
Ktor Framework

Introduction to Ktor Framework: A Comprehensive Guide

Ktor framework is a powerful framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in Kotlin. It’s designed to be simple, efficient, and highly customizable, making it a popular choice for building modern web applications, microservices, and APIs. In this blog, we will cover both the Ktor server and Ktor client frameworks, providing code examples with detailed explanations to help you get started.

Why Choose Ktor Framework?

Ktor is a Kotlin-native framework that offers:

  • Asynchronous: Built on coroutines for non-blocking I/O.
  • Lightweight: Minimal overhead with customizable features.
  • Highly Modular: You can choose only the components you need.
  • Multiplatform: Supports both server-side and client-side development.

Setting Up Ktor Framework


Before we dive into Ktor, ensure that you have:

  • IntelliJ IDEA (recommended for Kotlin projects)
  • JDK 8+ installed
  • Gradle or Maven for dependency management

Adding Ktor to Your Project

Start by adding the Ktor dependencies in your build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {

Ktor Server

Creating a Basic Ktor Server

Let’s create a basic Ktor server using the Netty engine. The server will listen for HTTP requests and respond with a message.

Step-by-Step Implementation

First, create a main function to configure and start the Ktor server:

import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*
import io.ktor.server.application.*
import io.ktor.server.routing.*
import io.ktor.server.response.*

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
    }.start(wait = true)

fun Application.configureRouting() {
    routing {
        get("/") {
            call.respondText("Hello, Ktor Server!")


  • embeddedServer: Starts a server using the Netty engine on port 8080.
  • routing: Defines the routes for handling HTTP requests.
  • respondText: Sends a plain text response to the client.

When you run this, visiting http://localhost:8080/ in your browser will display “Hello, Ktor Server!”

Adding JSON Serialization

Let’s extend the basic server by adding JSON support. We’ll respond with a JSON object instead of plain text.

Adding the Dependencies
dependencies {

Extending the Server Code

import io.ktor.server.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

fun Application.configureRouting() {
    install(ContentNegotiation) {

    routing {
        get("/user") {
            val user = User(1, "amol pawar")

Here in above code,

  • @Serializable: This annotation marks the User data class for JSON serialization.
  • ContentNegotiation: This plugin allows Ktor to automatically serialize Kotlin objects into JSON.

Now, when you visit http://localhost:8080/user, you’ll get a JSON response like this:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "amol pawar"

Ktor Client

Ktor also provides a client library to make HTTP requests. Let’s create a client to make a GET request to the server we just created.

Creating a Basic Ktor Client

Step-by-Step Implementation
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*

suspend fun main() {
    val client = HttpClient(CIO)
    val response: HttpResponse = client.get("http://localhost:8080/user")


  • HttpClient(CIO): Creates a Ktor client using the CIO (Coroutine-based I/O) engine.
  • client.get: Makes an HTTP GET request to the server.
  • bodyAsText(): Retrieves the response body as a string.

This client will send a request to http://localhost:8080/user and print the JSON response in the console.

Handling JSON Responses

Let’s improve the client by automatically deserializing the JSON response into a Kotlin object.

Adding the Dependencies

Ensure the following dependencies are added for JSON deserialization:


Modifying the Client Code

import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

suspend fun main() {
    val client = HttpClient(CIO) {
        install(ContentNegotiation) {
    val user: User = client.get("http://localhost:8080/user")
    println("User: ${user.name}")


  • json(): Installs the JSON plugin for the Ktor client, allowing automatic deserialization.
  • val user: User: The GET request is now deserialized into a User object.

The client will fetch the user data from the server, deserialize it into a User object, and print the user’s name.

Advanced Ktor Server Features

Adding Authentication

Ktor supports authentication out of the box. You can easily add basic or token-based authentication.

Step-by-Step Implementation for Basic Authentication
import io.ktor.server.auth.*
import io.ktor.server.plugins.*

fun Application.configureSecurity() {
    install(Authentication) {
        basic("auth-basic") {
            validate { credentials ->
                if (credentials.name == "admin" && credentials.password == "password") {
                } else null

    routing {
        authenticate("auth-basic") {
            get("/secure") {


  • install(Authentication): Enables basic authentication.
  • validate: Checks the provided credentials.
  • authenticate: Protects the /secure route with authentication.

Now, trying to access /secure will prompt for a username and password.

Testing Your Ktor Application

Ktor provides built-in support for testing with TestApplicationEngine. Here’s how to write a simple test case for your application:

import io.ktor.server.testing.*
import kotlin.test.*

class ApplicationTest {
    fun testRoot() = testApplication {
        client.get("/").apply {
            assertEquals("Hello, Ktor Server!", bodyAsText())


  • testApplication: Creates a test environment for your Ktor server.
  • client.get: Sends an HTTP GET request to the server.
  • assertEquals: Asserts that the response matches the expected output.


Ktor is a powerful and flexible framework that allows you to build both server-side and client-side applications in Kotlin. Its modularity, asynchronous capabilities, and easy integration with Kotlin’s coroutines make it ideal for modern web development. Whether you’re building APIs, microservices, or full-stack applications, Ktor provides the tools you need.

By following the steps above, you should have a solid foundation in both Ktor server and client development. The examples here are just the beginning; you can explore more advanced features such as WebSockets, sessions, and caching as you continue to work with Ktor.

Happy coding!

KTOR Web Framework

A Comprehensive Guide to Ktor Web Framework: Kotlin’s Awesome Web Framework

Hey, Kotlin lovers and code warriors! If you’ve ever dabbled in web development with Kotlin, you’ve probably heard of Ktor. If not, no worries—today we’re diving headfirst into this amazing framework that makes web development fun, easy, and less likely to send you spiraling into a Java-induced existential crisis.

And hey, if the term ‘web framework’ makes you roll your eyes, thinking, ‘Oh great, another tech buzzword,’ I promise this will be a wild ride. By the end, you’ll understand what Ktor Web Framework is, how it works, and why it’s awesome.

What is Ktor Web Framework?

First of all, let’s answer the million-dollar question: What the heck is Ktor?

Ktor is a powerful framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in Kotlin. Designed to be simple, efficient, and highly customizable, it’s a popular choice for modern web applications, microservices, and APIs. Lightweight and flexible, Ktor is perfect for Kotlin developers who want full control over their connected applications.

Developed by JetBrains—the same minds behind Kotlin—Ktor is built with Kotlin’s strengths in mind. Unlike traditional frameworks like Spring Boot, Ktor lets you include only what you need, avoiding unnecessary bloat.

Why Ktor Web Framework?

Now, you might be wondering: why use Ktor? I mean, there are a million frameworks out there (just kidding, but there’s Spring Boot, Vert.x, and plenty of other popular ones)—so what makes Ktor so special?

1. Kotlin First

Ktor is built for Kotlin developers, by Kotlin developers. Everything is idiomatic Kotlin, so if you’re familiar with the language, you’ll feel right at home. No more “Java-y” frameworks forcing you to pretend like you’re not writing Kotlin.

2. Asynchronous & Non-Blocking

Ktor uses Kotlin coroutines under the hood, which means it’s asynchronous and non-blocking. You get all the benefits of asynchronous programming (speed, efficiency, more caffeine breaks) without the complexity.

3. Modular

Don’t need a particular feature? Ktor won’t force it on you. You only include the things you actually need, making your project faster and leaner.

4. Built for Both Servers and Clients

Ktor is versatile. You can use it for building server-side applications, REST APIs, or even as a client-side HTTP library(Many of us Android developers have started using it).

Setting Up Ktor Web Framework: Don’t Worry, It’s Easy!

Alright, let’s get this thing set up. Trust me, it’s easier than you think.

Step 1: Start a New Kotlin Project

First things first, we need to create a new Kotlin project. If you’re using IntelliJ (which I hope you are, because JetBrains made Ktor and Kotlin, and JetBrains made IntelliJ… you get the idea), it’s super simple.

  • Open IntelliJ.
  • Go to File > New Project.
  • Select Kotlin (JVM) as your project type.

Step 2: Add Ktor Dependencies

We’ll need to include Ktor’s dependencies in our build.gradle.kts file.

dependencies {
    implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:2.0.0") // Netty engine Or another engine like CIO, Jetty, etc.
    implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-core:2.0.0")  // Core Ktor library
    implementation("ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.10") // Logging

Netty is the default engine Ktor uses to handle requests, but you can swap it out for something else, like Jetty or CIO (Coroutines IO). After adding this to your build.gradle.kts file, We’ll be ready to configure our server.

Step 3: Write Application.kt

Here’s where we get to the fun part. Ktor’s starting point is your Application.kt file. It’s the entry point for all the cool stuff your web app will do.

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        // Our app will go here!
    }.start(wait = true)

This piece of code launches your Ktor server using Netty and listens on port 8080.

Building Our First Ktor Application

Alright, enough setup. Let’s build something! We’ll start with a classic ‘Hello, World!’ app because, well, it’s the law (don’t ask who made that law). Here’s what your basic Ktor server looks like:

import io.ktor.application.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.response.*
import io.ktor.routing.*
import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        routing {
            get("/") {
                call.respondText("Hello, World!", ContentType.Text.Plain)
    }.start(wait = true)

Look at that—so clean, so simple! We define a route (/) and tell Ktor to respond with ‘Hello, World!’ when someone visits our website. You can try it out by running your app and heading over to http://localhost:8080/. You should see your ‘Hello, World!’ message. Congratulations, you’ve just built your first Ktor app!

Routing in Ktor: It’s Like Google Maps, But For Our App

Routing is how Ktor directs traffic in your app. Think of it like Google Maps for your web requests. When someone hits a certain URL, you decide what happens next.

Ktor uses DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for routing, making it super readable. Here’s how you can add more routes:

fun Application.module() {
    routing {
        get("/") {
            call.respondText("Hello, World!")
        get("/greet") {
            call.respondText("Welcome to Ktor!")
        get("/farewell") {
            call.respondText("Goodbye, cruel world!")

Pretty intuitive, right? You just define paths and what responses to send back. Now anyone visiting /greet gets a friendly message, and if they’re leaving /farewell, well, Ktor says goodbye like a true gentleman.

Handling Route Parameters

You can also grab dynamic data from the URL. It’s like asking someone their name when they walk in your door, so you can give them a personalized experience.

get("/hello/{name}") {
    val name = call.parameters["name"] ?: "Guest"
    call.respondText("Hello, $name!")

Now, if someone visits http://localhost:8080/hello/Abhi, they’ll get a nice, personal greeting: “Hello, Abhi!” If they don’t provide a name, they’re just Guest. (A polite way of saying “Stranger Danger”.)

Handling Requests and Responses

Ktor’s request-response system is smooth and efficient. It revolves around the call object, which contains all the info you need from the request, like parameters, headers, or even body data. Responding is equally simple — you can use respondText, respondHtml, or even respondFile for serving up resources.

post("/submit") {
    val postData = call.receiveParameters()
    val name = postData["name"] ?: "Anonymous"
    call.respondText("Thanks for submitting, $name!")

With call.receiveParameters(), you can extract data from POST requests.

Digging Deeper: Features and Plugins

Ktor, like any good framework, offers a ton of features (a.k.a. ‘plugins’) that you can add to your application. These features enhance your app by adding logging, sessions, authentication, or even compressing your responses. Some of the available features include:

  • Authentication: OAuth, JWT, or session-based authentication.
  • Serialization: JSON, XML, or CBOR serialization.
  • WebSockets: For all your real-time communication needs.
  • Content Negotiation: Handling requests and responses in various formats.

Here’s how you add Content Negotiation using JSON:

import io.ktor.application.*
import io.ktor.features.*
import io.ktor.gson.*
import io.ktor.response.*
import io.ktor.routing.*

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        install(ContentNegotiation) {
            gson {
        routing {
            get("/json") {
                call.respond(mapOf("message" to "Hello, JSON World!"))
    }.start(wait = true)

Now when you hit /json, you’ll get a nice, neat JSON response:

  "message": "Hello, JSON World!"

How Does This Work?

  1. install(ContentNegotiation): This installs the content negotiation feature, which tells Ktor how to serialize/deserialize data.
  2. gson { setPrettyPrinting() }: We’re configuring Ktor to use Gson for JSON parsing and enabling pretty printing. Who doesn’t love neat, well-printed JSON?

One More Example: Logging

If you want to keep an eye on what’s happening in your app (without feeling like a stalker), you can add the logging feature:


That’s it! Now, Ktor will log every call made to your server. It’s like having security cameras, but for nerds.

Advanced Ktor Server Features

Adding Authentication

Ktor supports authentication out of the box. You can easily add basic or token-based authentication.

Step-by-Step Implementation for Basic Authentication
import io.ktor.server.auth.*
import io.ktor.server.plugins.*

fun Application.configureSecurity() {
    install(Authentication) {
        basic("auth-basic") {
            validate { credentials ->
                if (credentials.name == "admin" && credentials.password == "password") {
                } else null

    routing {
        authenticate("auth-basic") {
            get("/secure") {


  • install(Authentication): Enables basic authentication.
  • validate: Checks the provided credentials.
  • authenticate: Protects the /secure route with authentication.

Now, trying to access /secure will prompt for a username and password.

Testing Your Ktor Application: Debugging Without Losing Your Mind

Testing Ktor apps is simple. You can use Ktor’s built-in TestApplicationEngine to write tests that ensure everything works as expected without crashing your server into oblivion.

Here’s a basic test to check if your routes are doing their job:

fun testRootRoute() = withTestApplication(Application::module) {
    handleRequest(HttpMethod.Get, "/").apply {
        assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.status())
        assertEquals("Hello, World!", response.content)

With these tools in hand, you can sleep soundly knowing your Ktor app is rock-solid.


In this guide, we’ve taken a stroll through Ktor, explored its simple setup, built routes, handled requests, and even added some fancy middleware (features a.k.a. plugins). Ktor is lightweight, flexible, and designed to make web development in Kotlin a breeze—and dare I say, fun?

Whether you’re building a small API or a full-fledged web app, Ktor has you covered. And if nothing else, you now know how to say ‘Hello, World!’ in yet another programming language. Wear that badge with pride, my friend.

Until next time, happy coding!

Google Search Console

A Comprehensive Guide to Verify Ownership in Google Search Console & Instant Indexing API

In today’s digital world, getting your content indexed by Google and making it easily searchable is crucial. This is where Google Search Console (GSC) comes into play. By using GSC, website owners can monitor and maintain their site’s presence in Google search results. However, before using the tool, you need to verify ownership of the site. Additionally, Google offers an Instant Indexing API for quick indexing of content, which can be particularly beneficial for time-sensitive content.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into:

  • What is Google Search Console?
  • How to verify ownership in Google Search Console?
  • What is the Instant Indexing API?
  • How to use the Instant Indexing API?

Let’s break it down in an easy-to-understand way!

What is Google Search Console (GSC)?

Google Search Console is a free tool offered by Google that helps webmasters, SEOs, and content creators manage the appearance of their website in Google search results. Some of its key features include:

  • Performance Reports: Shows how well your site is performing in search results.
  • URL Inspection Tool: Allows you to check how Google sees a specific URL on your site.
  • Coverage Reports: Helps you fix indexing issues.
  • Sitemaps Submission: Enables submission of your XML sitemap to Google.

But before accessing these powerful tools, you first need to verify that you own the website.

How to Verify Ownership in Google Search Console?

Verifying ownership tells Google that you are authorized to access the website’s search data. There are several methods to verify your site:

Step 1: Add a New Property

  1. Sign in to Google Search Console.
  2. Click on the “Add Property” button.
  3. Enter the URL of your site (choose either domain or URL-prefix).

Step 2: Choose a Verification Method

Google offers several methods for verifying your website ownership. The common methods are:

  • HTML File Upload:
    • Download the verification file provided by Google.
    • Upload this file to the root directory of your website using FTP or your file manager.
    • Once uploaded, go back to GSC and click Verify.
  • Meta Tag:
    • Copy the meta tag provided by Google.
    • Paste this meta tag inside the <head> section of your homepage’s HTML code.
    • Save the changes and click Verify in GSC.
  • DNS TXT Record:
    • If you have access to your domain’s DNS settings, this method works well.
    • Copy the TXT record provided by GSC.
    • Go to your domain registrar (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap) and add this TXT record to your DNS configuration.
    • Once added, click Verify.
  • Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics: You can verify your ownership if these tools are already set up on your site.

Step 3: Verification Process

  • Once the file, meta tag, or DNS record has been added, click Verify in Google Search Console.
  • If everything is correctly set up, Google will confirm your ownership, and you’ll gain access to GSC.

What is the Google Instant Indexing API?

The Instant Indexing API is a service provided by Google that allows website owners to instantly notify Google when pages on their website are added, updated, or deleted. This is particularly useful for content-heavy websites or news publishers who need to ensure that new content is indexed as quickly as possible.

In the past, websites had to wait for Googlebot to crawl their site, which could take days or weeks. With the Instant Indexing API, you can push your new content to Google almost immediately.

Some ideal use cases include:

  • News articles that need to be indexed right away.
  • Updating existing content where timely changes are crucial.
  • Pages related to job postings or time-sensitive offers.

How to Set Up the Google Instant Indexing API?

Let’s now walk through how to use the Instant Indexing API step-by-step.

Step 1: Set Up a Google Cloud Project

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console: Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a New Project:
    • Click on the project dropdown at the top and select New Project.
    • Give it a name (e.g., “Instant Indexing API Project”) and click Create.

Step 2: Enable the Indexing API

  1. In the Cloud Console, go to API & Services > Library.
  2. Search for Indexing API and click Enable.

Step 3: Create Credentials (OAuth 2.0)

  1. Navigate to API & Services > Credentials.
  2. Click Create Credentials and select OAuth 2.0 Client IDs.
  3. Set up the OAuth consent screen (fill in the required details).
  4. Once done, download the JSON file with your client credentials.

Step 4: Authorize and Obtain Access Token

You need a tool like Postman or a simple Python script to authorize yourself and get an access token using the credentials from the JSON file.

Here’s a Python script to authenticate:

from google.oauth2 import service_account
from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
import requests

# Load your JSON credentials
SCOPES = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/indexing"]
JSON_KEY_FILE = "path/to/your-json-file.json"  # Make sure this is the correct path

# Get credentials
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(JSON_KEY_FILE, scopes=SCOPES)
session = AuthorizedSession(credentials)

# Function to send a URL for indexing
def index_url(url):
    ENDPOINT = "https://indexing.googleapis.com/v3/urlNotifications:publish"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
    data = {
        "url": url,
        "type": "URL_UPDATED"
    response = session.post(ENDPOINT, headers=headers, json=data)

    # Check response status
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print("URL successfully submitted for indexing:", url)
        print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")

# Example usage

Step 5: Push URLs for Indexing

After the authentication is complete, use the above Python code to send your new or updated URLs to Google for indexing. This script pushes the URL_UPDATED type, which tells Google that the page has been updated. You can also use URL_DELETED if the page has been removed.

Best Practices for Using the Instant Indexing API

  • Limit Your Requests: Google allows a limited number of API requests per day (around 200), so only send URLs that really need immediate indexing.
  • Focus on Important Pages: Use the API for critical pages (e.g., blog posts, product updates, or time-sensitive pages).
  • Maintain a Sitemap: Continue to maintain and submit your XML sitemap. The Instant Indexing API should complement your existing SEO strategy, not replace it.


Both Google Search Console and the Instant Indexing API are invaluable tools for webmasters. While GSC offers the ability to monitor and optimize your website’s presence in search results, the Instant Indexing API provides a quick and efficient way to notify Google of new or updated content, ensuring your pages are indexed without delay.

By combining both tools, you can significantly enhance your website’s SEO, reduce the time it takes for your content to appear in search results, and ensure your site is always visible to potential visitors.


Demystifying URIs and URI Schemes: The Backbone of Web Navigation

In the vast digital landscape, navigating and identifying resources is crucial. This is where URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) and URI schemes come into play. They act as the cornerstones of web navigation, ensuring we can pinpoint the exact information we seek. But what exactly are they, and how do they work together? URIs, or Uniform Resource Identifiers, are like the addresses of the internet, guiding us to the exact location of a resource. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, understanding URIs and their schemes is crucial for navigating and utilizing the web efficiently.

In this blog, we will delve deep into what a URI is, explore the concept of URI schemes, and understand their significance in the world of web technologies.

What is a URI?

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a resource either on the internet or within a local network. Think of it as a unique address that helps in locating resources like web pages, documents, images, or videos, similar to how a postal address identifies a particular location in the real world. The beauty of a URI lies in its simplicity and universality – it provides a standardized way to access a variety of resources across different systems. URIs are essential for the navigation, sharing, and management of web resources.

Components of a URI

A typical URI consists of several components, each serving a specific purpose. Let’s break down a typical URI structure:


Scheme: This initial part defines the protocol used to access the resource. Common examples include http for web pages, ftp for file transfer, and mailto for email addresses.

Authority: This section specifies the location of the resource, often containing the domain name or IP address, and sometimes port numbers. in above example, www.softaai.com:8080 is authority.

Path: The path identifies the specific location of the resource within the designated authority. For instance, in the URI https://www.softaai.com/blog/article.html, the path points to the file “article.html” within the “blog” directory of the website “www.softaai.com”.

Query: This optional part holds additional information used to search, filter or modify the resource. Imagine searching a library catalog. The query string would be like specifying the author or genre to narrow down your search results.

Fragment: This final component refers to a specific section within the resource, often used for internal navigation within a webpage. For example, a URI ending with “#introduction” might jump you directly to the introduction section of a web document.

Examples of URIs

Here are a few examples to illustrate the structure of URIs:

Types of URIs

URIs can be broadly categorized into two types: URLs and URNs.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

A URL specifies the exact location of a resource on the internet, including the protocol used to access it. For example, https://www.softaai.com/index.html is a URL that tells us we need to use HTTPS to access the ‘index.html’ page on ‘www.softaai.com’.

URN (Uniform Resource Name)

A URN, on the other hand, names a resource without specifying its location or how to access it. It’s like a persistent identifier that remains the same regardless of where the resource is located. An example of a URN is urn:isbn:0451450523, which identifies a book by its ISBN.

Understanding URI Scheme

A URI Scheme is a component of the URI that specifies the protocol or the method to be used to access the resource identified by the URI. It defines the syntax and semantics of the rest of the URI, guiding how it should be interpreted and accessed. The scheme is typically the first part of the URI, followed by a colon (:). Think of URI schemes as the languages spoken by URIs. Each scheme defines a set of rules for how to interpret and access resources. It essentially tells the browser or the software how to handle the URI.

Common URI Schemes

Here are some of the most common URI schemes:

  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): Accessing web pages and web services. e.g. http://www.softaai.com
  • HTTPS (HTTP Secure): Accessing web pages and web services in secure way. e.g. https://www.softaai.com
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Transferring files between computers. e.g. ftp://ftp.softaai.com
  • MAILTO (Email Address): Sending an email. e.g. mailto:[email protected]
  • TEL (Telephone Number): Making a phone call through applications. e.g. tel:+1234567890

Each URI scheme defines its own set of rules for how the subsequent components of the URI are structured and interpreted. These schemes are standardized and maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Custom URI Schemes

Developers can create custom URI schemes to handle specific types of resources or actions within their applications. For example, a mobile app might register a custom URI scheme like myapp:// to handle deep linking into the app. One more real time example, a music player app might use a spotify: scheme to identify and play songs within its platform.

URI vs. URL vs. URN

It is important to distinguish between three related terms: URI, URL, and URN.

  1. URI (Uniform Resource Identifier): A broad term that refers to both URLs and URNs.
    • Example: https://www.softaai.com
  2. URL (Uniform Resource Locator): A subset of URI that provides the means to locate a resource by describing its primary access mechanism (e.g., its network location).
    • Example: http://www.softaai.com/index.html
  3. URN (Uniform Resource Name): A subset of URI that provides a unique and persistent identifier for a resource without providing its location.
    • Example: urn:isbn:978-3-16-148410-0

Best Practices for Creating URIs

  • Keep it Simple: Use clear and concise paths.
  • Use Hyphens for Readability: softaai.com/our-products is more readable than softaai.com/ourproducts.
  • Avoid Special Characters: Stick to alphanumeric characters and a few reserved characters.
Examples of Well-Formed URIs
  • https://www.softaai.com/products
  • ftp://ftp.softaai.com/images
Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • Spaces: Avoid using spaces in URIs. Use hyphens or underscores instead.
  • Case Sensitivity: Be mindful of case sensitivity, especially in the path.

Understanding the Power of URIs and URI Schemes

Together, URIs and URI schemes form a powerful mechanism for navigating and accessing information on the web. They offer several advantages:

  • Universality: URIs provide a standardized way to identify resources, regardless of the underlying platform or application.
  • Accuracy: URIs ensure users reach the intended resource with minimal ambiguity.
  • Flexibility: URI schemes allow for customization and expansion, catering to diverse resource types and applications.


URIs are the backbone of the internet, guiding us to the myriad of resources available online. Understanding the components and types of URIs, as well as the importance of URI schemes, is essential for anyone navigating the digital world. As technology evolves, the role of URIs will continue to be pivotal, ensuring that we can access and share information seamlessly. By following best practices in creating and using URIs, we can ensure a smooth and efficient experience for both users and systems. Whether you’re building a website, developing an application, or simply browsing the web, a solid understanding of URIs will empower you to make the most of the resources at your fingertips.

URIs and URI schemes are the unsung heroes of the web. By understanding their structure and functionality, you gain a deeper appreciation for how information is organized and accessed on the internet. The next time you click on a link or enter a web address, remember the silent power of URIs and URI schemes working tirelessly behind the scenes!

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