Amol Pawar

Destructuring in Kotlin

Mastering the Dynamic Efficiency of Destructuring in Kotlin: 5 Proven Ways to Boost Code Readability and Productivity

Destructuring in Kotlin

Destructuring in Kotlin is a feature that allows developers to extract values from complex data structures into separate variables. This makes it easier to access individual components of the data, making code more readable and easier to maintain. Destructuring allows developers to efficiently extract values from complex data structures like arrays, lists, maps, and even custom objects. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at destructuring in Kotlin, exploring its syntax, benefits, and examples of its use.

Syntax of Destructuring in Kotlin

Destructuring in Kotlin is done using a special syntax. To destructure an object, you use the val or var keyword, followed by the names of the variables you want to extract, surrounded by parentheses, and then the object to be destructured. For example:

val (name, age) = User("amol pawar", 22)

In the above example, the User object is destructured and the values of the name and age properties are extracted into separate variables with the same names.


There are several benefits to using destructuring in Kotlin:

  • Code readability: By breaking down complex data structures into separate variables, code becomes easier to read and understand. This can make a big difference when working on large projects with multiple developers.
  • Simplifies access to data: Destructuring makes it easier to access individual components of complex data structures, as you no longer need to access them through the object. This can result in less repetitive code and fewer bugs.
  • Makes code more concise: Destructuring can help make your code more concise, as you don’t need to write as many lines of code to access the data you need.


Here are some examples of using destructuring in Kotlin:

Destructuring data classes

One common use case for destructuring is with data classes. A data class is a class that is designed to hold data, and it’s often used to store information like user data, payment information, and more. Here’s an example of destructuring a data class in Kotlin:

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun main() {
    val user = User("amol pawar", 22)
    val (name, age) = user
    println("Name: $name, Age: $age")

In this example, the User data class has two properties name and age. When the User object is destructured, the values of name and age are extracted into separate variables with the same names. The resulting output is: Name: amol pawar, Age: 22

Destructuring maps

Another common use case for destructuring is with maps. A map is a collection of key-value pairs, and destructuring makes it easier to access individual elements of the map. Here’s an example of destructuring a map in Kotlin:

fun main() {
    val map = mapOf("Key1" to 1, "Key2" to 2, "Key3" to 3)
    for ((key, value) in map) {
        println("Key: $key, Value: $value")

In this example, the values from the map are destructured in a loop and the key and value are extracted into separate variables for each iteration. The resulting output is:

Key: Key1, Value: 1
Key: Key2, Value: 2
Key: Key3, Value: 3


Destructuring in Kotlin is a powerful feature that enhances the readability and expressiveness of code. It simplifies the extraction of values from data structures, making code more concise and natural. Whether working with standard collections or custom objects, destructuring declarations provide a clean and efficient way to handle complex data in Kotlin.

By leveraging destructuring, Kotlin developers can write more elegant and maintainable code, ultimately contributing to a more enjoyable and productive development experience. As you continue to explore Kotlin, consider integrating destructuring into your coding arsenal for cleaner and more expressive solutions.

get context in jetpack compose

Unleashing the Dominance of Get Context in Jetpack Compose for Empowered UI Development

Jetpack Compose, the modern Android UI toolkit, has revolutionized the way developers build user interfaces for Android applications. One of the powerful features that Compose provides is the getApplicationContext function, commonly referred to as “Get Context.” In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of Get Context in Jetpack Compose and explore how it can be harnessed to enhance the development experience.

Understanding Get Context

In Android development, the application context serves as a global context for an application. It allows components to access resources, services, and other application-related information. In Jetpack Compose, the getApplicationContext function provides a straightforward way to obtain the application context within the Composable functions.

Usage of Get Context

In Android Jetpack Compose, you can get the context by using LocalContext, but it should be called from the composable function only or within its scope.

val context = LocalContext.current

Let’s see one example to clarify the things

fun ToastDisplay(name: String) {
    val ctx = LocalContext.current
            .fillMaxWidth(), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
    ) {
        Text(text = "Hello $name", color = Color.Red,
            modifier = Modifier
                .clickable {
                        .makeText(ctx, "Welcome to the Compose World", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

In the above code snippet, we are retrieving the context and showing a toast message inside the composable.

But if we use the LocalContext.current directly inside the clickable function results in the compilation error “@composable invocations can only happen from the context of an @composable function”.

Since the LocalContext.current is composable, you can’t invoke it within the non-composable function. i.e. clickable function is not a composable function and so can’t accept other composable functions.

Alternatively, you can get the context outside the clickable function scope and use it, as shown in the above code snippet.

Common Use Cases

Accessing Resources:

val stringResource = stringResource(id = R.string.app_name)

This example demonstrates how to use the context to access string resources defined in the res/values/strings.xml file.

Retrieving System Services:

val connectivityManager = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager?

Here, we use the context to retrieve the ConnectivityManager system service, enabling us to check the device’s network connectivity.

Launching Activities:


Get Context allows Compose developers to initiate activities, facilitating navigation within the application.

Using SharedPreferences:

val sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
val storedValue = sharedPreferences.getString("key", "default")

Accessing shared preferences becomes seamless with Get Context, allowing for the retrieval of user-specific data.

Benefits of Get Context in Jetpack Compose

  1. Simplified Resource Access: Get Context streamlines the process of accessing resources, reducing boilerplate code and making the development workflow more efficient.
  2. Improved Code Organization: By obtaining the application context directly within Composable functions, the code becomes more organized and cohesive. Developers can access necessary resources without passing them through function parameters.
  3. Integration with Android Ecosystem: Leveraging the application context through Get Context ensures seamless integration with the broader Android ecosystem, enabling Compose applications to interact with system services and components.


Get Context in Jetpack Compose plays a pivotal role in enhancing the development experience by providing a simple and effective way to access the application context within Composable functions. Whether you’re retrieving resources, interacting with system services, or launching activities, Get Context simplifies these tasks, making your code more concise and readable. As you continue exploring Jetpack Compose, consider leveraging Get Context to unlock its full potential and streamline your UI development process.


Git Revert Commit — Undo Last Commit

Git, the distributed version control system, is a powerful tool that allows developers to manage and track changes in their projects efficiently. Despite its robustness, developers sometimes find themselves needing to undo a commit, either due to a mistake, a change in requirements, or other reasons. Git provides several ways to revert changes, and one of the common methods is using the git revert command. In this blog post, we will explore how to use git revert to undo the last commit and understand its implications.

Let’s say we are working on your code in Git and something didn’t go as planned. So now we need to revert our last commit. How do we do it? Let’s find out!

There are two possible ways to undo your Git last commit

  1. revert Command — The revert command will create a commit that reverts the changes of the commit being targeted. means here git will create a new commit that contains reverted changes so that we will maintain commit history in the shared repository.
git revert <commit name to revert>

Example :

— -> commit 1 — → commit2 — → commit c1

git revert c1

— -> commit 1 — → commit2 — → commit3 — → commit reverting c1

2. reset Command — the reset command to undo your last commit. So be careful. it will change the commit history, it will move the HEAD of the working branch indicating commit and discard anything after.

we use the reset command with two options

a. The --soft option means that you will not lose the uncommitted changes you may have.

git reset --soft HEAD~1

b. If you want to reset to the last commit and also remove all unstaged changes, you can use the --hard option:

git reset --hard HEAD~1

This will undo the latest commit, but also any uncommitted changes.

When should we use reset or revert?

we should really only use reset if the commit being reset only exists locally. This command changes the commit history and it might overwrite the history that remote team members depend on.

revert instead creates a new commit that undoes the changes, so if the commit to revert has already been pushed to a shared repository, it is best to use revert as it doesn’t overwrite commit history.


Undoing the last commit using git revert is a safe and effective way to manage mistakes or changes in your Git project without altering the commit history. It promotes collaboration by preserving the commit history’s integrity and allows for seamless integration with subsequent changes. Understanding the implications of git revert empowers developers to make informed decisions when managing their version-controlled projects.

kotlin arrays

Exploring the Power of Kotlin Arrays: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of programming languages, arrays traditionally serve as containers for elements of the same data type. However, Kotlin, the versatile language developed by JetBrains, introduces a refreshing departure from this convention. In Kotlin, an array isn’t confined to homogenous data; instead, it becomes a dynamic repository capable of accommodating values of various data types within a single structure. This unique feature signifies that Kotlin arrays can seamlessly store integers, strings, characters, and more, all coexisting harmoniously within the same array. This flexibility not only sets Kotlin apart but also opens up a realm of possibilities for developers seeking a more expressive and adaptable approach to array management.

In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of Kotlin arrays, unraveling the capabilities that make them a powerful tool in the hands of programmers.

Kotlin Array Properties

  • Arrays are 0 index based
  • The size of array is fixed, we can not increase or decrease once declare
  • Arrays are mutable as array elements can be changed after declaration.

Kotlin array can be created using Array<T> class and using some Kotlin functions.

class Array<T> private constructor() {
    val size: Int
    operator fun get(index: Int): T
    operator fun set(index: Int, value: T): Unit

    operator fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
    // ...
  1. Create an Array using the Array class

The Kotlin array can be created using the constructor of the Array class. The constructor expects two parameters: first is size of the array and second is an init function. The init function is used to initialize the array:

var numbers = Array(3, init = {
    i -> i * 3

Here, an array of size 3 is created and initialized by elements using the formula index * 3. The array created will contain [0, 3, 6].

2. Create an Array using functions

The easiest way to create an array is using arrayOf() function. We can pass the array elements as the parameter while calling the arrayOf() function.

Let us create an array of integers:

val marks = arrayOf(10,9,3,4,5)

In the above code, we created an array of integers. As the size of an array is fixed, we cannot add elements to this later on. The size of this array will be fixed i.e. 5.

In the above example, the type of array is not mentioned. Hence, different types of elements can be added to this array:

val differentTypeArray = arrayOf(10,4,5,"Array string", 'c', 10.5f)

If we want to fix the type of the elements in an array, the type can be mentioned at the time of the creation of the array, like this:

val marks = arrayOf<Int>(10,4,5,8,9)

3. Primitive types Array

Kotlin also has classes that represent arrays of primitive types and their respective helper functions likeByteArray -> byteArrayOf(), ShortArray ->shortArrayOf(), IntArray -> intArrayOf(), and so on. using both we can create arrays in kotlin

val x: IntArray = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2)

// or

// Example of initializing the values in the array using a lambda
// Array of int of size 5 with values [0, 1, 2] (values initialized to their index value)
var arr = IntArray(3) { it * 1 }

Note →

The elements of an array can be accessed and modified using get() and set() functions. instead of this, we can also use [] to access array elements providing the index value within the square brackets.

fun main() {
    val marks = arrayOf<Int>(10,4,5,8,9)
    // update the value of the first element of the array

    // setting new value for second element of array
    marks[1] = 200

Traversing the Array using for loop and forEach()

fun main() {
    val marks = arrayOf<Int>(10,4,5,8,9)

    // traverse the array using for loop and print 
   for (i in marks)

   // Array elements can also be accessed using forEach() in Kotlin

    marks.forEach { i ->


Kotlin arrays offer a robust and flexible mechanism for working with collections of data. Whether you’re developing Android applications or backend services, understanding the intricacies of Kotlin arrays is essential for writing efficient and concise code. This guide has covered the basics, manipulation, and various array functions, empowering you to harness the full potential of Kotlin arrays in your projects.

Happy Coding : )

Minimum jumps Problem Statement

Mastering Minimum Jumps Array Traversal: Efficient Kotlin Code for Minimum Jumps to Reach Array’s End

kotlin Minimum jumps

Solving problems related to array traversal and manipulation is a common task in programming interviews and competitive coding. One such interesting problem is finding the minimum number of jumps required to reach the end of an array. In this blog post, we will explore the problem, understand the underlying concepts, and implement a solution in Kotlin.

Minimum jumps Problem Statement

Problem Statement → Given an array of N integers arr[] where each element represents the max length of the jump that can be made forward from that element. Find the minimum jumps (minimum number of jumps) to reach the end of the array (starting from the first element). If an element is 0, then you can not move through that element.


Let’s consider an example to understand the problem better.

val array = intArrayOf(2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 0, 1, 1)

The minimum number of jumps (minimum jumps) required to reach the end of the array is 4. We can take the following jumps: 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 1 -> 1.

Note: Return -1 if you can’t reach the end of the array.


To solve this problem, we can use a greedy approach. We start at the first element and, at each step, choose the next element that maximizes the range of reachable indices. We keep track of the current range, the next range, and the number of jumps made so far.


  1. To solve this problem we need to first break down the problem and understand it carefully.
  2. Let’s assume we have a simple array → [3,4,5,2,3,1,4,2]
  3. So the value at array[0] = 3, which represents the maximum or at most 3 jumps we can make towards the end of the array. that means it could be either 1 or 2 or 3. Let’s take another example array[2] = 5, here also we can jump from index 2 towards the end of the array either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 maximum jumps.
  4. Now suppose any array element is 0 in that case, we can’t jump, so that jump path won’t be part of our optimal solution.
  5. By taking care of the above two conditions, simple logic we can think that we need to iterate from the start position to till second last position in the array, why because we know from the start to the maximum position we can jump to the end of the array is second last position of the array.
  6. Now the big question comes to mind how will know which jump is optimal
  7. if 0 elements come somewhere in the array, will that affect our entire jump path, so to know that we will add the array index to the array element, so that, if the 0 value comes somewhere we know that our maximum jump will remain as it is, and we will skip that jump path and this is the basic logic of this problem, we need to add index and value at index in the array and then compare maximum jump reach.
  8. So to solve this problem we required three variables and initially, all are zero

maxReach it will help us to keep track of the maximum reach index we can reach from every current index in the array.

currentit will help us to keep track of the current position that we are moving ahead toward the end of the array.

jumpsit is required to find the minumum jumps( minimum number of jumps) or optimal solution to this problem.

Let’s implement this approach in Kotlin:

fun main() {
    val array = arrayOf(2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 0, 1, 1)


fun findMinimumNumbersOfJumpsToEnd(array: Array<Int>): Int {

    var maxReach = 0
    var current = 0
    var jumps = 0

    for (i in 0 until array.size) {   //iterate till end of array

        maxReach = Math.max(maxReach, i + array[i])  // 1

        if (current >= array.size - 1) { // 2
        } else if (maxReach <= i) {   // 3
            return -1                 
        } else if (i == current) {    // 4
            current = maxReach

    return jumps
  1. Here is why we add “i + array[i]”, we are adding to know that at any point our array contains any 0 value, so in such case, our maxReach will remain that particular index.
  2. When our current reach to second last element of an array or beyond that, then we break the loop and return the final minimum jumps. we are handling this condition inside for loop that’s why we are not iterating for loop till the second last position in the array, otherwise, if we skip this one then, surely use array.size -1 in for loop.
  3. If maxReach is i means at i index definitely 0 value presents or if below i means maxReach is behind the i, in such case, we can’t reach the end, so return -1.
  4. Suppose we reached the current position (which is previously updated as maxReach) then, definitely, we found out the next maxReach index value, so now, here inside that block, we update that one, also as we are only interested in the maximum reach index among all possible jumps, that, we already found and updated in current, so we increment jumps by 1.


In this blog post, we explored the problem of finding the minimum jumps (minimum number of jumps) required to reach the end of an array. We implemented a solution in Kotlin using a greedy approach. This problem not only tests our algorithmic skills but also helps us understand how to efficiently traverse an array to minimize the number of steps taken.

Dry Run and Happy Coding 🙂

space complexity in kotlin

Optimizing Memory Usage: A Deep Dive into Space Complexity in Kotlin for Efficient Algorithm Implementation

Space Complexity

Note → Time and space complexity are high-level measures of scalability. They don’t measure the actual speed of the algorithm itself.

Space Complexity

The time complexity of an algorithm isn’t the only performance metric against which algorithms are ranked. Another important metric is its space complexity, which is a measure of the amount of memory it uses.

So basically, It is made up of Auxiliary space (extra or temporary space) and Input space (all possible inputs).

fun printSorted(numbers: List<Int>) {
    val sorted = numbers.sorted()
    for (element in sorted) {

Since numbers.sorted() produces a new list with the same size of numbers, the space complexity of printSorted is O(n)

While the above function is simple and elegant, there may be some situations in which you want to allocate as little memory as possible. You could rewrite the above function like this:

fun printSorted(numbers: List<Int>) {
    if (numbers.isEmpty()) return
    var currentCount = 0
    var minValue = Int.MIN_VALUE
    for (value in numbers) {
        if (value == minValue) {
            currentCount += 1
    while (currentCount < numbers.size) {
        var currentValue = numbers.max()!!
        for (value in numbers) {
            if (value < currentValue && value > minValue) {
                currentValue = value
        for (value in numbers) {
            if (value == currentValue) {
                currentCount += 1
        minValue = currentValue

The above algorithm only allocates memory for a few variables. Since the amount of memory allocated is constant and does not depend on the size of the list, the space complexity is O(1).

Tradeoff → This is in contrast with the previous function, which allocates an entire list to create the sorted representation of the source array. The tradeoff here is that you sacrifice time and code readability to use as little memory as possible. This is common in a problem since a problem cannot have both low computing time and low memory consumption. you either use more memory and solve the problem more quickly or use more time to solve the problem but with limited memory.

Note → The best algorithm/program should have the minimum space complexity. The lesser space used, the faster it executes.

time complexity in kotlin

Decoding Time Complexity: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Implementing Efficient Algorithms in Kotlin

Time Complexity in Kotlin

Note → Time and space complexity are high-level measures of scalability. They don’t measure the actual speed of the algorithm itself.

Time complexity in Kotlin

Time complexity is a measure of the time required to run an algorithm as the input size increases and we use Big O notation to represent it. Let’s go through the most common time complexities and learn how to identify them.

Constant Time: As input data increases, the amount of time the algorithm takes does not change.

fun checkFirst(names: List<String>) {
    if (names.firstOrNull() != null) {
    } else {
        println("no names")

The size of names does not affect the running time of this function. Whether names has 10 items or 10 million items, this function only checks the first element of the list.

The Big O notation for constant time is O(1)

Linear Time: As the amount of data increases, the running time increases by the same amount.

fun printNames(names: List<String>) {
    for (name in names) {

This function prints all the names in a String list. As the input list increases in size, the number of iterations is increased by the same amount.

The Big O notation for linear time is O(n).

Note → All constants are dropped in the final Big O notation, In other words, O(2n + 6) is surprisingly equal to O(n).

Quadratic Time: This time complexity refers to an algorithm that takes time proportional to the square of the input size. most commonly referred to as n squared. As the size of the input data increases, the amount of time it takes for the algorithm to run increases drastically. Thus, n-squared algorithms don’t perform well at scale.

fun multiplicationBoard(size: Int) {
    for (number in 1..size) {
        print(" | ")
        for (otherNumber in 1..size) {
            print("$number x $otherNumber = ${number * otherNumber} | ")

If the input is 10, it’ll print the full multiplication board of 10 × 10. That’s 100 print statements. If you increase the input size by one, it’ll print the product of 11 numbers with 11 numbers, resulting in 121 print statements.

The Big O notation for quadratic time is O(n²)

Note: No matter how inefficiently a linear time O(n) algorithm is written, for a sufficiently large n, the linear time algorithm will always execute faster than a super-optimized quadratic algorithm.

Logarithmic Time: An algorithm that can repeatedly drop half of the required comparisons will have logarithmic time complexity. As input data increases, the time it takes to execute the algorithm increases at a slower rate.

fun pseudoBinaryContains(value: Int, numbers: List<Int>): Boolean {
    if (numbers.isEmpty()) return false
    val middleIndex = numbers.size / 2
    if (value <= numbers[middleIndex]) {
        for (index in 0..middleIndex) {
            if (numbers[index] == value) {
                return true
    } else {
        for (index in middleIndex until numbers.size) {
            if (numbers[index] == value) {
                return true
    return false

When you have an input size of 100, halving the comparisons means you save 50 comparisons. If the input size was 10,000, halving the comparisons means you save 5,000 comparisons.

The Big O notation for logarithmic time complexity is O(log n).


Is it log base 2, log base 10, or the natural log?

In the above example, log base 2 applies. However, since Big O notation only concerns itself with the shape of the performance, the actual base doesn’t matter. The more input data you can drop after each pass, the faster the algorithm will be.

Quasilinear Time: Another common time complexity you’ll encounter is quasilinear time. Algorithms in this category perform worse than linear time but dramatically better than quadratic time. An example of a quasilinear time algorithm is Kotlin’s sort method.

The Big-O notation for quasilinear time complexity is O(n log n) which is a multiplication of linear and logarithmic time.

Note → For small data sets, the time complexity is usually irrelevant. A quasilinear algorithm can be slower than a linear algorithm.

Other Time Complexities: Other time complexities do exist as well, these time complexities include polynomial time, exponential time, factorial time, and more.

  • Polynomial — O(n²), O(n³), etc
  • Exponential — O(2ⁿ)
  • Factorial — O(n!)

Simplifying Android In-App Billing with Google-IAP Library (Play Billing Library Version 5.0.0)

Google-IAP Library
Android In-App Billing / Google-IAP Library

In the dynamic realm of Android app development, the process of implementing In-App Billing can be both challenging and time-consuming. To ease the burden on budding Android developers, today I am excited to share an easy-to-implement solution: the Google-IAP library, specifically tailored for In-App Billing. This library not only streamlines the implementation process but also minimizes the code required for handling in-app purchases.

Overview of Android In-App Billing / Google-IAP Library

The Google-IAP library is designed to simplify the integration of In-App Billing into Android applications. It stands out for its minimalist approach, offering developers a quick and efficient solution for testing and fast-paced development. With minimal lines of code, the library enables seamless in-app purchase handling, making it an ideal choice for novice Android developers.

Advantages of Google-IAP Library

  1. Minimal Code: One of the standout features of the Google-IAP library is its minimalistic approach to code. Developers can achieve in-app billing functionality with just a few lines of code, reducing the complexity and making the integration process more accessible for beginners.
  2. Fast Development: Time is of the essence in the world of app development, and the Google-IAP library acknowledges this reality. By providing a straightforward and efficient solution, it enables developers to implement in-app purchases rapidly, accelerating the overall development process.
  3. Ease of Testing: The library comes with built-in features that facilitate testing. This is especially beneficial during the development phase, allowing developers to ensure that the in-app billing functionality works as expected without the need for extensive debugging.

The Importance of Understanding Google Play Billing Library

While the Google-IAP library offers a convenient solution for quick implementation, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of understanding and considering the official Google Play Billing Library. Google Play Billing Library is a Google product, ensuring continuous updates and support, and is the recommended tool for handling in-app purchases on the Android platform.

Recommendation for Developers

As a best practice, it is strongly recommended that developers first gain a thorough understanding of the Google Play Billing Library and attempt to use it in their projects. Google’s product comes with the assurance of ongoing updates and support, ensuring compatibility with the latest Android versions and addressing any potential issues.

Caution Regarding Third-Party Libraries: While third-party libraries like Google-IAP can offer quick solutions, there is always a level of uncertainty regarding future updates and support. Relying solely on third-party libraries may lead to complications if they are not actively maintained. To avoid potential consequences in the long run, it is advisable to prioritize the official Google Play Billing Library for in-app billing implementations.


In conclusion, the Google-IAP (Play Billing Library Version 5.0.0) emerges as a handy tool for Android developers, especially those looking for a quick and easy solution for in-app billing. However, it is imperative to balance expediency with long-term stability. Developers are encouraged to first understand and consider the Google Play Billing Library, harnessing the power of an official Google product for robust and future-proof in-app purchase implementations. By doing so, developers can strike a balance between speed and reliability in their Android app development journey.

Kotlin Interoperability

Mastering Kotlin Interoperability: Seamless Integration for Cross-Language Harmony

Kotlin Interoperability →

We can call the java function from kotlin and the kotlin function from java and can have JAVA and KOTLIN files within the same application.

How this is possible for that we need to understand the following thing?

Let’s see first How Java Code Runs?

  1. Compile Time[Handled by JDK that contains Compiler] → Java code converted into Byte Code code) — — Compiler — → MyDemo.class(ByteCode)

2. Runtime[handled by JVM] → JVM runs that byte code

MyDemo.class(ByteCode) — —JVM— — → code up and Program Running

Now let’s see How Kotlin Code Runs?

  1. At Compile Time → Kotlin code converted into Byte Code

MyDemo.kt(kotlin code) — — Kotlin Compiler— — -> MyDemoKt.class(Byte Code)

2. At Runtime → JVM Runs that byte code

MyDemoKt.class(Byte Code) — -JVM — -> code up and Program Running

What happens actually when we run any kotlin file?

Assume the file name is MyFirst.kt

fun add(a: Int): Boolean {

    // Method Body

After compilation what happens to the MyFirst.kt file?
It is converted into MyFirstKt.class

class MyFirstKt {
  public static Boolean add(int a) {
   // Method Body

that means kotlin code is just a wrapper for java code

Calling Kotlin function from Java file and vice-versa :

kotlin file name → MyFirst.kt

fun main(args : Array<String>)


fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int 
   return a + b

converted into a java wrapper class

* public class MyFirstKt
*   public static void main(String[] args){
*   }
*   public static int add(int a, int b) {
*        return a + b;
*   }

As we have now two methods main and add in the form of java code so we can call it from any other java class

Java file name →

public class MyJavaFile {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int sum = MyFirstKt.add(3, 4);
        System.out.println("Printing sum from Java file : " + sum);

    // we can call this method from the kotlin file
    public static int getArea(int l, int b) {
        return l * b;

call above getArea() from kotlin like below

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var area = MyJavaFile.getArea(10, 5)
    println("Printing area from kotlin file : " + area)

Output : Printing area from kotlin file : 50

Note — We can change our kotlin file name to our own customized file name using @file:JvmName(“customized file name”) and then using that name we can access methods (means it gives name to wrapper class which generated after compilation and then using that name we can access methods e.g @file:JvmName(“MyCustomKotlinFileName”) it will change kotlin file name to MyCustomKotlinFileName.

Default Function with Interoperability with @JvmOverloads:

What is Default Function?

We can pass an argument with a default value to a function such function is called a Default function. if we pass any other value than default then that value will be overridden with a new passing value.

fun findVolume(length: Int, breadth: Int, height: Int = 10): Int {

    return length * breadth * height

var result = findVolume(2, 3)

print(result) // 2*3*10 = 60

var result = findVolume(2, 3, 20) // Overrides the default value means 10 will become 20

print(result) // 2*3*20 = 120

Note → Java doesn’t support Default Functionso we can use @JvmOverloads for Interoperability( means if we defined default function with @JvmOverloads in kotlin then we can happily access that function in the java class because it will become compatible with such change)

For example

Kotlin Code:



package com.myKotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var result = findVolume(2, 3, 30)

// this annotation will just make this function compatible with java code
fun findVolume(length: Int, breadth: Int, height: Int = 10): Int {

    return length * breadth * height

Java Code


import com.myKotlin.MyCustomKotlinFileName

public class MyJavaFile {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int result1 = MyCustomKotlinFileName.findVolume(4, 7);

        int result2 = MyCustomKotlinFileName.findVolume(4, 7, 40);



280 // It will use a default value that is 10 then this result will come 
1120 // It will use an overridden value that is 40 then this result comes

In conclusion, Kotlin Interoperability stands as a powerful bridge in the realm of programming, enabling seamless collaboration between different languages. As we’ve explored the various strategies and best practices, it becomes evident that mastering this aspect is crucial for developers aiming to create versatile and efficient applications. The ability of Kotlin to communicate effortlessly with other languages opens up a world of possibilities, allowing for the integration of diverse technologies and enhancing the overall development experience. Embrace the potential of Kotlin Interoperability to elevate your coding skills and empower your projects with the flexibility and compatibility needed for success in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.

Happy Coding 🙂

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