of creating objects from scratch.
  • How: By cloning existing objects.
  • When: Use when object creation is expensive or when we want variations of an object with minor differences.

Since we’re diving into the world of object cloning, let’s first take a good look at how it works. Think of it as learning the basics of cloning before you start creating your own army of identical robots—just to keep things interesting!

Clonning & The Clone Wars ⚔️

The core concept in the Prototype Pattern is the Cloneable interface. In many programming languages, including Java, objects that can be cloned implement this interface. The clone() method typically provides the mechanism for creating a duplicate of an object.

The Cloneable interface ensures that the class allows its objects to be cloned and defines the basic behavior for cloning. By default, this usually results in a shallow copy of the object.

Hold on! Before you start cloning like there’s no tomorrow, it’s essential to grasp the difference between shallow copies and deep copies, as they can significantly affect how your clones behave.

Shallow vs. Deep Copying

Shallow Copy: In a shallow clone, only the object itself is copied, but any references to other objects remain shared. For instance, if your object has a list or an array, only the reference to that list is copied, not the actual list elements. When we clone an object, we only copy the top-level fields. If the object contains references to other objects (like arrays or lists), those references are shared, not copied. It’s like making photocopies of a contract but using the same pen to sign all of them. Not cool.

Deep Copy: In contrast, deep cloning involves copying not just the object but also all objects that it references. All objects, including the nested ones, are fully cloned. In this case, each contract gets its own pen. Much cooler.

I’ve already written a detailed article on this topic. Please refer to it if you want to dive deeper and gain full control over the concept.

Structure of the Prototype Design Pattern

The Prototype Design Pattern consists of a few key components that work together to facilitate object cloning. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Prototype Interface: This defines the clone() method, which is responsible for cloning objects.
  2. Concrete Prototype: This class implements the Prototype interface and provides the actual logic for cloning itself.
  3. Client: The client code interacts with the prototype to create clones of existing objects, avoiding the need to instantiate new objects from scratch.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

In this typical UML diagram for the Prototype Pattern, you would see the following components:

  • Prototype (interface): Defines the contract for cloning.
  • Concrete Prototype (class): Implements the clone method to copy itself.
  • Client (class): Interacts with the prototype interface to get a cloned object.

How the Prototype Pattern Works

As we now know, the Prototype pattern consists of the following components:

  • Prototype: This is an interface or abstract class that defines a method to clone objects.
  • Concrete Prototype: These are the actual classes that implement the clone functionality. Each class is responsible for duplicating its instances.
  • Client: The client class, which creates new objects by cloning prototypes rather than calling constructors.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

Implementing Prototype Pattern in Kotlin

Let’s go through a practical example of how to implement the Prototype Design Pattern in Kotlin.

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

Kotlin has a Cloneable interface that indicates an object can be cloned, but the clone() method is not defined in Cloneable itself. Instead, you need to override the clone() method from the Java Object class in a class that implements Cloneable.

Please note that you won’t see any explicit import statement when using Cloneable and the clone() method in Kotlin. This is because both Cloneable and clone() are part of the Java standard library, which is automatically available in Kotlin without requiring explicit imports.

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Prototype

In the above code, we define the Prototype interface and inherit the Cloneable interface, which allows us to override the clone() method.

Step 2: Create Concrete Prototypes

Now, let’s create concrete implementations of the Prototype. These classes will define the actual objects we want to clone.

data class Circle(var radius: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Circle {
        return Circle(this.radius, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Circle with radius $radius and color $color")

data class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Rectangle {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Rectangle with width $width, height $height, and color $color")

Here, we have two concrete classes, Circle and Rectangle. Both classes implement the Prototype interface and override the clone() method to return a copy of themselves.

  • Circle has properties radius and color.
  • Rectangle has properties width, height, and color.

Each class has a draw() method for demonstration purposes to show the state of the object.

Step 3: Using the Prototype Pattern

Now that we have our prototype objects (Circle and Rectangle), we can clone them to create new objects.

fun main() {
    // Create an initial circle prototype
    val circle1 = Circle(5, "Red")
    circle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Red

    // Clone the circle to create a new circle
    val circle2 = circle1.clone()
    circle2.color = "Blue"  // Change the color of the cloned circle
    circle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Blue

    // Create an initial rectangle prototype
    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(10, 20, "Green")
    rectangle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 10, height 20, and color Green

    // Clone the rectangle and modify its width
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone()
    rectangle2.width = 15
    rectangle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 15, height 20, and color Green


Creating a Prototype (circle1): We create a Circle object with a radius of 5 and color "Red".

Cloning the Prototype (circle2): Instead of creating another circle object from scratch, we clone circle1 using the clone() method. We change the color of the cloned circle to "Blue" to show that it is a different object from the original one.

Creating a Rectangle Prototype: Similarly, we create a Rectangle object with a width of 10, height of 20, and color "Green".

Cloning the Rectangle (rectangle2): We then clone the rectangle and modify the width of the cloned object.

Why Use Prototype?

You might be wondering, “Why not just create new objects every time?” Here are a few good reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Some objects are expensive to create. Think of database records or UI elements with lots of configurations. Cloning is faster than rebuilding.
  2. Avoid Complexity: If creating an object involves many steps (like baking a cake), cloning helps you avoid repeating those steps.
  3. Customization: You can create a base object and clone it multiple times, tweaking each clone to suit your needs (like adding more chocolate chips to a clone of a cake).

How the pattern works in Kotlin in a more efficient and readable way

Kotlin makes the implementation of the Prototype Pattern easy and concise with its support for data classes and the copy() function. The copy function can create new instances of objects with the option to modify fields during copying.

Here’s a basic structure of the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin:

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Prototype

data class GameCharacter(val name: String, val health: Int, val level: Int): Prototype {
    override fun clone(): GameCharacter {
        return copy()  // This Kotlin function creates a clone

fun main() {
    val originalCharacter = GameCharacter(name = "Hero", health = 100, level = 1)
    // Cloning the original character
    val clonedCharacter = originalCharacter.clone()
    // Modifying the cloned character
    val modifiedCharacter = clonedCharacter.copy(name = "Hero Clone", level = 2)
    println("Original Character: $originalCharacter")
    println("Cloned Character: $clonedCharacter")
    println("Modified Character: $modifiedCharacter")


Original Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Cloned Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Modified Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero Clone, health=100, level=2)

Here, we can see how the clone method creates a new instance of GameCharacter with the same attributes as the original. The modified character shows that you can change attributes of the cloned instance without affecting the original. This illustrates the Prototype pattern’s ability to create new objects by copying existing ones.

Real-World Use Cases

Creating a Prototype for Game Characters

In a game development scenario, characters often share similar configurations with slight variations. The Prototype Pattern allows the game engine to create these variations without expensive initializations.

For instance, consider a game where you need multiple types of warriors, all with the same base stats but slightly different weapons. Instead of creating new instances from scratch, you can clone a base character and modify the weapon or other attributes.

Now, let’s dive into some Kotlin code and see how we can implement the Prototype Pattern like Kotlin rockstars! 🎸

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

We’ll start by creating an interface that all objects (robots, in this case) must implement if they want to be “cloneable.”

interface CloneablePrototype : Cloneable{
    fun clone(): CloneablePrototype

Simple, right? This CloneablePrototype interface has one job: provide a method to clone objects.

Step 2: Concrete Prototype (Meet the Robots!)

Let’s create some robots. Here’s a class for our robot soldiers:

data class Robot(
    var name: String,
    var weapon: String,
    var color: String
) : CloneablePrototype {
    override fun clone(): Robot {
        return Robot(name, weapon, color)  
        // Note: We could directly use copy() here, but for better understanding, we went with the constructor approach.
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Robot(name='$name', weapon='$weapon', color='$color')"

Here’s what’s happening:

  • We use Kotlin’s data class to make life easier (no need to manually implement equals, hashCode, or toString).
  • The clone() method returns a new Robot object with the same attributes as the current one. It’s a perfect copy—like sending a robot through a 3D printer!
  • The toString() method is overridden to give a nice string representation of the robot (for easier debugging and bragging rights).
Step 3: Let’s Build and Clone Our Robots

Let’s simulate an evil villain building an army of robot clones. 🤖

fun main() {
    // The original prototype robot
    val prototypeRobot = Robot(name = "T-1000", weapon = "Laser Gun", color = "Silver")

    // Cloning the robot
    val robotClone1 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-2000"
        color = "Black"

    val robotClone2 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-3000"
        weapon = "Rocket Launcher"

    println("Original Robot: $prototypeRobot")
    println("First Clone: $robotClone1")
    println("Second Clone: $robotClone2")


  • We start with an original prototype robot (T-1000) equipped with a laser gun and shiny silver armor.
  • Next, we clone it twice. Each time, we modify the clone slightly. One gets a name upgrade and a paint job, while the other gets an epic weapon upgrade. After all, who doesn’t want a rocket launcher?


Original Robot: Robot(name='T-1000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Silver')
First Clone: Robot(name='T-2000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Black')
Second Clone: Robot(name='T-3000', weapon='Rocket Launcher', color='Silver')

Just like that, we’ve created a robot army with minimal effort. They’re all unique, but they share the same essential blueprint. The evil mastermind can sit back, relax, and let the robots take over the world (or maybe start a dance-off).

Cloning a Shape Object in a Drawing Application

In many drawing applications like Adobe Illustrator or Figma, you can create different shapes (e.g., circles, rectangles) and duplicate them. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone these shapes without re-creating them from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Shape : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Shape

// Concrete Circle class implementing Shape
class Circle(var radius: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Circle(this.radius) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Circle(radius=$radius)"

// Concrete Rectangle class implementing Shape
class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Rectangle(width=$width, height=$height)"

fun main() {
    val circle1 = Circle(10)
    val circle2 = circle1.clone() as Circle
    println("Original Circle: $circle1")
    println("Cloned Circle: $circle2")

    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(20, 10)
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone() as Rectangle
    println("Original Rectangle: $rectangle1")
    println("Cloned Rectangle: $rectangle2")

Here, we define a Shape interface with a clone() method. The Circle and Rectangle classes implement this interface and provide their own cloning logic.

Duplicating User Preferences in a Mobile App

In mobile applications, user preferences might be complex to initialize. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone user preference objects when creating new user profiles or settings.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface UserPreferences : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): UserPreferences

// Concrete class implementing UserPreferences
class Preferences(var theme: String, var notificationEnabled: Boolean) : UserPreferences {
    override fun clone(): UserPreferences {
        return Preferences(this.theme, this.notificationEnabled) // Cloning current preferences

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Preferences(theme='$theme', notificationEnabled=$notificationEnabled)"

fun main() {
    // Original preferences
    val defaultPreferences = Preferences("Dark", true)

    // Cloning the preferences for a new user
    val user1Preferences = defaultPreferences.clone() as Preferences
    user1Preferences.theme = "Light" // Customizing for this user
    println("Original Preferences: $defaultPreferences")
    println("User 1 Preferences: $user1Preferences")

Here, the Preferences object for a user can be cloned when new users are created, allowing the same structure but with different values (like changing the theme).

Cloning Product Prototypes in an E-commerce Platform

An e-commerce platform can use the Prototype pattern to create product variants (e.g., different sizes or colors) by cloning an existing product prototype instead of creating a new product from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Product : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Product

// Concrete class implementing Product
class Item(var name: String, var price: Double, var color: String) : Product {
    override fun clone(): Product {
        return Item(, this.price, this.color) // Cloning the current product

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Item(name='$name', price=$price, color='$color')"

fun main() {
    // Original product
    val originalProduct = Item("T-shirt", 19.99, "Red")

    // Cloning the product for a new variant
    val newProduct = originalProduct.clone() as Item
    newProduct.color = "Blue" // Changing color for the new variant

    println("Original Product: $originalProduct")
    println("New Product Variant: $newProduct")

In this case, an e-commerce platform can clone the original Item (product) and modify attributes such as color, without needing to rebuild the entire object.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Prototype Pattern


  • Performance optimization: It reduces the overhead of creating complex objects by reusing existing ones.
  • Simplified object creation: If the initialization of an object is costly or complex, the prototype pattern makes it easy to create new instances.
  • Dynamic customization: You can dynamically modify the cloned objects without affecting the original ones.


  • Shallow vs. Deep Copy: By default, cloning in Kotlin creates shallow copies, meaning that the objects’ properties are copied by reference. You may need to implement deep copying if you want fully independent copies of objects.
  • Implementation complexity: Implementing cloneable classes with deep copying logic can become complex, especially if the objects have many nested fields.


In the world of software development, design patterns are more than just abstract concepts; they offer practical solutions to everyday coding challenges. Creational patterns, such as the Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype, specifically address the complexities of object creation. These patterns provide structured approaches to streamline object instantiation, whether by simplifying the process of creating related objects or by allowing us to clone existing ones effortlessly.

By incorporating these creational patterns into your Kotlin projects, you can write more maintainable, scalable, and efficient code. Each pattern addresses specific problems, helping developers tackle common design issues with a structured and thoughtful approach. As you continue building applications, these design patterns will become invaluable tools in your development toolkit, empowering you to create cleaner, more adaptable software

Prototype Design Pattern

Prototype Design Pattern in Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide with 5 Use Cases

Design patterns can sometimes seem like fancy terms that only software architects care about. But the truth is, they solve real problems we encounter while coding. One such pattern is the Prototype Design Pattern. It might sound like something from a sci-fi movie where scientists clone people or dinosaurs—but don’t worry, we’re not cloning dinosaurs here! We’re just cloning objects.

Design patterns can be tricky to grasp at first. But imagine a world where you can create duplicates of objects, complete with all their properties, without the hassle of building them from scratch every time. Sounds cool, right? That’s exactly what the Prototype Design Pattern does—it’s like using the cloning feature for your favorite video game character. 🎮

In this blog, we’ll explore the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin, break down its key components, and have some fun with code examples. By the end, you’ll know how to clone objects like a pro (without needing to master dark magic or science fiction). Let’s jump right in!

What is the Prototype Design Pattern?

Imagine you’re making an army of robots 🦾 for world domination. You have a base robot design, but each robot should have its unique characteristics (maybe different colors, weapons, or dance moves 💃). Creating every robot from scratch seems exhausting. What if you could just make a copy, tweak the details, and deploy? That’s the Prototype Design Pattern!

The Prototype Pattern allows you to create new objects by copying existing ones (called prototypes). This approach is super useful when object creation is costly, and you want to avoid all the drama of reinitializing or setting up.


  • Purpose: To avoid the cost of creating objects from scratch.
  • How: By cloning existing objects.
  • When: Use when object creation is expensive or when we want variations of an object with minor differences.

Since we’re diving into the world of object cloning, let’s first take a good look at how it works. Think of it as learning the basics of cloning before you start creating your own army of identical robots—just to keep things interesting!

Clonning & The Clone Wars ⚔️

The core concept in the Prototype Pattern is the Cloneable interface. In many programming languages, including Java, objects that can be cloned implement this interface. The clone() method typically provides the mechanism for creating a duplicate of an object.

The Cloneable interface ensures that the class allows its objects to be cloned and defines the basic behavior for cloning. By default, this usually results in a shallow copy of the object.

Hold on! Before you start cloning like there’s no tomorrow, it’s essential to grasp the difference between shallow copies and deep copies, as they can significantly affect how your clones behave.

Shallow vs. Deep Copying

Shallow Copy: In a shallow clone, only the object itself is copied, but any references to other objects remain shared. For instance, if your object has a list or an array, only the reference to that list is copied, not the actual list elements. When we clone an object, we only copy the top-level fields. If the object contains references to other objects (like arrays or lists), those references are shared, not copied. It’s like making photocopies of a contract but using the same pen to sign all of them. Not cool.

Deep Copy: In contrast, deep cloning involves copying not just the object but also all objects that it references. All objects, including the nested ones, are fully cloned. In this case, each contract gets its own pen. Much cooler.

I’ve already written a detailed article on this topic. Please refer to it if you want to dive deeper and gain full control over the concept.

Structure of the Prototype Design Pattern

The Prototype Design Pattern consists of a few key components that work together to facilitate object cloning. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Prototype Interface: This defines the clone() method, which is responsible for cloning objects.
  2. Concrete Prototype: This class implements the Prototype interface and provides the actual logic for cloning itself.
  3. Client: The client code interacts with the prototype to create clones of existing objects, avoiding the need to instantiate new objects from scratch.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

In this typical UML diagram for the Prototype Pattern, you would see the following components:

  • Prototype (interface): Defines the contract for cloning.
  • Concrete Prototype (class): Implements the clone method to copy itself.
  • Client (class): Interacts with the prototype interface to get a cloned object.

How the Prototype Pattern Works

As we now know, the Prototype pattern consists of the following components:

  • Prototype: This is an interface or abstract class that defines a method to clone objects.
  • Concrete Prototype: These are the actual classes that implement the clone functionality. Each class is responsible for duplicating its instances.
  • Client: The client class, which creates new objects by cloning prototypes rather than calling constructors.

In Kotlin, you can use the Cloneable interface to implement the prototype pattern.

Implementing Prototype Pattern in Kotlin

Let’s go through a practical example of how to implement the Prototype Design Pattern in Kotlin.

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

Kotlin has a Cloneable interface that indicates an object can be cloned, but the clone() method is not defined in Cloneable itself. Instead, you need to override the clone() method from the Java Object class in a class that implements Cloneable.

Please note that you won’t see any explicit import statement when using Cloneable and the clone() method in Kotlin. This is because both Cloneable and clone() are part of the Java standard library, which is automatically available in Kotlin without requiring explicit imports.

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    public override fun clone(): Prototype

In the above code, we define the Prototype interface and inherit the Cloneable interface, which allows us to override the clone() method.

Step 2: Create Concrete Prototypes

Now, let’s create concrete implementations of the Prototype. These classes will define the actual objects we want to clone.

data class Circle(var radius: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Circle {
        return Circle(this.radius, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Circle with radius $radius and color $color")

data class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int, var color: String) : Prototype {
    override fun clone(): Rectangle {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height, this.color)

    fun draw() {
        println("Drawing Rectangle with width $width, height $height, and color $color")

Here, we have two concrete classes, Circle and Rectangle. Both classes implement the Prototype interface and override the clone() method to return a copy of themselves.

  • Circle has properties radius and color.
  • Rectangle has properties width, height, and color.

Each class has a draw() method for demonstration purposes to show the state of the object.

Step 3: Using the Prototype Pattern

Now that we have our prototype objects (Circle and Rectangle), we can clone them to create new objects.

fun main() {
    // Create an initial circle prototype
    val circle1 = Circle(5, "Red")
    circle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Red

    // Clone the circle to create a new circle
    val circle2 = circle1.clone()
    circle2.color = "Blue"  // Change the color of the cloned circle
    circle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Circle with radius 5 and color Blue

    // Create an initial rectangle prototype
    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(10, 20, "Green")
    rectangle1.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 10, height 20, and color Green

    // Clone the rectangle and modify its width
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone()
    rectangle2.width = 15
    rectangle2.draw()  // Output: Drawing Rectangle with width 15, height 20, and color Green


Creating a Prototype (circle1): We create a Circle object with a radius of 5 and color "Red".

Cloning the Prototype (circle2): Instead of creating another circle object from scratch, we clone circle1 using the clone() method. We change the color of the cloned circle to "Blue" to show that it is a different object from the original one.

Creating a Rectangle Prototype: Similarly, we create a Rectangle object with a width of 10, height of 20, and color "Green".

Cloning the Rectangle (rectangle2): We then clone the rectangle and modify the width of the cloned object.

Why Use Prototype?

You might be wondering, “Why not just create new objects every time?” Here are a few good reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Some objects are expensive to create. Think of database records or UI elements with lots of configurations. Cloning is faster than rebuilding.
  2. Avoid Complexity: If creating an object involves many steps (like baking a cake), cloning helps you avoid repeating those steps.
  3. Customization: You can create a base object and clone it multiple times, tweaking each clone to suit your needs (like adding more chocolate chips to a clone of a cake).

How the pattern works in Kotlin in a more efficient and readable way

Kotlin makes the implementation of the Prototype Pattern easy and concise with its support for data classes and the copy() function. The copy function can create new instances of objects with the option to modify fields during copying.

Here’s a basic structure of the Prototype Pattern in Kotlin:

interface Prototype : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Prototype

data class GameCharacter(val name: String, val health: Int, val level: Int): Prototype {
    override fun clone(): GameCharacter {
        return copy()  // This Kotlin function creates a clone

fun main() {
    val originalCharacter = GameCharacter(name = "Hero", health = 100, level = 1)
    // Cloning the original character
    val clonedCharacter = originalCharacter.clone()
    // Modifying the cloned character
    val modifiedCharacter = clonedCharacter.copy(name = "Hero Clone", level = 2)
    println("Original Character: $originalCharacter")
    println("Cloned Character: $clonedCharacter")
    println("Modified Character: $modifiedCharacter")


Original Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Cloned Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero, health=100, level=1)
Modified Character: GameCharacter(name=Hero Clone, health=100, level=2)

Here, we can see how the clone method creates a new instance of GameCharacter with the same attributes as the original. The modified character shows that you can change attributes of the cloned instance without affecting the original. This illustrates the Prototype pattern’s ability to create new objects by copying existing ones.

Real-World Use Cases

Creating a Prototype for Game Characters

In a game development scenario, characters often share similar configurations with slight variations. The Prototype Pattern allows the game engine to create these variations without expensive initializations.

For instance, consider a game where you need multiple types of warriors, all with the same base stats but slightly different weapons. Instead of creating new instances from scratch, you can clone a base character and modify the weapon or other attributes.

Now, let’s dive into some Kotlin code and see how we can implement the Prototype Pattern like Kotlin rockstars! 🎸

Step 1: Define the Prototype Interface

We’ll start by creating an interface that all objects (robots, in this case) must implement if they want to be “cloneable.”

interface CloneablePrototype : Cloneable{
    fun clone(): CloneablePrototype

Simple, right? This CloneablePrototype interface has one job: provide a method to clone objects.

Step 2: Concrete Prototype (Meet the Robots!)

Let’s create some robots. Here’s a class for our robot soldiers:

data class Robot(
    var name: String,
    var weapon: String,
    var color: String
) : CloneablePrototype {
    override fun clone(): Robot {
        return Robot(name, weapon, color)  
        // Note: We could directly use copy() here, but for better understanding, we went with the constructor approach.
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Robot(name='$name', weapon='$weapon', color='$color')"

Here’s what’s happening:

  • We use Kotlin’s data class to make life easier (no need to manually implement equals, hashCode, or toString).
  • The clone() method returns a new Robot object with the same attributes as the current one. It’s a perfect copy—like sending a robot through a 3D printer!
  • The toString() method is overridden to give a nice string representation of the robot (for easier debugging and bragging rights).
Step 3: Let’s Build and Clone Our Robots

Let’s simulate an evil villain building an army of robot clones. 🤖

fun main() {
    // The original prototype robot
    val prototypeRobot = Robot(name = "T-1000", weapon = "Laser Gun", color = "Silver")

    // Cloning the robot
    val robotClone1 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-2000"
        color = "Black"

    val robotClone2 = prototypeRobot.clone().apply {
        name = "T-3000"
        weapon = "Rocket Launcher"

    println("Original Robot: $prototypeRobot")
    println("First Clone: $robotClone1")
    println("Second Clone: $robotClone2")


  • We start with an original prototype robot (T-1000) equipped with a laser gun and shiny silver armor.
  • Next, we clone it twice. Each time, we modify the clone slightly. One gets a name upgrade and a paint job, while the other gets an epic weapon upgrade. After all, who doesn’t want a rocket launcher?


Original Robot: Robot(name='T-1000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Silver')
First Clone: Robot(name='T-2000', weapon='Laser Gun', color='Black')
Second Clone: Robot(name='T-3000', weapon='Rocket Launcher', color='Silver')

Just like that, we’ve created a robot army with minimal effort. They’re all unique, but they share the same essential blueprint. The evil mastermind can sit back, relax, and let the robots take over the world (or maybe start a dance-off).

Cloning a Shape Object in a Drawing Application

In many drawing applications like Adobe Illustrator or Figma, you can create different shapes (e.g., circles, rectangles) and duplicate them. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone these shapes without re-creating them from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Shape : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Shape

// Concrete Circle class implementing Shape
class Circle(var radius: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Circle(this.radius) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Circle(radius=$radius)"

// Concrete Rectangle class implementing Shape
class Rectangle(var width: Int, var height: Int) : Shape {
    override fun clone(): Shape {
        return Rectangle(this.width, this.height) // Cloning the current object

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Rectangle(width=$width, height=$height)"

fun main() {
    val circle1 = Circle(10)
    val circle2 = circle1.clone() as Circle
    println("Original Circle: $circle1")
    println("Cloned Circle: $circle2")

    val rectangle1 = Rectangle(20, 10)
    val rectangle2 = rectangle1.clone() as Rectangle
    println("Original Rectangle: $rectangle1")
    println("Cloned Rectangle: $rectangle2")

Here, we define a Shape interface with a clone() method. The Circle and Rectangle classes implement this interface and provide their own cloning logic.

Duplicating User Preferences in a Mobile App

In mobile applications, user preferences might be complex to initialize. The Prototype pattern can be used to clone user preference objects when creating new user profiles or settings.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface UserPreferences : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): UserPreferences

// Concrete class implementing UserPreferences
class Preferences(var theme: String, var notificationEnabled: Boolean) : UserPreferences {
    override fun clone(): UserPreferences {
        return Preferences(this.theme, this.notificationEnabled) // Cloning current preferences

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Preferences(theme='$theme', notificationEnabled=$notificationEnabled)"

fun main() {
    // Original preferences
    val defaultPreferences = Preferences("Dark", true)

    // Cloning the preferences for a new user
    val user1Preferences = defaultPreferences.clone() as Preferences
    user1Preferences.theme = "Light" // Customizing for this user
    println("Original Preferences: $defaultPreferences")
    println("User 1 Preferences: $user1Preferences")

Here, the Preferences object for a user can be cloned when new users are created, allowing the same structure but with different values (like changing the theme).

Cloning Product Prototypes in an E-commerce Platform

An e-commerce platform can use the Prototype pattern to create product variants (e.g., different sizes or colors) by cloning an existing product prototype instead of creating a new product from scratch.

// Prototype interface with a clone method
interface Product : Cloneable {
    fun clone(): Product

// Concrete class implementing Product
class Item(var name: String, var price: Double, var color: String) : Product {
    override fun clone(): Product {
        return Item(, this.price, this.color) // Cloning the current product

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Item(name='$name', price=$price, color='$color')"

fun main() {
    // Original product
    val originalProduct = Item("T-shirt", 19.99, "Red")

    // Cloning the product for a new variant
    val newProduct = originalProduct.clone() as Item
    newProduct.color = "Blue" // Changing color for the new variant

    println("Original Product: $originalProduct")
    println("New Product Variant: $newProduct")

In this case, an e-commerce platform can clone the original Item (product) and modify attributes such as color, without needing to rebuild the entire object.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Prototype Pattern


  • Performance optimization: It reduces the overhead of creating complex objects by reusing existing ones.
  • Simplified object creation: If the initialization of an object is costly or complex, the prototype pattern makes it easy to create new instances.
  • Dynamic customization: You can dynamically modify the cloned objects without affecting the original ones.


  • Shallow vs. Deep Copy: By default, cloning in Kotlin creates shallow copies, meaning that the objects’ properties are copied by reference. You may need to implement deep copying if you want fully independent copies of objects.
  • Implementation complexity: Implementing cloneable classes with deep copying logic can become complex, especially if the objects have many nested fields.


The Prototype Design Pattern is a fantastic way to avoid repetitive object creation, especially when those objects are complex or expensive to initialize. It’s perfect for scenarios where you need similar, but slightly different, objects (like our robots!).

So next time you need a robot army, a game character, or even a fleet of space ships, don’t reinvent the wheel—clone it! Just make sure to avoid shallow copies unless you want robots sharing the same laser gun (that could get awkward real fast).

Happy Cloning!

Feel free to share your thoughts, or if your robot clones start acting weird, you can always ask for help. 😅

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