Kotlin Infix Functions: Simplify Your Code with Style and Clarity

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In Kotlin, we often come across situations where we need to call functions on objects using dot notation, which can sometimes lead to verbose and cluttered code. To address this issue, Kotlin introduces the concept of infix functions, a powerful feature that allows you to call methods in a more concise and intuitive way. In this blog, we will explore the ins and outs of kotlin infix functions, understand their usage, and see how they can enhance code readability and maintainability.

What are Kotlin Infix Functions?

An infix function is a special type of function in Kotlin that allows you to call methods with a specific syntax using the infix notation. Instead of using the regular dot notation (obj.method()), you can use the infix notation, which places the function name between the object and the parameter, separated by spaces (obj method parameter). This makes the code more human-readable, similar to writing natural language.

For an infix function to work, it must satisfy the following conditions:

  • It must be a member function or an extension function.
  • It must have a single parameter.
  • The function must be marked with the infix keyword.

Defining Kotlin Infix Functions

To create an infix function, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Define the function as a member or extension function.
  2. Add the infix keyword before the fun keyword.

Here’s the general syntax for defining an infix function:

infix fun <ReceiverType>.functionName(param: ParamType): ReturnType {
    // Function logic here
    // ...
    return result


  • <ReceiverType> represents the type of the object on which the function is called (for member functions).
  • functionName is the name of the function.
  • param is the single parameter of the function.
  • ReturnType is the type of the value returned by the function.

Syntax and Rules

There are specific rules and guidelines to follow when using infix functions in Kotlin:

  1. Infix functions must be member functions or extension functions.
  2. Infix functions must have only one parameter.
  3. The function must be marked with the infix keyword.
  4. The function must be called using infix notation (object function parameter).

It’s essential to keep these rules in mind while defining and using kotlin infix functions to ensure consistency and readability in the codebase.

Precedence and Associativity

When using kotlin infix functions in expressions, it’s crucial to understand their precedence and associativity. Infix functions follow the same rules as regular infix operators (+, -, *). The precedence of infix functions depends on their first character:

  • Kotlin Infix functions starting with alphanumeric characters have lower precedence than arithmetic operators.
  • Kotlin Infix functions starting with special characters have higher precedence than arithmetic operators.

If you have multiple kotlin infix functions in a single expression, they will be evaluated from left to right, regardless of their precedence. To control the evaluation order, you can use parentheses.

Reusability and Code Organization

Kotlin Infix functions can significantly improve code readability when used judiciously. However, it’s essential to strike a balance and avoid overusing them. Using infix functions for every method in your codebase can lead to code that is difficult to read and understand. Reserve infix functions for situations where they genuinely enhance clarity and maintainability.

Additionally, consider defining kotlin infix functions in a dedicated utility or extension class to keep your code organized. This will prevent cluttering the main business logic classes with potentially unrelated infix functions.

Applying Kotlin Infix Functions to Custom Classes

Kotlin Infix functions are not restricted to the standard Kotlin library functions. You can apply them to your own classes as well. This can be particularly useful when you want to create DSL-like structures for domain-specific tasks, as shown in the custom DSL example in the previous section.

By applying infix functions to your custom classes, you can create an expressive and domain-specific syntax, making your codebase more elegant and maintainable.

Using infix for Extension Functions

Kotlin Infix functions can also be used with extension functions. This means you can create infix functions that act as extensions to existing classes. This is a powerful technique to add functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code.

infix fun String.customExtensionFunction(other: String): String {
    // Some logic here
    return this + other

fun main() {
    val result = "Hello" customExtensionFunction " World"
    println(result) // Output: Hello World

Overloading Kotlin Infix Functions

Like regular functions, you can also overload kotlin infix functions with different parameter types. This gives you the flexibility to provide alternative implementations based on the parameter types, making your code more versatile.

infix fun Int.add(other: Int): Int = this + other
infix fun Double.add(other: Double): Double = this + other

fun main() {
    val result1 = 10 add 5
    val result2 = 3.5 add 1.5
    println("Result 1: $result1") // Output: Result 1: 15
    println("Result 2: $result2") // Output: Result 2: 5.0

Combining Kotlin Infix Functions and Operator Overloading

Kotlin allows you to combine infix functions with operator overloading. This provides even more expressive capabilities, allowing you to use custom operators in infix form

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
    operator fun plus(other: Point): Point = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)

infix fun Point.addTo(other: Point): Point = this + other

fun main() {
    val point1 = Point(2, 3)
    val point2 = Point(4, 5)

    val result1 = point1 + point2
    val result2 = point1 addTo point2

    println("Result 1: $result1") // Output: Result 1: Point(x=6, y=8)
    println("Result 2: $result2") // Output: Result 2: Point(x=6, y=8)

Chaining Kotlin Infix Functions

One of the significant advantages of kotlin infix functions is the ability to chain multiple function calls together, resulting in more fluent and readable code. By properly designing infix functions and adhering to meaningful naming conventions, you can create code that reads like a natural language sentence.

infix fun String.join(other: String): String = "$this and $other"
infix fun String.capitalizeFirstLetter(): String = this.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercase() }

fun main() {
    val result = "hello" capitalizeFirstLetter() join "world"
    println(result) // Output: Hello and world

Null Safety and Kotlin Infix Functions

When dealing with nullable objects, kotlin infix functions can still be useful, but you need to consider null safety. If an infix function is used on a nullable object, it will lead to a NullPointerException if the object is null.

To handle nullable objects, you can define the infix function as an extension function on a nullable receiver type and use safe calls or the elvis operator (?:) within the function.

infix fun String?.safeJoin(other: String?): String =
    "${this ?: "null"} and ${other ?: "null"}"

fun main() {
    val result1 = "hello" safeJoin "world"
    val result2 = null safeJoin "Kotlin"
    val result3 = "Java" safeJoin null

    println(result1) // Output: hello and world
    println(result2) // Output: null and Kotlin
    println(result3) // Output: Java and null

Kotlin Infix Functions and Scope Functions

Kotlin Infix functions can be combined with scope functions (let, run, with, apply, also) to create even more concise and expressive code. This combination can lead to powerful and readable constructs, especially when dealing with data manipulation and transformations.

data class Person(var name: String, var age: Int)

// Infix function using 'also'
infix fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T {
    return this

fun main() {
    val person = Person("Alice", 30)

    with(person) {
        name = "Bob"
        age = 32

    println(person) // Output: Person(name=Bob, age=32)

    // Using 'also' as an infix function
    person also {
        it.name = "Charlie"
        it.age = 25

    println(person) // Output: Person(name=Charlie, age=25)

Combining Kotlin Infix Functions with when Expressions

Kotlin Infix functions can be used in combination with when expressions to create more readable and expressive patterns, especially when dealing with multiple conditions.

infix fun Int.isInRange(range: IntRange): Boolean = this in range

fun main() {
    val num = 25
    val result = when (num) {
        in 1..10 -> "In range 1 to 10"
        in 11..20 -> "In range 11 to 20"
        else -> "Outside the given ranges"

    println(result)  // Outside the given ranges

Kotlin Infix Functions and Collections

Kotlin Infix functions can be useful when working with collections. By combining infix functions with functional programming constructs, you can create concise and readable code for filtering, mapping, and other collection operations.

data class Book(val title: String, val author: String)

infix fun List<Book>.byAuthor(author: String): List<Book> = filter { it.author == author }

fun main() {
    val books = listOf(
        Book("Book A", "Author X"),
        Book("Book B", "Author Y"),
        Book("Book C", "Author X")

    val booksByAuthorX = books byAuthor "Author X"
    println(booksByAuthorX) // Output: [Book(title=Book A, author=Author X), Book(title=Book C, author=Author X)]

Unit Testing Kotlin Infix Functions

When writing unit tests for code that involves infix functions, ensure that you cover all possible scenarios, including edge cases and null values. Properly test the behavior of infix functions, especially when they interact with other parts of the codebase.

Performance Considerations

Kotlin Infix functions in Kotlin do not impose any significant performance overhead compared to regular functions. Under the hood, infix functions are just regular functions with a specific syntax. The choice between using infix functions and regular functions should primarily be based on code readability and maintainability rather than performance considerations.

Keep in mind that the performance impact, if any, will be negligible, as the Kotlin compiler optimizes the code during the compilation process.

Kotlin Infix Functions and Code Style

When using infix functions, it’s essential to adhere to the established coding standards and style guidelines of your project or team. A consistent coding style ensures that the codebase remains clean and coherent.

Consider the following best practices for using infix functions:

  • Use meaningful names for infix functions to improve readability.
  • Use infix functions for operations that naturally read like an English sentence.
  • Avoid chaining too many infix functions together in a single expression, as it can make the code less readable.

Conflicting Kotlin Infix Functions

If you have multiple libraries or modules with infix functions that share the same name, Kotlin allows you to resolve the conflict by explicitly specifying the receiver type when calling the infix function.

For example, if both ClassA and ClassB have an infix function named combine, you can disambiguate the call as follows:

val objA = ClassA()
val objB = ClassB()

val result1 = objA combine objB // Calls ClassA's combine function
val result2 = objB.combine(objA) // Calls ClassB's combine function

Compatibility with Java

Infix functions in Kotlin can only be called using the infix notation from Kotlin code. If you need to interact with Kotlin infix functions from Java code, you will have to use the regular dot notation.

For example, if you have an infix function infix fun Int.add(other: Int): Int, calling it from Kotlin can be done like this:

<span><span>val</span> result = <span>2</span> add <span>3</span></span>

However, calling the same function from Java requires the following syntax:

<span>int result = InfixFunctionsKt.add(<span>2</span>, <span>3</span>);</span>

Handling Ambiguity in Infix Function Names

If an infix function is defined with a name that conflicts with an existing operator, the Kotlin compiler may raise an ambiguity error. To resolve this, you can either rename the infix function or use backticks to escape the function name in the infix notation.

infix fun Int.`+`(other: Int): Int = this + other

fun main() {
    val result = 2 `+` 3
    println(result) // Output: 5

Comparing Kotlin Infix Functions with Other Language Features

While infix functions offer a more expressive and readable syntax, there are other language features in Kotlin that serve similar purposes in certain contexts. Let’s compare infix functions with a few of these features:

Extension Functions:

Extension functions allow you to add new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code. In some cases, extension functions can achieve similar readability improvements as infix functions, especially when creating domain-specific languages or fluent APIs.

Infix Function Example:

infix fun String.join(other: String): String = "$this and $other"

Extension Function Example:

fun String.join(other: String): String = "$this and $other"

Both infix and extension functions can be used to achieve code readability, but infix functions are specifically designed to make method calls more natural when chaining functions together.

Operator Overloading

Operator overloading enables you to define custom behaviors for standard operators ( +, -, *) when applied to custom classes. In some cases, operator overloading can provide similar readability enhancements as infix functions, especially when working with complex domain-specific types.

Infix Function Example:

infix fun Point.addTo(other: Point): Point = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)

Operator Overloading Example:

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
    operator fun plus(other: Point): Point = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)

In this example, both the infix function and the operator overloading achieve the same result. However, infix functions are more suitable for concise method chaining scenarios, while operator overloading is better suited for standard mathematical operators.


Let’s dive into some examples to see how infix functions can simplify code and enhance readability:

Mathematical Operations

infix fun Int.add(other: Int): Int = this + other
infix fun Int.subtract(other: Int): Int = this - other
infix fun Int.multiply(other: Int): Int = this * other

fun main() {
    val result = 10 add 5 subtract 3 multiply 2
    println("Result: $result") // Output: Result: 24

Custom DSL (Domain Specific Language)

class HttpRequest {
    infix fun path(url: String): HttpRequest {
        // Logic to set the URL path
        return this

    infix fun method(httpMethod: String): HttpRequest {
        // Logic to set the HTTP method
        return this

fun main() {
    val request = HttpRequest()
    request path "/api/v1/data" method "GET"

Pair Creation and Map Manipulation

infix fun <K, V> K.to(value: V): Pair<K, V> = Pair(this, value)

fun main() {
    val pair = "key" to "value"
    println(pair) // Output: (key, value)

    val map = mapOf(
        "name" to "Amol",
        "age" to 30,
        "city" to "Pune"
    println(map) // Output: {name=Amol, age=30, city=Pune}

Use Cases and Benefits

Infix functions offer various use cases and benefits, including:

  • Mathematical Operations: Infix functions are particularly useful when dealing with mathematical operations, making the code resemble math expressions and improving readability.
  • Custom DSL (Domain Specific Language): Infix functions can be utilized to create custom DSLs, enabling you to define your own syntax and language for specific tasks.
  • Pair Creation and Map Manipulation: Infix functions can make it easier to create pairs or manipulate maps by providing a cleaner and more natural syntax.
  • Enhanced Readability: Using infix functions, you can write code that reads like natural language, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain.
  • Fluent API: Infix functions can be used in combination with other Kotlin features, such as extension functions and lambdas, to create a fluent API, improving the overall code structure.


While infix functions provide numerous benefits, there are a few limitations to consider:

  • As mentioned earlier, infix functions must have only one parameter, which can be a constraint in certain scenarios.
  • Overusing infix functions can lead to less readable code, especially if the functions don’t adhere to meaningful naming conventions.

Common Misconceptions and Myths

Kotlin Infix Functions are Limited to Math Operations

While infix functions are often associated with mathematical operations due to their concise and expressive syntax, they are not limited to math-related tasks. Infix functions can be applied to various scenarios, such as DSLs, custom data processing, and configuring APIs, as demonstrated in the real-world use cases section.

Infix Functions are Slower

Some developers might assume that using infix functions incurs a performance penalty compared to regular function calls. However, infix functions have no significant impact on performance. The Kotlin compiler optimizes the code, and the choice between infix and regular functions should primarily depend on readability and code organization.

Overusing Infix Functions is Good Coding Style

While infix functions can enhance code readability, it’s essential not to overuse them. Using infix functions excessively or in situations where they don’t improve clarity can lead to code that is harder to read and maintain. Use infix functions judiciously and selectively for scenarios where they truly add value.

Infix Functions are a Unique Feature of Kotlin

Infix functions are a valuable feature in Kotlin, but they are not exclusive to the language. Other programming languages like Scala, Groovy, and Swift also provide similar capabilities. The concept of infix notation exists in various languages to make code more readable and expressive.

Infix Functions are Just a Syntax Sugar

While infix functions offer a cleaner syntax, they are more than just syntax sugar. Infix functions can create DSL-like constructs, provide more fluent APIs, and enhance code organization. They contribute to improved code readability and maintainability, going beyond mere syntax improvement.

Potential Pitfalls and Best Practices

Overusing Infix Functions

As mentioned earlier, it’s important to use infix functions judiciously. Overusing them or applying them in situations where they don’t improve code readability can lead to confusion and make the code harder to maintain. Reserve infix functions for scenarios where they truly enhance the natural language-like readability of the code.

Choosing Meaningful Names

When defining infix functions, it’s crucial to choose meaningful and descriptive names that convey their purpose. The goal is to create code that reads like a sentence in natural language. Ambiguous or vague names can lead to misunderstanding and hinder code comprehension.

Avoiding Single-Letter Function Names

Infix functions are not limited to single-letter names like mathematical operators. In fact, it’s generally better to avoid single-letter names for clarity. Use expressive names that clearly describe the operation or intent of the infix function.

Null Safety Considerations

Be cautious when using infix functions on nullable types. As mentioned earlier, infix functions do not automatically handle null safety. Ensure that your infix functions account for null values or use safe calls (?.) or the Elvis operator (?:) to handle nulls gracefully.

Unit Testing

When writing unit tests for code that involves infix functions, remember to test various scenarios, including edge cases and null values, to verify the correctness of your code.

Backward Compatibility

If you plan to interoperate with Java code or libraries, be aware that infix functions can only be called from Kotlin code using infix notation. When interacting with Java code, you’ll have to use the regular dot notation for function calls.


Infix functions in Kotlin are a powerful feature that simplifies code and improves readability by allowing you to call methods using a more natural language-like syntax. They are particularly useful for mathematical operations, creating custom DSLs, and enhancing code structure in various contexts. However, like any language feature, it’s essential to use infix functions judiciously and follow best practices to ensure maintainable and readable code.

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