Understanding enableEdgeToEdge() in Jetpack Compose: A Comprehensive Guide

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In modern Android development, user interface (UI) design has evolved to provide more immersive and visually engaging experiences. One of the ways this is achieved is through edge-to-edge UI, where the content extends to the edges of the screen, including areas that are typically reserved for system UI elements such as the status bar and navigation bar.

Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern UI toolkit, allows developers to easily implement edge-to-edge UI with the enableEdgeToEdge() function. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into what enableEdgeToEdge() is, how to use it effectively, and the implications it has for your app’s design.

What is enableEdgeToEdge()?

The function enableEdgeToEdge() is part of Jetpack Compose’s toolkit, enabling edge-to-edge UI. This concept refers to making your app’s content extend all the way to the edges of the device’s screen, eliminating any unnecessary padding around the system bars.

By default, Android provides some padding around the system bars (like the status bar at the top and the navigation bar at the bottom) to ensure that UI elements are not hidden behind them. However, in some apps (especially media-rich apps, games, or apps with a focus on visual appeal), this padding might be undesirable. That’s where enableEdgeToEdge() comes in.

Key Benefits of enableEdgeToEdge()

  1. Immersive Experience:
    • This approach is often used in media apps, games, or apps that want to provide a full-screen experience. For example, when watching a movie or playing a game, you want the content to take up every inch of the screen, without being obstructed by the status bar or navigation controls.
  2. Maximizing Screen Real Estate:
    • With phones becoming more sophisticated and offering more screen space, it’s essential to use every available pixel for displaying content. By removing the default padding around the system bars, you’re ensuring that users are using the maximum screen area possible.
  3. Polished and Modern UI:
    • Edge-to-edge design feels fresh and modern, particularly in a time when users expect sleek, minimalistic designs. It also allows your app to blend seamlessly with the rest of the system’s visual language.

How to Use enableEdgeToEdge()

In Jetpack Compose, enabling edge-to-edge UI is simple and straightforward. Here’s how to set it up in your app:

1. Basic Usage

You can enable edge-to-edge UI by calling the enableEdgeToEdge() function within your Compose UI hierarchy. This function is often used in the onCreate() method of your activity or in your MainActivity.

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.fillMaxSize
import androidx.compose.material3.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.foundation.background
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // Enable edge-to-edge UI

        setContent {

fun MyEdgeToEdgeApp() {
        topBar = {
            TopAppBar(title = { Text("Edge to Edge UI") })
    ) { paddingValues ->
        Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
                text = "This is a full-screen, edge-to-edge UI",
                modifier = Modifier

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun PreviewMyEdgeToEdgeApp() {

In this code:

  • The enableEdgeToEdge() function is called inside the onCreate() method, right before setting the content view.
  • Scaffold is used as a layout container, and the Box is set to fill the maximum available size of the screen.
  • The Text is then rendered with a background and takes up the full screen.

2. Handling System Bars (Status Bar, Navigation Bar)

Once you enable edge-to-edge, you may need to adjust the layout to ensure that UI components don’t get hidden under the status or navigation bar. Jetpack Compose gives you flexibility to manage this.

For instance, you may want to add padding to ensure your content isn’t obscured by the status bar or navigation bar. You can do this by using WindowInsets to account for the system UI:

import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.padding
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.systemBars
import androidx.compose.material3.Text
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier

fun EdgeToEdgeWithInsets() {
        modifier = Modifier
                top = WindowInsets.systemBars.top,
                bottom = WindowInsets.systemBars.bottom
    ) {
        Text("Content goes here!", modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp))


  • We use WindowInsets.systemBars to get the safe area insets for the system bars (status and navigation bars).
  • Padding is applied to ensure that content doesn’t overlap with the system bars.

Best Practices for Edge-to-Edge UI

While edge-to-edge UI is visually appealing, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a smooth user experience:

  1. Safe Area Insets:
    • Always account for safe areas (areas that are not overlapped by system bars) when positioning UI elements. This prevents important content from being obscured.
  2. Gesture Navigation:
    • Modern Android devices often use gesture-based navigation instead of traditional navigation buttons. Make sure to account for the bottom edge of the screen where gestures are detected.
  3. Status Bar and Navigation Bar Color:
    • When enabling edge-to-edge UI, consider customizing the color of your status bar and navigation bar to match your app’s design. Use SystemUiController in Jetpack Compose to change the status bar and navigation bar colors to blend seamlessly with the content.

import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import com.google.accompanist.systemuicontroller.rememberSystemUiController

fun CustomStatusBar() {
    val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()

Challenges to Consider

Overlapping Content:

  • In some cases, especially on devices with notches, curved edges, or unusual screen shapes, your content might end up being cut off. Always test on different devices to ensure the layout is not disrupted.


  • Some users may have accessibility features enabled, such as larger font sizes or screen magnifiers. Be mindful of how your layout behaves with these features.

Device-Specific UI:

  • Devices like foldables or those with punch-hole cameras require special handling to avoid content being hidden in the camera notch area. Make sure your app handles all edge cases.


enableEdgeToEdge() in Jetpack Compose offers a simple and effective way to create immersive, modern, and visually appealing Android UIs. By removing the default padding around system bars, you can leverage the full screen real estate and create seamless, full-screen experiences in your apps.

However, it’s important to test and adjust your app’s layout for different devices, screen sizes, and system configurations. When used correctly, edge-to-edge UI can elevate the user experience, making your app feel more polished and in line with current design trends.

happy UI composing..!

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