
Compose Preview

Jetpack Compose Preview & Hilt Dependency Injection: Common Issues, Solutions, and Best Practices

In modern Android development, Jetpack Compose has simplified UI development, and Hilt has made dependency injection more streamlined. However, when working with Jetpack Compose Previews, you may encounter a common issue: Hilt dependency injection does not work in the context of Compose Previews.

In this detailed blog, we’ll break down the problem, explore why PreviewActivity doesn’t support Hilt, and show the best practices for managing dependencies during Compose Previews. We’ll also explore alternatives to using Hilt in previews while maintaining a smooth development experience.

What Are Compose Previews and Why Do We Use Them?

Before diving into the problem and solution, let’s first clarify what Compose Previews are and why they are useful:

  • Compose Previews allow developers to see their UI components directly in Android Studio without needing to run the entire app on a device or emulator.
  • Previews are a design-time tool for visualizing how your Composables will look under different states, layouts, and conditions.
  • The goal is to quickly iterate on your UI, test multiple configurations (like different themes, device sizes), and make changes to the UI without running the full app.

Compose Preview Limitations

While Compose Previews are powerful, they have some limitations:

  • Hilt Injection is Not Supported: By design, Hilt requires a dependency graph that is only created during runtime. Since Compose Previews are rendered before the app starts, there is no running application context where Hilt can inject dependencies.
  • No ViewModel Injection: Since Previews don’t have the full Android lifecycle, they also don’t support @HiltViewModel or other lifecycle-dependent mechanisms.

The Problem: PreviewActivity and Hilt

What is PreviewActivity?

  • PreviewActivity is a special activity used by Android Studio’s tooling to render Compose Previews.
  • It is part of the Compose Tooling and does not run as part of your actual application.
  • Since Hilt dependency injection relies on the app’s runtime environment to manage dependency graphs, and PreviewActivity does not have access to that runtime context, it cannot inject dependencies using Hilt.

Why the Error Occurs:

When you try to use Hilt in a preview and attempt to inject dependencies (such as ViewModels or services), Hilt encounters the following issue:

“Given component holder class androidx.compose.ui.tooling.PreviewActivity does not implement interface dagger.hilt.internal.GeneratedComponent

This error arises because PreviewActivity is not part of the app’s dependency graph, and Hilt cannot find any components to inject during preview rendering.

How to Handle Dependency Injection in Compose Previews

Now that we understand the problem, let’s look at the best practices for working around this limitation. Since Hilt cannot be used directly in Compose Previews, we will focus on methods that allow you to test your UI components effectively without Hilt.

Best Practice 1: Use Mock Dependencies

The most effective way to handle dependencies in Compose Previews is to use mock data or mock dependencies instead of relying on real Hilt dependencies. Since Compose Previews are for UI visualization and not real runtime behavior, mocking allows you to bypass the need for Hilt.

Mocking Dependencies in Previews

1. Create Mock Dependencies: For each service, ViewModel, or data source you need in your Composables, create a mock or simplified version of it.

class MockViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val sampleData = "Mock data for preview"

2. Use the Mock in Your Composable: When writing your Composables, pass the mocked data or services to the composable function.

fun MyComposable(viewModel: MockViewModel) {
    Text(text = viewModel.sampleData)

3. Use @Preview with Mock Data: In the Preview function, instantiate the mock data directly.

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun MyComposablePreview() {
    MyComposable(viewModel = MockViewModel()) // Use mock data


  • Previews are meant for UI design, not for running real business logic or testing interactions.
  • By passing mock data, you can visualize the UI without needing real data or services.
  • This approach keeps previews lightweight and fast.

Best Practice 2: Use Default Arguments for Dependencies

Another approach is to use default arguments for dependencies in your Composables. This way, you can make sure that your Composables work both in the preview environment (with mock data) and in the app’s runtime (with Hilt-injected dependencies).

Default Arguments for Dependencies

1. Update Your Composables: Modify your Composables to use default arguments where appropriate.

fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = MockViewModel()) {
    Text(text = viewModel.sampleData)

2. Use @Preview with the Default Argument: In the Preview function, you don’t need to provide any dependencies explicitly because the MockViewModel will be used by default

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun MyComposablePreview() {
    MyComposable() // Use the default (mock) ViewModel


  • You can keep the same Composable for both Preview and Runtime by passing mock dependencies for previews.
  • In runtime, Hilt will inject the real ViewModel.

Best Practice 3: Use a Conditional DI Approach

If you are working with dependencies that are required for runtime but should be mocked in the preview, you can use a conditional DI approach where you check if you’re in the preview mode and inject mock data accordingly.

fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) MockViewModel() else viewModel()) {
    Text(text = viewModel.sampleData)

fun MyComposablePreview() {
    MyComposable() // Will use MockViewModel in Preview

Best Practice 4: Avoid Hilt in Previews Entirely

Another strategy is to decouple your ViewModels or services from Hilt for the purposes of previews. This can be done by using interfaces or abstract classes for dependencies, which can then be mocked for preview.

interface DataProvider {
    fun getData(): String

class RealDataProvider : DataProvider {
    override fun getData(): String {
        return "Real Data"

class MockDataProvider : DataProvider {
    override fun getData(): String {
        return "Mock Data for Preview"

fun MyComposable(dataProvider: DataProvider) {
    Text(text = dataProvider.getData())

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun MyComposablePreview() {
    MyComposable(dataProvider = MockDataProvider()) // Use mock provider for preview and for actual real provider

The last two approaches are quite self-explanatory, so I’ll skip further explanation and insights. Let’s directly jump to the final conclusion.


Hilt cannot be used in Jetpack Compose Previews because Previews don’t have access to the runtime dependency graph that Hilt creates. To work around this limitation, you can:

  1. Use Mock Dependencies: Simplify your Composables to accept mock data or services for previews.
  2. Use Default Arguments: Make your dependencies optional, allowing mock data to be injected in previews.
  3. Conditional Dependency Injection: Use a flag to determine whether to use mock data or real dependencies.
  4. Decouple Hilt Dependencies: Abstract dependencies behind interfaces so they can be easily mocked during previews.

By following these best practices, you can effectively handle dependencies in Compose Previews without running into issues with Hilt.

happy UI composeing..!


Basic Internal Working of Hilt Dependency Injection in Android: Key Concepts Explained

Dependency Injection (DI) is a crucial concept in modern Android development, enabling better code maintainability, scalability, and testability. Hilt, built on top of Dagger, is the official dependency injection framework recommended by Google for Android. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the internal workings of Hilt, exploring how it simplifies dependency injection, how it operates behind the scenes, and why it’s essential for building robust Android applications.

What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency Injection is a design pattern where an object’s dependencies are provided externally rather than the object creating them itself. This decouples object creation and object usage, making the code easier to test and manage.

Example without DI

class Engine {
    fun start() = "Engine started"

class Car {
    private val engine = Engine()
    fun drive() = engine.start()

Example with DI

class Car(private val engine: Engine) {
    fun drive() = engine.start()

Here, Engine is injected into Car, increasing flexibility and making it easier to swap or mock dependencies.

Why Hilt for Dependency Injection?

  • Simplifies the boilerplate code needed for dependency injection.
  • Manages dependency scopes automatically.
  • Integrates seamlessly with Jetpack libraries.
  • Provides compile-time validation for dependencies.

Internal Architecture of Hilt

At its core, Hilt builds upon Dagger 2, adding Android-specific integration and reducing boilerplate.

Key Components of Hilt

  1. @HiltAndroidApp: Annotates the Application class and triggers Hilt’s code generation.
  2. @AndroidEntryPoint: Used on Activities, Fragments, or Services to enable dependency injection.
  3. @Inject: Used to request dependencies in constructors or fields.
  4. @Module & @InstallIn: Define bindings and scope for dependencies.
  5. Scopes: @Singleton, @ActivityScoped, @ViewModelScoped, etc.

How Dependencies are Resolved

  • Hilt generates a component hierarchy based on annotations.
  • Dependencies are resolved from root components down to child components.
  • Each component manages its scoped dependencies.

Component Hierarchy in Hilt

Hilt creates several components internally:

  1. SingletonComponent: Application-wide dependencies.
  2. ActivityRetainedComponent: Survives configuration changes.
  3. ActivityComponent: Specific to Activity.
  4. FragmentComponent: Specific to Fragment.
  5. ViewModelComponent: Specific to ViewModel.

Flow of Dependency Resolution:







Hilt’s Dual-Stage Approach

Hilt primarily provides dependencies at runtime, but it also performs compile-time validation and code generation to ensure correctness and optimize dependency injection.

Let’s see each approach in detail.

Compile-Time: Validation and Code Generation

Annotation Processing: Hilt uses annotation processors (kapt or ksp) during compile-time to scan annotations like @Inject, @HiltAndroidApp, @Module, @InstallIn, and others.

Dagger Code Generation: Hilt builds on top of Dagger, which generates code for dependency injection at compile-time. When annotations like @HiltAndroidApp, @Inject, and @Module are used, Hilt generates the required Dagger components and modules at compile-time.


Hilt ensures at compile-time that:

  • Dependencies have a valid scope (SingletonComponent, ActivityComponent, etc.).
  • Required dependencies are provided in modules.
  • There are no circular dependencies.

This means many potential runtime issues (like missing dependencies or incorrect scopes) are caught early at compile-time.

Note: At compile-time, Hilt generates the dependency graph and the necessary code for injecting dependencies correctly.

Run-Time: Dependency Provision and Injection

  • Once the code is compiled and ready to run, Hilt takes over at runtime to provide the actual dependency instances.
  • It uses the dependency graph generated at compile-time to resolve and instantiate dependencies.
  • Dependency injection happens dynamically at runtime using the generated Dagger components. For Example, a ViewModel with @Inject constructor gets its dependencies resolved and injected at runtime when the ViewModel is created.

Compile-Time vs Run-Time

So, while Hilt validates and generates code at compile-time, it provides and manages dependency instances at runtime.

If you’re looking for a one-liner:

“Hilt performs dependency graph generation and validation at compile-time, but the actual dependency provisioning happens at runtime.”

This dual-stage approach balances early error detection (compile-time) and flexibility in object creation (runtime).

Best Practices

  • Use @Singleton for dependencies shared across the entire application.
  • Avoid injecting too many dependencies into a single class.
  • Structure modules based on feature scope.
  • Leverage @Binds instead of @Provides when possible.


Hilt simplifies dependency injection in Android by reducing boilerplate and offering seamless integration with Jetpack libraries. Understanding its internal architecture, component hierarchy, and generated code can significantly improve your development process and app performance.

happy UI composeing..!


Hilt’s Dual-Stage Approach: Unlocking Effortless and Powerful Dependency Injection in Android

In modern Android development, managing dependencies efficiently is crucial for maintaining clean, modular, and testable code. Dependency injection (DI) has emerged as a powerful pattern to decouple components and promote reusable and maintainable software. However, the complexity of managing DI can grow rapidly as an app scales. This is where Hilt comes in — a framework designed to simplify DI by offering a robust, intuitive, and highly optimized approach.

One of the standout features of Hilt is Hilt’s Dual-Stage Approach to dependency injection, which combines the best of compile-time validation and runtime dependency resolution. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into this approach, breaking down the key concepts, advantages, and inner workings of Hilt’s DI system.

What is Hilt’s Dual-Stage Approach?

Hilt is a dependency injection library built on top of Dagger, Google’s popular DI framework. It simplifies DI in Android apps by automating much of the boilerplate code required for DI setup and providing a more streamlined and user-friendly API. Hilt is fully integrated into the Android ecosystem, offering built-in support for Android components like Activities, Fragments, ViewModels, and Services.

Hilt’s Dual-Stage Approach

Hilt’s DI mechanism can be thought of as a two-phase process:

  1. Compile-Time: Code Generation & Validation
  2. Run-Time: Dependency Provision & Injection

Let’s explore each phase in detail.

Compile-Time: Code Generation & Validation

How It Works

During the compile-time phase, Hilt leverages annotation processing to generate the required code for DI. Hilt scans the annotations on your classes, interfaces, and methods, such as @Inject, @HiltAndroidApp, @Module, and @InstallIn, to perform two key tasks:

1. Code Generation:

  • Hilt generates the necessary Dagger components and other code to inject dependencies into Android classes like Activities, Fragments, ViewModels, and more.
  • The generated code includes classes that define how dependencies should be resolved. These are essentially the building blocks of the dependency graph.
  • For example, when you use @Inject on a constructor, Hilt creates the necessary code to inject dependencies into that class.

2. Validation:

Hilt performs compile-time validation to ensure that your dependency setup is correct and consistent. It checks for things like:

  • Missing dependencies: If a required dependency isn’t provided, the compiler will generate an error.
  • Incorrect scopes: Hilt checks that dependencies are provided with the correct scopes (e.g., @Singleton, @ActivityRetained).
  • Circular dependencies: If two or more components are dependent on each other, causing a circular dependency, Hilt will alert you during compilation.

By catching these issues at compile-time, Hilt prevents potential runtime errors, ensuring that your DI setup is error-free before the app even runs.

Why Compile-Time Matters

  • Error Prevention: Compile-time validation ensures that your dependencies are correctly wired up and that common mistakes (like missing dependencies or circular dependencies) are caught early.
  • Performance Optimization: Since code generation and validation happen before the app is even run, you avoid the overhead of checking for errors during runtime. This leads to a more efficient application.
  • Faster Feedback: You get immediate feedback when something goes wrong during the DI setup, allowing you to address issues right in your development workflow rather than debugging elusive runtime problems.

Run-Time: Dependency Provision & Injection

How It Works

At runtime, Hilt takes the generated dependency graph and uses it to inject dependencies into your Android components like Activities, Fragments, ViewModels, and Services. This is where the real magic happens — Hilt resolves all the dependencies and provides them to the components that need them.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how runtime DI works:

1. Dependency Resolution:

  • When an Android component (e.g., an Activity or ViewModel) is created, Hilt uses the dependency graph generated during compile-time to resolve and provide all the required dependencies.
  • For instance, if a ViewModel requires an API service, Hilt will resolve and inject an instance of that API service at runtime, ensuring that everything is ready for use.

2. Injection into Android Components:

  • Once the dependencies are resolved, Hilt injects them into your Android components using the generated code. The injection happens automatically when the component is instantiated, without you needing to manually call any dependency-provisioning methods.
  • For example, if you annotate a ViewModel with @HiltViewModel, Hilt will automatically inject the required dependencies into the ViewModel during its creation.

3. Lazy Injection & Scoping:

  • Hilt allows you to inject dependencies lazily using @Inject and @Lazy, ensuring that they are only created when needed. This improves performance by deferring the instantiation of expensive dependencies until they are required.
  • Hilt also supports scoping, which means that dependencies can be shared within certain components. For instance, a dependency injected into a @Singleton scope will have a single instance shared across the app’s lifecycle, whereas a dependency in a @ActivityRetained scope will be shared across an activity and its associated fragments.

Why Run-Time Matters

  • Dynamic Dependency Resolution: At runtime, Hilt dynamically resolves dependencies and ensures that the correct instances are injected into your components. This gives you the flexibility to change dependencies or modify scopes without needing to alter your code manually.
  • Efficiency in Object Creation: By handling dependency injection at runtime, Hilt ensures that your app only creates the dependencies it actually needs at the right time, minimizing memory usage and improving performance.
  • Flexibility and Maintainability: Hilt’s runtime mechanism allows for greater flexibility in terms of managing dependency lifecycles. You can easily swap out implementations of dependencies without affecting the rest of your app’s code.

Hilt’s Dual-Stage Approach: Key Benefits

1. Error-Free Dependency Setup

Hilt’s compile-time validation ensures that common DI issues, such as missing dependencies and incorrect scopes, are detected before the app even runs. This leads to fewer runtime errors and a smoother development experience.

2. Performance Optimization

By performing code generation and validation at compile-time, Hilt minimizes the performance impact during runtime. This means that your app can resolve and inject dependencies quickly, without the overhead of error checking or unnecessary object creation.

3. Seamless and Automatic Dependency Injection

Hilt’s runtime mechanism simplifies the process of injecting dependencies into Android components, making it nearly invisible to developers. Once you set up your dependencies and annotate your components, Hilt takes care of the rest — no need to manually handle object creation or dependency management.

4. Maintainability and Scalability

With Hilt, managing dependencies is easy and scalable. As your app grows, Hilt can efficiently handle more dependencies and complex dependency graphs, while ensuring that everything remains organized and maintainable. The separation of concerns between compile-time validation and runtime injection keeps the system modular and easy to extend.


Hilt’s Dual-Stage Approach provides a powerful and efficient mechanism for dependency injection in Android apps. By combining compile-time validation and code generation with runtime dependency resolution, Hilt allows you to manage dependencies seamlessly, with minimal boilerplate and maximum flexibility.

Whether you’re building a small app or a large-scale Android solution, Hilt’s integration into the Android ecosystem, along with its user-friendly API and automatic injection system, makes it a must-have tool for modern Android development.

By embracing Hilt’s DI system, you’ll find your codebase becoming cleaner, more modular, and more testable, with a reduced risk of runtime errors and performance bottlenecks. If you haven’t already adopted Hilt in your projects, now is the perfect time to unlock the full potential of seamless dependency injection!

happy UI composeing..!


State and Recomposition in Jetpack Compose: A Comprehensive Guide

Jetpack Compose has revolutionized Android UI development by introducing a declarative UI paradigm. At its core, Compose relies on two fundamental concepts: State and Recomposition. These concepts are crucial for building efficient, responsive, and reactive user interfaces.

What is State in Jetpack Compose?

State is any value that can change over time and affect the UI. In the context of UI development:

  • State represents any piece of data that can change over time and impacts the UI.
  • For example: A counter value in a button click scenario, a text field’s current input, or the visibility of a UI component( something like loading spinner).
  • Example:
var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

I have a question: Is State quite similar to a regular Kotlin variable?

To answer this, we first need to understand what recomposition is and how it works. Once we understand that, we’ll be able to see the difference between state and regular Kotlin variables.

So, What is recomposition?

In Jetpack Compose, we build apps using hierarchies of composable functions. Each composable function takes data as input and uses it to create parts of the user interface, which are then displayed on the screen by the Compose runtime system.

Typically, the data passed between composable functions comes from a state variable declared in a parent function. If the state value changes in the parent, the child composables relying on that state must also reflect the updated value. Compose handles this with a process called recomposition.

Recomposition happens whenever a state value changes. Compose detects this change, identifies the affected composable functions, and calls them again with the updated state value.

Why is recomposition efficient?

Instead of rebuilding the entire UI tree, Compose uses intelligent recomposition. This means only the functions that actually use the changed state value are recomposed. This approach ensures that updates are fast and efficient, avoiding unnecessary processing.

In short, Compose efficiently updates only the parts of the UI affected by state changes, keeping performance smooth and responsive.

Now, back to our question: What’s the difference between a state variable and a regular Kotlin variable?

At first glance, a state variable in Jetpack Compose might seem similar to a regular Kotlin variable, which can also hold changing values during an app’s execution. However, state differs from a regular variable in two important ways:

  1. Remembering the state variable value: When you use a state variable inside a composable function (a UI function in Jetpack Compose), its value should be remembered between function calls. This means that the state doesn’t get reset every time the composable function is called again. If it were a normal variable, it would get reset each time the function is called, but for state variables, Jetpack Compose makes sure they “remember” their previous values so the UI stays consistent.
  2. Implications of changing a state variable: When you change the value of a state variable, it triggers a rebuild of not just the composable function where the state is defined, but also all the composable functions that depend on that state. This means that the entire UI tree (the hierarchy of composables) can be affected, and parts of it may need to be redrawn to reflect the new state. This is different from a regular function where changes in local variables only affect that specific function.

Let’s compare how state behaves differently from a regular Kotlin variable in code.

fun Counter() {
    // State variable that remembers its value
    var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

    Button(onClick = { count++ }) {
        Text("Clicked $count times")


  • count is a state variable. Its value is “remembered” across recompositions.
  • When count changes (on clicking the button), the UI updates automatically.

On the other hand, with a regular Kotlin variable…

fun Counter() {
    // Regular Kotlin variable
    var count = 0

    Button(onClick = { count++ }) {
        Text("Clicked $count times")


  • count is a regular Kotlin variable.
  • When the button is clicked, count is incremented, but it doesn’t “remember” its previous value.
  • As a result, the composable doesn’t re-render with the updated value because the value of count is reset every time the composable is called.

In short: State in composables is “sticky” (it remembers its value), and changing the state affects the UI by causing relevant parts to be updated automatically. These two differences make state a powerful tool for managing dynamic and reactive UIs in Compose.

Mutable vs Immutable State

  • Mutable State: Can change over time (e.g., mutableStateOf)
  • Immutable State: Cannot change once initialized (e.g., val)

Why is State Important?

State drives how your UI looks and behaves. In Compose:

  • State updates trigger recompositions (UI updates).
  • Compose ensures the UI is always consistent with the current state.


State and Recomposition are foundational concepts in Jetpack Compose. Properly managing state and understanding how recomposition works can lead to efficient and scalable Android applications.

Understanding these concepts is not just about syntax but about building a mental model for how Jetpack Compose interacts with state changes. Start experimenting with small examples, and you’ll soon master the art of managing state in Compose effectively.


Understanding enableEdgeToEdge() in Jetpack Compose: A Comprehensive Guide

In modern Android development, user interface (UI) design has evolved to provide more immersive and visually engaging experiences. One of the ways this is achieved is through edge-to-edge UI, where the content extends to the edges of the screen, including areas that are typically reserved for system UI elements such as the status bar and navigation bar.

Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern UI toolkit, allows developers to easily implement edge-to-edge UI with the enableEdgeToEdge() function. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into what enableEdgeToEdge() is, how to use it effectively, and the implications it has for your app’s design.

What is enableEdgeToEdge()?

The function enableEdgeToEdge() is part of Jetpack Compose’s toolkit, enabling edge-to-edge UI. This concept refers to making your app’s content extend all the way to the edges of the device’s screen, eliminating any unnecessary padding around the system bars.

By default, Android provides some padding around the system bars (like the status bar at the top and the navigation bar at the bottom) to ensure that UI elements are not hidden behind them. However, in some apps (especially media-rich apps, games, or apps with a focus on visual appeal), this padding might be undesirable. That’s where enableEdgeToEdge() comes in.

Key Benefits of enableEdgeToEdge()

  1. Immersive Experience:
    • This approach is often used in media apps, games, or apps that want to provide a full-screen experience. For example, when watching a movie or playing a game, you want the content to take up every inch of the screen, without being obstructed by the status bar or navigation controls.
  2. Maximizing Screen Real Estate:
    • With phones becoming more sophisticated and offering more screen space, it’s essential to use every available pixel for displaying content. By removing the default padding around the system bars, you’re ensuring that users are using the maximum screen area possible.
  3. Polished and Modern UI:
    • Edge-to-edge design feels fresh and modern, particularly in a time when users expect sleek, minimalistic designs. It also allows your app to blend seamlessly with the rest of the system’s visual language.

How to Use enableEdgeToEdge()

In Jetpack Compose, enabling edge-to-edge UI is simple and straightforward. Here’s how to set it up in your app:

1. Basic Usage

You can enable edge-to-edge UI by calling the enableEdgeToEdge() function within your Compose UI hierarchy. This function is often used in the onCreate() method of your activity or in your MainActivity.

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material3.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // Enable edge-to-edge UI

        setContent {

fun MyEdgeToEdgeApp() {
        topBar = {
            TopAppBar(title = { Text("Edge to Edge UI") })
    ) { paddingValues ->
        Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
                text = "This is a full-screen, edge-to-edge UI",
                modifier = Modifier

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun PreviewMyEdgeToEdgeApp() {

In this code:

  • The enableEdgeToEdge() function is called inside the onCreate() method, right before setting the content view.
  • Scaffold is used as a layout container, and the Box is set to fill the maximum available size of the screen.
  • The Text is then rendered with a background and takes up the full screen.

2. Handling System Bars (Status Bar, Navigation Bar)

Once you enable edge-to-edge, you may need to adjust the layout to ensure that UI components don’t get hidden under the status or navigation bar. Jetpack Compose gives you flexibility to manage this.

For instance, you may want to add padding to ensure your content isn’t obscured by the status bar or navigation bar. You can do this by using WindowInsets to account for the system UI:

import androidx.compose.material3.Text
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier

fun EdgeToEdgeWithInsets() {
        modifier = Modifier
                top =,
                bottom = WindowInsets.systemBars.bottom
    ) {
        Text("Content goes here!", modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp))


  • We use WindowInsets.systemBars to get the safe area insets for the system bars (status and navigation bars).
  • Padding is applied to ensure that content doesn’t overlap with the system bars.

Best Practices for Edge-to-Edge UI

While edge-to-edge UI is visually appealing, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a smooth user experience:

  1. Safe Area Insets:
    • Always account for safe areas (areas that are not overlapped by system bars) when positioning UI elements. This prevents important content from being obscured.
  2. Gesture Navigation:
    • Modern Android devices often use gesture-based navigation instead of traditional navigation buttons. Make sure to account for the bottom edge of the screen where gestures are detected.
  3. Status Bar and Navigation Bar Color:
    • When enabling edge-to-edge UI, consider customizing the color of your status bar and navigation bar to match your app’s design. Use SystemUiController in Jetpack Compose to change the status bar and navigation bar colors to blend seamlessly with the content.

import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext

fun CustomStatusBar() {
    val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()

Challenges to Consider

Overlapping Content:

  • In some cases, especially on devices with notches, curved edges, or unusual screen shapes, your content might end up being cut off. Always test on different devices to ensure the layout is not disrupted.


  • Some users may have accessibility features enabled, such as larger font sizes or screen magnifiers. Be mindful of how your layout behaves with these features.

Device-Specific UI:

  • Devices like foldables or those with punch-hole cameras require special handling to avoid content being hidden in the camera notch area. Make sure your app handles all edge cases.


enableEdgeToEdge() in Jetpack Compose offers a simple and effective way to create immersive, modern, and visually appealing Android UIs. By removing the default padding around system bars, you can leverage the full screen real estate and create seamless, full-screen experiences in your apps.

However, it’s important to test and adjust your app’s layout for different devices, screen sizes, and system configurations. When used correctly, edge-to-edge UI can elevate the user experience, making your app feel more polished and in line with current design trends.

happy UI composing..!

Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose: From Traditional Android UI Toolkit Drawbacks to Powerful Modern UI Toolkit Core Features

Android development has experienced tremendous evolution over the years. Among the most significant changes has been the shift in how developers build user interfaces (UIs). Traditionally, Android developers relied on XML-based layouts for UI creation. While this method served its purpose, it came with several limitations and inefficiencies. Enter Jetpack Compose, a revolutionary UI toolkit that eliminates many of the challenges developers faced with traditional Android UI frameworks.

In this blog, we will explore the drawbacks of traditional Android UI toolkits and how Jetpack Compose addresses these issues with its powerful, modern core features. By the end of this post, you’ll understand why Jetpack Compose is a game-changer for Android UI development and how it can streamline your development process.

Traditional Android UI Toolkit: Drawbacks and Limitations

Before we dive into the core features of Jetpack Compose, let’s first take a look at the challenges that Android developers have faced with traditional UI toolkits.

1. Complex XML Layouts

In traditional Android development, UI elements are defined in XML files, which are then “inflated” into the activity or fragment. This approach introduces several complexities:

  • Verbose Code: XML layouts tend to be verbose, requiring extensive boilerplate code to define simple UI elements.
  • Separation of UI and Logic: With XML layouts, UI components are separated from the logic that controls them. This makes it harder to manage and maintain the app’s UI, especially as the app grows.
  • Difficulty in Dynamic Changes: Updating UI components dynamically (e.g., changing a button’s text or visibility) requires cumbersome logic and manual updates to the views, leading to more maintenance overhead.

2. View Binding and FindViewById

Before the introduction of View Binding and Kotlin Extensions, Android developers used the findViewById() method to reference views from XML layouts in their activities. This approach has several drawbacks:

  • Null Safety: Using findViewById() can result in null pointer exceptions if a view doesn’t exist in the layout, leading to potential crashes.
  • Repetitive Code: Developers have to call findViewById() for each UI element they want to reference, resulting in repetitive and error-prone code.
  • Complexity in Managing State: Managing UI state and dynamically updating views based on that state required a lot of boilerplate code and manual intervention.

3. Hard to Maintain Complex UIs

As apps grow in complexity, managing and maintaining the UI becomes more difficult. Developers often need to manage multiple layout files and ensure that changes to one layout do not break others. This becomes especially challenging when dealing with screen sizes, orientations, and platform variations.

4. Limited Flexibility in Layouts

XML layouts are not particularly flexible when it comes to defining complex layouts with intricate customizations. This often requires developers to write custom views or use third-party libraries, adding extra complexity to the project.

The Rise of Jetpack Compose: Modern UI Toolkit

Jetpack Compose is a declarative UI toolkit that allows Android developers to create UIs using Kotlin programming language. Unlike traditional XML-based layouts, Jetpack Compose defines the UI within Kotlin code, making it easier to work with and more dynamic. By leveraging Kotlin’s power, Jetpack Compose provides a more modern, flexible, and efficient way to develop Android UIs.

Now, let’s take a deep dive into how Jetpack Compose overcomes the drawbacks of traditional Android UI toolkits and why it’s quickly becoming the go-to choice for Android development.

1. Declarative UI: Simplicity and Flexibility

One of the key principles behind Jetpack Compose is the declarative approach to UI development. In traditional Android development, you would have to describe the layout of UI elements and the logic separately (in XML and Java/Kotlin code). In Jetpack Compose, everything is done inside the Kotlin code, making it much simpler and more cohesive.

With Jetpack Compose, you describe the UI’s appearance by defining composable functions, which are functions that define how UI elements should look based on the app’s current state. Here’s a simple example of a button in Jetpack Compose:

fun GreetingButton(onClick: () -> Unit) {
    Button(onClick = onClick) {
        Text("Click Me!")

The declarative nature allows for UI elements to be modified easily by changing the state, reducing the complexity of managing UI components manually.

2. No More findViewById or View Binding

One of the pain points of traditional Android UI development was the need to reference views using findViewById() or even use View Binding. These approaches added complexity and could result in null pointer exceptions or repetitive code.

With Jetpack Compose, there is no need for findViewById() because all UI elements are created directly in Kotlin code. Instead of manually referencing views, you define UI components using composables. Additionally, since Jetpack Compose uses state management, the UI automatically updates when the state changes, so there’s no need for manual intervention.

3. Less Boilerplate Code

Jetpack Compose significantly reduces the need for boilerplate code. In traditional XML-based development, a UI element like a button might require multiple lines of code across different files. In contrast, Jetpack Compose reduces it to just a few lines of Kotlin code, which leads to cleaner and more maintainable code.

For instance, creating a TextField in Jetpack Compose is extremely simple:

fun SimpleTextField() {
    var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
    TextField(value = text, onValueChange = { text = it })

As you can see, there’s no need for complex listeners or setters—everything is managed directly within the composable function.

4. Powerful State Management

State management is an essential aspect of building dynamic UIs. In traditional Android UI toolkits, managing state across different views could be cumbersome. Developers had to rely on LiveData, ViewModels, or other complex state management tools to handle UI updates.

Jetpack Compose, however, handles state seamlessly. It allows developers to use state in a much more intuitive way, with mutableStateOf and remember helping to store and manage state directly within composables. When the state changes, the UI automatically recomposes to reflect the new state, saving developers from having to manually refresh views.

fun Counter() {
    var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
    Button(onClick = { count++ }) {
        Text("Count: $count")

This simple, dynamic approach to state management is one of the core reasons why Jetpack Compose is considered a powerful modern toolkit.

5. Customizable and Reusable Components

Jetpack Compose encourages the creation of reusable UI components. Composables can be easily customized and combined to create complex UIs without sacrificing maintainability. In traditional Android development, developers often need to write custom views or use third-party libraries to achieve flexibility in their layouts.

In Jetpack Compose, developers can create custom UI components effortlessly by combining smaller composables and applying modifiers to adjust their behavior and appearance. For example:

fun CustomCard(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    Card(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp), elevation = 8.dp) {

This flexibility allows for more scalable and maintainable UI code, which is particularly beneficial as the app grows.

Jetpack Compose vs. Traditional UI: The Key Differences

Core Features of Jetpack Compose

  1. Declarative UI: Build UIs by defining composables, leading to a cleaner and more intuitive way of designing apps.
  2. State Management: Automatic UI recomposition based on state changes, reducing manual updates.
  3. Reusable Components: Easy to create modular, reusable, and customizable UI elements.
  4. Kotlin Integration: Leverages Kotlin’s features for more concise, readable, and maintainable code.
  5. No XML: Eliminates the need for XML layouts, improving development speed and reducing errors.


Jetpack Compose is not just another Android UI toolkit; it is a game-changing approach to UI development. It addresses the drawbacks of traditional Android UI toolkits by providing a declarative, flexible, and efficient way to build user interfaces. By eliminating the need for XML layouts, simplifying state management, and promoting reusability, Jetpack Compose empowers developers to create modern Android UIs faster and with less complexity.

As Android development continues to evolve, Jetpack Compose is poised to be the future of UI design, and adopting it now can help streamline your development process and lead to better, more maintainable apps.

Jetpack Compose

Why Jetpack Compose Doesn’t Rely on Annotation Processing (And How It Achieves Its Magic)

If you’ve dived into Jetpack Compose for Android development, you’ve probably noticed something curious: composable functions are marked with @Composable, but Compose doesn’t seem to use traditional annotation processing like some other libraries. So, what’s going on under the hood?

In this post, we’ll explore why Jetpack Compose avoids annotation processing and how it leverages a compiler plugin instead to make your UI declarative, efficient, and easy to work with.

Let’s unravel the magic!

The Annotation Processing Era

In “classic” Android development, many libraries rely on annotation processing (APT) to generate code at compile time. Think of libraries like Dagger, Room, or ButterKnife. These libraries scan your code for annotations (e.g., @Inject, @Database, or @BindView) and generate the necessary boilerplate code to make everything work.

How Annotation Processing Works

  1. You add annotations to your code (e.g., @Inject).
  2. During compilation, annotation processors scan your code.
  3. The processor generates new source files (like Dagger components).
  4. The compiler processes these new files to produce the final APK.

This approach has worked well for years, but it has some downsides:

  • Slow Build Times: Annotation processing can significantly increase compile times.
  • Complex Boilerplate: You often end up with lots of generated code.
  • Limited Capabilities: Annotation processing can’t deeply modify or transform existing code—it can only generate new code.

Jetpack Compose: A New Paradigm

Jetpack Compose introduces a declarative UI paradigm where the UI is described as a function of state. Instead of imperative code (“do this, then that”), you write composable functions that declare what the UI should look like based on the current state.

fun Greeting(name: String) {
    Text("Hello, $name!")

Notice the @Composable annotation? This tells the Compose system that Greeting is a composable function. But here’s the twist: this annotation isn’t processed by traditional annotation processing tools like KAPT.

Why Jetpack Compose Avoids Annotation Processing

Why Jetpack Compose Avoids Annotation Processing


Annotation processing can slow down your build because it requires scanning the code and generating additional files. In large projects, this can become a bottleneck.

Jetpack Compose uses a Kotlin (compose) compiler plugin that hooks directly into the compilation process. This approach is:

  • Faster: Reduces the need for extra steps in the build process.
  • Incremental: Supports incremental compilation, speeding up development.

Powerful Transformations

Compose needs to do some heavy lifting behind the scenes:

  • Track state changes for recomposition.
  • Optimize UI updates to avoid unnecessary redraws.
  • Inline functions and manage lambda expressions efficiently.

Traditional annotation processors can only generate new code; they can’t deeply transform or optimize existing code. The Compose compiler plugin can!

Simplified Developer Experience

With annotation processing, you often need to:

  • Manage generated code.
  • Understand how annotations work internally.
  • Handle build errors caused by annotation processing.

Compose’s compiler plugin takes care of the magic behind the scenes. You just write @Composable functions, and the compiler handles the rest. No boilerplate, no fuss.

How the Compose Compiler Plugin Works

Instead of generating new files like annotation processors, the Compose compiler plugin works directly with the Kotlin compiler to:

  • Analyze composable functions marked with @Composable.
  • Transform the code to enable state tracking and recomposition.
  • Optimize performance by skipping UI updates when the underlying state hasn’t changed.

When you write.

fun Greeting(name: String) {
    Text("Hello, $name!")

The compiler plugin processes this code and adds logic to efficiently handle changes to name. If name doesn’t change, Compose skips recomposing the Text element. The system ensures that only the necessary UI components are updated, making the UI more responsive.

You get all these optimizations without managing any generated code yourself!

Benefits of This Approach

  1. Faster Builds: No extra annotation processing steps are required.
  2. Less Boilerplate: You don’t need to manage or worry about generated code.
  3. Cleaner Code: Focus on your UI, not on complex annotations.
  4. Powerful Optimizations: The compiler plugin does much more than traditional annotation processing—optimizing performance, tracking state changes, and managing recomposition.


Jetpack Compose’s use of a compiler plugin instead of traditional annotation processing is a key reason it’s so powerful. It embraces modern development practices, focusing on performance, simplicity, and developer experience.

So, the next time you write a @Composable function, remember: there’s no annotation processing magic happening. Instead, a smart compiler plugin is making our life easier, transforming your UI into an efficient, declarative representation of state.

happy UI composing..!


Why You Can’t Use @Composable as a Type Parameter Constraint in Jetpack Compose (Yet)

Jetpack Compose has transformed Android UI development with its declarative approach, making UI code more intuitive, easier to maintain, and highly customizable. However, developers occasionally encounter limitations that may seem puzzling, especially when working with composable functions and generics.

One such limitation is the inability to use @Composable as a constraint on a generic type parameter. Despite AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER being part of the @Composable annotation’s definition, the Compose compiler does not support this in practice. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into why this limitation exists, the underlying reasons behind it, and the practical alternatives you can use.

Let’s explore the topic step by step.

Understanding the Problem

Suppose you want to create a generic function that accepts composable lambdas. A naive approach might be to declare a generic type parameter constrained by @Composable, like this:

fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction() {
    // Do something with the composable lambda

At first glance, this seems like a reasonable way to ensure that T is a composable lambda type. However, if you try to compile this code, you’ll get an error:

Error: @Composable functions cannot be used as type constraints or at runtime you will get java.lang.ClassCastException: androidx.compose.runtime.internal.ComposableLambdaImpl cannot be cast to kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0

This limitation can be confusing because @Composable is defined with AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER, suggesting it should theoretically be applicable to type parameters. To understand what’s going on, we need to dig into how the Compose compiler works.

The Compose Compiler’s Role

What Makes @Composable Special?

The @Composable annotation is not a regular annotation. When you mark a function with @Composable, you’re telling the Compose compiler to treat that function differently. The compiler generates additional code to manage state, recomposition, and side effects. This code generation is what enables the declarative, reactive nature of Jetpack Compose.

Why Generics Are Problematic for @Composable

The Compose compiler relies on a strict understanding of composable functions to insert the necessary code for recomposition. When you use generics, the exact type isn’t known at compile time, which makes it difficult for the compiler to handle the composable lambda correctly.

For example, in a function like this:

fun <T> someFunction(content: T) {

The compiler doesn’t know whether content is a composable lambda or a regular function. Adding @Composable to the constraint, like T : @Composable () -> Unit, might seem like a solution, but the Compose compiler’s code generation process doesn’t support this ambiguity. It needs concrete, non-generic knowledge of composable functions to function properly.

AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER and Its Theoretical Use

In the @Composable annotation’s definition, you’ll find:

@Target(AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER)  //others skipped here 
annotation class Composable

The presence of AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER suggests that the creators of Compose anticipated the possibility of using @Composable with generic type parameters in the future. However, this is not yet supported due to the complexities involved in the Compose compiler’s processing of composable functions.

Practical Workaround: Direct Function Parameters

Since generics with @Composable constraints aren’t supported, the recommended workaround is to pass composable lambdas directly as function parameters.

Instead of this (which doesn’t work):

fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction(content: T) {

Use this approach:

fun someFunction(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {


fun MyComposable() {
    someFunction {
        Text("Hello, Compose!")

This works perfectly with the Compose compiler because there’s no ambiguity. The compiler knows exactly what content is and can generate the necessary code for recomposition.

This pattern is straightforward, easy to understand, and aligns with how composable functions are designed to work in Jetpack Compose.

Why Not Just Add Support for Generics?

You might wonder why the Compose team hasn’t added support for @Composable generics yet. The primary reasons include:

  1. Complexity of Code Generation: The Compose compiler performs sophisticated code generation for composable functions. Supporting generics would add complexity and ambiguity, making it harder for the compiler to generate correct code.
  2. Ambiguity in Type Resolution: Generics introduce uncertainty about the type at compile time. The compiler needs precise knowledge of composable functions to manage recomposition efficiently. Ambiguity would undermine this precision.
  3. Performance Considerations: Adding support for generic constraints might impact the performance of the compiler and runtime. Ensuring optimal performance is a priority for the Compose team.

Potential for Future Support

The fact that @Composable includes AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER hints that the Compose team might explore this feature in the future. However, as of now, the limitation remains.


  • Current Limitation: The Compose compiler does not support @Composable as a constraint on generic type parameters.
  • Reason: The compiler needs concrete knowledge of composable functions for code generation and recomposition, which generics don’t provide.
  • Workaround: Pass composable lambdas directly as function parameters, e.g., fun someFunction(content: @Composable () -> Unit).
  • Future Possibility: AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER in the @ Composable definition suggests potential future support, but it’s not available yet.

Jetpack Compose continues to evolve, and while some features aren’t currently supported, the framework’s flexibility and power make it a fantastic tool for Android UI development. By understanding these limitations and adopting practical workarounds, you can continue to write clean, effective composable code.

happy UI composing..!

Composable Functions

Conquer Composable Functions in Jetpack Compose: Stop Struggling with Android Modern UIs

When I first started exploring Jetpack Compose, I found it both fascinating and challenging. It was a whole new way of building UI, replacing XML layouts with a declarative approach. Today, I’m going to share my journey of understanding Composable Functions, the building blocks of Jetpack Compose. Together, we’ll demystify them, explore how they work, and write some Kotlin code to see them in action.

Let’s start by dissecting the anatomy of a composable function.

Anatomy of a Composable Function

Basically, in Jetpack Compose, the fundamental building block for creating a UI is called a composable function. Which is annoted with @Composable annotation, Let’s break down what it is and how it works.

First, if you see or find any @Composable annotation, right-click on it and select ‘Go To’ -> ‘Declarations & Usage,’ which will redirect you to the Composable.kt file.

There, you will find some commented documentation and code. We will focus on the code, but first, let’s analyze what the documentation says.

 * [Composable] functions are the fundamental building blocks of an application built with Compose.
 * [Composable] can be applied to a function or lambda to indicate that the function/lambda can be
 * used as part of a composition to describe a transformation from application data into a
 * tree or hierarchy.
 * Annotating a function or expression with [Composable] changes the type of that function or
 * expression. For example, [Composable] functions can only ever be called from within another
 * [Composable] function. A useful mental model for [Composable] functions is that an implicit
 * "composable context" is passed into a [Composable] function, and is done so implicitly when it
 * is called from within another [Composable] function. This "context" can be used to store
 * information from previous executions of the function that happened at the same logical point of
 * the tree.

It says the following about Composable Functions:

  • Composable Functions:
    Functions marked with @Composable are the core components of a Compose UI.
  • Transform Data to UI:
    These functions describe how data should be displayed in a UI hierarchy (tree of UI elements).
  • Implicit Context:
    When you call a composable function, it gets an implicit “composable context.” This context helps Compose keep track of previous function calls and updates efficiently during recompositions.
  • Restriction:
    @Composable functions can only be called from other @Composable functions. You can’t call them directly from non-composable functions.

Now, let’s see how @Composable is defined.

Annotation Declaration

annotation class Composable

Have you noticed that the @Composable annotation itself is defined by three other annotations? Let’s break this down further, and see them one by one.

  • @MustBeDocumented: This annotation indicates that the annotated element should be included in the generated documentation (e.g., when using KDoc to generate documentation).
  • @Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY): Specifies that the annotation is retained in the compiled bytecode (e.g., .class files) but is not available at runtime (not accessible via reflection).
  • @Target: It defines the types of elements to which the annotation can be applied. For example, the @Composable annotation can be applied to functions and properties, indicating that these are composable functions in Jetpack Compose. In short, it specifies where the @Composable annotation can be applied. 

It can be used on:

  • Functions (AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION):
@Composable fun MyComponent() { /*...*/ }


fun Greeting(name: String) {
    Text("Hello, $name!")
  • Types (AnnotationTarget.TYPE):
fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction() { /*...*/ }

// Example 

// A composable function that takes no parameters and returns Unit
fun Greeting(name: String) {
    // This is a composable that displays a greeting
    Text(text = "Hello, $name!")

// A generic function that takes a composable function as a parameter
fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction(composable: T) {
    // Here you can invoke the composable function

fun PreviewSomeFunction() {
    // Passing the Greeting composable function as a parameter to someFunction
    someFunction { Greeting("Compose") }
  • Property Getters (AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER):
val isEnabled: Boolean
  @Composable get() { return true }

//Another Example 

val greetingText: String
    @Composable get() = "Hello from a composable property!"

One remains. Why did I leave it for last? Because, theoretically, it exists, but practically, it hasn’t been implemented by the Compose team yet. Let’s see what it is in more detail.

  • Type Parameters (AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER):
fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction() { /*...*/ }

// Example 

// A composable function that takes no parameters and returns Unit
fun Greeting(name: String) {
    // This is a composable that displays a greeting
    Text(text = "Hello, $name!")

// A generic function that takes a composable function as a parameter
fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction(composable: T) {
    // Here you can invoke the composable function

fun PreviewSomeFunction() {
    // Passing the Greeting composable function as a parameter to someFunction
    someFunction { Greeting("Compose") }

While the annotation declares AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER as a valid target, the Compose compiler does not actually support constraining type parameters with @Composable functions. This can lead to issues such as a ClassCastException.

fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction(composable: T) {

What’s wrong? Why does this fail?

  • fun <T : @Composable () -> Unit> someFunction() is not supported by the Compose compiler. The @Composable annotation cannot be applied as a constraint to a type parameter in practice, even though AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER exists in the annotation’s definition.
  • Practical Workaround: Instead of using generics, define function parameters directly with @Composable () -> Unit.
// Instead of constraining a type parameter with @Composable, use a regular function parameter

fun someFunction(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {

The theoretical declaration of AnnotationTarget.TYPE_PARAMETER for @Composable might indicate future or planned support, but as of now, it’s not usable due to the unique nature of composable functions and how the Compose compiler handles them.

Composable Function Restrictions and Rules

Can Only Call From Other @Composable Functions

A @Composable function can only be called from within another @Composable function or a composable context. This is necessary because @Composable functions require the Compose runtime to manage their lifecycle, track state, and handle recompositions properly.

fun Greeting(name: String) {
    Text("Hello, $name!")

fun regularFunction() {
    // This will cause an error!
    Greeting("Jetpack Compose")

It will suggest adding @Composable to the regular function, with the message: ‘@Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function.’

Implicit Context

When a @Composable function is called, it operates within a composable context. This context allows the Compose runtime to:

  • Track changes to state.
  • Recompose parts of the UI efficiently when the state changes.
  • Manage the lifecycle of composable functions.

This context is automatically provided when you’re within a composable function, making it possible for the Compose framework to determine how and when to re-render parts of the UI.

After diving deep into the world of Composable functions and understanding how they build dynamic and flexible UI components in Jetpack Compose, you might be wondering—How do these Composables actually show up on our screen? 🤔 That’s where setContent() steps in. It’s like the front door to your Composable world, the place where everything begins. In the next part, let’s take a closer look at setContent() and see how it brings your UI to life.

What is setContent?

In traditional Android UI development (using XML layouts), you would typically call setContentView() inside your Activity to set the screen’s layout. With Jetpack Compose, things have changed!

setContent replaces setContentView when you want to define your UI using Compose.

From now on, if you use Jetpack Compose, use this:

// This is defined for illustration purposes. You can use any composition or composable functions inside setContent{...}.

setContent {

Instead of using the older setContentView method with XML layouts.

Basic Syntax Example

import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material3.Text
import android.os.Bundle

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            Text("Hello, Jetpack Compose!")

How Does setContent Work?

The setContent function is part of the ComponentActivity class. It allows you to set a Composable block as your UI content.

What Happens When You Call setContent?

  1. Initializes the Compose UI framework.
  2. Sets the content view with a root ComposeView that renders your composables.
  3. Observes recompositions to keep the UI up-to-date with state changes.

Essentially, setContent is the entry point for Jetpack Compose to build and display your UI.

Function Signature

Here’s the function definition again for reference:

fun ComponentActivity.setContent(
    parent: CompositionContext? = null,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit


Extension Function:
setContent() is an extension function for ComponentActivity, which means you can call it on any ComponentActivity or its subclasses like AppCompatActivity.

parent: CompositionContext? = null:

  • This optional parameter represents the parent composition context. In Jetpack Compose, a CompositionContext coordinates updates and re-compositions of composable functions.
  • Passing a parent helps coordinate the lifecycle of this composition with another, which is useful for nested composable hierarchies.

content: @Composable () -> Unit:

  • This parameter is a composable lambda function that defines the UI contents.
  • For Example,
setContent {
    Text("Hello Compose!")


I am going a little out of context, but it’s okay. I feel it’s important for our next discussion. Let’s think: what do you think might be inside the setContent() function body ({..})? 

fun ComponentActivity.setContent(){...}

Does Android still use the old View system at its core, or has it introduced something new? If Android has introduced a new system, how can we still support our old or legacy code written in XML?

The answer is simple: ComposeView. It acts as a bridge between Jetpack Compose and the traditional View system. This allows us to integrate Jetpack Compose with existing XML-based layouts and continue using our legacy code when needed.

Although Jetpack Compose offers a completely new way to build UIs, it does not use the old View system internally for rendering. Instead, Compose has its own rendering mechanism. However, thanks to ComposeView and interoperability APIs like AndroidView, Compose and the View system can seamlessly work together. This is why setContent() can host composables within an activity or fragment, enabling us to mix both approaches in a single app.

It’s just an additional insight. Now, let’s get back on track: inside setContent(), we’ll find a ComposeView. Let’s explore what’s inside it to better understand how it works.

public fun ComponentActivity.setContent(
    parent: CompositionContext? = null,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val existingComposeView = window.decorView
        .getChildAt(0) as? ComposeView

    if (existingComposeView != null) with(existingComposeView) {
    } else ComposeView(this).apply {
        // Set content and parent **before** setContentView
        // to have ComposeView create the composition on attach
        // Set the view tree owners before setting the content view so that the inflation process
        // and attach listeners will see them already present
        setContentView(this, DefaultActivityContentLayoutParams)

Let’s break down the body of the function:

val existingComposeView = window.decorView
    .getChildAt(0) as? ComposeView



  • The root view of the window where your activity’s content resides.


  • is the standard ID for the content view of an activity.
  • This line finds the view group that holds the content of the activity.

.getChildAt(0) as? ComposeView:

  • This retrieves the first child of the content view (assuming it’s a ComposeView).
  • The as? ComposeView safely casts the child to a ComposeView if it’s already present.

Next, there’s a check for whether the ComposeView already exists:

if (existingComposeView != null) with(existingComposeView) {

if (existingComposeView != null):

  • Checks if a ComposeView is already present as the first child of the content view.


  • If the ComposeView exists, this block configures it:
  • setParentCompositionContext(parent): Sets the parent composition context for coordinating composition updates.
  • setContent(content): Sets the new composable content to be displayed in the ComposeView.

This approach reuses the existing ComposeView if available, avoiding the need to create a new one.

If no existing ComposeView is found, a new one is created:

else ComposeView(this).apply {
    // Set content and parent **before** setContentView
    // to have ComposeView create the composition on attach
    // Set the view tree owners before setting the content view so that the inflation process
    // and attach listeners will see them already present
    setContentView(this, DefaultActivityContentLayoutParams)   // Note : here this is composeview as it is inside apply 


  • Creates a new ComposeView, passing the current ComponentActivity as the context.


  • Sets the parent composition context for coordinating updates.


  • Sets the composable lambda as the content of the ComposeView.


  • Ensures the ViewTreeLifecycleOwner and ViewTreeViewModelStoreOwner are set. These owners are necessary for handling the lifecycle and ViewModel integration properly.

setContentView(this, DefaultActivityContentLayoutParams):

  • Sets the newly created ComposeView as the root view of the activity, using default layout parameters.

In short,

Reusing Existing ComposeView:

If there’s already a ComposeView, the function updates its content directly, improving efficiency by avoiding creating a new view.

Creating New ComposeView:

If no ComposeView exists, a new one is created and set as the activity’s content view.

Composition Context:

The parent parameter helps maintain the composable hierarchy and ensures updates are properly synchronized.

Lifecycle Awareness:

setOwners() ensures that the ComposeView has the necessary lifecycle owners before it gets attached to the activity.

By the way, what exactly is ComposeView?

I already gave a little hint, but there’s still more to explore. So, let’s dive into the details.

ComposeView is a special View provided by Jetpack Compose that serves as a bridge between the traditional Android View system and the Compose framework. Essentially, it allows you to embed composable UI within a standard Android View hierarchy.

Best Practices for Using setContent

Keep setContent Clean and Simple:

  • The lambda inside setContent should primarily call composable functions. Avoid complex logic inside the lambda to keep your code clean and readable.

Use Themes and Styling:

  • Wrap your content in a theme (e.g., MaterialTheme) to ensure consistent styling across your app.

Separate Concerns:

  • Structure your composables into separate functions and files based on their functionality. This improves readability and maintainability.

State Management:

  • Use remember and mutableStateOf for local state management within composables. For shared state, consider using ViewModel and LiveData or StateFlow.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Blocking the UI Thread:

  • Avoid long-running tasks or complex calculations inside setContent. Perform such tasks in a background thread using CoroutineScope.

Deeply Nested Composables:

  • Keep composable functions small and focused to avoid deeply nested structures, which can affect performance and readability.

Ignoring State Changes:

  • Ensure state changes trigger recomposition by using mutableStateOf or other state management solutions.


As we wrap up, I hope you’ve gained a solid understanding of Composable Functions and how they simplify UI development. Jetpack Compose is a paradigm shift, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll realize its immense potential for creating beautiful, dynamic, and performant UIs.

Look, if you’re new to Jetpack Compose, start with simple composables and gradually explore more advanced concepts like state management, theming, and animations. 


Master ComposeView in Jetpack Compose: Effortlessly Integrate with XML-Based UI

Jetpack Compose has revolutionized Android UI development with its declarative approach. However, many existing projects still rely heavily on XML layouts and the traditional View system. This is where ComposeView comes into play, acting as a bridge between the classic View system and modern Jetpack Compose UI elements.

Let’s break down what ComposeView is, how it works, and where it’s useful.

What is ComposeView (CV)?

ComposeView is a special view provided by Jetpack Compose that allows you to embed Composable functions directly into your traditional XML-based layouts or existing ViewGroups. It essentially acts as a container for hosting Compose UI components within a legacy View system.

This is particularly useful when you are gradually migrating your legacy project to Jetpack Compose or when you want to introduce Compose into an existing application incrementally.

You can create a CV programmatically and add it to a traditional Android layout:

val composeView = ComposeView(context).apply {
    setContent {
        Text("Hello from Compose!")

// Adding to a parent ViewGroup


  • ComposeView(context) creates a new ComposeView.
  • setContent { ... } sets the composable lambda that defines the UI.
  • The ComposeView is added to a traditional LinearLayout.

Overview of ComposeView

The ComposeView class extends AbstractComposeView, making it a View that can host Jetpack Compose UI components.

  • Purpose: Allows seamless integration of Jetpack Compose content into existing Android View-based UI. It acts as a container for composable content in environments that primarily use Views (e.g., activities or fragments that aren’t fully migrated to Compose).
  • Key Functionality: Provides a method setContent to define the Compose UI content.


ComposeView does not directly extend android.view.View. Instead:

   └── android.view.ViewGroup
       └── androidx.compose.ui.platform.AbstractComposeView
           └── androidx.compose.ui.platform.ComposeView

ComposeView extends androidx.compose.ui.platform.AbstractComposeView, which in turn extends android.view.ViewGroup, and ultimately, ViewGroup extends android.view.View.

Here’s an actual code snippet:

class ComposeView @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
    defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {

    private val content = mutableStateOf<(@Composable () -> Unit)?>(null)

    protected override var shouldCreateCompositionOnAttachedToWindow: Boolean = false
        private set

    override fun Content() {

    override fun getAccessibilityClassName(): CharSequence {

     * Set the Jetpack Compose UI content for this view.
     * Initial composition will occur when the view becomes attached to a window or when
     * [createComposition] is called, whichever comes first.
    fun setContent(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
        shouldCreateCompositionOnAttachedToWindow = true
        this.content.value = content
        if (isAttachedToWindow) {

Constructor Breakdown

class ComposeView @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
    defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr)


context: Context

  • Required for initializing the view and accessing resources.

attrs: AttributeSet? (Optional)

  • XML attributes passed when declaring CV in XML layouts.

defStyleAttr: Int (Optional)

  • Default style attribute applied to the view.

@JvmOverloads: Allows the constructor to be called with varying numbers of parameters in Java.

Key Properties


private val content = mutableStateOf<(@Composable () -> Unit)?>(null)
  • Type: A mutableStateOf holding a nullable composable function.
  • Purpose: Stores the Jetpack Compose UI content defined by the developer.
  • Why mutableStateOf: Ensures recomposition when the content changes.


protected override var shouldCreateCompositionOnAttachedToWindow: Boolean = false
    private set
  • Type: Boolean (default: false)
  • Purpose: Controls whether the composition should be created when the view is attached to a window.
  • Visibility: protected – Accessible to subclasses.
  • Setter Restriction: private set – Only this class can modify it.

When is it set to true?

  • In the setContent method when new Compose content is set.

Composable Content Rendering


override fun Content() {

Purpose: Defines what UI will be rendered in this view.

How does it work?

  • Retrieves the current value of content (a composable function).
  • Invokes the composable function if it’s not null.

Why @Composable: This function provides a composable scope for rendering UI.

Accessibility Support


override fun getAccessibilityClassName(): CharSequence {

Purpose: Provides the class name to Android’s accessibility services.

Why it matters: Ensures that the view is properly identified by screen readers and accessibility tools.

Setting Compose Content

setContent Method

fun setContent(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    shouldCreateCompositionOnAttachedToWindow = true
    this.content.value = content
    if (isAttachedToWindow) {

Set the shouldCreateCompositionOnAttachedToWindow flag to true:

  • Signals that the composition should be created when the view is attached.

Update content with the new composable function:

  • Stores the provided Jetpack Compose content in the mutableStateOf property.

Check if the view is already attached to the window:

  • If yes, immediately create the composition using createComposition().
  • If no, the composition will be created automatically when the view gets attached to the window.

Lifecycle Management

Composition Disposal

  • The composition is disposed of based on the ViewCompositionStrategy.Default strategy.
  • Developers can explicitly dispose of the composition using disposeComposition() when needed.

Important Note

  • If the view is never reattached to the window, developers must manually call disposeComposition() to ensure proper resource cleanup and prevent potential memory leaks.

How to Use IT

XML Declaration


Kotlin Integration

val composeView: ComposeView = findViewById(
composeView.setContent {
    Text(text = "Hello from ComposeView!")

What Happens Internally?

  1. setContent sets the content composable.
  2. If the view is attached, createComposition() is called.
  3. The content renders dynamically.

Managing Lifecycle and Composition

ComposeView disposes of its composition according to ViewCompositionStrategy.Default.

Use disposeComposition() explicitly if:

  • The view won’t attach to a window.
  • You want to clean up resources early.

Best Practices

  • Use CV for incremental adoption of Jetpack Compose.
  • Prefer setContent for dynamic UI updates.
  • Dispose of compositions explicitly when necessary.
  • Keep Compose logic lightweight inside CV for better performance.


ComposeView is an essential tool for Android developers navigating the transition from XML-based layouts to Jetpack Compose. It provides a smooth path for gradual migration, ensuring that you can leverage Compose’s modern UI paradigms without overhauling your existing codebase.

By understanding its lifecycle, properties, and proper usage, you can unlock the full potential of ComposeView in your projects.

happy UI composing..!

error: Content is protected !!