Master in Android WorkManager: Effortlessly Manage Background Tasks Like a Pro

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So, you’ve just sat down to build an Android app, and naturally, you want to execute some background tasks. Perhaps you’re thinking, ‘Should I use a Thread? Maybe AsyncTask? No, wait—that’s deprecated!’ Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. In the wild, vast world of Android development, managing background tasks is like trying to control a herd of cats—tricky, unpredictable, and occasionally chaotic. Fortunately, Google swoops in with a superhero named WorkManager, helping you schedule and execute tasks reliably, even when the app isn’t running. Think of it as your trusty sidekick for all background work.

In this blog, we’re going to dive deep into WorkManager, breaking down the concepts, exploring its features, discussing its usage, and providing detailed code explanations.

What is WorkManager?

Imagine you have a task that doesn’t need to happen right now, but you absolutely need to ensure it gets done eventually, even if the app is killed or the device restarts. Enter WorkManager, the reliable superhero of background processing.

In simple words, WorkManager is an API in Jetpack that allows you to schedule deferrable, guaranteed background tasks. Unlike a Thread or a Service, it ensures your tasks run even if the user quits the app, reboots the phone, or encounters unexpected interruptions. Whether you’re syncing data with a server, processing images, or sending logs, WorkManager can handle all that—and more—like a pro.

When Should We Use WorkManager?

Not all heroes wear capes, and not all background tasks need WorkManager. It’s ideal for tasks that:

  • Need guaranteed execution (even after the app is closed or the device reboots).
  • Should respect system health (low battery, Doze mode, etc.).
  • Require deferral or scheduling (to run at a certain time or periodically).

Consider using WorkManager when:

  • You need guaranteed execution (even after the app is closed or the device reboots).
  • The task doesn’t need to run instantly but should be completed eventually.
  • Tasks need to survive configuration changes, app shutdowns, or reboots.

Think: syncing data, uploading logs, periodic background tasks, etc.

When NOT to use WorkManager:

  • If your task is immediate and must run in real time, use Thread or Coroutines instead. WorkManager is more like your chilled-out buddy who’ll get the work done eventually—but on its terms.

Key Components of WorkManager

Before we dive into the code, let’s get to know the three main players:

  • WorkRequest: Defines the task you want to run. This is like giving WorkManager its to-do list.
  • Worker: The actual worker that does the background task. You create a class that extends Worker to define what you want to do in the background.
  • WorkManager: The manager that schedules and runs the tasks.

Setting Up WorkManager: Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty

Here’s how you can set up WorkManager in Android.

First, add the dependency to your build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {
    implementation "" // or the latest version

Step 1: Define the Worker

A Worker class does the actual task you want to perform. It runs on a background thread, so no need to worry about blocking the UI. Here’s a sample Worker that logs “Work is being done” to the console.

class MyWorker(appContext: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters):
        Worker(appContext, workerParams) {

    override fun doWork(): Result {
        // Do the task here (this runs in the background)
        Log.d("MyWorker", "Work is being done!")

        // Return success or failure based on the result of your task
        return Result.success()

Step 2: Create a WorkRequest

Next, you create a WorkRequest that tells WorkManager what work to schedule. Here’s how you create a simple OneTimeWorkRequest.

val workRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<MyWorker>().build()

Step 3: Enqueue the Work

Finally, pass that work to WorkManager for execution. This is like handing your to-do list to the boss.


And that’s it! Your background task is now running. WorkManager is making sure everything runs smoothly, even if you’re taking a nap or binge-watching Netflix.

A Simple Use Case Example

Let’s say you want to upload some user data in the background. Sounds fancy, right? Here’s how you can do that with WorkManager.

Step 1: Adding the dependency

First things first, add this to your build.gradle file:

implementation "" //use latest version

Step 2: Creating a Worker (Meet the Hero)

The Worker class is where the magic happens. It’s where you define what your task is supposed to do. Let’s create a simple worker that simulates uploading user data (aka…prints logs because it’s fun).

class UploadWorker(context: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, params) {

    override fun doWork(): Result {
        // Imagine uploading data here
        Log.d("UploadWorker", "Uploading user data...")

        // Task finished successfully, tell WorkManager
        return Result.success()

Here, the doWork() method is where you perform your background task. If the task completes successfully, we return Result.success() like a proud coder. But, if something goes wrong (like, let’s say, the Internet decides to take a break), you can return Result.retry() or Result.failure().

Step 3: Scheduling Your Work (Set It and Forget It)

Now that you have your Worker, it’s time to schedule that bad boy! WorkManager takes care of the scheduling for you.

val uploadRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>()


In this example, we’re using a OneTimeWorkRequest. This means we want to run the task just once, thank you very much. After all, how many times do we really need to upload that same file?

What About Recurring Tasks? (Because Background Tasks Love Routine)

What if your background task needs to run periodically, like syncing data every hour or cleaning out unused files daily? That’s where PeriodicWorkRequest comes into play.

val periodicSyncRequest = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)


Here, we’re asking WorkManager to run the task every hour. Of course, WorkManager doesn’t promise exactly every hour on the dot (it’s not that obsessive), but it’ll happen at some point within that hour.

Types of WorkRequests: One Time vs. Periodic

In our previous discussion, you may have noticed I mentioned a one-time and periodic request. WorkManager offers two types of tasks:

1. OneTimeWorkRequest: For tasks that need to run just once (like uploading logs or cleaning the fridge once in a blue moon).

val oneTimeWorkRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<MyWorker>().build()

2. PeriodicWorkRequest: For tasks that need to be repeated (like syncing data every day or watering your plants every week—unless you’re that neglectful plant parent).

val periodicWorkRequest = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder<MyWorker>(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build()

Tip: Periodic work must have a minimum interval of 15 minutes (Android’s way of ensuring your app doesn’t become a battery vampire). If your app needs to perform tasks more frequently than every 15 minutes, you might consider using other mechanisms, such as alarms or foreground services. However, be mindful of their potential impact on user experience and battery consumption.

Handling Success and Failure

Just like life, not all tasks go according to plan. Sometimes, things fail. But don’t worry—WorkManager has your back. You can return Result.success(), Result.failure(), or Result.retry() based on the outcome of your task.

override fun doWork(): Result {
    return try {
        // Do your work here
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        Result.retry()  // Retry on failure

Retrying failed tasks is like giving someone a second chance—sometimes, they just need a little more time!

Handling Input and Output

Sometimes, your Worker needs some data to do its job (it’s not psychic, unfortunately). You can pass input data when scheduling the work.

val data = workDataOf("userId" to 1234)

val uploadRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>()


In your Worker, you can access this input like so:

override fun doWork(): Result {
    val userId = inputData.getInt("userId", -1)
    Log.d("UploadWorker", "Uploading data for user: $userId")
    // Do the work...
    return Result.success()

And if your Worker finishes and wants to send a little message back (like a good teammate), it can return output data.

override fun doWork(): Result {
    val outputData = workDataOf("uploadSuccess" to true)
    return Result.success(outputData)

Constraints (Because Background Tasks Can Be Picky)

Sometimes, your task shouldn’t run unless certain conditions are met. Like, you don’t want to upload files when the device is on low battery or when there’s no network. Thankfully, WorkManager lets you set constraints.

val constraints = Constraints.Builder()

val uploadRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>()

Now your upload will only happen when the network is connected, and the device has enough battery. WorkManager is considerate like that.

Unique Work: One Worker to Rule Them All

Sometimes, you don’t want duplicate tasks running (imagine sending multiple notifications for the same event—annoying, right?). WorkManager lets you enforce unique work using enqueueUniqueWork.

    .enqueueUniqueWork("UniqueWork", ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, workRequest)

This ensures that only one instance of your task is running at any given time.

Chaining Work Requests (Because One Task Just Isn’t Enough)

What if you have a series of tasks, like uploading data, followed by cleaning up files? You can chain your tasks using WorkManager like an overly ambitious to-do list.

val uploadWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>().build()
val cleanupWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<CleanupWorker>().build()


Now, UploadWorker will do its thing, and once it’s done, CleanupWorker will jump into action. WorkManager makes sure things run in the order you specify, like a well-behaved assistant.

Let’s take a look at another use case: Chaining Tasks – WorkManager’s Superpower.

Imagine you want to upload a photo, resize it, and then upload the resized version. With WorkManager, you can chain these tasks together, ensuring they happen in the correct order.

val resizeWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<ResizeWorker>().build()
val uploadWork = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<UploadWorker>().build()

    .beginWith(resizeWork)  // First, resize the image
    .then(uploadWork)       // Then, upload the resized image
    .enqueue()              // Start the chain

It’s like a relay race but with background tasks. Once the resize worker finishes, it passes the baton to the upload worker. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Monitoring Work Status (Because Micromanagement is Fun)

Want to know if your work is done or if it failed miserably? WorkManager has you covered. You can observe the status of your work like a proud parent watching over their kid at a school play.

    .observe(this, Observer { workInfo ->
        if (workInfo != null && workInfo.state.isFinished) {
            Log.d("WorkManager", "Work finished!")

You can also check if it’s still running, if it failed, or if it’s in the process of retrying. It’s like having real-time updates without the annoying notifications!

Best Practices for WorkManager

  • Use Constraints Wisely: Don’t run heavy tasks when the user is on low battery or no internet. Add constraints like network availability or charging state.
val constraints = Constraints.Builder()
    .setRequiresCharging(true)  // Only run when charging
    .setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.CONNECTED)  // Only run when connected to the internet
  • Avoid Long Running Tasks: WorkManager is not designed for super long tasks. Offload heavy lifting to server-side APIs when possible.
  • Keep the Worker Light: The heavier the worker, the more the system will dislike your app, especially in low-memory scenarios.

Conclusion: Why WorkManager is Your New BFF

WorkManager is like that dependable friend who handles everything in the background, even when you’re not paying attention. It’s a powerful tool that simplifies background work, ensures system health, and offers you flexibility. Plus, with features like task chaining and unique work, it’s the ultimate multitool for background processing in Android.

And hey, whether you’re dealing with syncing, uploading, or scheduling—WorkManager will be there for you. Remember, background tasks are like coffee—sometimes you need them now, sometimes later, but they always make everything better when done right.

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