Understanding TOML: A Beginner’s Guide to a Minimal Yet Powerful Configuration Language

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When it comes to configuration files, simplicity and clarity are essential. TOML (Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language) is a configuration file format built to be easy to read, understand, and use. It’s lightweight, intuitive, and designed with clear structure, making it an excellent choice for managing settings in a variety of applications. In this blog, we’ll explore why TOML stands out and how it ensures efficient, error-free configuration handling.

What is TOML?

TOML is a data serialization language primarily used for configuration files. It was created by Tom Preston-Werner, co-founder of GitHub. It’s created with the goal of being minimal, meaning it doesn’t have unnecessary complexity or confusing syntax. The key design goals are:

  • Readability: It uses a simple, intuitive syntax that’s easy for humans to read and write. It mirrors common formats like INI but offers more structure..
  • Minimalism: It keeps the syntax simple while supporting complex data types.
  • Interoperability: It is easy to parse into various programming languages.

TOML files typically have a .toml extension and are widely used in projects like Rust’s Cargo and Python’s Poetry. Nowadays, it is also used in Android projects for Gradle version catalogs.

Minimalist and Easy-to-Read Format

TOML stands for Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language, which gives you an idea of its core principle: keep things simple and clear. It was designed to minimize unnecessary syntax, which means it won’t overwhelm you with complex rules. Each piece of data is laid out clearly so that it’s easy for anyone to read and understand.

What makes TOML files so easy to read? One of its key features is its obvious semantics. When you look at a TOML file, it’s easy to figure out what each part means without much effort. Take this simple example.

host = "localhost"
port = 8080

Here, host is the key, and "localhost" is its value. Similarly, port is the key, and 8080 is the value. There’s no ambiguity — just a straightforward, easily interpretable configuration. Even if you’re not a developer, the structure is clear enough to understand what the data represents.

Clear Mapping to Hash Tables

One of the major design goals of TOML is that it maps naturally to a hash table. In programming, a hash table is a data structure that stores data in key-value pairs. This structure makes it easy to retrieve values associated with specific keys.

In TOML, each line is essentially a key-value pair, which makes it ideal for converting into a hash table. When a TOML file is read by a program, the key-value pairs are mapped into a data structure like a dictionary or map. For example:

host = "localhost"
port = 8080

This could be translated into a dictionary like this in Python:

config = {"host": "localhost", "port": 8080}

This mapping allows for easy access to the data programmatically — you can quickly retrieve the value for a key (like host) without any confusion or overhead.

Cross-Language Parsing

TOML’s simplicity doesn’t just make it easy to read, it also ensures that parsing the file into usable data structures is straightforward in a wide variety of programming languages. It is designed to be compatible with many languages, including Python, Go, JavaScript, Rust, and more.

When you parse a TOML file in a program, it’s typically converted into a data structure like a map, dictionary, or object. This makes it easy to work with, regardless of the programming language. For example, in Python, a TOML file can be parsed into a dictionary, while in Go, it can be converted into a map.

This wide support means that It can be used in almost any environment(even in Kotlin also, I’ll get to that point later. First, let’s cover the basics), making it a versatile choice for managing configuration data.

Syntax Overview

TOML’s syntax is clean and minimal. Let’s explore its key components:

Key-Value Pairs

The core of TOML is the key-value pair. Keys represent names, and values store the associated data.

name = "amol pawar"
age = 28
is_developer = true
  • Keys: name, age, and is_developer.
  • Values: "amol pawar" (a string), 28 (an integer), and true (a boolean).

Important Note:

  • Keys are case-sensitive and can use letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Strings are enclosed in double quotes ("), while numbers and booleans don’t require quotes.
  • You can use integers, floats, scientific notation, infinity, and NaN—all of which are supported.


Tables are used to group related key-value pairs.

host = "localhost"
port = 8080

Here, the [server] line creates a table named server. Also all subsequent key-value pairs (like server, port, etc.) belong to the server table.

Nested Tables

Tables can be nested using dot notation to organize hierarchical data.

host = ""
port = 8080

level = "debug"
output = "stdout"


  • [server] is the parent table.
  • [server.logging] is a child table nested under server.
  • This structure is intuitive and mirrors nested dictionaries or objects in programming languages.

Inline Tables

For small tables, you can use inline syntax.

user = { name = "amol", age = 28 }

Have you noticed {}? Inline tables use curly braces ({}). They are ideal for concise, one-line representations of simple tables.


TOML supports arrays for storing lists of values.

colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • Arrays are enclosed in square brackets ([]).
  • Elements in an array must be of the same type (e.g., all strings or all numbers).

Arrays can also store inline tables:

servers = [
  { name = "alpha", ip = "" },
  { name = "beta", ip = "" }

Why Choose TOML?

So, why should we use TOML for our configuration files? Here are the main reasons:

  • Simplicity: TOML’s minimalistic design keeps things simple. You won’t find confusing syntax or complex features that complicate the file structure.
  • Readability: With its clear key-value pairs and logical structure, It is easy to read and edit. Anyone, even without a technical background, can easily understand what’s going on in the file.
  • Efficient Data Handling: The format’s design makes it easy to map the configuration data into hash tables, dictionaries, or maps, which are efficient to work with programmatically.
  • Cross-Language Compatibility: TOML can be easily parsed into data structures in various programming languages, which makes it a great option for projects that may span multiple languages.


TOML is a configuration file format designed for simplicity and clarity. Its minimalist design keeps configuration files easy to read and understand, while the mapping to hash tables makes it easy to work with programmatically. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large application, It provides an intuitive and reliable way to handle configuration settings. Its compatibility with multiple programming languages also ensures that it can be used across different environments with ease.

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