Mastering the EnumerationIterator Adapter: Seamlessly Convert Legacy Enumerations to Modern Iterators

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In Kotlin and Java development, working with legacy code often requires bridging the gap between outdated interfaces like Enumeration and modern ones like Iterator. To address this challenge, the EnumerationIterator Adapter is a useful tool that allows developers to seamlessly convert an Enumeration into an Iterator.

In this blog, we’ll dive into what the EnumerationIterator Adapter is, how it works, and why it’s essential for maintaining or updating legacy Java applications—as well as its use in Kotlin. Through simple examples and practical insights, you’ll discover how this adapter enhances code flexibility and makes working with older systems more efficient.

Adapting an Enumeration to an Iterator

In the landscape of programming, particularly when dealing with collections in Kotlin and Java, we often navigate between legacy enumerators and modern iterators. In Java, the legacy Enumeration interface features straightforward methods like hasMoreElements() to check for remaining elements and nextElement() to retrieve the next item, representing a simpler time. In contrast, the modern Iterator interface—found in both Java and Kotlin—introduces a more robust approach, featuring hasNext(), next(), and even remove() (In Kotlin, the remove() method is part of the MutableIterator<out T> interface) for effective collection management.

Old world Enumerators & New world Iterators

Despite these advancements, many applications still rely on legacy code that exposes the Enumeration interface. This presents developers with a dilemma: how to seamlessly integrate this outdated system with newer code that prefers iterators. This is where the need for an adapter emerges, bridging the gap and allowing us to leverage the strengths of both worlds. By creating an adapter that implements the Iterator interface while wrapping an Enumeration instance, we can provide a smooth transition to modern coding practices without discarding the functionality of legacy systems.

Let’s examine the two interfaces

Adapting an Enumeration to an Iterator begins with examining the two interfaces. The Iterator interface includes three essential methods: hasNext(), next(), and remove(), while the older Enumeration interface features hasMoreElements() and nextElement(). The first two methods from Enumeration map easily to Iterator‘s counterparts, making the initial adaptation straightforward. However, the real challenge arises with the remove() method in Iterator, which has no equivalent in Enumeration. This disparity highlights the complexities involved in bridging legacy code with modern practices, emphasizing the need for an effective adaptation strategy to ensure seamless integration of the two interfaces.

Designing the Adapter

To effectively bridge the gap between the old-world Enumeration and the new-world Iterator, we will utilize methods from both interfaces. The Iterator interface includes hasNext(), next(), and remove(), while the Enumeration interface offers hasMoreElements() and nextElement(). Our goal is to create an adapter class, EnumerationIterator, which implements the Iterator interface while internally working with an existing Enumeration. This design allows our new code to leverage Iterators, even though an Enumeration operates beneath the surface. In essence, EnumerationIterator serves as the adapter, transforming the legacy Enumeration into a modern Iterator for your codebase, ensuring seamless integration and enhancing compatibility.

Dealing with the remove() Method

The Enumeration interface is a “read-only” interface that does not support the remove() method. This limitation implies that there is no straightforward way to implement a fully functional remove() method in the adapter. The best approach is to throw a runtime exception, as the Iterator designers anticipated this need and implemented an UnsupportedOperationException for such cases.

EnumerationIterator Adapter Code

Now, let’s look at how we can convert all of this into code.

import java.util.Enumeration
import java.util.Iterator

// EnumerationIterator class implementing Iterator
// Since we are adapting Enumeration to Iterator, 
// the EnumerationIterator must implement the Iterator interface 
// -- it has to look like the Iterator.
class EnumerationIterator<T>(private val enumeration: Enumeration<T>) : Iterator<T> {
    // We are adapting the Enumeration, using composition to store it in an instance variable.
    // hasNext() and next() are implemented by delegating to the corresponding methods in the Enumeration. 
    // Checks if there are more elements in the enumeration
    override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
        return enumeration.hasMoreElements()

    // Retrieves the next element from the enumeration
    override fun next(): T {
        return enumeration.nextElement()

    // For remove(), we simply throw an exception.
    override fun remove() {
        throw UnsupportedOperationException("Remove operation is not supported.")


  • Generic Type: The EnumerationIterator class is made generic with <T> to handle different types of enumerations.
  • Constructor: The constructor takes an Enumeration<T> object as a parameter.
  • hasNext() Method: This method checks if there are more elements in the enumeration.
  • next() Method: This method retrieves the next element from the enumeration.
  • remove() Method: This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException, indicating that the remove operation is not supported.

Here’s how we can use it,

fun main() {
    val list = listOf("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry")
    val enumeration: Enumeration<String> = list.elements()

    val iterator = EnumerationIterator(enumeration)
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

Here, you can see how the EnumerationIterator can be utilized to iterate over the elements of an Enumeration. Please note that the elements() method is specific to classes like Vector or Stack, so ensure you have a valid Enumeration instance to test this example.

While the adapter may not be perfect, it provides a reasonable solution as long as the client is careful and the adapter is well-documented. This clarity ensures that developers understand the limitations and can work with the adapter effectively.


The EnumerationIterator Adapter offers a smooth and efficient way to modernize legacy Java code and Kotlin applications without sacrificing functionality. By converting an Enumeration to an Iterator, you can enhance compatibility with newer Java collections and APIs, as well as leverage Kotlin’s powerful collection functions, all while keeping your code clean and maintainable.

Whether you’re refactoring legacy systems in Java or Kotlin, or ensuring compatibility with modern practices, the EnumerationIterator Adapter provides a simple yet powerful solution. By incorporating this adapter into your projects, you’ll streamline your development process and make your code more adaptable for the future.

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