Unleashing the Power of Member Reference for Streamlined and Efficient Development

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Kotlin provides a concise way to reference a member of a class or an instance of a class without invoking it, called member reference. Member reference is a functional feature in Kotlin that allows you to pass a function reference as a parameter to another function, without actually invoking the function. It’s similar to method reference but works with properties and functions that are members of a class or an instance of a class.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use member reference in Kotlin, including syntax, examples, and use cases.

What is a Member Reference?

A member reference in Kotlin is a way to reference a member of a class or interface, such as a property or a method, without invoking it immediately. It is similar to a lambda expression, but instead of providing a block of code to execute, it provides a reference to a member of a class. Member references are useful when you want to pass a function or a property as an argument to another function or class constructor.

Kotlin provides two types of member references: property references and function references. Property references refer to properties of a class, while function references refer to methods of a class.

Property References

Property references allow you to reference a property of a class without invoking it immediately. You can create a property reference by prefixing the property name with the double colons (::) operator. For example, consider the following class:

class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

To create a property reference for the name property, you can use the following syntax:

val getName = Person::name

In this example, the getName variable is a property reference to the name property of the Person class. You can use this property reference in many contexts, such as passing it as an argument to a function:

fun printName(getName: (Person) -> String, person: Person) {

val person = Person("Amol Pawar", 20)
printName(Person::name, person)

In this example, the printName function takes a property reference to the name property of the Person class and a Person object. It then uses the property reference to print the name of the person.

Function References

Function references allow you to reference a method of a class without invoking it immediately. You can create a function reference by prefixing the method name with the double colons (::) operator. For example, consider the following class:

class Calculator {
    fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
        return a + b

To create a function reference for the add method, you can use the following syntax:

val calculator = Calculator()
val add = calculator::add

In this example, the add variable is a function reference to the add method of the Calculator class. You can use this function reference in many contexts, such as passing it as an argument to a function:

fun performOperation(operation: (Int, Int) -> Int, a: Int, b: Int) {
    val result = operation(a, b)
    println("Result: $result")

val calculator = Calculator()
performOperation(calculator::add, 5, 10)

In this example, the performOperation function takes a function reference to the add method of the Calculator class and two integer values. It then uses the function reference to perform the addition operation and print the result.

Member References with Bound Receivers

In some cases, you may want to use a member reference with a bound receiver. A bound receiver is an instance of a class that is associated with the member reference. To create a member reference with a bound receiver, you can use the following syntax:

val calculator = Calculator()
val add = calculator::add

In this example, the add variable is a function reference to the add method of the Calculator class, with a bound receiver of the calculator instance.

You can use a member reference with a bound receiver in many contexts, such as passing it as an argument to a function:

fun performOperation(operation: Calculator.(Int, Int) -> Int, calculator: Calculator, a: Int, b: Int) {
    val result = calculator.operation(a, b)
    println("Result: $result")

val calculator = Calculator()
performOperation(Calculator::add, calculator, 5, 10)

In this example, the performOperation function takes a function reference to the add method of the Calculator class, with a bound receiver of the Calculator class. It also takes a Calculator instance and two integer values. It then uses the function reference with the calculator instance to perform the addition operation and print the result.

Use Cases for Member Reference

Member reference can be used in many different contexts, such as passing functions as parameters to higher-order functions or creating a reference to a member function or property for later use. Here are some examples of how to use member reference in Kotlin.

1. Passing a member function as a parameter

One of the most common use cases for member reference is passing a member function as a parameter to a higher-order function. Higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as parameters or return functions as results. By passing a member function as a parameter, you can reuse the same functionality across different contexts.

class MyClass {
    fun myFunction(param: Int) {
        // function implementation

fun higherOrderFunction(func: (Int) -> Unit) {
    // do something

fun main() {
    val myClassInstance = MyClass()

In this example, we have a class called MyClass with a member function called myFunction. We then create an instance of MyClass and store it in the myClassInstance variable. Finally, we pass a reference to the myFunction function using member reference to the higherOrderFunction, which takes a function with a single Int parameter and returns nothing.

2. Creating a reference to a member function for later use

Another use case for member reference is creating a reference to a member function that can be invoked later. This can be useful if you want to invoke a member function on an instance of a class without actually calling the function immediately.

class MyClass {
    fun myFunction(param: Int) {
        // function implementation

fun main() {
    val myClassInstance = MyClass()
    val functionReference = myClassInstance::myFunction
    // ...
    functionReference.invoke(42) // invoke the function later

In this example, we have a class called MyClass with a member function called myFunction. We then create an instance of MyClass and store it in the myClassInstance variable. Finally, we create a reference to the myFunction function using the double colon operator and store it in the functionReference variable. We can then use the invoke function to call the myFunction function on the myClassInstance object later.

3. Creating a reference to a member property for later use

In addition to member functions, you can also create a reference to a member property for later use. This can be useful if you want to access a member property on an instance of a class without actually accessing the property immediately.

class MyClass {
    var myProperty: String = ""

fun main() {
    val myClassInstance = MyClass()
    val propertyReference = myClassInstance::myProperty
    // ...
    propertyReference.set("softAai") // set the property later
    val value = propertyReference.get() // get the property later

In this example, we have a class called MyClass with a member property called myProperty. We then create an instance of MyClass and store it in the myClassInstance variable. Finally, we create a reference to the myProperty property using the double colon operator and store it in the propertyReference variable. We can then use the set and get functions to access the myProperty property on the myClassInstance object later.

4. Bound member reference

Bound member reference is a syntax for referencing a member function of a specific instance of a class. This is useful when you have a function that expects a specific instance of a class as a parameter.

class MyClass {
    fun myFunction(param: Int) {
        // function implementation

fun main() {
    val myClassInstance = MyClass()
    val boundReference = myClassInstance::myFunction
    // ...
    boundReference(42) // call the function on myClassInstance

In this example, we have a class called MyClass with a member function called myFunction. We then create an instance of MyClass and store it in the myClassInstance variable. Finally, we create a bound reference to the myFunction function using the double colon operator and store it in the boundReference variable. We can then call the myFunction function on the myClassInstance object later by simply invoking the boundReference function and passing in the necessary parameters.

Member References and Lambdas

In Kotlin, lambda expressions and member references can be used interchangeably in certain situations. This is because a lambda expression that takes an object and calls one of its methods can be replaced with a reference to that method using the double colon operator. This makes the code more concise and readable.

For example, consider the following code:

val myList = listOf("abc", "opq", "xyz")

val lengthList = myList.map { str -> str.length }

In this code, we have a list of strings and we want to create a new list containing the lengths of each string in the original list. We achieve this using the map function and a lambda expression that takes a string and returns its length.

Now, consider the following code, which achieves the same thing but uses a member reference instead of a lambda expression:

val myList = listOf("abc", "opq", "xyz")

val lengthList = myList.map(String::length)

In this code, we use a member reference to reference the length function of the String class instead of the lambda expression. This is possible because the lambda expression only calls a single method on the object it receives, which is exactly what the member reference does.

Let’s take one more example, let’s say you have a class called Person with a method getName() that returns the person\’s name. You can define a lambda expression that calls this method as follows:

val p = Person("amol")
val getNameLambda: (Person) -> String = { person -> person.getName() }

Alternatively, you can define a callable reference (method reference) to the same method as follows:

val getNameRef: (Person) -> String = Person::getName

In this case, getNameRef is a callable reference to the getName() method of the Person class, and it has the same type as getNameLambda. You can use either getNameLambda or getNameRef interchangeably in contexts where a function or method of type (Person) -> String is expected.

This interchangeability between lambdas and member references can be useful in situations where you have a lambda expression that only calls a single method on an object, as it can make the code more concise and readable. However, it’s important to note that this interchangeability only works in these specific situations and there may be cases where a lambda expression or a member reference is more appropriate.


Kotlin member references provide a concise and readable way to reference a class’s properties or methods, without invoking them immediately. They are useful when you want to pass a function or a property as an argument to another function or class constructor. Kotlin provides two types of member references: property references and function references. Property references refer to properties of a class, while function references refer to methods of a class. You can also create member references with bound receivers, which allows you to associate a member reference with a specific instance of a class. With member references, Kotlin makes it easy to write concise and readable code that is easy to maintain and understand.

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